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GENT by Honeywell Operating instructions Nano panel-based Fire detection and alarm system ‘FIBEGET ave 405-0 Nano sytem oper Part of Decument pack 2534729 eave 8 Qperating instructions How enabetisade master lars, Reieoyandevacua rg == a Preface How vow th oop sais: == === 2 fasted documents === ===> : Few to ow pane rman version == 24 Gaveniowe sore 2o222s- : Now to vow Sto davon =” B ‘Symbal Keys = ‘Abbreviations - User responsioiity.- Daly Week - - = - Quarterly -- - Limitation of alse alarm Control and indicating equipment ~ ~ Control panel - Repeat panels Description of controls and indications Navigation ~ » Normal conn How to enter Customer mode’ PIN The Loop Repair option = == === = = 2 General Maintenance 26 Replacing the glass on a Mandal Call Point =~ = 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 a4 Resetting the resotable element 4 4 5 5 5 8 9 ‘on a Manual Call Point = Battoryreplacoment- - - for access to Level 2 menus: --- ~~ = 9 Weokytests --------- ~~~ 210 How to enter the Weekly test mode - = - 10, How to ext the Weekly Test mode. - - - 11 How to view he active Test log = = == = 11 How to manually raise an alarm of FIRE~ 12 ‘Automatic detection of FIRE- = = = == = 13 Coincidence Fire Detection === = = = 14 Faulteondlton =. == 2 oe 48 ‘Typical fautmessages = - == = = = 218 Disablement condiion- os. ‘Typica Disablement Messages - - ~~ = 17 To camry outa dsplay test = -- - - - 18 How to change time and date - - - = = - 18 How to view or pin the Historie Events log = oe 2-19 How to view or print active Fire events- - 19 How to view o print active Fault events - 20, How to view or print active Disabioment event er.) How to put the system in ‘Day mode’ or'Night Mode’ =~ === === = = oa How to view, enablldisable lortest mode a Zone- seee2t How to view or enablldisable an alarm Sector 2 How to view the Loop map and Device details — How to view channel detail ofinterace devices - NANO fire system This isthe fours issue of the operating instructions fr the ‘Single loop Nano panel based fire detection and ala system having Version 2x sofware It covers all the Customer mode Acca level 2 user instructions CSEEEERERESnons Nano panel based re detection and alam system Document Pack Een important text that is normally hidden in the main text. L\ sist eters catonto prevent damage to the equipment or a warning to inform of dangerous ns that may result in injury or death. ‘Symbol Keys (6) What you wil see What you wil hear Afr condition LED iluminated -On LED iluminated- Flashing CEETEns LOD - Liquid Cyst Display LED Light emiting diode fight) MCP - Manual call pint PIN - Persona denificaton Number code) Qperating instructions Teese Your re alarm system should have been designed, Installed and commissioned to your st spec OA citterent manuat cal point ofthe system should be tested fo ensute the system is capable of operating under alarm conditions regrenerts and accordance wih he equromens Cl The operation ofthe alarm sounders should of BS5839 Par 1. You should have recoved instuctons about yout system during te handover sage and must make arrangamonts fo ansure the systom is regu tested and maintained iis recommended hat he person responsible for the re alarm syste sho ensrethe syst is teste and manned n accorance wih he reqitements of BS5898?Part 1 and become amar wis the operation ofconrls and beable to Jerpet he indietons givens the conto panel 1 ep up to date all documentation assoiated wih he sytem, LA ay sercing wren te system must be carried out by a bly trained person, please refer to Daily [BS 5859:Par 1, slates thatthe system should be inspected dally to ensure On orm indication is given a the control and indicating equipment 1 That any previously indicated faut conaitons have received appropriate smention 1 Alt system evens are entre int the Log Book for fture reference 1 Ths the we ofthe area(s) that are ipod” tap not changed since the system was designed Weekly Wihen testing the system there may be a need to Isolate ancifary oulputs and t's important to contact the alam receiving cate before and ater the weekly test be checked, which also reminds the ‘ecupants that there isa fire alarm system ‘which gives a particular sound output at a regular time to avoid confusion between a test and a genuine fire alarm. The alarm receiving centre must be contacted before and after the test to check alarms are received and also to avoid unwanted alarms. Quarterly [Atquartty intervals he system should be inspected and any work necessary should be performed by @ trained maintenance engineer. ‘maintenance please refer to your servicing| organisation, see contact details entered inthe log book. Limitation of false alarm itis recommended that he parson responsible frthe fre