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Department of Computer Science

Computer Architecture & Assembly Language

Dated: 12-Mar-24
Instructor: Mr. Belal M. Hashmi
Semester: 4th

TA: Muhammad Shoaib Majeed

Hamad Session: Spring 2024
Danish Imran


Design of Basic Computer

Registers logic and Control Circuit
Lab 6
Basic Computer Operation Registers logic and control Circuits
Lab Objective:
Design and simulate an Basic Computer Operation registers logic
and control
Equipment and Software Needed:
1. Multisim software/ Logisim
2. Computer with adequate specifications

The basic computer consists of the following hardware
1. A memory unit with 4096 words of 16 bits each
2. Nine registers: AR, PC, DR, AC, IR, TR, OUTR, INPR, and SC
3. Seven flip-flops: I, S, E, R, IEN, FGI, and FGO
4. Two decoders: a 3 8 operation decoder and a 4 16 timing
5. A 16-bit common bus
6. Control logic gates
7. Adder and logic circuit connected to the input of AC
Flowchart for computer operation
Control Functions and Microoperations for the Basic
In this lab we design control circuits of nine registers: AR, PC,
DR, AC, IR, TR, OUTR, INPR, and SC which are used in Basic

IEN flip-flop equation and control circuit given below, implement

IEN on simulator,understand how its equation and circuit obtain
from above given microoperations.
Task 1: Design of AC register Logic and control
Design the logic associated with AC, it is necessary to go over to register transfer
statements in the above given control function and microoperation for the basic
computer table and exact all the statements that change the content of AC.

From this list we drive the control logic gates and adder and logic circuit.

Circuits Associated with AC

Gate Structure Controlling for LD , INR and CLR of AC

One stage of adder and logic circuit

Implement the above AC register complete control and logic circuit on the simulator and paste the

screenshot here and also save this module for future labs.

Task 2: PC register Logic and Control

From above table of Control Functions and Microoperations for
the Basic Computer obtain PC register control and logic all
possible statements.
Exact all the statements that change the content of PC register and implement the
complete logic and control of PC register on simulator and paste the screenshot here
and save this module for future labs.

Task 3: DR register logic and Control

From the above table of Control Functions and Microoperations
for the Basic Computer obtain DR register control and logic all
possible statements.
Exact all the statements that change the content of DR register and implement the
complete logic and control of DR register on simulator and paste the screenshot here
and save this module for future labs.
Task 4: AR register logic and Control
From above table of Control Functions and Microoperations for
the Basic Computer obtain AR register control and logic all
possible statements.
Exact all the statements that change the content of AR register and implement the
complete logic and control of AR register on simulator and paste the screenshot here
and save this module for future labs.

Task 5: IR register logic and Control

From the above table of Control Functions and Microoperations
for the Basic Computer obtain IR register control and logic for all
possible statements.
Exact all the statements that change the content of IR register and implement the
complete logic and control of IR register on simulator and paste the screenshot here
and save this module for future labs.

Task 6: TR register Control Design

From the above table of Control Functions and Microoperations
for the Basic Computer obtain TR register control and logic all
possible statements.
Exact all the statements that change the content of TR register and implement the
complete logic and control of TR register on simulator and paste the screenshot here
and save this module for future labs.

Task 7: OUTR register Control Design

From the above table of Control Functions and Microoperations
for the Basic Computer obtain OUTR register control and logic all
possible statements.
Exact all the statements that change the content of OUTR register and implement the
complete logic and control of OUTR register on simulator and paste the screenshot here
and save this module for future labs.

Task 8: INPR register Control Design

From the above table of Control Functions and Microoperations
for the Basic Computer obtain INPR register control and logic all
possible statements.
Exact all the statements that change the content of INPR register and implement the
complete logic and control of INPR register on simulator and paste the screenshot here
and save this module for future labs.

Task 9: SC register Control Design

From the above table of Control Functions and Microoperations
for the Basic Computer obtain SC register control and logic all
possible statements.
Exact all the statements that change the content of SC register and implement the
complete logic and control of SC register on simulator and paste the screenshot here
and save this module for future labs.


Paste all module screenshots here and keep all files with you for future Labs.

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