Guia Ingles

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Nouns Adjective Adverbs

car city s all Time

concert boring
ns all day/
(the) broke month/
country cool year all

dancing dif cult the time
foggy as usual
dishes last night/
drive special
housewo terri c
rk lake the whole
baby-sit time
complain yesterday
noise drive Other
party enjoy go also
picnic shopping around
trip away
have unfortunat
weather (someon ely
Pronoun e) over Prepositio
s have (an] ns in (the
anything ... time/ country)
everyone on (a trip/
[a lot of]
someone fun) vacation)
invite over (the
(someon weekend)
e) out
see snow
take (a
day off)
work on
Past tense
A Write the past tense of these regular verbs:

cooked 4. love
1. cook

2. enjoy 5. study

3. invite 6. try

7. visit 9. watch

8. wash

B Write the simple form of these irregular past tense verbs.

1. Buy bought

2. __________________________ Gave
3. __________________________ Met

4. __________________________ Saw

5. __________________________ Sleep

6. __________________________ Spent
7. __________________________ Took

8. __________________________ Went
Use the cues to answer these questions.
1. Where did you go this weekend?

I went to a party.
____________________________________ (to a party)

2. Who did you meet at the party?

(someone very
____________________________________ interesting)
3. What time did you and Eva get home?
(a little after
____________________________________ 1:00)
4. How did you and Bob like the art exhibition?
____________________________________ (a lot)
5. What did you buy?
(the new
____________________________________ Madonna CD)
6. Where did Jeff and Joyce go on vacation!
____________________________________ (to the country)
Complete the questions in this conversation.
A: How____________________________
did you spend your weekend?

B: I spent the weekend with Joe and Kathy.

A: What ____________________________
B: Well, on Saturday, we went shopping.
A: And did ____________________________ in the evening?
B: No, nothing special.
A: Where____________________________ on Sunday?
B: We went to the amusement park.
A: How ____________________________
B: We had a great time. In fact, we stayed there all day.
A: Really? What time ____________________________
B: We got home very late, around midnight.
Grammar note: Past tense negative statements
I didn’t cook dinner las night We didn't have a good time.
have a boring time nish our homework on Saturday go out with friends
watch it on TV work all day until six o’clock take the bus
1. A: We loved the party. Did you and Jane enjoy it?
B: No, we didn't enjoy it. We had a boring time.
2. A: I stayed home from work yesterday. Did you take the day off, too?
B: _______________________________
3. A: I slept in all weekend. Did you spend the weekend at
B: _______________________________
4. A: I studied all weekend. Did you and John have a lot of
homework, too?
B: _______________________________
5. A: Carl drove me to work this morning. Did you drive to
B: _______________________________
6. A: Kathy went to the baseball game last night. Did you and Bob go to
the game?

B: _______________________________
Complete this conversation with was, wasn't, were, or
A: How _______________
was Your vacation in Peru, Julia ?
B: It _______________ great. I really enjoyed it.
A: How long _______________ you there?
B: We _______________ there for two weeks.
A: _______________ you in Lima all the time?
B: No, we _____________ .We __________ in the mountains
for a few days.
A: And how ____________ the weather? __________ it good?
B: No, it _______________
very hot, and the mountains _______________ really cold!
Choose the correct questions to complete this

And how did you like it?

How long were you in South Africa?

How was your vacation in Africa?

And how long were you in Namibia?

How was the weather?

A: ___________________________
How was your vacation in Africa?
B: It was a great trip. I really enjoyed South Africa and
A: ___________________________
B: For ten days.
A: ___________________________
B: I was in Namibia for about ve days.
A: Wow, that's a long time. ______________
B: It was hot and sunny the whole time.
A: ___________________________
B: Oh, it was wonderful. And the wildlife was terri c
- we saw some meerkats!

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