Ec1105f - Bacteria - Nurin Sofea

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ECW 341 Water Engineering Laboratory Program: Diploma In Civil Engineering (EC110)

Universiti Teknologi MARA Academic Session: OCT 2022 – FEB 2023

LEVEL 2 Team Student’s ID Student’s Name Group
Date 19/12/2022 2. Member 2020893266 MUHAMMAD HARITH ISKANDAR BIN NOOR EC1105F
Name 3. Member

CO2 : Demonstrate leadership skills in task related to water engineering.

PO6 : Demonstrate knowledge of the societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to engineering technician practice and
solutions to well-definedengineering problems.
N 2 4 6 8 10
Demonstrate capability Demonstrate capability Demonstrate capability Demonstrate capability Demonstrate capability
on the following in a on the following in a on the following in a on the following in a on the following in a
problem-solving problem-solving problem-solving problem-solving problem-solving
approach: approach: approach: approach: approach:
A3 (Valuing)  No acceptance  25% acceptance of  50% acceptance of  75% acceptance of  100% acceptance of
The worth a student ofcommitment anycommitment anycommitment anycommitment anycommitment
attaches to a  Uncommitted to  25% committed to  50% committed to  75% committed to  100% committed to
particular object, carryresponsibility carryresponsibility carryresponsibility carryresponsibility carryresponsibility
phenomenon, or Leadership  Uncommitted to  25% committed  50% committed  75% committed to  100% committed to
behavior. Ranges skill, providesuggestion to provide to provide providesuggestion providesuggestion
from acceptance to Commitment and/or idea suggestion suggestion and/or idea and/or idea
&  Uncommitted to and/or idea and/or idea  75% committed to  100% committed to
1 commitment, carry Responsibilit followgroup  25% committed to  50% committed to followgroup followgroup decision.
responsibility for the decision followgroup followgroup decision decision. Able to control, lead and
y 
functioning of a  Unable to control, decision.  Able to control, lead  Able to control, lead delivering the task to
group, attitudes and lead,fail to deliver  Able to control, lead anddelivering the and delivering the the group efficiently and
appreciation. the task tothe group the group but fail to task to thegroup task to the group serves as a leader in
and does not deliver the task and members and efficiently and usually managing individual
compromise to does not occasionally helps does what is the best ideas towards the
achievethe compromise towards the group to achieve interest of the group achievement of the
objectives of theachievement the towards the objectives (Reports)
experiments objectives objectives of the achievementof the
(Reports) of the experiments objectives
experiments (Reports) (Reports)
Demonstrate capability Demonstrate capability Demonstrate capability Demonstrate capability Demonstrate capability
on the following in a on the following in a on the following in a on the following in a on the following in a
problem-solvingapproach problem-solvingapproach problem-solvingapproach problem-solvingapproach problem-solvingapproach
 <100% maintain  100% maintain good  100% maintain good  100% maintain good  100% maintain good
good health habits, health habits, health habits, health habits, healthhabits,
compliance on lab compliance on lab compliance on lab complianceon lab compliance on lab
safety rules and safetyrules and safetyrules and safety rules and safety rules and
practicethem practice them practice them practice them practice them
A4 (Organization)  Not display self-  85% display  90% display  95% display self-  100% display self-
At this level, the reliancein working self- reliance in self- reliance in reliancein working reliance inworking
studenthas held a independently, and working working independently, and independently, and
value system for a cooperate in group independently, independently, cooperate in group cooperate in group
2 sufficiently long time activities, andcooperate in andcooperate in activities, activities,
to control his/her  Not display a groupactivities, groupactivities,  95% display a  100% display a
Character professional 85% display a 90% display a professional professional
behavior, has  
& commitment to professional professional commitmentto ethical commitment to ethical
Organizati ethicalpractice commitment to commitment to practice daily. practice daily.
characteristic on
"lifestyle." Behavior daily. ethicalpractice ethicalpractice  95% able to  100% able to objectively
is pervasive,  Not able to daily. daily. objectivelyinterpret interpret case
consistent, objectivelyinterpret  85% able to  90% able to case study/problem study/problem
case objectivelyinterpret objectivelyinterpret  95% able to revise  100% able to revise
predictable, and
study/problem case study/problem case study/problem judgments and judgments and
most importantly,
 Not able to revise  85% able to revise  90% able to revise changesapproach changes approach
characteristic of the considering newidea
judgments and judgments and judgments and considering new
learner. changesapproach changesapproach changesapproach idea or issue arise. or issue arise.
considering new considering new considering new  Team showed great  Team showed great
idea or issue arise. idea or issue arise. idea or issue arise. cohesion, interaction cohesion, interaction
 Team showed  Team demonstrated  Team showed good respect. Team respect. Team shared
poor cohesion, some cohesion, cohesion, member did not thetasks equally and
poor interaction interaction respect. interaction respect. share the tasks utilizes abilities of
and poor Mostwork was done Team memberdid equally and did not each team members.
respect. Only by only 1 not share the tasks utilizeabilities of each Reports were
one person member team. equally and did team completed on time
does all the Reports were not utilize abilities members. Reports with satisfactory
completed on time of each werecompleted on compilations.
time but
ECW 341 Water Engineering Laboratory Program: Diploma In Civil Engineering (EC110)
Universiti Teknologi MARA Academic Session: OCT 2022 – FEB 2023
reports. Reports were but with unsatisfactory team members. Reports with satisfactory
not completed compilations. were completed on time compilations.
but with unsatisfactory
A4 (Organizing) In the state of 0% readiness In the state of 25% readiness In the state of 50% readiness In the state of 75% readiness In the state of 100% readiness and
Brings together different and no preparation of the and loose preparation of the and moderate preparation of and good preparation of the well preparation of the following:
values, resolving conflicts following: following: the following: following:
among them, and starting to  Unable to design the  able to design the  able to design, find  able to design, find  able to design, find relevant
build an internally consistent experiment and provide experiment but provide relevant standard relevant standard standard procedure and
3 value system. Organizes Summary of explanations on the poor explanations on the procedure and clearly procedure and clearly clearly stated with excellent
values into priorities by procedures/methods procedures of procedures of stated with average stated with good explanations on conducting
contrasting different conducting experimental conducting experimental explanations on explanations on experimental work
systems. The emphasis is on work work conducting experimental conducting experimental
comparing, relating, and work work
synthesizing values.
Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the
following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving
A4 (Organizing) approach as shown in lab approach as shown in lab approach as shown in lab approach as shown in lab report approach as shown in lab report
Brings together different report report report
values, resolving conflicts  The team is unable to  The team is able to  The team is able to  The team is able to collect  The team is able to collect
among them, and starting to collect any data, collect some data but collect some relevant relevant data, related to relevant data, related to the
build an internally consistent insufficient to analyze unable to analyze and data, related to the the objectives, with good objectives, with excellent
4 value system. Organizes Result and analysis and interpret interpret objectives, with fair analysis and analysis and interpretation.
values into priorities by  Unable in comparing,  25% comparing, relating analysis and interpretation.  100% comparing, relating
contrasting different relating and and synthesizing data interpretation.  50% comparing, relating and synthesizing data based
systems. The emphasis is on synthesizing data based based on relevant  50% comparing, relating and synthesizing data on relevant standard
comparing, relating, and on relevant standard standard and synthesizing data based on relevant
synthesizing values. based on relevant standard

Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the
following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving
A4 (Organizing) approach as shown in lab approach as shown in lab approach as shown in lab approach as shown in lab report approach as shown in lab report
Brings together different report report report  75% organize, formatted  100% fully organize,
values, resolving conflicts  Not organize,  25% organize, formatted  50% organize, formatted and systematic laboratory formatted and systematic
among them, and starting to unformatted and and systematic and systematic report laboratory report
build an internally consistent unsystematic laboratory laboratory report laboratory report  75% providing solution to  100% providing solution to
5 value system. Organizes Discussion report  25% providing solution  50% providing solution the environmental the environmental
values into priorities by  Not providing solution to to the environmental to the environmental engineering problems. engineering problems.
contrasting different the environmental engineering problems. engineering problems.  The team is able to relate  The team is able to relate all
systems. The emphasis is on engineering problems.  The team is able to  The team is able to all findings with the findings with the problem
comparing, relating, and  The team is unable to discuss some of the relate some of the problem with good with excellent discussion
synthesizing values. discuss the findings findings findings with the discussion
problem with fair

The team is able to provide The team is able to derive fair The team is able to derive good The team is able to derive accurate
6 A5 (Characterization) Conclusion The team is unable to conclude conclusion without answering conclusion based on findings to conclusion based on findings to conclusion based on findings to
the objective answer the objective answer the objective answer the objective


Coliforms are bacteria that are always present in the digestive tracts of animals,
including humans, and are found in their wastes. They are also found in plant and soil
material. Water pollution caused by fecal contamination is a serious problem due to
the potential for contracting diseases from pathogens. The presence of pathogens is
determined with indirect evidence by testing for an "indicator" of organisms such as
coliform bacteria. The most basic test for bacterial contamination of a water supply is
the test for total coliform bacteria. Total coliforms include bacteria that are found in the
soil and in water. Fecal coliforms are the group of the total coliforms that are considered
to be present specifically in the feces of warm-blooded animals and humans.
Escherichia coli (E. coli) is the major species in the fecal coliform group and is
considered to be the species of coliform bacteria that is the best indicator of fecal
pollution and the possible presence of pathogens.