alam yom shoul range for utale investgaon ad appropiate ation on occasion of every fase alam, Fora stm having ss han 40 automat fe deers isa, an depth investigation shud be instigated on occuece of !wo fg alams in any alg ?2menths. Fora Systm having more than 40 auemat fre etcors an invexigeton sous be stated there has boon Cone false alarm fr every 20 installed sstorsin the system nay rling 12 months, oF two er mre flee ser ooomrnces fom 4 staple device, NANO fire system CAME (On occurence of fire, fault or disablement event inthe protec premises, the event is quick indicated at the contol panel. The panel conrols are password protected and must only be operated bythe person responsible for he fre system, Control panel The control panel's the heart of the syst tis normaly located near to the main enty or ext point ofthe protected premises. The conto panel contnuously monitor devices that are conneced tothe device loop. The {evie loop cables routed through te protected premises to cover all areas wit bot ends of the oop terminating atthe contol panel On the lop cable are insaed devices such as fire sensors that constantly ‘mont the environment fo fie. Alarm devices onthe loop provide alert and evacuation alarm to war ‘occupants inthe protected premises in the event of re. TL zone nets JL common nse Repeat panels ‘Tere may be one or more repeat indicator panels installed inthe protected premises to provide secondary ingicatons ofthe sytem evens, The repeat indicator panels are usualy located near to secondary entry and ‘it points ofthe protected promises. \ = Repeat indicator panel Qperating instructions Pines nee (09:37 Hon 11/01/10 Nano Fire Alarm System ‘Gent by Honeywo!T Indicators Description Display ‘The display provides messages of the system status under normal and event conditions, by means of 8 lines by 40, ‘characters per line display. Owe ‘The POWER light when illuminated indicates that a supply to the panelis present. {orem te} re ‘The COMMON FIRE light when illuminated indicates that a = FIRE has beon detected in the protected promises. trea Le) ‘The COMMON FIRE light when flashing indicates the external evacuate input is active rau, ‘The COMMON FAULT light when illuminated indicates that a s+ FAULT has been detected in the fie detection and alarm [amborieo) system. NANO fire system fro LEDs} $f oomy venty fomber LEO} Tee et rsmber LEDL [amber LED) EE rower Faun fomber LED] 3fF Onstioment [amber LEDL fambor LED} Controls ‘The ZONE ‘n' light when illuminated indicates that a FIRE has been detected in the respective zone(s). (n'=zone number) ‘The DELAY light when illuminated indicates that Day Mode delays are setup and active on the panel. ‘The VERIFY light when illuminated indicates the verification delay is active. ‘The TEST light when illuminated indicates that one or more zones are in Test mode, “The SOUNDER FAULT light is always iluminated with the FAULT light, which indicates that there is a sounder fault, ‘The POWER FAULT light when illuminated indicates the battery or mains supply to the panel has failed. ‘The SYSTEM FAULT light when illuminated indicates that a fault has occurred with the system processor. ZN Itis very important to investigate this fault because the fire alarm system may not be able to detect fires. ‘The DISABLEMENT light when illuminated indicates that a part ‘of the system has been disabled, ‘The SOUNDER DISABLEMENT light is always iluminated with the DISABLEMENT lighi, which indicates that there is sounder disablement. Description ‘The two selection buttons with a line above allow selection of ‘an option on the display. In this example the option is MENU ‘and on pressing the corresponding button the menu is displayed ‘These buttons are used to scroll through a range in a form, ‘They are also used to scroll through the alphabet or number range when entering a label or a PIN code. Qperating instructions This button is normally used to highlight the next menu or sub a editing a text label Which is available when the ‘Day mode’ option is active and the "Delay LED's lit. Selecting the ‘Verify’ option will delay the alarm further to provide the responsible person(s) time to investigate the cause of the alarm and the option of cancelling the alarm within the delay time period. es ‘The CANCEL BUZZER button when pressed will sop the a internal panel buzzer from sounding e Sone ‘The SOUND ALARM button will activate all the alarm sounders inthe system. This button is only pressed in an emergency or Gibe —_istneragreed times, fr example when conducing a sounder test or practice evacuation. ere The SILENCE ALARM button will silence the alarm sounders in i. the system, * The RESET btn wil ear any fe ndcaton and messages [de —_srsrotim tne panto ts mal conaton proving the oviesgonerang atm hve boen