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1he Slmple Cross ls Lhe CulckesL and LaslesL 1aroL Cards Spread Lver!

1he Slmple Cross ls Lhe qulckesL and easlesL LaroL card spread Lo use when you wanL an answer Lo a
speclflc quesLlon 1o make Lhls spread you only need Lo use Lhe ma[or arcana

Peres how lL works
8eaL Lhe cards
CuL Lhe seL (lL ls advlsed Lo use your lefL hand)
Choose four cards whlch you wlll arrange as shown on Lhe plcLure above (Lhe flrsL card Lo Lhe lefL
Lhe second Lo Lhe rlghL eLc)

Peres how Lo read Lhe spread

1he flrsL card (on Lhe lefL) represenLs Lhe obsLacles
1he second one sLands for Lhe chance
1he Lhlrd one represenLs your quesLlon
1he lasL one ls Lhe answer
?ou can obLaln more deLalls by addlng Lhe number of each of Lhose four cards
Lxample Lhe ope Lhe Lmpress Lhe SLar and Lhe World 3 + 3 + 17 + 21 46
unforLunaLely Lheres no 1aroL card above Lhe lool whlch ls number 22
So you wlll add 4 + 6 10
1he synLhesls wlll Lhus be 10 whlch ls Lhe Wheel of lorLune good opporLunlLles

And you even can add Lhree exLra cards aL Lhe boLLom of Lhls spread lf you feel you need more
deLalls (donL add more Lhan Lhree cards as you wlll end up wlLh anyLhlng buL wrong answer)
1he Ce|t|c Cross Is the u|ck and Accurate red|ct|on Spread
through 1arot Cards

1he CelLlc Cross ls an easy qulck buL speclflc and deLalled LaroL card spread AcLually Lhe consulLanL
wanLs Lo learn more regardlng one Loplc of Lhelr llfe lor lnsLance career or love

Some forLuneLellers use 10 cards some oLhers use only 9 cards l personally make Lhls spread wlLh 9

Peres how lL works
8eaL Lhe cards even lf you [usL beaL Lhem for anoLher spread
use your lefL hand Lo cuL Lhe LaroL card seL (Lhls ls Lhe hand of your hearL)
lace Lhe 22 ma[or arcana face down and leL your consulLanL choose 9 of Lhem
lace each LaroL card face down llke shown above
1urn Lhe cards face up one afLer anoLher whlle beglnnlng wlLh card n1 whlch ls Lhe one LhaL deals
wlLh Lhe consulLanLs mlnd
As you can see LaroL card n1 ls Lhe consulLanLs mlnd/Lhelr quesLlonlng card n 2 ls whaL Lhe
consulLanL wanLs Lhelr goals card n3 ls Lhe fuLure wlll Lhe consulLanL reach Lhose goals? Lhe card
n4 represenLs Lhe posslblllLles and n3 sLands for Lhe obsLacles Lhe consulLanL wlll be faclng

1aroL card n6 ls Lhe lmmedlaLe fuLure anoLher sLep Lo Lake Lo reach Lhe flnal goal Card n7 ln Lhe
spread represenLs Lhe famlly Lhe relaLlves Lhe help or obsLacles Lhe person can expecL from Lhelr
beloved ones or frlends

Card n8 symbollzes Lhe consulLanLs career your career may lnfluence a relaLlonshlp for lnsLance
Lhe consulLanL may geL a [ob opporLunlLy ln a forelgn counLry Card n9 ln Lhls spread ls Lhe flnal

Cnce agaln once youll become famlllar wlLh Lhe LaroL cards spreads youll be able Lo creaLe your
own CelLlc Cross meLhod and lnLerpreLaLlon 8uL Lhls one ls Lhe mosL deLalled and qulckesL spread
for LaroL card newbles )
1he Numero|ogy Spread Is Another Lasy and Iast Way to kead the 1arot

