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CnA1Lk 7 k414kuN64N6 P4M84k4N64Y

SLC 399 lopooq 1oqopomoyopo (a) 1here ls hereby creaLed ln each barangay a lupong Lagapamayapa
herelnafLer referred Lo as Lhe lupon composed of Lhe punong barangay as chalrman and Len (10) Lo LwenLy
(20) members 1he lupon shall be consLlLuLed every Lhree (3) years ln Lhe manner provlded hereln
(b) Any person acLually resldlng or worklng ln Lhe barangay noL oLherwlse expressly dlsquallfled by law and
possesslng lnLegrlLy lmparLlallLy lndependence of mlnd sense of falrness and repuLaLlon for problLy may
be appolnLed a member of Lhe lupon
(c) A noLlce Lo consLlLuLe Lhe lupon whlch shall lnclude Lhe names of proposed members who have
expressed Lhelr wllllngness Lo serve shall be prepared by Lhe punong barangay wlLhln Lhe flrsL flfLeen (13)
days from Lhe sLarL of hls Lerm of offlce Such noLlce shall be posLed ln Lhree (3) consplcuous places ln Lhe
barangay conLlnuously for a perlod of noL less Lhan Lhree (3) weeks
(d) 1he punong barangay Laklng lnLo conslderaLlon any opposlLlon Lo Lhe proposed appolnLmenL or any
recommendaLlons for appolnLmenLs as may have been made wlLhln Lhe perlod of posLlng shall wlLhln Len
(10) days LhereafLer appolnL as members Lhose whom he deLermlnes Lo be sulLable Lherefor AppolnLmenLs
shall be ln wrlLlng slgned by Lhe punong barangay and aLLesLed Lo by Lhe barangay secreLary
(e) 1he llsL of appolnLed members shall be posLed ln Lhree (3) consplcuous places ln Lhe barangay for Lhe
enLlre duraLlon of Lhelr Lerm of offlce and
(f) ln barangays where ma[orlLy of Lhe lnhablLanLs are members of lndlgenous culLural communlLles local
sysLems of es Lhrough Lhelr counclls of daLus or elders shall be recognlzed wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe appllcable
provlslons of Lhls Code
SLC 400 Ootb ooJ 1etm of Offlce upon appolnLmenL each lupon member shall Lake an oaLh of offlce
before Lhe punong barangay Pe shall hold offlce unLll a new lupon ls consLlLuLed on Lhe Lhlrd year followlng
hls appolnLmenL unless sooner LermlnaLed by reslgnaLlon Lransfer of resldence or place of work or
wlLhdrawal of appolnLmenL by Lhe punong barangay wlLh Lhe concurrence of Lhe ma[orlLy of all Lhe members
of Lhe lupon
SLC 401 vocoocles Should a vacancy occur ln Lhe lupon for any cause Lhe punong barangay shall
lmmedlaLely appolnL a quallfled person who shall hold offlce only for Lhe unexplred porLlon of Lhe Lerm
SLC 402 looctloos of tbe lopoo 1he lupon shall (a) Lxerclse admlnlsLraLlve supervlslon over Lhe
conclllaLlon panels provlded hereln
(b) MeeL regularly once a monLh Lo provlde a forum for exchange of ldeas among lLs members and Lhe publlc
on maLLers relevanL Lo Lhe amlcable seLLlemenL of dlspuLes and Lo enable varlous conclllaLlon panel
members Lo share wlLh one anoLher Lhelr observaLlons and experlences ln effecLlng speedy resoluLlon of
dlspuLes and
(c) Lxerclse such oLher powers and perform such oLher duLles and funcLlons as may be prescrlbed by law or
SLC 403 5ectetoty of tbe lopoo 1he barangay secreLary shall concurrenLly serve as Lhe secreLary of Lhe
lupon Pe shall record Lhe resulLs of medlaLlon proceedlngs before Lhe punong barangay and shall submlL a
reporL Lhereon Lo Lhe proper clLy or munlclpal courLs Pe shall also recelve and keep Lhe records of
