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2. здоровье
3. цена
4. третий
5. восемь
6. давать в долг
7. переполненный
8. просить скидку
9. удивительно
10. карманные деньги
11. зарплата
12. громко
13. приходить, приезжать
14. убирать, приводить в порядок
15. магазин
16. зарабатывать
17. кататься на лыжах
18. к сожалению
19. Пасха
20. журнал
21. брать взаймы
22. долг
23. быть должным
24. человек среднего возраста
25. наконец
26. первый
27. обмен
28. монета
29. менять
30. вполне, довольно
31. официантка
32. возврат денег
33. возможность
34. к счастью
35. толпа
36. полночь
37. банковский счет
38. полдень
39. банкнота, купюра
40. по всему миру
Hermes Birkin bag
Hermes Birkin bag is one of the most expensive bags in the world. The price
starts from 9000$ to half a million. The bags are the total luxury. This is the most
amazing investment bag of all the time, more than gold or apartment. The most
expensive Hermes Birkin bag was sold for 500,000$. So why is it so expensive?
The story begins from the actress, which name was Jane Birkin. On a plane
from Paris to London English actress was sitting next to the main manager of
Hermes company. The actress was carrying a basket with her, a usual basket
instead of bag. On the question of the manager “why are you carrying a basket?”
She answered that it’s most comfortable thing for all her cosmetics and other
things, even for food. Jane said to her neighbor that there is no comfortable bag in
the world for her. During the flight and their conversation, the head of Hermes
painted a bag on his ticket and showed to actress. She liked it.
A year after he presented to Jane a first Birkin bag, that was fashionable and
modern but also very comfortable. It was perfect for everyday use. Still Hermes
produce these bags in France using premium material and soft skin. Bags are made
of alligators’ skin and snake skin and almost every detail is hand made. Now this
bag is a symbol of high level. All celebrities all over the world have it. The biggest
collection of Birkin bags has now the Jimmy Choo director in his Singapore house.
1. самая дорогая сумка
2. цена начинается от
3. полная роскошь
4. невероятная инвестиция
5. золото или квартира
6. в самолете из Парижа в Лондон
7. главный менеджер
8. обычная корзина
9. вместо сумки
10.на вопрос
11.самая удобная вещь
12.для косметики и других вещей
13.во время полета
14.нарисовал сумку на билете
15.он подарил
16.модный и современный
17.премиум материалы
18.мягкая кожа
19.высокий уровень
20.самая большая коллекция
1. клясться  blash
 emaciated
2. шрам
 innocent
3. несчастный  highlight
 scar
4. морщины
 miserable
5. изнасилован  plump
 cheekbones
6. румяна  trust
7. скулы  hyphenated
 low
8. выносить, терпеть  temptress
9. прятать, скрывать  tuck
 swear
10. невинный  remove
11. уничтожать  carbs
 complain
12. углеводы  perk up
13. незнакомец  raped
 prude
14. низкий  endure
15. доверять  stranger
 eridicate
16. отбеливать  yell
17. вопить  bleach
 cover up
18. растяжки  stretch marks
 powder
19. удалять
 wrinkles
20. соблазнительница  intimidating
21. воспрянуть духом, оживиться
22. засовывать, прятать
23. пудра
24. ханжа
25. выделять
26. пугающий
27. исхудалый
28. написанный через дефис
29. полный, пухлый
30. жаловаться


1. Правдивая история о особенном мальчике

2. Она начала писать
3. Переехала в Португалию
4. Вернулась в Англию
5. Сложная жизнь
6. 5 лет после начала
7. Захотела продать книгу
8. Отправила её мужчине
9. Дети по всему миру
10.Создатель Гарри Поттера

mother grandchild
father grandson
daughter great-grandchildren
son twins
sister twin-brother
brother twin-sister
grandfather cousin
grandmother step-father
aunt step-mother
uncle wife
niece husband
nephew widow
parents widower
children father-in-law
grandparents mother-in-law

