Ec1105f - Do & Bod - Nurin Sofea

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ECW 341 Water Engineering Laboratory Program: Diploma In Civil Engineering (EC110)

Universiti Teknologi MARA Academic Session: OCT 2022 – FEB 2023

LEVEL 1 Team Student’s ID Student’s Name Group
Date 11/1/2023 2. Member 2020458112 FATIN

CO2 : Demonstrate leadership skills in task related to water engineering.

PO6 : Demonstrate knowledge of the societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to engineering technician practice and solutions to well-defined
engineering problems.


RUBRICS/Marks Marks
2 4 6 8 10
Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the
A2 (Responding) following: following: following: following: following:
The student actively  < 100% compliance on  100% compliance on lab  100% compliance on lab  100% compliance on lab  100% compliance on lab
lab safety rules and not safety rules and practice safety rules and practice safety rules and practice safety rules and practice
participates and reacts in
practice them them them them them
some way. Emphasis is on
 Not participate in group  < 50% participate in  50% participate in group  75% participate in group  100% participate in group
active participation on the
discussion, group discussion, discussion, discussion, discussion
part of the learners such as Participation &
 No interest in subject,  < 50% interest in  50% interest in subject,  75% interest in subject,  100% interest in subject,
1 compliance in responding, Knowledge on the open-
 Not enjoy helping subject,  50% enjoy helping  75% enjoy helping others.  100% fully enjoy helping
willingness to respond, or ended laboratory
others.  < 50% enjoy helping others.  Able to design, prepare, others.
satisfaction in responding  Not able to explain, others.  Able to design, prepare testing and explain the  Able to design, prepare,
design and prepare the  Not able to explain the and explain the experiments and the work testing, interpret and explain
experimental work in the experiment and the work experiments and the assigned in the report the experiments and the
report assigned in the report work assigned in the based on OEL work assigned in the report
report but not based on components based on OEL components
OEL components
Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the
following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving
approach: approach: approach: approach: approach:
 No acceptance of  25% acceptance of any  50% acceptance of any  75% acceptance of any  100% acceptance of any
A3 (Valuing) commitment commitment commitment commitment commitment
The worth a student  Uncommitted to carry  25% committed to carry  50% committed to carry  75% committed to carry  100% committed to carry
attaches to a particular responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility
object, phenomenon, or  Uncommitted to provide  25% committed to  50% committed to  75% committed to provide  100% committed to provide
behavior. Ranges from Leadership skill, suggestion and/or idea provide suggestion provide suggestion suggestion and/or idea suggestion and/or idea
2 acceptance to Commitment &  Uncommitted to follow and/or idea and/or idea  75% committed to follow  100% committed to follow
commitment, carry Responsibility group decision  25% committed to follow  50% committed to follow group decision. group decision.
responsibility for the  Unable to control, lead, group decision. group decision  Able to control, lead and  Able to control, lead and
functioning of a group, fail to deliver the task to  Able to control, lead the  Able to control, lead and delivering the task to the delivering the task to the
attitudes and the group and does not group but fail to deliver delivering the task to the group efficiently and group efficiently and serves
appreciation. compromise to achieve the task and does not group members and usually does what is the as a leader in managing
the objectives of compromise towards the occasionally helps the best interest of the group individual ideas towards the
experiments (Reports) achievement objectives group to achieve the towards the achievement achievement of the
of the experiments objectives of the of the objectives objectives (Reports)
(Reports) experiments (Reports) (Reports)
Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the
A4 (Organization) following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving
At this level, the student approach approach approach approach approach