Seared fr noal Speraton rare eandion ass mmadatay aver rset hen Sfeindates doves shoul be mvestoated (© This button may be configured to site specific operation a Access level tor Access level 2, ater requting a Gustomer mode PIN (acory sting), © These butons are operable on enty ofa Customer Made PIN code, (On selecting the Menu option the dsplay shows the user menu The funcions and submenu options accessible are determined by the access level, The access level 1 is without a PIN code enty, while access level 2 (Customer Mode or higher access level wil require @ PIN code ety. Normally the panels at access level The instructions covered here are ofall those menu options under Access levels 1 and 2. [Atanylevelin 2 menu momentaly selecting the Back option wil abor the operation ‘any pont inform selectng the Quit option wl disregard and not save entries made and return to the menu «spay. Once a form's filed.n you must sloc the Save option to acknowledge and save any changes mace. Ifthe time taken between button presses exceed afew minutes then the panel wil automaticaly revert to systam status indication The Customer Mode PIN codes programmed during the commissioning ofthe system ands passed on to th persons) responsible for he fire alam sysiom on sto NANO fire system Semen en ‘When the system is operating normally with no fault or disablement condtion present then the panel indications areas follows: the display will show the Nano sysem message 1 and only the POWER light is it. fe Firs Alar 87st ney Hover NOTE: The Engineering and Maintenance Modes are not covered in this manual How to enter ‘Customer mode’ PIN for access to Level 2 menus| |ACustomer mode PIN codeis normaly set up by he servicing organisation during commissioning of the system. The Customer mode PIN code (password) s for he end user, the person(s) responsible fr tne re ‘arm system. The Customer mode allows access to menu options that are requred to be protected by coded en. I's important the PIN code i changed ona regiar bass for security, ask your servicing organisation for advice on changing te PIN code a a Werte Po cecuanceterne, meee Seamer Qperating instructions very weok during normal working hours the fre detection and alarm system shouldbe ested. tis important to inform the alam receiving cere othe fire test. fire tet render wil appear onthe dspay every week on the spectied day the option is turned on. The fe test should be conduced a a speci time ofthe day. /Aweekly test can be cared out a manvel cll pont wthout breaking thecal point lass by use ofa test key. How to enter the Weekly test mode To put the system ina weeky test made and to dently the naxt dovic o be teste, cary out the following procedure athe panel Fist enter the Customer Mode by eneing Access Level 2 PIN code, seepage 9 1 setthe system for Weekly Tes by following these procedures 2 a EO CO. Go to the manual call point to be tested, its green light will be giving a flashing indication. Insert the test key into the Call point keyhole. The keybole is located on the Bottom-centre font face of the call point and is concealed behind @ slider cover. Tura the key one quarter ofa tara “ej KE & q + ; tyoven ‘{fonring LEO (nay ieeaeon) 1 Check the lars are sounding inthe bing and an inition is given ofthe fre event 1 Tim the ky anticlockwise one quarter ofa tum and reno it fm the ell pin Record the event _ Make an enty inthe log book of the event for future reference, NANO fire system How to exit the Weekly Test mode ‘When the weekly testis over you wil need to eit the weekly test mode C1 Ensure you are sil in the Customer Mode at Access level 2, see page 9. 1D To exit he Weekly Test follow thes c provedures. FE 2 EE Bo-¢ Peer) The active os og will sow the zones that ae in weekY test mode, that sf weekly testis active, Addtionally the test log wil abo show ary zone that have been manualy placed in tes. The’Test light wil be It. Follow these procedures to view the Test og: Ox, v WE > PIE ee Se Qperating instructions FAME ace ees Ifyou see a fein the protected promises and want to raise a fre alam to war occupants inthe bung, you can do this manual by! going to the nearest manual call point that is located away from the fire hazard 1 press hard with thumb onto the centre ofthe glass until it breaks ee rE feoeweee” OE How iced mei seer [eteaay w zones ie fire)—Baceaae, aa, =... a How se the fire buzzer = ail fa BD me nom eteenenete we To operat the alarm controls you will need to be inthe Customer Mode at Access level 2, see page 9 ‘Tossilence ‘When the emergency is over the alarm sounders Silence Alarms alarms can be silenced. wD Press: Display reads ‘Alarms silenced” ‘Toreset system To return te system to normal condition clear = 1 residual smoke or heat from devices, reset ‘ny fire inputs and reset