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The Drummer's Son

nce upon a time in asmall village lived a

drummer with his wife and son. The drummer
was veryskilled. He would often take his son with
him to all the weddings, festivals and fairs where
he played hisdrums. Slowly, his son also learned to
play the drums and began to play with his father.
One day, a traveler from a nearby city liked their
drumming and advised them to go to the annual
fair that was taking place in his city. The drummer
and his son set off for the city the next day. It Was
noon when they reached the fair.
It was a large fair and people from near
and far visited it. The drummer and his son
took their stand in the heart of the fair and
began to play. Soon some people
gathered around them. Then more
people came to listen to their
drumming. They began toclap
with their drumming. Some of
them even danced to the
Money began topour onthe
spread in front oftthem. When
the drummer and his
the day ended,
were very happy with the amount
son earned that
they had day.
of money coins and set off

for homne. The drummer couldn't wait to share
news with his wife.
On the way, they had to cross a
forest. It was
getting dark. The drummer knew that the
was home to some deadly forest
son tobe quiet while they robbers. He warned his
his son was very crossed the forest. But
He said, "We will confident after the day's success.
go through the forest
playing our drums. This will scare the while
away." robbers
He continued to play
his drums loudly
walked through the forest. His while they
him to stop but his
son did not
father kept on asking
The robbers in the listen to him.
the drums. They forest heard the sound of
were crossing thewondered how many people
and watched the forest. They hid behind
found out that they and his son. trees
they did not wait could easily attack When they
The poor anymore. the twO men,
all the
money. They and his son
had to go were robbed of
home empty
Moral: Always act as
per the

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