has held a value system  <100% maintain good  100% maintain good  100% maintain good  100% maintain good  100% maintain good health
for a sufficiently long health habits, health habits, health habits, health habits, compliance habits, compliance on lab
time to control his/her compliance on lab compliance on lab safety compliance on lab safety on lab safety rules and safety rules and practice
Character & safety rules and practice rules and practice them rules and practice them practice them them
3 behavior, has developed Organization
a characteristic them  85% display self-  90% display self-  95% display self-reliance  100% display self-reliance in
"lifestyle." Behavior is  Not display self-reliance reliance in working reliance in working in working independently, working independently, and
pervasive, consistent, in working independently, and independently, and and cooperate in group cooperate in group activities,
predictable, and most independently, and cooperate in group cooperate in group activities,  100% display a professional
importantly, cooperate in group activities, activities,  95% display a commitment to ethical
activities,  85% display a  90% display a professional commitment practice daily.
ECW 341 Water Engineering Laboratory Program: Diploma In Civil Engineering (EC110)
Universiti Teknologi MARA Academic Session: OCT 2022 – FEB 2023
characteristic of the  Not display a professional professional to ethical practice daily.  100% able to objectively
learner. professional commitment to ethical commitment to ethical  95% able to objectively interpret case study/problem
commitment to ethical practice daily. practice daily. interpret case  100% able to revise
practice daily.  85% able to objectively  90% able to objectively study/problem judgments and changes
 Not able to objectively interpret case interpret case  95% able to revise approach considering new
interpret case study/problem study/problem judgments and changes idea or issue arise.
study/problem  85% able to revise  90% able to revise approach considering  Team showed great
 Not able to revise judgments and changes judgments and changes new idea or issue arise. cohesion, interaction
judgments and changes approach considering approach considering  Team showed great respect. Team shared the
approach considering new idea or issue arise. new idea or issue arise. cohesion, interaction tasks equally and utilizes
new idea or issue arise.  Team demonstrated  Team showed good respect. Team member abilities of each team
 Team showed poor some cohesion, cohesion, interaction did not share the tasks members. Reports were
cohesion, poor interaction respect. Most respect. Team member equally and did not utilize completed on time with
interaction and poor work was done by only 1 did not share the tasks abilities of each team satisfactory compilations.
respect. Only one member team. Reports equally and did not members. Reports were
person does all the were completed on time utilize abilities of each completed on time but
reports. Reports were but with unsatisfactory team members. Reports with satisfactory
not completed compilations. were completed on time compilations.
but with unsatisfactory
Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the
following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving
A4 (Organizing) approach as shown in lab approach as shown in lab approach as shown in lab approach as shown in lab report approach as shown in lab report
Brings together different report report report
values, resolving conflicts  The team is unable to  The team is able to  The team is able to  The team is able to collect  The team is able to collect
among them, and starting to collect any data, collect some data but collect some relevant relevant data, related to relevant data, related to the
build an internally consistent insufficient to analyze unable to analyze and data, related to the the objectives, with good objectives, with excellent
4 value system. Organizes Result and analysis and interpret interpret objectives, with fair analysis and analysis and interpretation.
values into priorities by  Unable in comparing,  25% comparing, relating analysis and interpretation.  100% comparing, relating
contrasting different relating and and synthesizing data interpretation.  50% comparing, relating and synthesizing data based
systems. The emphasis is on synthesizing data based based on relevant  50% comparing, relating and synthesizing data on relevant standard
comparing, relating, and on relevant standard standard and synthesizing data based on relevant
synthesizing values. based on relevant standard

Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the
following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving
A4 (Organizing) approach as shown in lab approach as shown in lab approach as shown in lab approach as shown in lab report approach as shown in lab report
Brings together different report report report  75% organize, formatted  100% fully organize,
values, resolving conflicts  Not organize,  25% organize, formatted  50% organize, formatted and systematic laboratory formatted and systematic
among them, and starting to unformatted and and systematic and systematic report laboratory report
build an internally consistent unsystematic laboratory laboratory report laboratory report  75% providing solution to  100% providing solution to
5 value system. Organizes Discussion report  25% providing solution  50% providing solution the environmental the environmental
values into priorities by  Not providing solution to to the environmental to the environmental engineering problems. engineering problems.
contrasting different the environmental engineering problems. engineering problems.  The team is able to relate  The team is able to relate all
systems. The emphasis is on engineering problems.  The team is able to  The team is able to all findings with the findings with the problem
comparing, relating, and  The team is unable to discuss some of the relate some of the problem with good with excellent discussion
synthesizing values. discuss the findings findings findings with the discussion
problem with fair

The team is able to provide The team is able to derive fair The team is able to derive good The team is able to derive accurate
6 A5 (Characterization) Conclusion The team is unable to conclude conclusion without answering conclusion based on findings to conclusion based on findings to conclusion based on findings to
the objective answer the objective answer the objective answer the objective



The term "biochemical oxygen demand" (BOD) refers to a chemical process used to estimate
the amount of dissolved oxygen that aerobic biological organisms in a body of water will
require to decompose organic material present in a given water sample at a particular
temperature over a certain time period. Despite being frequently employed as a measure of
the organic quality of water, it is not a precise quantitative test. It is frequently used as a
reliable surrogate for the level of organic pollution in water and is most frequently
represented in milligrammes of oxygen used per litre of sample during 5 days (BOD5) of
incubation at 20°C.

The amount of dissolved oxygen in rivers and streams is directly impacted by BOD.
Temperature, pH, the type of microorganisms present, as well as the type of organic and
inorganic substances in the water, all have an impact on how quickly oxygen is consumed.
The rate at which oxygen in the stream is reduced increases with BOD. Higher types of
aquatic life can therefore breathe less oxygen. High BOD has the same effects on aquatic
creatures as low dissolved oxygen does: they become stressed, suffocate, and die.

The same variables that impact dissolved oxygen also affect BOD. Two measurements must
be taken for BOD measurement. One is initially measured for dissolved oxygen, and the other
is incubated in the lab for five days before being checked for the amount of dissolved oxygen
still present (final). This is an indicator of how much oxygen was used by microbes to
decompose the organic material in the sample during the incubation period.

1. To determine the concentration of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) and Biochemical Oxygen
Demand (BOD) in the water sample.
2. To compare the results obtained from the experiments with the standard from
Department of Environment (DOE) Malaysia

1. Winkler bottle (300 mL)
2. Conical flask (250 mL)
3. Pipette (1 mL)
4. Burrete
5. Sulphuric acid (H2SO4)
6. Magnesium sulphate (MnSO4)
7. Alkaline iodine-azide solution
8. N/80 sodium thiosulphate (Na2S2O3)
9. Starch indicator solution

PROCEDURE (Winkler Method/Titration)

1. Prepare 4 Winkler bottles2 bottles for water sample and 2 bottles for blank sample
2. Fill 2 Winkler bottle with water sample and 2 bottles with dilution water (Blank
3. For each Winkler bottle, add 1 mL of MnSO4 followed by 1 mL of alkaline
iodine-azide solution. Brown flocs will be formed.
4. Place the stopper and invert the bottle a few times
5. Allow the flocs to settle ¾ of the bottle
6. Invert the bottle twice and let the flocs settle to the lower half of the bottle
7. Add 1 mL of H2SO4 into the bottle and place the stopper.
8. Wash the bottle to remove any excessive acid at the outer wall of the bottle. Carefully
stopper and invert/shake several times to dissolve the floc.
9. The acid solubilizes the precipitate, giving a clear, yellow-gold solution.
10. Remove air bubbles in the bottle
11. If the volume of solution in bottle is reduced, fill in the bottle with distilled water
12. Transfer 200 mL of solution from Winkler bottle to 250 mL conical place
13. Fill the burrette with N/80 sodium thiosulphate and take initial reading
14. Titrate N/80 sodium thiosulphate into the solution to a pale straw colour (light
15. Add 1 drops of starch indicator solution, blue colour will appear and mix well.
16. Take the initial reading of N/80 sodium thiosulphate in burette and continue the
titration until blue colour disappears. Record the final reading. (1mL of N/80 sodium
thiosulphate = 1mg/L DO)
17. Repeat the titration for blank sample The same procedure shall be repeated for DO
analysis at 5 days
The total volume of the BOD bottle = 300 ml