Manual eal points Press: Ensure the fire system is checked by your Display reads: servicing organisation ifthere has been fire "Resetting fire - please damage inthe protected area. wait [Record the event Make an entry in the log book ofthe event for future reference NANO fire system Minin ‘Are in your protected promises is automaticaly sensed at any one of the fre detecton devices instal. fre detection can be fom a re sensor, manual alpen orf input rom an inerface, The contl panel acions the alarm sounders in he systam and athe same ime give deta of he fre event. The event indication is repeated at al repeat inccator panos inthe system. = © Se Mashing Indication et ret zone n te [RE ZONE x oer anes no) [Common tre indleaton) Multiple fires ‘The Ist Fire will always appear atthe op pat — + oft dips Lace stamp beech he EB Ist ire message and mulple fires canbe aati ve event Use these buttons to scroll through the fire ‘The zone light(s) show zones in fire condition ‘The frst zone to go into a fire condtion will be indicated by a Mashing zone light, all other zones in fire will give a steady indication. ach fire is logged inthe Historie Events log ‘which can be recalled using the menus. See How to view the Historie Events ‘To operate the following controls you will need to bein the Customer Mode at Access level 2, ee page 9. ‘To activate ‘The Verity’ option will appear onthe display Verify ifthe ‘Delay’ light is lit. On selecting the > ‘Verify" option there is. farther delay before Ad cause of the alarm, ahm cao ing neve ie nos MB amber LED] Qperating instructions ‘To cancel buzzer 0 silence alarms ‘To reset system Record the event Coincidence Fire ‘You can stop the pane! buzzer from sounding by pressing the CANCEL BUZZER button. When the emergency is over the alarm sounders can be silenced by pressing the SILENCE ALARM button. Atany time you can resound the alarms by pressing the SOUND ALARMS button. ‘To return the system to normal condition clear any residual smoke or heat from deviee(s), reset manual eal point(s) and reset any fire inputs. Then press the RESET button Ensure the fire system Is checked by your servicing organisation if there has been fire damage inthe protected area. Make an entry in the log book ofthe event for future reference, Detection Press: Display reads ‘Local buazer cancelled’ ress Display reads ‘Alarms silenced’ I" there are area(s) in your protected buiding configured to operate coincidence fre detection, then the est ‘automate detection offre event in that area wll cause @ PRE FIRE indication at the panel, ‘When a secon irs detection inthe area(s) then the system wil go ino a FULL FIRE condition and sound the fee alarms, > w se rs ol: ea P WE > sretecn tens zonn (ls PReeesst NANO fire system Eien {faut inthe sytom, such as the flue of mains power tothe panel or removal of any monitoring device wil cause a Fault conn to appear a the control panel. The contol panel wll provide deals of the event, this ‘event incicaton is repeated al all repeat indicator panels, “Typical indiontons of Fault events [ember LED) areenione tone tai event 24 Sysom rout tamper LED) ‘You may need to enter the Customer mode PIN, see page 9 ‘To cancel fault To stop the panel buzzer from sounding press buzzer Display reads ‘Local Buzzer Silenced” ‘What must be You need to ensure the pane! is returned to normal done? condition AX Only the trained engineer who is responsible for the fire alarm system ‘must attempt any fault rectification work. For advice please call your servicing organisation, see contact details in the Log book. Record the Make an entry inthe log book ofthe event for event fiaure reference ‘Multiple faults On the tp line of the display the word FAULT appears followed by number 'n’. The‘ indieates ‘the number of faults present in the system, Each faut is logged in the Historie Events log, ‘which can be recalled sing the mens, See How to view the Historic Events Qperating instructions Typical fault messages ‘The table below s for guidance only and shows some ofthe mare ypcal faut messages and indications that ‘may appear atte panel. I also gives the mearing and possiberecfiaton actin foreach faut event. Only the trained engineer wo is responsible for the fie alarm system must attempt any fault rectification work. For advice please call your servicing organisation, see contact details inthe Log book. Message Indication _|Meaning Mains supply | SS, ‘The mains supply to the fled FES control pane! has failed ‘The battery supply to the ccontzol panel has been fully discharged. ai ‘The battery supply to the ‘control panel has been, disconnected, Ex Evacuate or Class Change nput oc or sc ‘The Evacuate or Class Change input has an open ‘or short circult fault ‘There is an open or short circuit fault on the master ‘alarm