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Part 1 - Introduction & Interview

[This part of the test begins with the examiner introducing himself or herself and checking
the candidate’s identification. It then continues as an interview. In the interview, the
examiner asks the candidate about his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics.]

Topic - "Fast food"

Q. What kinds of fast food have you tried? [Why/Why not?]

Answer: I was a big fan of fast food when I was a teenager. As I am in my early thirties
now, I no longer feel any craving for fast food, but this does not mean that I never eat
any fast food these days. Well, if I list down what types of fast food I've tried, it would
be pretty long! However, my favourite ones in this list would be burgers, sandwiches,
pizzas, crispy chicken, french fries, chicken nuggets, apple pies, tacos, burritos and
different types of coffee and shakes. I ate them mostly because that was trendy back
then, and they were tasty, easy to find and ready to eat or drink.

Q. Do you ever use a microwave to cook food quickly?[Why/Why not?]

Answer: In our home, we have a large and modern microwave oven which we use to
cook a variety of foods like baked potatoes, pizzas, Spanish rice, bacon sandwich,
different types of cakes, grilled chicken and so on. I have personally made several of
these items in a very short time. I mostly use a microwave oven to heat my food, but
sometimes they are useful to cook an item quickly and conveniently. For instance,
making a chocolate cake without the help of a microwave oven would be really
cumbersome for a person like me.

Q. How popular are fast food restaurants where you live? [Why/Why not?]
Answer: Ahh, fast food restaurants are ubiquitous in the place where I live. You just
have to walk around a few blocks to find a row of different fast-food shops and
restaurants, and their number is growing faster than ever. They are hugely popular,
especially among the young, due to their taste and variety. Many adults like to have
them because it saves them time and money. Despite knowing that fast food is not
healthy, people often opt for them because they are busy and have little time to cook a
healthy meal at home.

Q. When would you go to a fast-food restaurant? [Why/Why not?]

Answer: Well, I mostly prefer to eat in a restaurant that offers leafy and green
vegetables, brown rice, soups and fresh salads with some delicious fish. However, pizza
is still a fast food item that I try from time to time. So, there is a good possibility that
I'd visit a fast-food restaurant next week or so to enjoy a pizza with a friend of mine. I
usually eat fast food once or twice a month and never more than that.

Part 2 - Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card

[The topic for your talk will be written on a card which the examiner will hand over to you.
Read it carefully and then make some brief notes.]

Describe some technology (e.g. an app, phone, software program) that you decided to
stop using.

You should say:

• when and where you got this technology

• why you started using this technology

• why you decided to stop using it

and explain how you feel about the decision you made.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think
about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

[Examiner: All right? Remember you have one to two minutes for this, so don't worry if I
stop you. I'll tell you when the time is up. Can you start speaking now, please?]

Part 3 - Details discussion:

Discussion topic: "Computer games".

Q. What kinds of computer games do people play in your country?

Answer: Computer games are hugely popular among the young generation in my
country, and they play all sorts of games. Some prefer to play first-person shooting
games, adventures, sports, actions, role-playing, puzzles, strategy and multiplayer
online games. Some insanely popular games that many people in my country play
include Minecraft, Civilization, PUBG: Battleground, Half-life, Halo, Fortnite, Grand
Theft Auto, Dota, Call of duty and so on. A large proportion of people also play mobile
games that could be downloaded to their phones and played anywhere and anytime
they want.

Q. Why do people enjoy playing computer games?

Answer: I believe most people enjoy playing computer games because they are highly
entertaining. Modern games are addictive, have incredible plots and graphics and can
take people into an adventurous and fantasy world. For some, playing computer games,
especially strategy games that are designed as multiplayer games, is a group activity
that they enjoy. Besides, some play games on their mobile phones and computers just
to kill some time or out of boredom. Finally, I also happen to know some serious
gamers who play games so that they can compete in different competitions or stream
their playing on YouTube.
Q. Do you think that all computer games should have a minimum age for players?
Answer: In modern times, when computer games are so invasive and addictive, I
strongly believe that all computer games should have a minimum age requirement
based on the game type, genre and materials. For instance, if a five-year-old child plays
a game that is intended to be educational and positively recreational, I see no harm in
it as long as the gaming duration is below an hour per day. But if this same child plays
a game that is full of violence, carnage and guns, it is going to be a disaster for the
future of this child. Games that we have these days vary to a great extent so they must
be rated for age suitability. Perhaps this should be done even more rigorously than ever

Discussion topic: "Technology in the classroom".

Q. In what ways can technology in the classroom be helpful?

Answer: To understand how technology can help us in the classroom we just need to
look back at the time when millions of students did online classes. Had there been no
technology in education or classroom, schooling would have been completely halted
during the Covid-19 Pandemic. But thanks to technology - it never happened. In
modern days, technology can help teachers transform the classroom into an interactive
playground for children to teach them better. They can also use digital materials and
online teaching, exam and assessment methods to competently educate young and
adult students. Finally, technology can help record lessons delivered by the teachers so
that the students can play them later to better understand the lessons.

Q. Do you agree that students are often better at using technology than their
Answer: Well, in general, young people are better prepared and skilled in handling
technology than the elder generation since the latter are introduced to technology at a
later stage in their life. In this regard, many young students are better than their elder
teachers when it comes to technology. But this gap is narrowing with time as teachers,
all around the world, both young and old, are adopting and learning technology as part
of their personal and professional requirements.

Q. Do you believe that computers will ever replace human teachers?

Answer: Technology will never fully replace human teachers, at least not in the
conceivable future, as teaching requires passion, empathy, the ability to inspire others,
customised plans and many other human qualities besides subject matter expertise. So
even if technology can offer better lesson plans, more accurate exam assessments, and
so on, it can never offer personal mentorship or empathy to a learner. I believe that
technology will help human teachers when it comes to teaching but it will never fully
replace them.
Part 1 - Introduction & Interview

[This part of the test begins with the examiner introducing himself or herself and checking
the candidate’s identification. It then continues as an interview. In the interview, the
examiner asks the candidate about his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics.]

Topic - "Summer"

Q. Is summer your favourite time of year? [Why/Why not?]

Answer: I live in a country that has mostly hot weather and a very short winter. So
despite having delicious fruits during the summer and the opportunity to do many
outdoor activities, I am afraid, summer is not my favourite time of the year. I enjoy the
mild winter season more than summer because of the pleasant temperature that the
winter season offers. During the summer, the temperate reaches as high as 40 degrees
Celsius or 104 degrees Fahrenheit, and the humidity makes the condition even worse.