Table 1.0 : Ratio for influent and effluent

Sample Influent Effluent

1 1 : 10 Undiluted

2 1 : 30 1:5

3 1: 50 1 : 10

4 1: 100 1 : 15

5 1 : 200 1 : 20

Table 2.0 : Ratio for influent and effluent


SAMPLE (mg/L) days (mg/L)
(ml) Incubated

Influent 10 1 6.55 0.99<1.0 - -

30 2 6.27 2.55 3.72 37.2

50 3 6.38 2.24 4.14 24.84

100 4 6.43 4.38 2.05 6.15

200 5 6.70 5.56 1.01<2.0 -

Effluent 10 1 1.88 0.42<1.0 - -

30 2 5.95 4.00 1.95<2.0 -

50 3 5.90 3.40 2.5 102

100 4 6.39 3.99 2.4 48

200 5 6.32 4.22 2.1 31.5

DOi-DOf ≤ 2 mg/L
DOf ≥ 1mg/L

Undiluted BOD₅ (mg/L) = DO₀ - DO₅

Diluted BOD₅ (mg/L) = (DO₀ - DO₅) / P

DO₀ = initial DO of sample, mg/L
DO₅ = final DO of incubated sample after 5 days, mg/L
P = volume of seed sample / volume of BOD bottle


Influent Effluent

Sample 2 : Sample 3 :
BOD = (6.27 - 2.55) / (30/300) BOD = (5.95 - 2.5) / (10/300)
= 37.2 mg/L = 102 mg/L

Sample 3 : Sample 4 :
BOD = (6.38 - 2.24) / (50/300) BOD = (6.39 - 3.99) / (15/300)
= 24.84 mg/L = 48 mg/L

Sample 4 : Sample 5 :
BOD = (6.43 - 4.38) / (100/300) BOD = (6.32 - 4.22) / (20/300)
= 6.15 mg/L = 31.5 mg/L
The entire oxygen amount that is being taken up by bacteria from water when they
oxidise organic materials, expressed in mg/L, must be obtained based on the experiment
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD). Organic substances that enter the waste water can
either completely disintegrate or be suspended as particle debris. According to the facts,
when there is oxygen for oxidation, bacteria live and continually proliferate in the sample of
waste water.
Five groups conducted this experiment for the influent and effluent water sample
types based on the results. The dissolved oxygen (DO) content of the samples was evaluated
before and after five days of incubation. The samples were divided into 10 bottles in the
ratios of 1/10,1/30,1/50,1/100, and 1/200 ml from 300 ml of samples, which are influent 5
bottles and effluent 5 bottles. According to the data, the BOD was computed using the
difference between the initial and final DO. Since the waste water sample was stored too
long, the concentration of dissolved oxygen, DO, changed as sample dilution increased. The
maximum sample that initially contains soluble oxygen is 6.70 mg/L, and after being stored
in the incubator for 5 days, the value decreases to 5.56 mg/L. This demonstrates that the
sample where the oxygen was taken up by microorganisms saw a decrease in dissolved
oxygen. Low DO values indicate high oxygen demand from microbes, which might
demonstrate this and, depending on the process, point to potential sources of contamination.
Based on the observation, effluent water has the highest BOD measurement of 237
mg/L. This demonstrates that wastewater contains numerous microbes that require oxygen to
survive, proving that river water is tainted. As a result, a high BOD is a sign of poor water

Bacteria, for example, are responsible for breaking down organic waste. Bacteria start
the process of decomposing organic waste when it is present in a water source, including
dead plants, leaves, grass clippings, manure, sewage, or even food waste. When this occurs,
aerobic bacteria consume a large portion of the available dissolved oxygen, depriving other
aquatic creatures of the oxygen they require to survive.
The results of COD and BOD tests are crucial for figuring out how much garbage is
present in wastewater. This is crucial because before wastewater is discharged, the organic
content needs to be decreased. Rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water may become eutrophic
if the organic content is not reduced. Due of the temporal differences between the BOD and
COD tests, they are frequently utilised jointly. COD is utilised on a daily basis because it just
takes a few hours, whereas BOD is only performed sometimes because the test takes five
days to complete.
StackPath. (n.d.).
Water Science School. (2018, June 5). Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Water |
U.S. Geological Survey.
5.2 Dissolved Oxygen and Biochemical Oxygen Demand | Monitoring & Assessment |
US EPA. (n.d.).
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) - How it Affects Wastewater Treatment Plants -
Sensorex. (2021, September 6). Sensorex.

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