wiring, Alarm(s) OC or Lost Device ‘The device is nat ‘communicating with the control panel via the Loop. ‘Additional indication is civen ifitis a Sounder. ane ‘The device indicated is not FFP functioning correctly. ee ‘There is a short circuit on changed $ FES the loop wiring Interface cn ‘There is an open or short channel oc or S=F® circuit fault on the input, 5 line of an interface, we. ‘There is a mains supply failure at a mains powered interface unit Device Battery) 4, ‘The batteries at mains lt FES powered interface unit has failed the load test. Possible action Restore the mains supply to the control panel Check the battery and replace the battery if necessary. Reconnect the battery supply to the panel, Check the wiring and ensure the end-ofline devices are connected in the circut (Check the wiring and ensure the end-of-line device is connected to each master alarm circuit Check the connections to ‘the device. Device needs replacing, Identify the deviee where a cable fault has oceurred ‘and remove the fault, Locate and remove the wiring fault. Ensure the end-ofline device is connected to the circult Check the fuse and mains supply to the unit, Check the batteries and replace them if necessary. NANO fire system DEECEnEnaecnn en {disablement conditions the manual or automatic dsabloment of part ofthe fr detecton system. AN auiomatic dsablement may be pre-configured fr your premises to disable smoke sensors, in areas where ‘smoke may be present for examgle durng the normal working hours, Also a disablement may be necessary where bulding works being underiaken that could rutin a false alarm. meee" CAUTION: Any changes to acer the setting of an automatic Ze Seiberon —_disabloment must only be ‘Amessage is given and the ‘Sounder Disablement ght is itwhen attempted by a trained iuanteakionmioconmaerdemedancee engineer who esc fetatzctezevemer* responsible for the fire scien nserver. alarm system, see contact details in the Log book. What must be done? _ Investigate the reason forthe disablement and re-enable if appropriate Record the event Where necessary make an entry in the log book of the event for future reference, Multiple ‘The default page will have the word ‘DISABLE followed by a number sablements ‘a. The nt indicates the numberof disablements present in the system, Each disablement is logged in the Historie Events log which can be recalled, using the menus, see How to view the Historie Evens log. Typical Disablement Messages The following table show some pica disablement messages andindcatons thal may appear al he pane Message sation __| Meaning ‘Action Zone Dibienant |The displayed zone has If manually disabled then Disabled been disabled investigate and if necessary re-enable the zone. Device | 3ff ommoiament |The device connected to _|If manually disabled then disabled the loop circuithas been investigate and if appropriate Bizabioment |disabled. Additional re-enable the device. indication is given if itis a sounder device sector Disablement |The fire alarm sector has If manually disabled then disabled \t ,. been disabled investigate and if appropriate, SSone re-enable the sector. Master Seasiement The master alarms have If disabled then investigate alarm(s) Sp, saunas eon disabled ‘and if appropriate, ro-onable Gisabled | 3 Biatiomen tho master alarms, Qperating instructions Renner as ‘You can test the message dsplay andthe ights onthe contol panel. To operate the display tes opton you wil ned tobe in the Customer Mode at Access level 2, see page. Then cary aut the following operation, i a] b ee io Ot ‘The display wil Gear, the incictors wil iluminae, the buzzer sounds and ten the display shows the system slatus message. The tes wil run for several seconds. FMS een eres The te and date shown onthe pan! can be changed or aqusted. To make the changes you wil need io be at Access lave 2, see page then folow these procedures 0 > EE >= >= ca as i] _ a vr the ourrent tim and minutos _| ™ TATE ag NANO fire system Pa nee The past events of the systoms are stored in the Historic events log ofthe panel To vow the Historic events log low thse procedures: tn a. a & 8 on The evant number is always the most recant event re caeees [Al active fre events that are stl present and have not cleared can be viewed or printed at any time, The fre light wil be lit atthe panel. Folow these prooedure to view te fre events log @ oom. ct © Cf: & 8.8 lores. Qperating instructions Pee ‘Al active fault events that are sl present and have not cleared canbe viewed or printed at any ime. The fal light willbe It Fllow these procedures to view the acve fault events log: SEI re seonmnnserroie by saree: Ea Pr eee ene en [Al the active disablement events that ae sil present and have not cleared can be viewed or printed at any time, The disablement igh) wl be it