Back of Beyond Jan 2 23

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---------------- THE BACK OF BEYOND – SOCK PATTERN ---------------

Large photo above: Photography: Melinda Dela Costa; Model: Emma Fierberg
Originally published in Making Stories Magazine Issue 8


When I hear the word “campfire” I immediately think of our rustic camp in the woods. We often build a
campfire to cook up our meals, heat our water, or just to relax and enjoy the evening. To me, campfires
evoke a feeling of calm, quiet solitude – a back-to-basics feeling away from the hustle and bustle of daily
life. I hope knitting (and wearing) these socks brings you the same feeling.

Copyright 2023. All rights reserved Natalie Sheldon, Remembrances.

No part of this pattern may be reproduced in any form. This pattern is supplied for your personal and non-commercial use only.
Large picture, above: Ritual Dyes Maven (100% Rambouillet Wool; 242 metres / 265 yards per 50 g)
MC: Bone. 165 (195, 215, 240, 270) metres / 180 (215, 235, 265, 295) yards
CC: Chromite. 150 (185, 200, 225, 245) metres / 165 (200, 220, 245, 270) yards
Yarn for duplicate stitch (optional): approximately 1 metre/ 1 yard.

Sample with dark background: Legacy Fiber Artz (75% Superwash Merino, 25% Nylon; 423 meters.
463 yards per 100g). Heels/Toes/Cuffs: Grey Gardens, CC: Vanilla Bean.
Take the time to swatch carefully in the colourwork pattern
to ensure a good fit, using the needles you need to achieve
the desired gauge with the yarn you are using.
36 sts x 52 rounds = 10 cm / 4” in the round, on smaller
needle, after blocking – for heels and toes
In the round, in colourwork, on larger needle, after blocking:
Size 1: 40 sts x 45 rounds = 10 x 10 cm / 4 x 4”
Size 2: 38 sts x 42 rounds = 10 x 10 cm / 4 x 4”
Size 3: 35 sts x 38 rounds = 10 x 10 cm / 4 x 4”
Size 4: 33 sts x 36.5 rounds = 10 x 10 cm / 4 x 4”
Size 5: 31 sts x 35 rounds = 10 x 10 cm / 4 x 4” Same needle, same sts, both fingering weight.

FINISHED MEASUREMENTS – Sizes 1 (2, 3, 4, 5)

• Foot circumference: 17.5 (18.75, 20, 21.25, 22.5) cm / 6.75 (7.5, 8, 8.5, 9)”
• Leg length to heel, including cuff: 14 (14.75, 16, 16.5, 17.25) cm / 5.5 (5.8, 6.3, 6.5, 6.8)”


Heels and toes: 2.25 mm / US 1 dpns (or needle size to obtain gauge)
For Cuff: 2.25 (2.25, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75) mm / US 1 (US 1, US 1, US 1.5, US 2) dpns, 9” circulars, or circular needle
with a cable length of at least 80 cm / 32” (or needle size to obtain gauge)
For colourwork: 2.25 (2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25) mm / US 1 (US 1.5, US 2, US 2.5, US 3) dpns, 9” circulars, or circular
needle with a cable length of at least 80 cm / 32” (or needle size to obtain gauge)
Tapestry needle, scissors, 1 BOR stitch marker, scrap yarn, tape measure.


BOR: Beginning of round Measure the circumference of your foot or leg.
Circ: circular (needle) Remember that colourwork does not stretch like a stockinette,
CO: Cast on ribbed, or cabled sock. If you will be knitting on dpns, make your
Dpns: double pointed needles swatch on dpns. If you will be using 9” circulars, knit your swatch on
K: knit 9” circulars.
K2tog: knit 2 together
KFB: knit front and back You may need to adjust your needle size, or maybe even change the
P: purl yarn you chose to achieve your desired size. For this sock, the size is
PM: place marker entirely determined by gauge. Keep in mind that even 2 fingering
PSSO: pass slipped stitch over weight yarns knit on the same size needle can act entirely differently
S: slip when knit up into your sock. If this is your first time using a specific
SSK: slip slip knit: 1 stitch decreased yarn for colourwork, definitely do a swatch.
St(s): stitch(es)

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CUFF: Use smaller needle size for the cuff.

With MC, CO 68 sts on smaller needle using the Long Tail Cast-on.
Join for knitting in the round. PM for BOR.
Ribbing Round: *k2, p2* repeat to end of round.
Repeat ribbing round for 19 more rounds, or for desired cuff length.
SET UP ROUND: US1 (2.25 mm) needles
K33, kfb, k33, kfb [70 sts]
LEG: Use larger needle to obtain gauge of your choice.
Change to larger needles for colourwork section.
Begin working from Chart A, until Rounds 1-45 are complete.
Set-Up Round:
Work sts 1-35 for Round 46 of Chart A.
K next 35 sts onto scrap yarn in a highly contrasting colour.
Transfer 35 scrap yarn sts back to the left-hand needle. Pm for BOR.
Continue onto the foot, using working yarn.

FOOT: Use larger needles to obtain gauge of your choice, as for leg.
Begin working Chart B (Tent version) or Chart C (Trailer version), until foot measures 9 cm / 3.5” less than
desired length from the scrap yarn. Break MC.
If more length is required after the chart is complete, continue in stockinette in CC until foot measures 9 cm /
3.5” less than desired length from the scrap yarn.

TOE: Change to smaller needles and use CC for the toe.

Instructions are specifically for magic loop. [N1: 35 sts; N2: 35 sts; 70 sts total]
Round 1: K all sts
Round 2:
N1: K1, ssk, k until 3 sts remain, k2tog, k1
N2: Repeat N1
Work these 2 rounds 12 times total. [22 sts total; 11 per side]
Break yarn and graft toe together.
N1: Using smaller needles, pick up the row of sts below the contrast scrap yarn [35 sts]
N2: Pick up the row of sts above the contrast scrap yarn [35 sts; 70 total sts for heel]
Remove contrast scrap yarn by picking out each stitch using a tapestry needle.
To avoid little holes, we recommend picking up a st between N1 and N2 on both sides in the first leg round by
lifting the bar between the needles and knitting it together with the next st.
Work Rounds 1 and 2 as for toe. [22 sts total; 11 per side]
Break yarn and graft heel together.
FINISHING: Gently soak and block your socks using wool wash or steam block. Weave in all ends.
Optional: Using CC2, duplicate stitch the 23 sts of the campfire flame and the 6 single ember sts around it.

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---------------- THE BACK OF BEYOND – SOCK PATTERN ---------------
CHART A: Leg with Dark Background

Copyright 2023. All rights reserved Natalie Sheldon, Remembrances.

No part of this pattern may be reproduced in any form. This pattern is supplied for your personal and non-commercial use only.
CHART A: Leg with Light Background

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CHART B: Foot with Dark Background (Tent Version)

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CHART B: Foot with Light Background (Tent Version)

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CHART C: Foot with Dark Background (Trailer Verison)

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CHART C: Foot with Light Background (Trailer Version)

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