proceedlngs submlLLed Lo hlm by Lhe varlous conclllaLlon panels
SLC 404 looqkot oq 1oqopoqkosooJo (a) 1here shall be consLlLuLed for each dlspuLe broughL before Lhe
lupon a conclllaLlon panel Lo be known as Lhe pangkaL ng Lagapagkasundo herelnafLer referred Lo as Lhe
pangkaL conslsLlng of Lhree (3) members who shall be chosen by Lhe parLles Lo Lhe dlspuLe from Lhe llsL of
members of Lhe lupon Should Lhe parLles fall Lo agree on Lhe pangkaL membershlp Lhe same shall be
deLermlned by loLs drawn by Lhe lupon chalrman
(b) 1he Lhree (3) members consLlLuLlng Lhe pangkaL shall elecL from among Lhemselves Lhe chalrman and Lhe
secreLary 1he secreLary shall prepare Lhe mlnuLes of Lhe pangkaL proceedlngs and submlL a copy duly
aLLesLed Lo by Lhe chalrman Lo Lhe lupon secreLary and Lo Lhe proper clLy or munlclpal courL Pe shall lssue
and cause Lo be served noLlces Lo Lhe parLles concerned 1he lupon secreLary shall lssue cerLlfled Lrue coples
of any publlc record ln hls cusLody LhaL ls noL by law oLherwlse declared confldenLlal
SLC 403 vocoocles lo tbe looqkot Any vacancy ln Lhe pangkaL shall be chosen by Lhe parLles Lo Lhe dlspuLe
from among Lhe oLher lupon members Should Lhe parLles fall Lo agree on a common cholce Lhe vacancy
shall be fllled by loL Lo be drawn by Lhe lupon chalrman
SLC 406 cbotoctet of Offlce ooJ 5etvlce of lopoo Membets (a) 1he lupon members whlle ln Lhe
performance of Lhelr offlclal duLles or on Lhe occaslon Lhereof shall be deemed as persons ln auLhorlLy as
deflned ln Lhe 8evlsed enal Code
(b) 1he lupon or pangkaL members shall serve wlLhouL compensaLlon excepL as provlded for ln SecLlon 393
and wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo lncenLlves as provlded for ln Lhls SecLlon and ln 8ook lv of Lhls Code 1he
ueparLmenL of Lhe lnLerlor and Local CovernmenL shall provlde for a sysLem of granLlng economlc or oLher
lncenLlves Lo Lhe lupon or pangkaL members who adequaLely demonsLraLe Lhe ablllLy Lo [udlclously and
expedlLlously resolve cases referred Lo Lhem Whlle ln Lhe performance of Lhelr duLles Lhe lupon or pangkaL
members wheLher ln publlc or prlvaLe employmenL shall be deemed Lo be on offlclal Llme and shall noL
suffer from any dlmlnuLlon ln compensaLlon or allowance from sald employmenL by reason Lhereof
SLC 407 leqol AJvlce oo Mottets lovolvloq Ooestloos of low 1he provlnclal clLy legal offlcer or prosecuLor
or Lhe munlclpal legal offlcer shall render legal advlce on maLLers lnvolvlng quesLlons of law Lo Lhe punong
barangay or any lupon or pangkaL member whenever necessary ln Lhe exerclse of hls funcLlons ln Lhe
admlnlsLraLlon of Lhe kaLarungang pambarangay
SLC 408 5object Mottet fot Amlcoble 5ettlemeot xceptloo 1beteto 1he lupon of each barangay shall have
auLhorlLy Lo brlng LogeLher Lhe parLles acLually resldlng ln Lhe same clLy or munlclpallLy for amlcable
seLLlemenL of all dlspuLes excepL
(a) Where one parLy ls Lhe governmenL or any subdlvlslon or lnsLrumenLallLy Lhereof
(b) Where one parLy ls a publlc offlcer or employee and Lhe dlspuLe relaLes Lo Lhe performance of hls offlclal
(c) Cffenses punlshable by lmprlsonmenL exceedlng one (1) year or a flne exceedlng llve Lhousand pesos
(d) Cffenses where Lhere ls no prlvaLe offended parLy
(e) Where Lhe dlspuLe lnvolves real properLles locaLed ln dlfferenL clLles or munlclpallLles unless Lhe parLles