Folow these procedures to view the disablement events log @ 20 em cia» 2S | NANO fire system How to put the system in ‘Day mode’ or ‘Night Mode] ‘The fire system normally operates inthe 'Night Mods, which means ll the fre alarms operate without a delay inthe event ofa fre detecton. The‘ Day Mode! allows a delayed operation of fre alarms. The'Day mode is active when the Delay ght is it. Te delay durations ae programmed to ste specific requirements bythe sorviing organisation. The Day Modo' wil remain acve fra predefined period ome. You can manualy piace the system in ay mode, ‘Night Mode'or NONE". Selecting the ‘NONE’ option wil reve the panel olay to operate according tothe ‘Day mode delay satings’ made curing commissioning, You wil need tobe a Access love 2 to chango'Day moda’ sattngs, see page 8 > 5s Es = oy | | seam PaO eee ace Cee ‘The Zone! frm allow a zone tobe paced in test mode and aso allow a zone tobe disabled or enabled. Notice the Tes ights tif @ zone sin Test mode andthe selected zone wil uncon as described for weely test see page 10, A disabled zone wil not detect res from sensors or manual call pnts inthe zone, the ‘Disablement ight mil be it. To access te’ Zone fom you wil ned o be nthe Customer Mode at Access level2, see page 9 Qperating instructions PAM eee ees The ‘Sector’ form displays the label given toa sector, is activation contol and current stats. You can also use this form to manual disable o enable a sector. A dsabled sector wil not activate is alarm devices inthe ‘vent of are andthe disablement Fgh) wil be lit. To vaw the’Secor farm you ws need tobe nthe Customer Mode at Acooss level 2, see page. Penne eis ‘The “Loop map’ form lists athe devices connectod to the loop circuit. You can select a device fom the map and view tne Device details which gives information on device label, typo, status and assignment. To view ‘Loop map’ and'Device details’ you wil ned io be in tne Customer Mode at Access level 2, see page pce " a —_ = + SF ke Bo NANO fire system Ine es The ‘Channels form show dtals of a 4-channel interface device onthe loop ccit. To view the detals ofa 4 0 EEE = a Qperating instructions Ine The'Loop status’ orm provides information about the numberof devices on the loop cxcult and the status of the loop circuit. This frm fs accessible in the Customer Mode al Access level 2, see paged. = ORE ag > O EEE: Ce i ao a mo popes > nish Minne macceeo To check you have the required panel firmware to suppor the installed system, you can view the frmaare version ofthe Main Controle Loop driver and PSU. Ths form is accessible inthe Customer Mode at Access level 2, see page = CREE SEE gs > a Serece > GREET cercc-> ay 7 oe NANO fire system Pan ‘You can view ste data version. This form s accessible in the Customer Mode at Access lvel 2, see pago9, (cE PE fgg CO) DRI gg nee Tee 0 ‘Any wiring fault on the system must be rectified by an engineer from the servicing organisation, for contact details see the log book. A wiring fault will require correction to the wiring before running the ‘Repair’ option at the main panel. The Loop Repair option is normally used bya rained person when rectiying wing fats. Under normal ccreumstances it's unnecessary to use tis option. The Repai’ oponis accessible in the Customer Mode at ‘Accoss level 2, see page 8 OEE os > OT a ie Yo yr wt 0 ce na] Qperating instructions GEE Replacing the glass on a Manual Call Point ‘8 Disengage the front cover ftom thecal pont assembly using the end ofthe test key nsert the key nto the siots and from the bottom edge it out the cover. b__Cavefuly remove broken glass. Z\ sata wproptpecautons when clearing broken glass to prevent injury. Torte 8434891 Spare MCP glass (Pack of 10) Resetting the resettable element on a Manual, Call Point Shde the cover upwards to expose the Key hol. Inset the test key in the Keyhole and tum it clockwise by one quater ofa tum, Then tum the test key anticlockwise by one quarter of turn to ese thecal point clement Battery replacement Its commends wh jomis rst commissioned cover Test Key batlries are inslafed thay must be replace al 4 Yea intervals rom the dat the person, such as an engineer from the servicing organisation. i) ‘Any servicing work on the system must be carried out by a suitably trained NANO fire system beg Shh (en somasef ceed cera) somase| (ea) soetaee| Cn sostace] sdew nue Z [ene] ssaooy - epoy Jewo\sno eoualajay yOIND ik > Reve -@ 8 a iy To activate Verification dela) (ihe factor set PIN for Customer mode e: 0000) ses" How to Silence Alarms and Reset system Quick Reference To cancel the panel Buzzer ant Henoya snes Se gts evs i aban fom ne tre anak changes th cotter what ‘Stale sy ay sever auch reise of che EEE, TT ratenone te 8 248 020 Fo 40182482500

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