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Hind Rifi

ID A2112620
October 20, 2022
Dr. Ghania Zgheib


 Tool Description:

Flipgrid is a free online technology tool that is based on educational recordings that
permit discussion and feedback in an entertaining and creative way. On June 28, 2022,
Flipgrid launched an event called “FlipFest” (Flip, 2022), where the company revealed its
rebranding and changing the name from “Flipgrid” to “Flip”. Of course, it also integrated
many new features and new approaches within this launch. Flip targets students from k-
12 and some universities also use it in their classrooms. It is a social interactive and
collaborative learning platform that encourages educators to record their questions,
summaries, and answers by either a video or voice recording. Instructors can post videos
that could include an introduction for a lesson, a summary, or a rubric for a certain
assignment. These recordings can be assigned to previously constructed groups done by
the teacher. The students collaborate and work together, and then the teacher or their
fellow classmates are able to reply by another recording or comment. This platform is
integrated by Microsoft Teams and Canvas to deliver an idle virtual classroom. One of
the new things that was also added is the ASL language. ASL stands for American Sign
Language. ASL is available in 4 languages that are English, French, and recently added
Spanish and Japanese. This shows Flip is a program that always aim to improve its
content and educate as much students as they can. Flip includes many innovative features
that demonstrate originality and creativity, along with pedagogical methods to excel in
the learning process.
 Features

Even though Flip does not have various features. However, the ones that are found give a
joyful experience for learning. One of the features included is the “disco library”. This
library is full of free lessons that instructors may use as part of their lesson plans. Disco
Library is partnered with MSN Kids, Nearpod, Capstone, Flocabulary, and many more
educational platforms that share virtual lessons. Flip’s new version turned this application
into more of a social media platform, but in an educational way. Students and educators
may post stories just like the ones on Instagram. They may comment, edit the comment,
and explore other people’s videos on their homepage via GridPals. The new camera
design, the animated background, stickers, filters, and voice changers will introduce a fun
new experience for the users to design educational content to post. As a collaborative
work, students are free to design their own group templates customized how they like.
For example, if grade 3 are studying on planets, the students can create a template that
has an alien theme and record their voices with alien sounds to make it more authentic
and creative. Students can also design their own personalized Bitmoji and integrate
Minecraft. Such technology can develop the innovative and creative aspect of the pupils,
and Flip considers it as “building a community” (Flip, 2022). Another feature that was
updated with the new launch is that the video recording time went from 3 minutes to 10
minutes. Educators may also edit now whenever they want. Users may create their
personalized playlists. Another interesting feature is the MixTapes, where students share
their voices and insert into everything by using FlipgridAR. This gave them the
opportunity to share their projects with their peers and family. For every post or project
the users make, Flip rewards them with a badge. Such as, posting and replying to 15
people can be rewarded with a specific badge. The music feature allows users to explore
their artistic side.
 Pedagogical Use

Flip can be used in many ways, depending on how the teacher incorporates this platform
in the classroom. On one side, Flip can be a student-centered technology online tool,
where students have their own voice, collaborate, and comment on their peers’ work.
Therefore, it can be considered an educational social media platform. On the other hand,
Flip is contemplated as a teacher-centered tool when applied in a flipped classroom. In a
research article, Kusuma (2022) says that when instructors were looking for an idle tool
for a flipped classroom, they were directed toward Flip. Educators can record a lesson for
up to 10 minutes and share it with their pupils. According to Dabbagh et al’s (Dabbagh,
et al. 2019. Meaningful Online Learning: Integrating Strategies, Activities, and Learning
Technologies for Effective Designs) pedagogical views, being able to adequately provide
digital courses, online technology tools need to abide by a certain framework of
meaningful learning characteristics. Flip portrays those traits that enable it to be
incorporated into a classroom. Such as collaboration through creating groups.
Constructive since students apply their prior and new information to develop a project.
Authentic could relate their knowledge and link it to their daily life.
It is very essential for students to know how to use the online application tool and enjoy
it. Patrick and Robert (2020) stated that a survey was done on 79 students who used Flip
in their online course. They were asked to rate it and they responded that they enjoyed
using this tool.

 Personal Experience

After exploring Flip and its features, I found that the platform was easy to set up and
entertaining for both educators and students. The features that appealed to me the most
were the video replies, students are able to express themselves and practice their language
proficiency in a modern and amusing approach. This builds up their self-confidence and
social communication skills. It also allows them to accept constructive criticism. The
disco library feature has a captivating way of making students want to explore more.
However, Flip is not sufficient enough to be used on its own when giving out
assignments, evaluating their writing skills, and delivering a full-on lesson. It should be
integrated with other online tools, such as Microsoft Teams. I prefer using it more as an
assessment tool more than a whole online platform. Overall, it is a good collaborative and
interactive platform that should be fused into a lesson plan.

 Reference

Dabbagh, N., Marra, R., & Howland, J. (2019). Meaningful Online Learning: Integrating
Strategies, Activities, and Learning Technologies for Effective Designs. Routledge: NY,

Kusuma, I. (2022). How Does a TPACK-related Program Support EFL Pre-service

Teachers’ Flipped Classrooms?. LEARN Journal: Language Education and
Acquisition Research Network, 15(2),300-325

Lowenthal, P.R., & Moore., R.L. (2020). Exploring student perceptions of Flipgrid in
online courses. Online Learning, 24(4), 28-41.

N.I. (2022). Introducing Flip.

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