Alternative Answer: Yes, summer is undoubtedly my favourite time of the year. It is

because we have a pleasant temperature during the summer season, and after a long,
icy and biting winter, the summer brings some relief and conforms to us. I also like the
fact that we can get involved in many outdoor activities during the summer including
boating, swimming and surfing.

Q. What do you do in summer when the weather's very hot? [Why?]

Answer: I try to remain indoors during noon time on a hot summer day. The sun often
shines mercilessly and makes people perspire a lot if they are exposed to direct
sunlight. However, I go out in the evening time as the weather is mild then. Overall, I
like to swim in the swimming pool, go out in a park or near a river and enjoy some ice
cream or seasonal fruits during the hot summer season. I also try to drink plenty of
water to remain hydrated.

Q. Do you go on holiday every summer? [Why/Why not?]

Answer: Yes, the holiday has become an integral part of the summer season for us.
Since we get a long summer vacation, we tend to plan a tour and enjoy the time away
from home. We have been doing this for more than seven years now in a row. Last
summer, we spent our holidays in a town that is located near a large river and many

Q. Did you enjoy the summer holidays when you were at school? (Why/Why not?]
Answer: The summer holidays in my childhood are some of the best days in my life. My
parents used to take me to different places (mostly near a sea, lake, hill or river) during
the summer vacations, and I could enjoy different activities there. The fact that I did
not have to attend school and I could visit many new places and enjoy numerous
activities made the summer vacations even more enjoyable during my school days.
Part 2 - Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card

[The topic for your talk will be written on a card which the examiner will hand over to you.
Read it carefully and then make some brief notes.]

Describe a luxury item you would like to own in the future.

You should say:

• what item you would like to own

• what this item looks like

• why you would like to own this item

and explain whether you think you will ever own this item.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think
about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

[Examiner: All right? Remember you have one to two minutes for this, so don't worry if I
stop you. I'll tell you when the time is up. Can you start speaking now, please?]

Click here for the answer to this Cue Card Topic

Part 3 - Details discussion:

Discussion topic: "Expensive Items".

Q. Which expensive items would many young people (in your country) like to buy?
Answer: Most young boys in my country would like to purchase the latest smartphones,
tabloid PC, gaming devices, motorbikes, cars, smart watches and branded clothes. Girls,
on the other hand, would like some of the electronic gadgets as boys do, and would
also like to buy a lot of expensive pieces of jewellery, and fashion items. Some really
rich young would want to buy sports cars, apartments and sports gear.

Q. How do the expensive items that younger people want to buy differ from those that
older people want to buy?
Answer: I believe younger people mostly want to buy expensive items that they can
either use or enjoy having, like electronic items, sports cars and so on. Older people,
due to their experience in life, would go for expensive items that have great future
return potential like expensive properties, antique items, famous artworks and so on.
However, in many cases, both generations want the same types of expensive items like
the latest cars.
Q. Do you think that people are more likely to buy expensive items for their friends or
for themselves?
Answer: It depends on so many factors including the social and economic conditions of
the person. But broadly speaking, most people would buy expensive items for
themselves every now and then - if they can afford them. But they would buy luxury
items for friends on special occasions like on their wedding days or when they expect
something in return. There could be some really broad-minded rich people who would
not hesitate to buy luxury items for their friends as they would do for themselves, but
the number of such people, I believe, is so small.

Discussion topic: "Rich People".

Q. How difficult is it to become very rich in today's world?

Answer: I believe becoming wealthy, other than inheriting the fortune as a birthright,
has become more complicated in this modern world than ever before, except in one
sector - the Information Technology sector. It has become harder primarily because the
number of people in a country has reached a staggeringly high level while the global
resource is limited. So to become very rich from a poor or middle-class family is like
defying all odds. A capitalistic economy has made it even more difficult as it favours
the rich to become even richer. I mentioned the IT sector because we have seen many
IT entrepreneurs become super rich in a decade or so, and this number is increasing.
However, the fierce competition in this sector is also unbelievable, and only a few
among millions can make it.

Q. Do you agree that money does not necessarily bring happiness?

Answer: I strongly believe that money can not bring happiness, and there are plenty of
examples when people in need of money are actually happy people. However, I also
believe that money can often aid us to remove our worries that can bring unhappiness.
So in this regard, a certain amount of money can help us become happy to some extent
but we need to have other important aspects like a caring family, good friends, sound
health and a positive mentality to be happy in life.

Q. In what ways might rich people use their money to help society?
Answer: The resource distribution in the world often seems unfair as just a few per cent
of the super-rich own the majority of the global resources. When millions of people
struggle to buy food and manage a place to live in, rich people definitely can do a lot to
help society. They can share some of their fortunes to feed the poor and build hospitals,
schools, and old homes to make society a better place. They can also create
employment and offer some charity to poor people. Finally, they can use their money to
ensure clean drinking water, road safety and public infrastructure.
Part 1 - Introduction & Interview

[This part of the test begins with the examiner introducing himself or herself and checking
the candidate’s identification. It then continues as an interview. In the interview, the
examiner asks the candidate about his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics.]

Topic - "People you study/work with"

Q. Who do you spend most time studying/working with [Why?]

Answer: As a university student, I spend most parts of a day studying, attending classes
or completing assignments. And my close friend "James", from my university, is the
person with whom I spend the most time for the purpose of academic studies. Being
great buddies, we understand each other and like to help each other with our studies.
This is perhaps the reason he is my best study pal.

Alternative Answer: I have been working in a multinational company for over three
years, and I work most of the time with my colleague "Emily". We two go together
really well, and it is well-known that we can solve many problems together. This is why
the management often assigns us to the same projects and tasks.

Q. What kinds of things do you study/work on with other people? [Why?]

Answer: I like to believe that I am a team player, and as a student, I like to study and
work on assignments with other people as it helps me understand the topics better.
When I discuss a lesson, no matter the subject or topic, with a group of other people or
a study partner, it becomes much easier to understand and more fun to deal with.

Alternative Answer: In my office, I am a part of a team, and my team is assigned

different tasks and projects. So I pretty much always work with other people for my
day-to-day responsibilities. This includes market research, competitor analysis, talking
to corporate clients, making a presentation, conducting meetings and so on.

Q. Are there times when you study/work better by yourself? [Why/Why not?]
Answer: Even though I prefer study groups and study partners for most parts of my
academic life, I prefer to study alone when it comes to preparing for the exam. This is
because I can control the pace of my study when I do so alone.

Alternative Answer: Sometimes I need to think outside the box and do some
brainstorming to solve a tough problem or bring innovation to an approach. In times
like this, I like to work alone. Besides, I often like to work on small presentations, like
making a few slides, all by myself. It gives me more freedom and time to think.

