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Om gurave nama om gurava omg ogurave nama, o ram gurave nama o raven, o rave

nama, o rave nama om gurave nama arya. So what we are doing now is on the
request of the PJSE Jagannath batch, we will be doing some things called focused
topics. Our first topic that we are taking up is based on the request of Vina Shadav. It
is Richard Briggs. And as you can see in that joining picture, the. What is
retrogradation? Retrogradation is the movement of a planet as viewed from Earth or
what we are calling a geocentric movement. This is not a heliocentric movement.
Because in heliocentric movements there are no retrogrades. There are no
retrogrades in the heliocentric movement. So this is something very, very important
to understand. We are in a geocentric movement. So our basic understanding is, I do
not know whether I can use a pen in this drawing tools. Yeah. So what I am talking
about is, you see, so we call something, you know, something important to know is
Sansar. Yeah. Sansara is what we call Earth plane. And that is what is called Bhuloka.
Right. And in Bhuloka we have. How are we seeing everything in this Bhuloka, what
we call a geocentric view. This geocentric view is the view of Samsara. That is,
everything is going around the earth. So the earth is the focus. So this is the Samsara
view. So this is Bhuloka. Now, in a. In a heliocentric view, what happens in a
heliocentric view is that there are no retrogrades. And we call that Sannyasa. And
that is seen from the sun. So it is called Satya Loka. So these are two very, very
extreme viewpoints. Bhu Loka is the 7th or this is the 7th Loka. This is the 7th.
Whereas the heliocentric view is the first or the topmost of the Brahmanokas. And
this is the 7th point. So now these are different viewpoints in Jyotish and
retrogradation. The concept of retrogradation or how we see planets retrograding is
from the earth. Like for example, here we are seeing Mercury as compared to the
sun. You know, as compared to the sun. We see, instead of moving in the direction,
the sun is moving in this direction, you can see from the Earth. When we observe, the
sun is actually moving in this direction. Right? Whereas we find that, look, this
mercury at this, this planet Mercury is now moving in the retrograde direction. And
now here it becomes direct. And then it goes here. And then you can see this is all
direct. Whereas from here the retrograde motion has again started. So at this point,
this is the retrograde motion. But you see out here, if you see the turning points, they
are here. At this point, it looks as if it is stationary. These are stationary points. And
this is called slow retrogradation. So there are two points of slow retrogradation. One
point of very powerful retrograde.

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