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"After open during Daygame, how to create attraction within first 5 min of interaction, with examples

• SMV - Good presentation. You can’t expect to get good results without having an acceptable level
of SMV. RSD lied about this. But on the flipside - I constantly see guys with very high SMV fucking up
a lot of pulls because they DLV themselves, fear of sexualising, falling into her frame, become
submissive, or inability to deal with concerns/objections.

◦ Gym

• My personal opinion is that if you’re not actively working on your fitness, you don’t have the right
to complain if you’re not gaining a lot of attraction.

• Fashion

◦ Wear an outfit that reflects the archetype you wanna frame yourself as. Fuckboy, businessman,
athlete. Whatever it may be

◦ Example: the stereotype around Asians is that they are nice compliant beta males that get
friendzoned. Dress to fight this perception. Ciel HK does this really well and Asian guys can definitely
model him in this regard.

◦ Spike emotions early on

• Curiosity (curious tonality, open loops)

• DHV yourself at every opportunity you get

◦ Imply preselection

• Do NOT DLV yourself (this is super common - guys imposing bad frames on themselves and
implying negative preselection and just overall incompetency)

◦ Examples of DLV’s:

• “I don’t know anyone in this city”

◦ “You’re the first girl who actually stopped for me”

◦ Different forms of giving up the authority frame

• Asking her for advice

• Asking her for directions

◦ Implying that you’re incompetent at something.

These may all seem relatively harmless, but if you just met her, she has limited information to create
her perception from. This is very clear when you look at infield. One single seemingly harmless DLV
blows entire interactions all the time.

• Not accepting negative frames


• Basics

◦ Overall relaxed body language

◦ Steady and relaxed eye contact

• Pro Tip: Relax upper eyelids and eyebrows.

◦ Square up when you have enough compliance

◦ Proximity that builds sexual tension. Before you’ll have compliance for this, you need to be
perceived as high value. One reason to not neglect your SMV.

◦ Not subcommunicating fear or nervousness

◦ Not breaking tension before her - this is exactly how many guys lose attraction early on. You come
across as very meek and just straight up beta when you do this.

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