Q. Is it important to like the people you study/work with? [Why?/Why not?]

Answer: Yes, it is extremely important because if I do not like someone, I can barely
talk to them; let alone study with them or freely discuss different topics with them. I
believe that only like-minded people who have a good understanding among
themselves can be good study partners. If people in a group do not like each other, the
group would not sustain for long

Alternative Answer: It is highly important for me to like the people who I work with.
Whenever someone works in a group, he or she needs friendly, understanding,
agreeable members in the group. It is even more prevalent in an office setup where we
spend most of our waking hours and solve tough problems.

Part 2 - Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card

[The topic for your talk will be written on a card which the examiner will hand over to you.
Read it carefully and then make some brief notes.]

Describe a tourist attraction you enjoyed visiting.

You should say:

• what this tourist attraction is

• when and why you visited it

• what you did there

and explain why you enjoyed visiting this tourist attraction.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think
about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

[Examiner: All right? Remember you have one to two minutes for this, so don't worry if I
stop you. I'll tell you when the time is up. Can you start speaking now, please?]

Click here for the answer to this Cue Card Topic

Part 3 - Details discussion:

Discussion topic: "Different kinds of tourist attractions".

Q. What are the most popular tourist attractions in your country?

Answer: Our country is famous for its lavish natural beauty, historical buildings,
architectural feats, food streets, and sandy beaches. Those places, along with large
museums, theatres and some beautiful islands attract millions of visitors each year. On
an average evening, if you go for a walk in a park in our capital city, you will notice
many foreign tourists. Finally, many shopping malls, these days, are also popular
destinations among visiting tourists.
Q. How do the types of tourist attractions that younger people like to visit compare
with those that older people like to visit?
Answer: I believe some tourist attractions like a sea beach, mountain, lake or a modern
shopping mall are loved by people of all ages. However, when it comes to the
differences between the tourist attractions preferred by younger people and old people,
there are some subtle distinctions. For instance, younger people often love places that
have parties and loud music going on and have great nightlife activities. On the
contrary, elder people often avoid loud music and parties and want to relax and enjoy
themselves. Finally, when elder people are up to the historical values of a place, the
younger generation often prefers places that offer adventures.

Q. Do you agree that some tourist attractions (e.g. national museums/galleries) should
be free to visit?
Answer: Yes, I wholeheartedly believe that most museums and galleries that are funded
by or supported by the state should offer free entry. This is primarily because when I
see young people and tourists hanging out at a bar or shopping mall regularly, but
scarcely visiting a museum or art gallery, it worries me. Some art galleries and
exhibitions are expensive and not accessible for young students. This has a huge
negative consequence. Due to this, our younger generation is learning very little about
our history, art and culture. The same goes when tourists roam around the city except
for places where lies our national history. This is not desirable at all.

Discussion topic: "The importance of international tourism".

Q. Why is tourism important to a country?

Answer: Well, to start with, tourism boosts the local economy, increases the foreign
currency reserve, creates job opportunities, develops local infrastructure, and
contributes to the national economy. Moreover, it helps promote the cultural diversity
and uniqueness of a country while also fostering global peace. Some countries, like the
Maldives, Macau, Aruba, Bahamas, Fiji, and Croatia, rely on the tourism sector to a great
extent as they earn a large portion of their GDP from this sector alone. Finally, when
tourists interact with local people and get to learn about them, it removes any
prejudice and biases they might have. It, in turn, promotes tolerance and global peace.

Q. What are the benefits to individuals of visiting another country as tourists?

Answer: Travelling to another country is immensely important for individuals as it
broadens our horizon of knowledge, views and understanding. It enhances our
creativity, improves our communication skills, and boosts our confidence. According to
a recent study, people who have travelled to different countries are likely to have at
least 20% more confidence when facing new challenges. It also helps us make good
memories, make new friends, and let us see the world from a different perspective.
Q. How necessary is it for tourists to learn the language of the country they're visiting?
Answer: If someone is visiting a country only for a while (let's say for a few weeks),
learning the language is not much rewarding, especially in this era when English is
used ubiquitously all around us. The effort and time to learn a language are huge when
you will be only staying for a while and please consider that countries like India have
more than twenty languages. On the other hand, if someone is going to stay in a
country for more than a year, the effort would be rewarding as people always adore
foreigners who can interacts (even a tiny bit) in their own language.

IELTS Speaking Test # 115

IELTS Band 8/9 level Speaking sample.

Part 1 Topic: "Languages".

Part 2 Topic: "Describe a website that you bought something from".
Part 3 Topic: "Shopping online" & "The culture of consumerism".

Part 1 - Introduction & Interview

[This part of the test begins with the examiner introducing himself or herself and checking
the candidate’s identification. It then continues as an interview. In the interview, the
examiner asks the candidate about his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics.]

Topic - "Languages."

Q. How many languages can you speak? [Why/Why not?]

Answer: I can speak three different languages - My mother tongue, English and Spanish.
I can speak the first language, obviously because it is the language of my home
country. As for the two foreign languages, I can speak English because I learned it at
school, and the other one is because it is very similar to my mother tongue.

Q. How useful will English be to you in your future? [Why/Why not?]

Answer: Well, since "English" arguably is the most widely spoken language around the
world, there is no doubt that this language is going to be very useful for my future,
especially in regards with finding a better career opportunity and communication.
Moreover, I have a plan to travel to as many countries as possible in the future, and
then English would be the language to communicate with others. Finally, it will help
me read many books that I wish to read in the future.

Q. What do you remember about learning languages at school? [Why/Why not?]

Answer: As far as I can remember, it wasn’t really much of an issue for me to learn any
of the languages, which I can speak, mainly because I overall enjoyed learning them. In
some cases, I even used to boast about my foreign language learning skills and abilities
to my classmates. My language teachers always appreciated my effort and performance
in the class while learning a foreign language and it inspired me to do even better.

Q. What do you think would be the hardest language for you to learn? [Why?]
Answer: Well, I haven’t exactly tried to learn any other languages than the ones I can
already know about. But, I think that Chinese, Mandarine to be more exact, language is
going to be the hardest language to learn because one literally has to memorize
thousands of its characters.

Part 2 - Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card

[The topic for your talk will be written on a card which the examiner will hand over to you.
Read it carefully and then make some brief notes.]

Describe a website that you bought something from.

You should say:

• what the website is

• what you bought from this website

• how satisfied you were with what you bought

and explain what you liked or disliked about using this website.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think
about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

[Examiner: All right? Remember you have one to two minutes for this, so don't worry if I
stop you. I'll tell you when the time is up. Can you start speaking now, please?]