LhereLo agree Lo submlL Lhelr dlfferences Lo amlcable seLLlemenL by an approprlaLe lupon
(f) ulspuLes lnvolvlng parLles who acLually reslde ln barangays of dlfferenL clLles or munlclpallLles excepL
where such barangay unlLs ad[oln each oLher and Lhe parLles LhereLo agree Lo submlL Lhelr dlfferences Lo
amlcable seLLlemenL by an approprlaLe lupon
(g) Such oLher classes of dlspuLes whlch Lhe resldenL may deLermlne ln Lhe lnLeresL of [usLlce or upon Lhe
recommendaLlon of Lhe SecreLary of !usLlce 1he courL ln whlch noncrlmlnal cases noL falllng wlLhln Lhe
auLhorlLy of Lhe lupon under Lhls Code are flled may aL any Llme before Lrlal moLu proprlo refer Lhe case Lo
Lhe lupon concerned for amlcable seLLlemenL
SLC 409 veooe (a) ulspuLes beLween persons acLually resldlng ln Lhe same barangay shall be broughL for
amlcable seLLlemenL before Lhe lupon of sald barangay
(b) 1hose lnvolvlng acLual resldenLs of dlfferenL barangays wlLhln Lhe same clLy or munlclpallLy shall be
broughL ln Lhe barangay where Lhe respondenL or any of Lhe respondenLs acLually resldes aL Lhe elecLlon of
Lhe complalnanL
(c) All dlspuLes lnvolvlng real properLy or any lnLeresL Lhereln shall be broughL ln Lhe barangay where Lhe real
properLy or Lhe larger porLlon Lhereof ls slLuaLed
(d) 1hose arlslng aL Lhe workplace where Lhe conLendlng parLles are employed or aL Lhe lnsLlLuLlon where
such parLles are enrolled for sLudy shall be broughL ln Lhe barangay where such workplace or lnsLlLuLlon ls
locaLed Cb[ecLlons Lo venue shall be ralsed ln Lhe medlaLlon proceedlngs before Lhe punong barangay
oLherwlse Lhe same shall be deemed walved Any legal quesLlon whlch may confronL Lhe punong barangay ln
resolvlng ob[ecLlons Lo venue hereln referred Lo may be submlLLed Lo Lhe SecreLary of !usLlce or hls duly
deslgnaLed represenLaLlve whose rullng Lhereon shall be blndlng
SLC 410 ltoceJote fot Amlcoble 5ettlemeot (a) Who may lnlLlaLe proceedlng upon paymenL of Lhe
approprlaLe flllng fee any lndlvldual who has a cause of acLlon agalnsL anoLher lndlvldual lnvolvlng any
maLLer wlLhln Lhe auLhorlLy of Lhe lupon may complaln orally or ln wrlLlng Lo Lhe lupon chalrman of Lhe
(b) MedlaLlon by lupon chalrman upon recelpL of Lhe complalnL Lhe lupon chalrman shall wlLhln Lhe nexL
worklng day summon Lhe respondenL(s) wlLh noLlce Lo Lhe complalnanL(s) for Lhem and Lhelr wlLnesses Lo
appear before hlm for a medlaLlon of Lhelr confllcLlng lnLeresLs lf he falls ln hls medlaLlon efforL wlLhln
flfLeen (13) days from Lhe flrsL meeLlng of Lhe parLles before hlm he shall forLhwlLh seL a daLe for Lhe
consLlLuLlon of Lhe pangkaL ln accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhls ChapLer
(c) Suspenslon of prescrlpLlve perlod of offenses Whlle Lhe dlspuLe ls under medlaLlon conclllaLlon or
arblLraLlon Lhe prescrlpLlve perlods for offenses and cause of acLlon under exlsLlng laws shall be lnLerrupLed
upon flllng of Lhe complalnL wlLh Lhe punong barangay 1he prescrlpLlve perlods shall resume upon recelpL by
Lhe complalnanL of Lhe complalnL or Lhe cerLlflcaLe of repudlaLlon or of Lhe cerLlflcaLlon Lo flle acLlon lssued
by Lhe lupon or pangkaL secreLary rovlded however 1haL such lnLerrupLlon shall noL exceed slxLy (60) days
from Lhe flllng of Lhe complalnL wlLh Lhe punong barangay
(d) lssuance of summons hearlng grounds for dlsquallflcaLlon 1he pangkaL shall convene noL laLer Lhan
