Simple Present - Usage and Examples

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Sony produces software and hardware.

The simple present is used to
1 express assertions related to Children are naïve.
permanent situations
(generalizations, and facts) A verb represents a type of word.

I go to bed before midnight.

2 It is also used for habitual activities
or routines. We usually have chocolate and bread for

The present simple is often used to The movie starts in 10 minutes.

3 refer to events that are scheduled
(fixed timetables), commonly out of The next train leaves at half-past six.
the speaker’s control. It makes
reference to the future.

Fact: n. something that is real and actually exists; something known to exist or to have happened; something known to be true.

Assertions Related to Permanent Situations

I. Lea las siguientes oraciones e identifique los verbos relativos al presente simple.

1. God, the angels, and the spirits of good people live in heaven.

2. The Virginia opossum has a gestation period of only 12-13 days.

3. The human eye blinks an average of 4,200,000 times a year.

4. I’m an only son.

5. Sound travels about 4 times faster in water than in air.

6. The only letter not appearing on the Periodic Table is the letter “J”.

7. Crocodiles swallow stones to help them dive deeper.

8. Only humans sleep on their backs.
9. Women appear to be smarter than men.
10. Everyone's tongue print is different.
Habitual Activities or Routines.

II. Lea el siguiente texto e identifique los verbos relativos al presente simple; así como las
expresiones que indiquen frecuencia.

Lesley is an ESOL teacher at Hackney College in London. On weekdays she always gets up

at about 7 o’clock. She has a shower and then she has breakfast with her husband and

daughter. After breakfast she brushes her teeth and gets dressed and then she takes her

daughter to school. She goes to college by bicycle at 8.30 and she starts work at 9 o’clock.

At about 1.30 she usually has lunch. She has a sandwich and some fruit in her office. She

finishes work at 5 o’clock and picks up her daughter from her after-school club. She usually

has dinner at about 7 o’clock and then she has a cup of coffee. In the evening she watches

television or sometimes she listens to the radio. She likes listening to music. She usually

goes to bed at about 11.30. Then she reads for about half an hour. She goes to sleep at

Future Reference – Scheduled Events

III. Lea el siguiente texto e identifique los verbos relativos al presente simple; así como las
expresiones que indiquen tiempo.

1. Hurry up! The train departs in 5 minutes.

2. I leave Frankfurt at 5 in the morning and arrive in New York at midnight the next day.

3. She has a piano lesson after school today.

4. There's no need to hurry. The train doesn't leave for another 10 minutes.

5. When does the meeting begin?

6. Registration begins at 9 a.m. tomorrow and ends at 5 p.m. the day after.

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