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Implication Of Digital

Implication Of Digital
Implications Of Digital Technology helps people share information, images, music and
films. Implication Of Digital Technology functions to protect someone who will use the
Data Protection

Some countries have laws to ensure data protection, when data is stored about individuals, that data is protected.
In Singapore:
Have an individual consent to collect
Use personal data in an appropriate manner for the circumstances
Collect, use personal data only for purposes that would be considered appropriate to a resoanable person in
the given circumstances
In UK:
Used fairly and lawfully
Used for limited
Used in a way that is adequate
Kept for no longer than is absolutely necessary
Kept safe an secure
Not transferred outside the European Economic Area without adequate protection
Under the data protection act, individuals whose data is stored by organitation have right to :
Accses a copy of the information comprised of their personal data
Object to data processing that is likely to cause or is causing damage or distress to the individual
Prevent processing for direct marketing
Object to decisions that are taken by automated means
Have inaccurate personal data rectified, blocked, erased, or destroyed in certain circumstance
Claim compensation for damages caused by a breach of the act
Copyright legislation

Copyright is a legal power that provides the creator of an original work with the sole
authority to use and distribute it.
Individual countries have their own laws relating to copyright, and individuals and
organization must obey the laws of the country in which they operate. Some countries have
agreements to stop publishing it in another country.
When a user downloads original work such as software, book, music, image, or videos the
work that they download may be protected by copyright.
Copyright owners can choose to distribute their works under licences that user must pay for
buying music or app from online store
When a customer pays for app, music, or etc they pay for the right to use them but this
does not usually also include the right to distribute them to others.
Monitoring Individuals

Individuals movement can be monitored using many methods. Example :

Closed Circuit television (CCTV)
Automatic number plate recognition (ANPR)
Monitoring the use of identification cards, travel cards, passport, bank card transaction
Identifying device on networks by their IP or MAC address
Using GPS data shared by apps such as friend finder apps for mobile devices
GPS tracker that can be use in clothing
The benefits to monitoring individuals movements :
Find people who are lost
Locate nearby friend
Identify people on network
Identify and locate potential criminals at events
Keep travellers safe
Verify individuals for financial transactions

Drawbacks to monitoring individual :

Compromising people privacy
The expense of setting up, monitoring and maintaining system
Making people feel as though they are not trsusted
Safe and Responsible Practice

To stay safe using the internet there was 3 main rule:

Zip it
Keep your personal information private and do not share it with strangers. Like location,
school name, phone number, real name, photos, and email address
Block It
Always block offensive message or friend request from strangers, do not open suspicious link
Flag it
Always tells an adult if something online upset you or if someone you don’t know wants to
meet you
Sustanability issues

ICT can be affect negatively, example it can use up natural resource and contributes to long
term harm to the ecology.
Power requirments of digital devices
Power requirments Cooling systems in data centers
Use of poisonous substance such as bromine
Health and Safety Issues

Eye dryness and eye fatigue

Repetitive strain injury (RSI) =>poor posture
Back and neck ache
Trip Hazards
Electric shock
Injury or death
Task 1 – Implication of Digital Technology

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