Lhree (3) days from lLs consLlLuLlon on Lhe day and hour seL by Lhe lupon chalrman Lo hear boLh parLles and
Lhelr wlLnesses slmpllfy lssues and explore all posslblllLles for amlcable seLLlemenL lor Lhls purpose Lhe
pangkaL may lssue summons for Lhe personal appearance of parLles and wlLnesses before lL ln Lhe evenL LhaL
a parLy moves Lo dlsquallfy any member of Lhe pangkaL by reason of relaLlonshlp blas lnLeresL or any oLher
slmllar grounds dlscovered afLer Lhe consLlLuLlon of Lhe pangkaL Lhe maLLer shall be resolved by Lhe
afflrmaLlve voLe of Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe pangkaL whose declslon shall be flnal Should dlsquallflcaLlon be
declded upon Lhe resulLlng vacancy shall be fllled as hereln provlded for
(e) erlod Lo arrlve aL a seLLlemenL 1he pangkaL shall arrlve aL a seLLlemenL or resoluLlon of Lhe dlspuLe
wlLhln flfLeen (13) days from Lhe day lL convenes ln accordance wlLh Lhls secLlon 1hls perlod shall aL Lhe
dlscreLlon of Lhe pangkaL be exLendlble for anoLher perlod whlch shall noL exceed flfLeen (13) days excepL ln
clearly merlLorlous cases
SLC 411 lotm of 5ettlemeot All amlcable seLLlemenLs shall be ln wrlLlng ln a language or dlalecL known Lo
Lhe parLles slgned by Lhem and aLLesLed Lo by Lhe lupon chalrman or Lhe pangkaL chalrman as Lhe case may
be When Lhe parLles Lo Lhe dlspuLe do noL use Lhe same language or dlalecL Lhe seLLlemenL shall be wrlLLen
ln Lhe language or dlalecL known Lo Lhem
SLC 412 cooclllotloo (a) recondlLlon Lo llllng of ComplalnL ln CourL no complalnL peLlLlon acLlon or
proceedlng lnvolvlng any maLLer wlLhln Lhe auLhorlLy of Lhe lupon shall be flled or lnsLlLuLed dlrecLly ln courL
or any oLher governmenL offlce for ad[udlcaLlon unless Lhere has been a confronLaLlon beLween Lhe parLles
before Lhe lupon chalrman or Lhe pangkaL and LhaL no conclllaLlon or seLLlemenL has been reached as
cerLlfled by Lhe lupon secreLary or pangkaL secreLary as aLLesLed Lo by Lhe lupon or pangkaL chalrman or
unless Lhe seLLlemenL has been repudlaLed by Lhe parLles LhereLo
(b) Where arLles May Co ulrecLly Lo CourL 1he parLles may go dlrecLly Lo courL ln Lhe followlng lnsLances
(1) Where Lhe accused ls under deLenLlon (2) Where a person has oLherwlse been deprlved of personal
llberLy calllng for habeas corpus proceedlngs
(3) Where acLlons are coupled wlLh provlslonal remedles such as prellmlnary ln[uncLlon aLLachmenL dellvery
of personal properLy and supporL pendenLe llLe and
(4) Where Lhe acLlon may oLherwlse be barred by Lhe sLaLuLe of llmlLaLlons
(c) ConclllaLlon among members of lndlgenous culLural communlLles 1he cusLoms and LradlLlons of
lndlgenous culLural communlLles shall be applled ln seLLllng dlspuLes beLween members of Lhe culLural
SLC 413 Atblttotloo (a) 1he parLles may aL any sLage of Lhe proceedlngs agree ln wrlLlng LhaL Lhey shall
ablde by Lhe arblLraLlon award of Lhe lupon chalrman or Lhe pangkaL Such agreemenL Lo arblLraLe may be
repudlaLed wlLhln flve (3) days from Lhe daLe Lhereof for Lhe same grounds and ln accordance wlLh Lhe
procedure herelnafLer prescrlbed 1he arblLraLlon award shall be made afLer Lhe lapse of Lhe perlod for
repudlaLlon and wlLhln Len (10) days LhereafLer
(b) 1he arblLraLlon award shall be ln wrlLlng ln a language or dlalecL known Lo Lhe parLles When Lhe parLles
Lo Lhe dlspuLe do noL use Lhe same language or dlalecL Lhe award shall be wrlLLen ln Lhe language or dlalecL
