Lab 4 Manual

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Department of Computer Science

Computer Architecture & Assembly Language

Dated: 21-Feb-24
Instructor: Mr. Belal M. Hashmi
Semester: 4th

TA: Muhammad Shoaib Majeed

Hamad Session: Spring 2024
Danish Imran

To design a lab for creating a multisim logic circuit of an 8-bit
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), here's a step-by-step approach:
Lab Objective:
Design and simulate an 8-bit ALU capable of performing various
arithmetic and logical operations.
Equipment and Software Needed:
1. Multisim software/ Logisim
2. Computer with adequate specifications
3. 8-bit adders, subtractors, and logic gates components
4. Power supply unit
5. Breadboard (virtual in Multisim)
1. *Research and Conceptualization:*
- Understand the functionality of an ALU and its components
(adders, subtractors, logic gates).
- Identify the specific arithmetic (addition, subtraction) and
logical (AND, OR, XOR) operations to be implemented.

2. *Component Selection:*
- In Multisim, select appropriate 8-bit adders, subtractors, and
logic gates components based on the identified operations.

3. *Circuit Design:*
- Begin by designing individual components (adders,
subtractors, logic gates) using their respective components.
- Integrate these components to form the complete ALU circuit.
- Ensure proper connectivity and component configurations.

4. *Testing and Simulation:*

- Simulate the circuit in Multisim to verify its functionality.
- Test various inputs to ensure correct outputs for each
- Debug any errors or inconsistencies in the circuit design.

5. *Documentation:*
- Document the circuit design process, including component
selection, circuit diagrams, and simulation results.
- Provide explanations for each component's function and its
role within the ALU.

6. *Verification:*
- Verify the accuracy of the ALU by comparing its outputs to
expected results for different input combinations.
- Ensure that the ALU can perform addition, subtraction, AND,
OR, XOR, and any other desired operations correctly.

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