Part 3 - Details discussion:

Discussion topic: "Shopping online".

Q. What kinds of things do people in your country often buy from online shops?
Answer: With the increasing popularity of online shopping among all kinds of
customers, no wonder that many people in my country are also taking its advantages,
especially during this time of the pandemic, by ordering foods, medicines and regular
grocery items. Other than these things, people are using online shops also to buy
electronic devices, home appliances, clothing items, cosmetics, perfumes, computers,
mobile/smartphones, and fashionable items from wristwatches to sunglass and every
other thing in between.

Q. Why do you think online shopping has become so popular nowadays?

Answer: Online shopping has become popular all over the world nowadays for several
reasons. Number one reason is that it saves our time and energy since we don’t have to
run to a physical store, deal with the crowds and stand in lines to buy things. Another
reason is that it offers a wide range of options in choosing a product and price
comparison before actually buying a product. Besides, the fear of being infected by the
recent Covid-19 Virus, while going outside to do the shopping, also has made online
shopping popular these days.

Q. What are some possible disadvantages of buying things from online shops?
Answer: There are several disadvantages to buying things from online shops. The
major one is probably the "delivery" as most of the times, delivery doesn’t arrive on
time, and even if it arrives on time, the product/the product package gets damaged.
Then, of course, the price of the product is also an issue as it gets higher because of
adding the shipping charge with it. Finally, there are also chances of being scammed as
the delivered products can be inferior in quality to the products that are shown on the

Discussion topic: "The culture of consumerism".

Q. Why do many people today keep buying things which they do not need?
Answer: Well, people like to attribute different reasons to the culture of consumerism,
but the major ones could be summarized like these: we think that possessing more and
more things will make us feel more secured and happy in life. Then we try to impress
other people or want to feel more important in front of others with the things that we
own. And finally, we, in general, are more susceptible to the advertisements on the
media and their catchy messages than we like to believe.

Q. Do you believe the benefits of a consumer society outweigh the disadvantages?

Answer: Well, it is a tough question to answer as there is no conclusive research data or
evidence to simply say “yes” or "no". But, when we look at our societies which seem to
have become more affluent and happy with their works and lifestyles, it is really hard
to suggest that consumerism trend has many disadvantages. Besides, given the fact
that the culture of consumerism has resulted in more international commerce and
communication among people from different parts of the world, it also suggests that it
has many benefits. On the other hand, the way people have become materialistic and
self-centred, and the way the gap between the rich and poor has widened, makes it
hard to say that this trend only has positive effects.

Q. How possible is it to avoid the culture of consumerism?

Answer: In my humble opinion, in this age of international trade and commerce, it is
almost difficult to avoid the culture of consumerism because we have become so much
used to the luxury and comfort of life. After all, it is mostly the culture of consumerism
which encourages us to become more productive in our life, which, in turn, makes sure
that people have food on their tables, houses to live in, and clothes to wear. We have to
have some kinds of genuine hopes to survive in this world, and the culture of
consumerism does just that.

ELTS Speaking Test # 114

IELTS Band 8/9 Speaking Sample.

Part 1 Topic: "Email".

Part 2 Topic: "Describe a hotel that you know."
Part 3 Topic: "Staying in hotels" & "Working in a hotel".

Part 1 - Introduction & Interview

[This part of the test begins with the examiner introducing himself or herself and checking
the candidate’s identification. It then continues as an interview. In the interview, the
examiner asks the candidate about his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics.]

Topic - "Email".

Q. What kinds of emails do you receive about your work or studies?

Answer: At my work, I receive at least a few emails every day either from my boss or co-
workers. Most of these emails are sent to me either to update me about the work
progress on a certain task or project, or to inform me about the tasks that I should take
care of.

Q. Do you prefer to email, phone or text your friends? [Why?]

Answer: I always prefer to send text messages or emails to my friends, instead of
calling them, mainly because it allows me to organize my thoughts more thoroughly.
Besides, it also allows me to become more flexible with my communication since I
don’t get “forced” to say something that I don’t want to.

Q. Do you reply to emails and messages as soon as you receive them? [Why/Why not?]
Answer: Yes, I do have a habit of replying my emails as soon as possible because I want
the message senders to know that the message has reached the right person. Besides, I
do it also because doing so gives me peace of mind, knowing that I value other people
as well as their needs.

Q. Are you happy to receive emails that are advertising things? [Why/Why not?]
Answer: No, I don’t really feel happy to receive emails that send advertising because
they waste my valuable time by confusing me to a point where I just don’t know
whether to read them or not. Besides, sometimes such emails carry computer viruses or
other harmful things.

Part 2 - Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card

[The topic for your talk will be written on a card which the examiner will hand over to you.
Read it carefully and then make some brief notes.]

Describe a hotel that you know.

You should say:

• where this hotel is

• what this hotel looks like

• what facilities this hotel has

and explain whether you think this is a nice hotel to stay in.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think
about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

[Examiner: All right? Remember you have one to two minutes for this, so don't worry if I
stop you. I'll tell you when the time is up. Can you start speaking now, please?]

Click here for the answer to this Cue Card Topic

On my recent visit to Thailand, which I took about a couple of months ago, I stayed at a hotel
in Bangkok. Frankly speaking, I think that it was one of the best hotels in a very serene
environment, in which I have ever stayed, and today I would like to talk about it here.

Anyway, located in the Dusit district of Bangkok, a little more than 8 kilometres away
from Bangkok downtown, this stunningly beautiful looking, private urban sanctuary sits
on 3 acres of a lush garden and by one of the famous rivers of Bangkok. Easily being
considered one of the best heritage-style, luxury hotels in Bangkok, it has all the
ingredients to “awe-inspire” the guests with its marvellous antiques and decoration.

Taking elegance to the extreme, this hotel offers plenty of panache with its silent
marble corridors, arranged around a central courtyard under glass with some incredible
vegetation and plenty of natural light. With about 40 spacious rooms, this vast property
is scattered with pieces from the owner's art collection, including breathtaking wooden
Buddha statues from the 16th century, and has everything from an infinity pool to
multiple dining venues to a library, cinema, gym, and spa -- while maintaining an
intimate vibe. Secluded Villas offer private pools, hot tubs, and rooftop terraces.
All rooms include breakfast, butler service, and free long-tail boat service along the
river. Besides, its huge public area, and enormous banana trees, surrounding its water
pond on a three-storied high atrium, would make one feel like he or she is in a huge

Anyway, I think that this is one of the nicest hotels, I have ever seen and where I have
stayed. One of the best features of this hotel is that it makes sure that all of its guests
have plenty of space around them so that they never feel congested. Another
remarkable aspect of this hotel is that every element in it, including the art pieces,
decoration and design, feels like they all are the functional parts of the overall design
of this luxury retreat.