known Lo Lhem
SLC 414 ltoceeJloqs Opeo to tbe lobllc xceptloo All proceedlngs for seLLlemenL shall be publlc and
lnformal rovlded however 1haL Lhe lupon chalrman or Lhe pangkaL chalrman as Lhe case may be may
moLu proprlo or upon requesL of a parLy exclude Lhe publlc from Lhe proceedlngs ln Lhe lnLeresL of prlvacy
decency or publlc morals
SLC 413 Appeotooce of lottles lo letsoo ln all kaLarungang pambarangay proceedlngs Lhe parLles musL
appear ln person wlLhouL Lhe asslsLance of counsel or represenLaLlve excepL for mlnors and lncompeLenLs
who may be asslsLed by Lhelr nexLofkln who are noL lawyers
SLC 416 ffect of Amlcoble 5ettlemeot ooJ Atblttotloo AwotJ 1he amlcable seLLlemenL and arblLraLlon
award shall have Lhe force and effecL of a flnal [udgmenL of a courL upon Lhe explraLlon of Len (10) days from
Lhe daLe Lhereof unless repudlaLlon of Lhe seLLlemenL has been made or a peLlLlon Lo nulllfy Lhe award has
been flled before Lhe proper clLy or munlclpal courL Powever Lhls provlslon shall noL apply Lo courL cases
seLLled by Lhe lupon under Lhe lasL paragraph of SecLlon 408 of Lhls Code ln whlch case Lhe compromlse
seLLlemenL agreed upon by Lhe parLles before Lhe lupon chalrman or Lhe pangkaL chalrman shall be
submlLLed Lo Lhe courL and upon approval Lhereof have Lhe force and effecL of a [udgmenL of sald courL
SLC 417 xecotloo 1he amlcable seLLlemenL or arblLraLlon award may be enforced by execuLlon by Lhe
lupon wlLhln slx (6) monLhs from Lhe daLe of Lhe seLLlemenL AfLer Lhe lapse of such Llme Lhe seLLlemenL may
be enforced by acLlon ln Lhe approprlaLe clLy or munlclpal courL
SLC 418 kepoJlotloo Any parLy Lo Lhe dlspuLe may wlLhln Len (10) days from Lhe daLe of Lhe seLLlemenL
repudlaLe Lhe same by flllng wlLh Lhe lupon chalrman a sLaLemenL Lo LhaL effecL sworn Lo before hlm where
Lhe consenL ls vlLlaLed by fraud vlolence or lnLlmldaLlon Such repudlaLlon shall be sufflclenL basls for Lhe
lssuance of Lhe cerLlflcaLlon for flllng a complalnL as herelnabove provlded
SLC 419 1toosmlttol of 5ettlemeot ooJ Atblttotloo AwotJ to tbe coott 1he secreLary of Lhe lupon shall
LransmlL Lhe seLLlemenL or Lhe arblLraLlon award Lo Lhe approprlaLe clLy or munlclpal courL wlLhln flve (3)
days from Lhe daLe of Lhe award or from Lhe lapse of Lhe Lenday perlod repudlaLlng Lhe seLLlemenL and shall
furnlsh coples Lhereof Lo each of Lhe parLles Lo Lhe seLLlemenL and Lhe lupon chalrman
SLC 420 lowet to AJmlolstet Ootbs 1he punong barangay as chalrman of Lhe lupong Lagapamayapa and
Lhe members of Lhe pangkaL are hereby auLhorlzed Lo admlnlsLer oaLhs ln connecLlon wlLh any maLLer
relaLlng Lo all proceedlngs ln Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe kaLarungang pambarangay
SLC 421 AJmlolsttotloo koles ooJ keqolotloos 1he clLy or munlclpal mayor as Lhe case may be shall see
Lo Lhe efflclenL and effecLlve lmplemenLaLlon and admlnlsLraLlon of Lhe kaLarungang pambarangay 1he
SecreLary of !usLlce shall promulgaLe Lhe rules and regulaLlons necessary Lo lmplemenL Lhls ChapLer
SLC 422 Apptoptlotloos Such amounL as may be necessary for Lhe effecLlve lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe
kaLarungang pambarangay shall be provlded for ln Lhe annual budgeL of Lhe clLy or munlclpallLy concerned

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