Cne can make use of numerology Lo spread Lhe LaroL cards whlch ls whaL lm golng Lo Leach
you ln Lhls module

We wlll use Lhe ma[or arcana as well as Lhe consulLanLs blrLh daLe

ln order Lo spread a numerology LaroL card spread were golng Lo begln wlLh Lhe calculaLlng
Lhe blrLh daLe of Lhe person were dolng Lhe spread for leLs Lake a person born on !anuary
10 1963

1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 3 21

1he 21sL LaroL card ls Lhe one of Lhe World

AnoLher example ls Lhe blrLh daLe of a person born on uecember 26 1973 26/12/1973

2 + 6 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 3 33

unforLunaLely Lhere are only 22 ma[or arcana so well reduce Lhe number llke Lhls

3 + 3 6

1hls ls Lhe LaroL card of 1he Lovers

uependlng on Lhls personal number Lhe forLuneLeller wlll Lake Lhe card ouL of Lhe deck 1he
consulLanL wlll Lhen choose 8 addlLlonal cards LhaL are placed face down AfLer havlng beaL
Lhe cards Lheyll be placed llke shown on Lhe plcLure above

oslLlon Lhe flrsL LaroL card ln Lhe cenLer of Lhe spread Lhen place Lwo cards on Lhe lefL Lwo
oLhers on Lhe rlghL Lwo cards above and Lwo below Lhe spread
1he cards on Lhe lefL are relaLed Lo relaLlonshlps
1he LaroL cards above Lhe spread symbollze Lhe consulLanLs mlnd
1he cards on Lhe rlghL are relaLed Lo marrlage or long relaLlonshlp
1he Lwo cards placed below Lhe spread are Lhose of Lhe consulLanLs career
1he cenLer LaroL card represenLs Lhe fuLure

1he ast resent and Iuture Spread W||| A||ow you 1o 1est your 1arot Card
kead|ng Sk|||s

1he pasL presenL and fuLure LaroL card spread ls an easy one LhaL can help you learn how Lo
correcLly read Lhe cards ?ou should use lL Lo spread Lhe cards for your frlends 1hey wlll Lell
you lf youre rlghL or wrong as Lhls LaroL card spread meLhod wonL [usL Lell you Lhe fuLure of
your consulLanL buL Lhelr pasL as well!

AddlLlonally one make use of boLh LaroL cards ma[or and mlnor arcana!

Cne beaL Lhe LaroL cards alLogeLher presenL Lhem Lo Lhe consulLanL face down 1he person
chooses 27 cards placed ln Lhree groups of Lhree cards llke shown on Lhe plcLure above

?ou may apply a fleld Lo each group for lnsLance Lhe flrsL group represenLs relaLlonshlps
Lhe second group represenLs career and Lhe lasL one sLands for Lhe healLh fleld

?ou wlll Lhus read Lhe cards llke Lhls

1sL group relaLlonshlps
2nd group career
3rd group healLh

1sL group relaLlonshlps
2nd group career
3rd group healLh

1sL group relaLlonshlps
2nd group career
3rd group healLh

1he 1arot S|x Month Lvo|ut|on W||| A||ow 1o red|ct your Consu|tant the|r
Next S|x Month

WlLh Lhe LaroL card spread known as Lhe Slx MonLh LvoluLlon you are golng Lo learn whaL
wlll happen Lo your llfe for Lhe nexL slx monLhs Whlle Lhere are only 10 LaroL cards 3 ma[or
arcana and 3 mlnor arcana Lhe readlng ls done for a slx monLh Lerm

Peres how Lo read Lhe cards

Ma[or arcana n1 ls lnfluenced by mlnor arcana n1
Ma[or arcana n2 ls lnfluenced by mlnor arcana n2
Ma[or arcana n3 ls lnfluenced by mlnor arcana n3

and so on

LeLs Lake an example

Ma[or arcana 1 1he Maglclan
Mlnor arcana 1 Ace of cups

1here are Lwo opLlons dependlng on Lhe slLuaLlon of Lhe consulLanL and Lhe resL of Lhe LaroL
card spread

lor a woman Lhe consulLanL wlll meeL a man and sLarL a new relaLlonshlp
lor a woman and a man opporLunlLy Lo geL a new [ob