We are the family of five. I live with my parents, my brother and sister. We don't
have any family problems as we understand and love each other. I enjoy the honest
and open relationship in my family. I like it when parents trust their children, give
them enough freedom and respect them. My mother’s name is Nadezhda. She is 45
years old. She works as a nurse. She is a born nurse. My Dad’s name is Victor. He
is 50 years old. He works as an engineer. Both my parents like their work very
much. My elder sister Natasha is eighteen, she goes to the University. She wants to
be a designer. She is fond of painting and photography. My younger brother Sasha
is only four years old. Sasha goes to the kindergarten. He is very funny, I like to
spend my free time with him. Sasha likes to draw and to watch cartoons. I also
have a granny and a granddad. They don’t live with us, but I often visit them. My
grandparents are retired. They like gardening and spend a lot of their time working
in the garden. I love my family very much. Everyone in my family is my best
1. О моей семье.
2. У нас нет семейных проблем, так как мы понимаем и любим друг друга.
3. Она работает медсестрой.
4. Он очень забавный, мне нравится проводить с ним свободное время.
5. Он любит рисовать и смотреть мультики.
6. Я очень люблю свою семью.
7. У меня также есть бабушка и дедушка.

Task 1. Present Continuous or Present Simple

1) (you/come) now? _____________________________________________
2) (he/eat) rice every day? ________________________________________
3) I (work) at the moment. ________________________________________
4) (he/come) to London often? _____________________________________
5) He (play) tennis now. __________________________________________
6) (you/come) to the cinema now? __________________________________
7) They (not/come) to the party every day. ____________________________
8) He (not/play) golf now. _________________________________________
9) (you/play) tennis every Sunday? __________________________________
10) They (go) to a restaurant every Saturday. __________________________
11) She (not/go) to the cinema very often. ____________________________
12) You usually (arrive) late. ______________________________________
13) He normally (eat) dinner at home. _______________________________
14) (you/study) every night? _______________________________________
15) (they/work) late usually? _______________________________________
16) You (not/go) out now. _________________________________________
17) I (not/work) now. _____________________________________________
18) (she/work) at the moment? ______________________________________
19) I (not/drink) coffee very often. ___________________________________
20) Julie (sleep) now. _____________________________________________
Task 2. Present Continuous or Present Simple HW
1. Andy sometimes _____________ comics. (to read)
2. We never _____________ TV in the morning. (to watch)
3. Listen! Sandy _____________ in the bathroom. (to sing)
4. My sister usually _____________ in the kitchen. (to help)
5. My mother_____________ breakfast now. (to make)
6. They often _____________ the bathroom. (to clean)
7. Look! The boys _____________ home. (to come)
8. Every day his grandfather _____________ for a walk. (to go)
9. I _____________ with my friend at the moment. (to chat)
10. Cats _____________ mice. (to eat)

Task 3. Present Continuous/ Simple

1. They … for us near the door.
a) Are waiting
b) Waits
c) Is waiting
d) Am waiting
2. Harry … television every day.
a) Is watching
b) Watch
c) Watches
d) Are watching
3. What … in the room now?
a) They are doing
b) Are they doing
c) Do they do
d) They do
4. Ann … French at all.
a) Isn’t speaking
b) Not speaks
c) Doesn’t speaking
d) Doesn’t speak
5. Mr. Scott … German to Ann at the moment.
a) Speaks
b) Is speaking
c) Are speaking
d) speaking
6. I am busy now. I … to the radio.
a) Am listening
b) Listen
c) Am listen
d) Listening
7. They … to the seaside every summer.
a) Are going
b) Goes
c) Go
d) Is going
8. No, I … the newspaper at the moment.
a) Am not reading
b) Don’t read
c) Don’t reading
d) Amnt reading
Task 4. Present Continuous or Present Simple

1. Я не понимаю тебя.
2. Мне не нравится эта песня.
3. Он не хочет жить в большом городе.
4. Сейчас я лечу в Мадрид.
5. Поезд отправляется по пятницам.
6. У них три собаки.
7. Я вижу эту ошибку.
8. Сейчас у меня встреча с Марком.
9. Она завтракает сейчас?
10. В какое время их семья обычно завтракает?
11. Я думаю, это хорошая статья.
12. Она не уважает мое мнение.
13. Она готовит этот салат в данный момент.
14. Что она готовит сейчас?
15. Она хорошо готовит.

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