Model Answer 2:

Thank you very much for this topic. As a traveller, I think that hotels are an essential
part of the travel experience. They provide a temporary home away from home, and it is
crucial to find one that suits our needs. I have stayed in many hotels in different parts
of the world, but the one that stands out is the Marriott Hotel.

Where the hotel is:

The Marriott Hotel is situated in the heart of the city in the commercial district of our
country. It is conveniently located, and you can easily get to the main tourist
attractions, shopping areas, and restaurants.

What this hotel looks like:

The Marriott Hotel is an impressive 20-story building with modern architecture. The
lobby is spacious, and the decor is tasteful. The hotel has a modern feel, and everything
is well-maintained. The rooms are spacious, and the beds are comfortable, ensuring a
good night's sleep.

What facilities this hotel has:

The Marriott Hotel has a range of facilities to make your stay comfortable and
enjoyable. The hotel has a fitness centre, a swimming pool, a spa, and a sauna. The
hotel also has a range of restaurants that serve different cuisines, and the food is of
excellent quality. The hotel offers free Wi-Fi, which is convenient for guests who need
to work or stay connected with family and friends.

And explain whether you think this is a nice hotel to stay in:
In my opinion, the Marriott Hotel is an excellent place to stay. The staff is friendly and
helpful, and the service is of the highest standard. The hotel's facilities are excellent,
and the food is delicious. The location is convenient, and you can easily get to different
parts of the city. The Marriott Hotel is a perfect choice for both business and leisure
travellers, and I would highly recommend it.

Part 3 - Details discussion:

Discussion topic: "Staying in hotels".

Q. What things are important when people are choosing a hotel?

Answer: Well, I can’t really speak for other people here because, frankly speaking, there
could be “millions” of important things for them for which they choose a hotel. But as
far as I am concerned, I choose a hotel based on a couple of important factors: one is
how far it really is from the noises, hustling and bustling of city life so that I can have a
sound and interruption-free sleep at night. The other important factor is how spacious
the hotel really is so that I don’t feel congested or suffocated in it, especially, when
there are too many guests there. From the reviews I often read about hotels, I can say
that people often prioritise rent amount, location and amenities of a hotel while
booking or deciding to stay there.

Q. Why do some people not like staying in hotels?

Answer: In my opinion, some people don’t like to stay in hotels for a couple of reasons.
The number one reason probably is that they don’t just feel enough comfortable
(probably even feel a bit unsafe and scared as opposed to living in a familiar place with
familiar people) in such environment where too many unknown and strange people
live. Another reason could be that they don’t get enough privacy (again, it is “privacy”,
not a fear factor) at a hotel, especially, when they need to finish some important tasks
in an isolated environment.

Q. Do you think staying in a luxury hotel is a waste of money?

Answer: As far as I am concerned, I never really like to stay at a “luxury” hotel, (even
though, luxury is a “relative” term) and pay too much money to rent it because I do
think that it is a terrible waste of money. Of course, if you are celebrating a wedding
anniversary or celebrating multi-million dollar business deal, then it is a different thing.
But, just to have some nice sleep at night and a place to relax, spending anything extra
beyond a “reasonable” amount of money is certainly considered to be a waste of money
in my book. But, it is quite different for rich people who would be ready to spend an
exorbitant amount of money to stay in a luxury hotel due to the amenities and
environment these hotels offer.

Discussion topic: "Working in a hotel".

Q. Do you think hotel work is a good career for life?
Answer: Speaking from a personal experience (Yes, I have worked as an Assistant
Manager at a hotel when I was a young college student), I don’t really think that hotel
work, in most of the cases, is a good career choice for life, mainly because it is a
“service-oriented” industry or career. In other words, in service-oriented careers, there
isn’t any tangible skills or abilities to display, be it to a customer or the superiors, and
as such it is not always easy for others to value the skills, no matter how good one
really is at his or her job. So career growth is a big issue here. But if someone is really
passionate about working in a large hotel and meeting new people daily, it could be a
different story for him or her.

Q. How does working in a big hotel compare with working in a small hotel?
Answer: I think that working in a big hotel has more advantages than working in a
small hotel. For example, a big hotel usually would have more opportunities for career
growth since they will always need more skilled people to do the jobs. Besides, the
chances of getting “laid-off” at a big hotel are rather slim since there will probably be
another opportunity in a different department. Finally, working at a big hotel, like a
large hotel chain, will offer you a better job satisfaction since people would value you
more for working at a bigger and famous place.

Q. What skills are needed to be a successful hotel manager?

Answer: Well, in order to become a successful hotel manager, a person would pretty
much need to know anything and everything that is related to hotel operation, finance,
customer service, hygiene and cleanliness, superior communication skills and team
building. Besides, in order to become a successful hotel manager, one would also need
to understand the industry trends, as well as the taste and preferences of a diversified
group of prospective customers during different times of the year so that the manager
can make an informed decision about his or her service and pricing strategies.

IELTS Speaking Test # 100

Part 1 Topic: "Photographs".

Part 2 Topic: "Describe a day when you thought the weather was perfect".
Part 3 Topic: "Types of weather" & "Weather forecasts".

Part One - Introduction

[This part of the test begins with the examiner introducing himself or herself and checking
the candidate’s identification. It then continues as an interview. In the interview, the
examiner asks the candidate about his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics.]
Topic - Photographs:

Q. What type of photos do you like taking? [Why/Why not?]

A. This is an interesting topic and to be honest, up until now I have not thought about
it. It was kind of amusing to think about the type of photos I like taking. Well, I like to
take photos of natural sceneries, birds and people. While taking a person's photo, I love
to take my daughter's snapshot the most.

Q. What do you do with photos you take? [Why/Why not?]

A. Well, at first I sort out the photos worth saving for the future and then I delete the
snapshots I do not like. I have a Flickr account, which is the most popular online photo
sharing and storing platform, and I upload the photos I select for saving. I share some
photos on my Facebook and Instagram account. A few years ago I used to print the
pictures I liked the most but I do not do that these days.

Q. When you visit other places, do you take photos or buy postcards? [Why/Why not?]
A. This is another intriguing question for me. Whenever I visit a new place, I love to
capture the memory in my smartphone and camera. Buying postcard was something I
did in my childhood, but not these days. Postcards have become less common and they
are hard to find these days, especially in my country.