Ma[or arcana 2 1he SLar
Mlnor arcana 2 6 of swords

lor a woman Lhe menLloned relaLlonshlp wonL lasL long
lor a woman and a man Lhls new [ob wlll probably be frusLraLlng

1herefore Lhe nexL Lwo LaroL cards wlll brlng someLhlng new Lo Lhe consulLanL

1he SLar Spread AssoclaLes 1aroL Cards and AsLrology 8eadlngs

1hls ls anoLher LaroL card spread LhaL assoclaLes LaroL and asLrology Cne chooses 6 LaroL cards LhaL
we spread on each branch of Lhe sLar (see plcLure above)
1he Sun represenLs Lhe poslLlve elemenLs
1he Moon ls a femlnlne elemenL
venus relaLes Lo relaLlonshlps
Mars ls assoclaLed wlLh baLLle buL as well Lo accldenLs
Mercury ls Lhe planeL of communlcaLlons career
uranus ls relaLed Lo surprlses unexpecLed Lhlngs
1he 12 Astro|og|ca| nouses Is Another 1arot and Astro|ogy Assoc|at|on

AnoLher LaroL and asLrology assoclaLlon ls Lhe one of Lhe 12 asLrologlcal houses where you
read Lhe cards Lhrough an asLrologlcal map ln Lhls LaroL card spreadlng meLhod Lhe
consulLanL wlll choose 12 ma[or arcana and Lhe forLuneLeller wlll place Lhem one on each
Pouse sLarLlng wlLh Lhe flrsL card on Pouse 1 Peres whaL each card ls relaLed Lo

Pouse 1
1he card placed on Lhls Pouse represenL Lhe consulLanLs personallLy

Pouse 2
1hese are Lhe consulLanLs asseLs wheLher money a bulldlng or anyLhlng else LhaL ls
maLerlal and has a moneLary value

Pouse 3
1hls Pouse ls Lhe symbol of soclal llfe relaLlons beLween Lhe consulLanL and Lhelr close
relaLlves frlends colleagues eLc

Pouse 4
1he number four ls Lhe one of Lhe famlly faLher moLher

Pouse 3
Chlldren are symbollzed by Pouse n 3 lLs also a symbol of maLernlLy 1he card placed on
Lhls Pouse wlll Lherefore glve lnformaLlon abouL a poLenLlal pregnancy problems wlLh
chlldren eLc

Pouse 6
1hls ls Lhe Pouse LhaL represenLs Lhe consulLanLs physlcal body healLh beauLy and
anyLhlng else relaLed Lo aesLheLlc

Pouse 7
1he card placed on Lhls Pouse ls generally vlewed as Lhe one of relaLlonshlps Lhe fuLure of a
marrlage eLc

Pouse 8
1he Pouse n8 ls Lhe one of Lhe deaLh Powever any card placed on lL ls relaLed Lo Lhe
splrlLual fleld

Pouse 9
1hls ls Lhe Pouse of Lravels lf Lhe consulLanL ls a person who Lravels a loL wheLher for
buslness or lelsure Lhls Pouse and Lhe card placed on lL wlll be lmporLanL Lo Lhem

Pouse 10
1hls ls Lhe Pouse LhaL relaLes Lo Lhe consulLanLs career Lhelr occupaLlon [ob opporLunlLles
and anyLhlng relaLed Lo work

Pouse 11
WlLh Lhls Pouse Lhe consulLanL wlll learn more on anyLhlng relaLed Lo Lhelr frlends and/or

Pouse 12
1he consulLanL wlll learn Lhlngs on Lhe obsLacles whlch mark ouL Lhelr llfe boLh evenLs and

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