1. To quantify the presence of E-Coli in water samples.
2. To compare the results obtained from the experiments with the National Drinking
Water Standard.


1. Colilert
2. Sterile vessel
3. Quanti-Tray
4. Plate

1. Aseptically weigh 10.0g or pipette 10.0ml sample to appropriate sterile container
2. Add 90.0 ml diluent to achieve 1:10 dilution and homogenize. Suggested diluents
for routine parameters are Butterfield’s Phosphate Buffer. Maximum Recovery
Diluent and other appropriate diluents depending on BAM.
3. If needed, dilute the sample further
4. Open the cap, Dispense 1.0 ml of diluted sample in the middle of the
CompactDry plate. Recap the plate.
5. Invert and incubate the plates at specific incubation conditions. AOAC
International : 35 ±2 ℃ for 24 hours ± 2 hours.
6. Read results and take the readings.



Blue (E-Coli) : E-Coli (blue) :

55 × 10 ×100 = 55000 colonies/100ml 29 × 10 × 100 = 29000 colonies/100ml

Total Coliform (purple) Total Coliform (purple)

( 55 + (12×20) ×10×100 =295000 cfu/100 ( 29 + (10×20) ×10×100 = 229000 cfu/100ml

This experiment is to investigate the presence of E-Coli In the water samples gathered
from around the sewage plant in Kolej Tok Gajah UiTM to be tested in the lab. From the
data obtained there are 2 types of water samples which are effluent (clean water) and
influent ( polluted water). A sterile container provided by the testing laboratory is
required for a bacteria test. Sterility testing is only capable of detecting relatively high
levels of contamination in water samples. The number of colonies counted on the
surface of the sterile container is to evaluate the cleanliness of the tested water.
There are types of bacteria based on the color. For the blue color indicates E-Coli and
for the total coliform can be detected by their colors which are purple, red, and blue.

From the data obtained, for the influent water sample shows that the purple color ( total
coliform) have 295000 cfu/100ml compared with effluent water sample have 229000
cfu/100ml. This shows that the influent water sample is higher than the effluent sample.
So it is really polluted. The effluent sample still has little because it is not purely clean
Next, E-coli in the influent sample has 55000 colonies/100ml and E-coli in effluent has
29000 colonies/100 ml. This indicates that E-coli in the influent sample is higher than
the effluent. This really shows that the influent sample is really polluted and not safe to
be used as a daily use.

The total number of colony forming units (CFUs) in 100 millilitres of water. The total
coliform test is the current recommended test for determining the presence or absence
of coliform organisms in water and, as a result, determining whether disinfection
methods are adequate. Total coliform bacteria may not be pathogenic (disease-
causing), but they do indicate the presence of pathogenic organisms. The total coliform
test will reveal the concentrations of environmental and faecal coliforms in a water
sample. If total coliforms are detected, a coliform bacteria test is required to determine
whether the bacteria originated from human or animal waste.

The bacteria contamination into raw water systems can be reduced by using chlorine,
UV disinfection, and ozonation. Municipalities commonly use chlorination to remove
bacteria from city water supplies. Many well owners use chlorine to "shock" their wells
and kill any bacteria that may be present. UV disinfection systems are also widely used
by homeowners who rely on well water, as well as many businesses and commercial
applications that use well water or draw water from a potentially microbiologically unsafe
source. Ozone water treatment is also used in residential settings and commercial
settings such as kitchens, where fruits and vegetables are washed in high-purity
ozonated water.

Bacteria are everywhere in our environment, including Minnesota’s surface waters and
groundwater. Some of these bacteria can be harmful to human health. Drinking water
with disease-causing bacteria, viruses, or parasites (collectively called pathogens) can
make people sick. It is not practical to test drinking water for every type of pathogen, but
it is simple to test drinking water for coliform bacteria. The presence of coliform bacteria
can indicate there may be harmful pathogens in the water. The presence of coliform
bacteria, specifically E. coli (a type of coliform bacteria), in drinking water suggests the
water may contain pathogens that can cause diarrhea, vomiting, cramps, nausea,
headaches, fever, fatigue, and even death sometimes. Infants, children, elderly people,
and people with weakened immune systems are more likely to get sick or even die from
pathogens in drinking water. Regarding the primary drinking water standards or health
based standards, the concentration of total coliform bacteria and E. coli should be
Absent, Negative, or < 1 colony-forming unit per 100 mls ( cfu/100 ml).
To conclude this experiment Safe drinking water does not have E. coli or other
pathogens in it.

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