Q. Do you like people taking photos of you? [Why/Why not?]

A. This is a hard question for me to answer and I would be completely honest here. I
mostly do not allow others to take random photos of mine. However, if I find that there
is a group of people and they expect me to be on the frame, I do not oppose it.
However, my usual doctrine for letting others capture my photo is not applicable for my
daughter. Whenever she is ready to take a shot, I obey her order!!!

Part 2 - Cue Card / Candidate Task Card

[The topic for your talk will be written on a card which the examiner will hand you. Read it
carefully and then make some brief notes.]

Describe a day when you thought the weather was perfect.

You should say:

• where you were on this day

• what the weather was like on this day

• what you did during the day

and explain why you thought the weather was perfect on this day.
[ You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think
about what you’re going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

[Examiner: All right? Remember you have one to two minutes for this, so don't worry if I
stop you. I'll tell you when the time is up. Can you start speaking now, please?]

Sample Answer to this Cue Card Topic:

Weather is an important part of our lives, and it can impact our mood, productivity and
activities. I have experienced many different weather conditions in my life, and some of those
days stand out in my memory as the perfect day in terms of weather. Here, I am going to talk
about one such day when my impression was that the weather was just too perfect. Here, I will
also mention why I considered it perfect.

Where I was on this day:

The day I am referring to was a day in late summer. I was in my hometown, which is a
small city located in the countryside of the United Kingdom. The town is surrounded by
lush green fields and forests, and it has a charming and peaceful atmosphere.

What the weather was like on this day:

On this particular day, the weather was absolutely perfect. It was sunny, warm and
breezy with clear blue skies. The temperature was just right, not too hot or too cold,
and there was a refreshing breeze blowing through the town. It was the kind of weather
that made you want to spend time outdoors and enjoy the beauty of nature.

What you did during the day:

I decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and went for a long walk in the
countryside. I walked along the narrow country lanes, through the fields and forests,
and along the riverbank. The scenery was breathtaking, and the fresh air was
invigorating. I also met some friendly locals along the way, and we exchanged
pleasantries and had a brief chat.

And explain why you thought the weather was perfect on this day:
I considered this day perfect because the weather was ideal for outdoor activities, it
was not too hot or cold, and the clear blue skies made the scenery even more beautiful.
It was a day that brought joy and positivity to my life, and it left me feeling energized
and rejuvenated. The beautiful weather and the stunning scenery made me appreciate
the beauty of nature, and it reminded me of how lucky I am to be alive.

Part 3 - Two-way Discussion:

Discussion topics: Types of weather:

Q. What types of weather do people in your country dislike most? Why is that?
A. Well, we live in a tropical country and people hate it when the temperature and
humidity are high. They love the rain but heavy downpour sometimes causes trouble
and people hate this as well. During the summer, we have Nor'wester and we also
dislike it.

Q. What jobs can be affected by different weather conditions? Why?

A. Jobs which require employees in a city to stay outside, communicate with people or
visit different factories and offices are mostly affected by the adverse weather
condition. In rural areas, fishermen and farmers cannot continue their works due to
unusual weather as well. In fact, everyone wants a shiny and comfortable whether to
go to their offices or workplace and any exception can cause discomfort.

Q. Are there any important festivals in your country that celebrate a season or type of
A. Yes, people in Singapore have many such festivals. Every year in July, we have an
authentic Asian culinary fare especially to celebrate the food festival in Singapore.
Another such festival is called the Mid-Autumn Festival and it is observed on the 15th
day of the lunar month, the Mid-Autumn. This festival is also known as the Mooncake
or Lantern Festival and it is traditionally celebrated during the farming year of the
abundant harvest.

Discussion topics:Weather forecasts:

Q. How important do you think it is for everyone to check what the next day’s weather
will be? Why?
A. The weather greatly affects the daily routine and schedule of each individual. From
a schoolboy to a corporate big shot, everyone has a plan for the next day and if proper
preparation is not taken based on the weather forecast, the day may simply be ruined.
This is why everybody should look at the weather forecast for the next day and prepare
accordingly. I myself regularly check the weather prediction in AccuWeather, an online
weather forecasting application, and plan my days ahead.

Q. What is the best way to get accurate information about the weather?
A. These days, reliable and large weather forecasting service providers are the best
source for this. AccuWeather, CNN weather, BBC Weather are some of the most reliable
weather forecasting service providers who cover almost every city and country in the
world for offering their service. With the widespread popularity of smartphones, many
authentic applications have emerged to provide this service as well. Weather
forecasting news on TV channels are also reliable but they are less convenient to
follow, in my opinion.

Q. How easy or difficult is it to predict the weather in your country? Why is that?
A. Well, it is not that difficult these days and many solid predictions of storms and
disasters have saved countless people in recent years. However, it was not that easy
only a decade ago when the weather forecasting department had to rely on primitive
devices. With the advancement of satellite and computer technology, this has become
easier and more accurate. Having said that, I must mention that 'it is still a prediction'
and not "something 100% accurate".

IELTS Speaking Test # 101

Part 1 Topic: 'Food and cooking'.

Part 2 Topic: 'Describe a house/apartment that someone you know lives in'.
Part 3 Topic: 'Different types of home' & 'Finding a place to live'.

Part One - Introduction & Interview

[This part of the test begins with the examiner introducing himself or herself and checking
the candidate’s identification. It then continues as an interview. In the interview, the
examiner asks the candidate about his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics.]

Topic: Food and cooking:

Q. What sorts of food do you like eating most? [Why?]

A. I mostly like to eat traditional food and anything that is healthy. From this regard, I
prefer homemade food over fast food items. Some of my favourite food items are dates,
fruits, fish, Kabsa, Maqluba, Shuwaa, vegetables and Khabees.

Homemade food, our traditional food, fish, vegetables and fruits that I prefer are far
better than the street food and fast food in terms of their food value and nutritional
aspects. I believe eating habit takes time to grow and for a long, I have tried to follow a
good diet.

Q. Who normally does the cooking in your home? [Why/Why not?]

A. Well, my mother is in charge to prepare food and look after the menu. We have a
housemaid who helps my mother in that. Sometimes my elder sister assists my mom in
cooking but this is a very rare occasion as she is quite busy with her studies.

Q. Do you watch cookery programmes on TV? [Why/Why not?]

A. Cooking is not my passion and I rarely try to cook in real-life. However, watching
cookery programmes on TV is very interesting, at least to me. I often watch cookery TV
shows like Baking With Julia, Daisy Cooks!, MasterChef, and World Class Cuisine and
like the way they present new menus and their excellent way of cooking. They have
taken cooking into the next level and it seems like cooking is an art whenever I watch
such a programme.

