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Department of Computer Science

Computer Architecture & Assembly Language

Dated: 01-Feb-24
Instructor: Mr. Belal M. Hashmi
Semester: 4th

TA: Muhammad Shoaib Majeed

Hamad Session: Spring 2024
Danish Imran

Task 0:
Note: You can use Logisim simulator if you want
Software: LogicWorks Simulator:

Task 1:
Note: You have to show proper working for EACH of the following tasks.
a) You have to design an 8-bit multiplier. Also, note that you are NOT allowed to use
any kind of built in module(i-e full adder,subtractor or any other kind). So if you
implement any module you have to include the circuit file of that module
separately. Please note that you are allowed to use gates only for accomplishing
this task.
b) If 4-bit data is given as input to a 8-bit multiplier, what will be the output, how it
will be affected. Implement a correct mechanism to tackle this problem.You have
to design the circuit for this as well.
c) Now that you have implemented the 8-bit multiplier successfully, discuss the
output of this multiplier. Will it be different in the number of bits with respect to
input?Justify your answer in any case.
d) Now, if we want to increase the number of bits of multiplier(basically the input i-e
any n-bit multiplier, where n > 8-bits multiplier),how can we do that and what will
be the effect of this increase in number of bits for the output of multiplier
e) Now discuss (d) but consider n<8-bits.

Task 2: (Bonus Task)

Design a circuit for (c) and (d) part of Task 1 and discuss its working.

Good Luck :)

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