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Exercise question / answer.

Page no 12
Q1.(a) 300 K

=( 300 – 273) ◦ C

=27 ◦C

(b) 573 K

=( 573 – 273) ◦ C

=300 ◦C

Q2.(a) 25 ◦C

=(25 + 273 ) K

= 298 K

(b) 373 ◦C

=(373+ 273) K

646 K

Q3.(a) Naphthalene being a sublimable substance converts directly from solid to gaseous state
by taking heat from the surroundings through the process called sublimation.

(b)The smell or aroma of perfume reaches several metres away due to the fast diffusion of the
gaseous particles of perfume with the particles of air.

Q4.Oxygen < water < sugar

Q5.(a) 25 ◦C is liquid state

(b) 0 ◦C is solid and liquid state

(c) 100 ◦C is liquid and gas state

Q6.(a)Water is liquid at room temperature as-

(i) it has a tendency to flow.

(ii) it takes the shape of the vessel in which it is filled, but its volume does not change.
(b )An iron almirah is solid at room temperature because-

(i) it has definite shape and volume

(ii) it is hard and rigid.

Q7. when ice melts, it absorbs the heat energy equal to the latent heat of fusion from the
surroundings so, ice causes cooling more effectively than the water at same temperature .

Q8. The particles in steam at 373 K have more energy than water at the same temperature .
This is because particles in steam have absorbed extra energy in the form of latent heat of
vapourisation . Hence steam produces more severe burns than boiling water.

Q9. A- Fusion

B- Vapourisation

C- Condensation

D- Solidification

E- Sublimation

F- Sublimation

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