Read The Following Text and Choose The Correct Option For Each Question Eje 2 Semana 1

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Read the following text and choose the correct option for each


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Every day, Mary goes to the grocery store. She buys some fruits
and vegetables. Mary has an apple every morning for breakfast.

She also picks up some milk. You can't say "one milk, two milks."
Instead, you say "some milk."
Mary loves pizza, so she grabs some every Friday night. Pizza has
many toppings, like cheese and vegetables. You can count the
slices of pizza, but cheese is a bit different. So, you say "many
slices of pizza" but "some cheese."

On the weekend, Mary invites her friends over. She asks them, "Do
you want some cookies?" You can have "one cookie, two cookies."
Her friends say, "Yes, please!"

Mary also makes some lemonade. You can't say "two lemonades."
Instead, you say "some lemonade."

Mary's friend, Sarah, brings a cake to the party. Mary asks, "Is
there any chocolate in the cake?" You can't say "two chocolates."
Instead, you say "some chocolate."

After the party, Mary cleans up. She sees many dishes in the sink.
You can say "one dish, two dishes." Mary also sees much water on
the floor.

In the end, Mary is happy because she has some good food, many
friends, and much fun at the party.

Pregunta de la marca: Pregunta 1

Pregunta 10.3 pts
What does Mary have for breakfast every morning?
Grupo de opciones de respuesta

An apple




Pregunta de la marca: Pregunta 2

Pregunta 20.3 pts
Which item does Mary buy that is mentioned as uncountable?
Grupo de opciones de respuesta




Pregunta de la marca: Pregunta 3

Pregunta 30.3 pts
When does Mary order pizza?
Grupo de opciones de respuesta

Every Friday night

Every day

Once a month


Pregunta de la marca: Pregunta 4

Pregunta 40.3 pts
What does Mary ask her friends on the weekend?
Grupo de opciones de respuesta

Do you want some cookies?

Do you want pizza?

Do you want apples?

Do you want lemonade?

Pregunta de la marca: Pregunta 5

Pregunta 50.3 pts
Why does Mary ask her friends if there is chocolate in the cake?
Grupo de opciones de respuesta

She is checking for a specific ingredient.

She is allergic to chocolate.

She wants to avoid calories.

She loves chocolate.

Pregunta de la marca: Pregunta 6

Pregunta 60.3 pts
What can you infer about Mary's feelings toward pizza?
Grupo de opciones de respuesta

She loves pizza.

She dislikes pizza.

She only eats pizza on weekends.

She is indifferent to pizza.

Pregunta de la marca: Pregunta 7

Pregunta 70.3 pts
Why does Mary see many dishes in the sink after the party?
Grupo de opciones de respuesta

Many people attended the party.

Mary didn't invite friends.

Mary forgot to clean up.

Mary doesn't like washing dishes.

Pregunta de la marca: Pregunta 8

Pregunta 80.3 pts
What is the overall mood at the end of the story?
Grupo de opciones de respuesta





Pregunta de la marca: Espaciador

Listen and watch the following conversations, then choose the
correct option for each question:

A2-23-Much-Many.mp4Links to an external site. from ellloLinks to

an external site. on VimeoLinks to an external site..

Pregunta de la marca: Pregunta 9

Pregunta 90.3 pts
What does the woman say about cafes in her town?
Grupo de opciones de respuesta

There are a few cafes, but they are not great.

There are many great cafes.

There are no cafes.

She doesn't like studying at cafes.

Pregunta de la marca: Pregunta 10

Pregunta 100.3 pts
What is mentioned as a nice feature in the woman's town?
Grupo de opciones de respuesta

Nice parks and restaurants

Good cafes

Beautiful mountains

Modern shopping malls

Pregunta de la marca: Pregunta 11

Pregunta 110.3 pts
How does the man feel about studying at cafes?
Grupo de opciones de respuesta

He likes studying at cafes.

He dislikes studying at cafes.

He doesn't mention his opinion.

He prefers studying at the library.

Pregunta de la marca: Pregunta 12

Pregunta 120.3 pts
What does the woman say about eggs?
Grupo de opciones de respuesta

We have enough eggs.

We need some eggs.

We have no eggs.
She doesn't like eggs.

Pregunta de la marca: Pregunta 13

Pregunta 130.3 pts
What does the woman say about butter?
Grupo de opciones de respuesta

We need more butter.

We have a lot of butter.

We have no butter.

She doesn't mention butter.

Pregunta de la marca: Pregunta 14

Pregunta 140.3 pts
What do they need more of according to the woman?
Grupo de opciones de respuesta





Pregunta de la marca: Pregunta 15

Pregunta 150.3 pts
What is the woman's opinion of the gym at her school?
Grupo de opciones de respuesta

It's not very good.

It's excellent.

It's average.

She doesn't mention it.

Pregunta de la marca: Pregunta 16

Pregunta 160.3 pts
What does the man say about his school's gym equipment?
Grupo de opciones de respuesta

It has lots of weight machines.

There isn't much equipment.

It has many free weights.

It's not better than the woman's gym.

Pregunta de la marca: Pregunta 17

Pregunta 170.3 pts
How does the woman feel about the man's school gym?
Grupo de opciones de respuesta

She thinks it's better.

She thinks it's worse.

She hasn't been to his school gym.

She agrees with him.

Pregunta de la marca: Pregunta 18

Pregunta 180.3 pts
Why can't the woman go to the movies on Friday?
Grupo de opciones de respuesta

She has many assignments.

She doesn't like movies.

She has much money.

She has free time.

Pregunta de la marca: Pregunta 19

Pregunta 190.3 pts
What does the man offer to do regarding the movie?
Grupo de opciones de respuesta

He offers to pay for her.

He offers to pick her up.

He offers to buy snacks.

He offers to choose the movie.

Pregunta de la marca: Pregunta 20

Pregunta 200.3 pts
What is the woman's reason for not going to the movies?
Grupo de opciones de respuesta

She has many assignments.

She doesn't like movies.

She has much money.

She has much free time.

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