Настя 16.11 пробный урок

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IN: the morning, the afternoon, the evening
AT: night, noon, the weekends
Task 1. In/on/at
1. Don't call me __ 12-00. I will be at the meeting.
2. Could you come __ Monday?
3. They are coming to visit us __ September.
4. She went to the supermarket __ the morning.
5. I will give the answer __ 20 July.
6. Somebody was singing loudly __ midnight.
7. The shop closes __ 8pm.
8. It will be quite cold there __ winter.
9. He is playing tennis __ Sunday.
10. We are going to see her parents __ the weekend.
Task 2. In/on/at HOMEWORK

1. Do you sometimes watch TV ____ the mornings?

2. Are you usually at home ____ 7 o'clock ____ the evenings?
3. Do you sometimes work ___night?
4. What do you usually do ____ the weekends?
5. Do you usually go shopping ____ Saturdays?
6. Do you go skiing ____ the winter?
7. Do you have a holiday ____ December?
8. Is there a holiday in your country ____ 6 , January?
Money, in, on, at






pocket money


bank account


ask for a discount




A face on money
The faces of kings and queens are everywhere – on TV, in newspapers and even
on money. For example, Queen Elizabeth II’s face is on money all over the
world. There are coins and notes with her face in over thirty countries.
In 1936, Princess Elizabeth was ten years old and her parents were king and
queen. Her face was on this Canadian twenty-dollar note.
In her mid-twenties, her face was on notes in Bermuda and Cyprus.
In 1953, she was the queen and there were nine countries with her face on their
Surprisingly, there weren’t any notes in the UK with her face before this one in
1960. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a very good picture of her!
In 1977, after twenty-five years as queen, there were new pound notes with this
picture of the middle-aged queen in eight different countries.
In the past, pictures of the queen were formal. But in her late fifties, this
Canadian note wasn’t formal.
In 1992, the Queen’s face was on notes in Fiji, Guernsey, Bermuda and the
Bahamas. She was formal again, but was that a smile on her face?
In the past, there weren’t any happy faces of the queen, but finally, in her
seventies, she was happy on this Scottish five-pound note in 2002!
1. Лица королей и королев повсюду.
2. Ее лицо было на этой канадской банкноте за двадцать долларов.
3. К сожалению, это была не очень хорошая ее фотография!
4. Она была счастлива на этой шотландской банкноте в пять фунтов в
2002 году!
5. Лицо королевы Елизаветы II на деньгах по всему миру.
Task 3. In/on/at
1. Was Easter ____ May last year?
2. Is your birthday____ summer?
3. I'm going to have a party ____ the weekend.
4. I usually come home ___ three o’clock.
5. I usually take a shower ____ the evening.
6. I usually tidy my room ___ Sunday.
7. I usually wash the dishes ____ the afternoon.
8. I usually go to bed____10.30.
9. I play basketball ___Tuesday and ___Friday.
10.Who was born ____ March?
11.My friend was born ____October.
12.My school starts____8.00.
13.He was born ___ the fifth of June.
14.We have Art ____Monday and ___ Friday.
15.The first lesson ___Wednesday is Music.
16.I get up ____ 7 o’clock.
17.We have New Year____the first of January.
18.____ the end of the year we’ll have no exams.
19.We are going to meet ___ half past three.
20.The telephone rang ___ midnight.
Task 4. In/on/at
1. Он пойдет на работу в субботу.
2. Мы придем в 8 часов.
3. Она родилась в июле.
4. Магазин был открыт в 2003.
5. Они поженились 12 сентября.
6. Мы поедем кататься на лыжах зимой.
Task 5 Read ant translate the words


Task 6 Choose the correct answer

1. доверять
a. trust
b. blash
c. prude
d. carbs
2. исхудалый
a. intimidating
b. emaciated
c. miserable
d. eridicate
3. соблазнительница
a. complain
b. temptress
c. cover up
d. endure
4. растяжки
a. eridicate
b. stretch marks
c. intimidating
d. miserable
5. незнакомец
a. miserable
b. raped
c. wrinkles
d. stranger
6. шрам
a. swear
b. carbs
c. blash
d. scar
7. морщины
a. cheekbones
b. stranger
c. wrinkles
d. innocent
8. прятать, скрывать
a. endure
b. cover up
c. complain
d. perk up
9. невинный
a. wrinkles
b. innocent
c. highlight
d. miserable
10. несчастный
a. emaciated
b. eridicate
c. miserable
d. stranger
11. отбеливать
a. blash
b. swear
c. complain
d. bleach
12. пугающий
a. emaciated
b. intimidating
c. innocent
d. stretch marks
13. засовывать, прятать
a. plump
b. tuck
c. trust
d. endure
14. ханжа
a. powder
b. trust
c. plump
d. prude
15. уничтожать
a. eridicate
b. emaciated
c. miserable
d. complain
16. низкий
a. powder
b. blash
c. yell
d. low
17. выделять
a. highlight
b. remove
c. innocent
d. eridicate
18. воспрянуть духом, оживиться
a. hyphenated
b. cover up
c. perk up
d. endure
19. выносить, терпеть
a. temptress
b. cover up
c. plump
d. endure
20. румяна
a. trust
b. scar
c. blash
d. bleach
21. скулы
a. emaciated
b. wrinkles
c. cheekbones
d. miserable
22. клясться
a. bleach
b. yell
c. swear
d. scar
23. жаловаться
a. cover up
b. complain
c. bleach
d. eridicate
24. полный, пухлый
a. plump
b. trust
c. endure
d. prude
25. изнасилован
a. stranger
b. carbs
c. raped
d. prude
26. написанный через дефис
a. innocent
b. emaciated
c. hyphenated
d. miserable
27. углеводы
a. raped
b. swear
c. carbs
d. trust
28. вопить
a. yell
b. swear
c. remove
d. trust
29. пудра
a. swear
b. remove
c. powder
d. prude
30. удалять
a. trust
b. remove
c. bleach
d. highlight
Task 7 Watch the video


Task 8 Translate the sentences

1) прикройся. Оставьте что-нибудь для воображения.

2) Ты выглядишь так, будто отпустил себя.
3) Не ешьте углеводы. Пропусти десерт.
4) Мужчины любят женщин с мясом на костях
5) Отбеливай это. Отбеливай то.
6) Искорени свои шрамы.
7) Прикрой свои растяжки.
8) Ты слишком стараешься
9) Однажды ты станешь хорошей женой. Возьми его фамилию.
10) Вы не хотите детей? Вы захотите когда-нибудь.
11) Не выходи слишком поздно.
12) Не одевайся так.
13) Не улыбайся незнакомцам.
14) Не выходи ночью.
15) Не доверяй никому.

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