Q. In general, do you prefer eating out or eating at home? [Why?]

A. I usually avoid eating outside and prefer to eat homemade food. Homemade food
items have better taste, superior food values and I enjoy my dinner with my family
members more than eating in a restaurant or a bistro. Furthermore, restaurant foods are
quite expensive in my country.

Part 2 - Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card

[The topic for your talk will be written on a card which the examiner will hand you. Read it
carefully and then make some brief notes.]

Describe a house/apartment that someone you know lives in.

You should say:

• whose house/apartment this is

• where the house/apartment is

• what it looks like inside

and explain what you like or dislike about this person’s house/apartment.

[ You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think
about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

[Examiner: All right? Remember you have one to two minutes for this, so don't worry if I
stop you. I'll tell you when the time is up. Can you start speaking now, please?]

Sample Answer to this Cue Card Topic:

Part 3 - Two-way Discussion:

Discussion topics - Different types of home:

Q. What kinds of home are most popular in your country? Why is this?
A. In urban areas, high-rising buildings are the most common accommodation type for
people in my country. Even though many of them like an independent two-storied
bungalow, this is not affordable for all. Only rich people have such houses.

The villages have mud houses, and tent houses which look quite different and have a
great traditional value in my country. With the modernisation and increasing
population, the traditional houses are being replaced by high-rising modern buildings.

Q. What do you think are the advantages of living in a house rather than an apartment?
A. Houses are usually capacious, have spaces in front of it and offer better views than
the apartments. A house owner can design the house the way he/she likes, expand it
and can change the architect on his/her wish. Moreover, a homeowner enjoys great
freedom and have access to fresh air and enough sunlight that the apartment dwellers
often miss.
Q. Do you think that everyone would like to live in a larger home? Why is that?
A. I believe so. If people have had a choice, almost everyone would love to live in a
large house rather than an apartment.

An apartment is a minimum arrangement for a family to have some rooms to live in. It
does not offer open space, facilities to have gardens, flower plants and yard. The
homeowners, on the contrary, can enjoy these facilities and have greater freedom
which is unimaginable in an apartment.

Finding a place to live:

Q. How easy is it to find a place to live in your country?

A. Well, it is moderately easier in a small town but quite difficult in a large city. Big
cities are already struggling to accommodate a large number of population and proper
housing is a problem for many. If someone does not have a large sum of money to
spend on his accommodation per month, he will surely find it hard to arrange a nice
place to live in.

Q. Do you think it’s better to rent or to buy a place to live in? Why?
A. I think owning a house is far better than renting one. However, this varies from
person to person and if the person wants to permanently settle in a place, he/she
should think about purchasing a place rather than renting one. However, for a brief
staying, renting is a better option in my opinion.

Q. Do you agree that there is a right age for young adults to stop living with their
parents? Why is that?
A. I do not think that someone should ever leave his/her parents permanently, at least I
would never do that. However, it is quite logical that someone needs to leave his/her
house for better education and job opportunities but this does not mean that someone
has to decide it at a certain age.

But, if someone decides that he has lived with his parents for a long period of time and
now the time has come for him to start living with his fiance or friends, that would be a
different case. In my country, a boy or a girl leaves the house for higher studies and
reunite with the family after she/he has a job.

IELTS Speaking Test # 102

Part 1 Topic: "Names".

Part 2 Topic: "Describe a TV documentary you watched that was particularly
Part 3 Topic: "Different types of TV programmes" & "TV advertising".

Part One - Introduction

[This part of the test begins with the examiner introducing himself or herself and checking
the candidate’s identification. It then continues as an interview. In the interview, the
examiner asks the candidate about his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics.]

Topic - Names:

Q. How did your parents choose your name(s)?

A. It is a tradition in our country that newly-become-parents discuss with relatives and
friends about the name of the newborn. Many relatives suggest names and parents
even search online for great names. As I heard from my father, he and my mom did the
same. However, instead of searching online, as the internet was yet to be available
back then, they bought a book that listed several hundred names for newborns. Finally,
they took my grandmother's suggestion and named me Vida.

Q. Does your name have any special meaning?

A. Yes, the name has a nice meaning, at least to me and my parents! The word 'Vida',
which is my first name, means 'dearly loved'.

Q. Is your name common or unusual in your country?

A. I don't think it is that rare as I have encountered several other girls in my life who
share the same name. However, I would not say that the name 'Vida' is very common as

Q. If you could change your name, would you? [Why/Why not?]

A. Definitely not. I love my name and the very sound of this name gives a special
feeling in my heart and mind. I am "Vida" to my parents, relatives, friends and I want to
be it to the rest of the world for the rest of my life.

Part 2 - Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card

[The topic for your talk will be written on a card which the examiner will hand you. Read it
carefully and then make some brief notes.]

Describe a TV documentary you watched that was particularly interesting.

You should say:

• what the documentary was about

• why you decided to watch it

• what you learnt during the documentary

and explain why the TV documentary was particularly interesting.

[ You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think
about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

[Examiner: All right? Remember you have one to two minutes for this, so don't worry if I
stop you. I'll tell you when the time is up. Can you start speaking now, please?]

Sample answer to this Cue Card Topic:

Part 3 - Two-way Discussion/ Details Discussion:

Discussion topics: Different types of TV programmes:

Q. What are the most popular kinds of TV programmes in your country? Why is this?
A. I guess the news, talk shows and TV series are the most popular TV programmes in
our country. People love to get updates and most of the TV channels have some sort of
news programmes. This is why people want to watch the news daily. Talks shows give
an insight into a pressing issue and bring many popular personalities to the programme
and people love to watch what they have got to say on an issue. TV series is highly
entertaining and have many genres and viewers can always pick their favourite series
based on their preferences. Personally, I like TV series and news programmes. Apart
from that, some music and sports channels have gained huge popularity in recent days
and I am a fan of these channels as well.

Q. Do you think there are too many game shows on TV nowadays? Why?
A. I think the number of sports and game shows is on the rise and it is interesting to
notice that a good number of sports channels has gained tremendous followers these
days. Game shows are entertaining and exciting and people love to watch their
favourite sports team win a competition. Following the national team compete in the
international stage is a passion for many and the TV channels want to reach those
audiences. Apart from that, quiz shows, game shows and other shows related to sports
are also gaining popularity.

Q. Do you think TV is the main way for people to get the news in your country? What
other ways are there?
A. I think TV is still the main source for people in my country to get news and updates
on current events. With the increasing popularity of the Internet and social networking
platform, many young people opt to the Internet for getting news. However, TV is still
the main source for news for the whole nation.

Among other common sources for news, people rely on radio, newspaper and
magazines. Obviously, a great proportion of people these days depend on the Internet
for the latest news.

Discussion topics: TV advertising:

Q. What types of products are advertised most often on TV?

A. I would rather say what type of products and services are not on the TV? Starting
from cosmetics, household appliances and cars manufacturers, online stores, fast food
chains shops, real estate businesses and so on all want their presence on TV and to
attract more people to their products and services. I personally believe beauty products
and electronic products have the highest number of TV advertisements in our country
and whenever I turn on a channel, their adverts are there.

Q. Do you think that people pay attention to adverts on TV? Why do you think that is?
A. I think people pay attention to TV ads even after they are bombarded with those
adverts constantly. Sometimes people pay attention to those adverts willingly and
sometimes unconsciously. I believe that whenever someone has to pick a product from
a store, which offers a large number of brands and manufacturers, people opt for the
one they have noticed on TV. Besides, whenever someone is in front of a TV set, his
eyes and ears concentrate on the things shown on the screen, and even though many of
us are irritated with the number of adverts shown on TV, we have no alternatives if we
want to watch our favourite programmes on TV.

Q. How important are regulations on TV advertising?

A. I think every advert should go through a rigid screening before they are live on TV.
The authority should make sure that the advertisement is suitable for the whole family,
do not broadcast fake products or services and does comply with the advertisement

IELTS Speaking Test # 103

Part 1 Topic: "Friends".

Part 2 Topic: "Describe a writer you would like to meet".
Part 3 Topic: "Reading and children" & "Reading for different purposes".

Part One - Introduction

[This part of the test begins with the examiner introducing himself or herself and checking
the candidate’s identification. It then continues as an interview. In the interview, the
examiner asks the candidate about his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics.]

Topic - Friends:

Q. How often do you go out with friends? [Why/Why not?]

Answer: I go out with my friends almost two or three times a week. During my
university years, it was more frequent but these days, I cannot hang out with friends or
see them that much as I have got busy with my job and other responsibilities.

Q. Tell me about your best friend at school.

Answer: Well, my best friend in my school days was John and in fact, he is still my best
buddy. He is a compassionate, talented and honest individual. We had our ups and
downs in our school days but he had always been there for me. He is now an architect
and works for a large company in our city. He is married to Maria, a girl from our
college, and they are happily married. I value our friendship and so does he.

Q. How friendly are you with your neighbours? [Why/Why not?]

Answer: Except for a particular rude neighbour, I have a good relationship with almost
all our next-door-neighbours. We live in our area as if we are close relatives. There
were times they extended their helping hands to me when I most needed them. On
every major occasion, they invite my family and so do we. Despite our cultural, religious
and other differences, we are all good friends and I am lucky to be in such a great

Q. Which is more important to you, friends or family? [Why?]

Answer: This is a tough question to answer! I value my family over my friends. However,
this does not mean that my friends do not have a special place in my heart. Family
comes first and they are the individuals I feel most connected with. Everyone has a
responsibility to look after his/her family and support them unconditionally. This is true
for friends as well but the responsibility and bond between family members are acuter,
I believe. Some of our friends are quite important while some are not. This is not the
case for the family members as all of them are supremely important to me.

Part 2 - Cue Card / Candidate Task Card

[The topic for your talk will be written on a card which the examiner will hand you. Read it
carefully and then make some brief notes.]

Describe a writer you would like to meet.

You should say:

• who the writer is

• what you know about this writer already

• what you would like to find out about him/her

and explain why you would like to meet this writer.

[ You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think
about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

[Examiner: All right? Remember you have one to two minutes for this, so don't worry if I
stop you. I'll tell you when the time is up. Can you start speaking now, please?]

Answer to this Cue Card Topic:

Part 3 - Two-way Discussion:

Discussion topics: Reading and children.

Q. What kinds of books are most popular with children in your country? Why do you
think that is?
Answer: Well, from my experience and observation I can say that comics, detective
books, rhyme collections, fairy tales, and fictions are more popular among children in
my country. Young children prefer comics and books that have nice illustration while
teenagers like to read detective books and fiction. Among girls, fairy tales are more
endured. In my childhood, I had been a great fan of detective books and mystery books.

Q. Why do you think some children do not read books very often?
Answer: Reading books is a habit and once a child starts feeling the unbound pleasure
a book can offer, he/she becomes a book-lover. However, there are some who do not
develop this habit either because he/she was too busy with other activities to dive his
nose on a good book or because his parents did not inspire him to try reading books
outside of the academic syllabus. Young children mimic their parents and if neither of
the parents is a good reader, it is less likely that a child would start reading all by

Q. How do you think children can be encouraged to read more?

Answer: As I have already said, parents need to be readers and motivate children to
read books. They should read books to their children every night and let the young
minds search for a world hidden in books. They should also be very prudent while
selecting books for the offspring and can take help from the Internet as many websites
list down " the most suitable books" based on a child's age. Teachers, on the other
hand, can play a great role in school and can motivate young students to read more
books by arranging reading sessions.

Discussion topics: Reading for different purposes.

Q. Are there any occasions when reading at speed is a useful skill to have? What are
Answer: Well, as far as I can recall, being able to read at a fast speed is quite helpful for
everyone, especially for students. Many exams, including IELTS and TOEFL, require a
student to skim through the passages and get the gist as quickly as possible to answer
the questions. Slow reading would deter a candidate to effectively end the exam in
time and score well.

Besides, some reading competitions arranged in schools demand a student to read very
quickly and meticulously. Finally, to finish some assignments given in the college, a
student has to read many books and chapters. Those who do not have the speed-
reading skill, find it very challenging to complete those assignments.

Q. Are there any jobs where people need to read a lot? What are they?
Answer: Well, I can say that researchers, journalists, teachers, bloggers, business
analysts, writers and editors need to read a lot. I am pretty sure there must be many
other professions, apart from the ones I have mentioned, where people are required to
read every now and then. From my experience, I can say that reading is a must for a
researcher and so is it for a journalist. Bloggers have to read a lot to generate ideas and
get to know the competitors and this is true for a business analyst and editor as well.
Writers, always prefer to read and they are natural readers.

Q. Do you think that reading novels is more interesting than reading factual books?
Why is that?
Answer: This is really a tough question to answer and I am sure the answer will vary
from person to person. Personally, I was a die-hard fan of novels in my whole life and
found factual books less interesting. But this choice of mine has changed very recently.
These days, I prefer factual books more than a novel. I believe this choice has
something to do with the reader's taste, experience and age.

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