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Information Systems

Subject: Information Systems
Lecturer : Quratulain
Course Code: CIT - 664

Information concepts

Introduction Characteristics of information

Table of Content
Building block of IS

Advantage of IS
Information Systems are everywhere
Entrepreneurs and small business owners use
information systems to reach customers around
the world.

Sales representatives use information systems

to advertise products, communicate with
customers, and analyze sales trends.

Managers use them to make multimillion- dollar

decisions, such as whether to build a
manufacturing plant or research a cancer drug
Information Concepts
Raw facts, such as an employee number, total hours worked in a week, inventory part
numbers, or sales orders.

Types of Data
Information Concepts
A collection of facts organized in such a way that they have additional value beyond the
value of the individual facts
Information Concepts

Turning data into information is a process. A set of logically related tasks

performed to achieve a defined outcome.


The awareness and understanding of a set of information and ways that

information can be made useful to support a specific task or reach a decision.

The Characteristics of Valuable Information
Building blocks of information system
An information system (IS) is a set of interrelated elements or components that collect
(input), manipulate (process), store, and disseminate (output) data and information and
provide a corrective reaction (feedback mechanism) to meet an objective.
Building blocks of information system
The activity of gathering and capturing raw data.

Converting or transforming data into useful outputs.

Production of useful information, usually in the form of documents and reports.

Output that is used to make changes to input or processing activities.

Predicting future events to avoid problems.
Advantages of Information Systems in
Various Contexts
● Business Operations
● Healthcare
● Education
● Government
● Finance and Banking
Business Operations
● Improved Efficiency: Information systems automate repetitive tasks, streamline
processes, and reduce manual errors, leading to improved operational efficiency.
● Enhanced Communication: IS facilitate seamless communication among
employees, departments, and stakeholders through emails, messaging platforms,
and collaboration tools.
● Better Decision Making: Access to real-time data and analytics empowers
managers to make informed decisions, optimize resources, and respond swiftly to
market changes.
● Competitive Advantage: Effective utilization of IS enables businesses to gain a
competitive edge by offering innovative products/services, enhancing customer
experience, and optimizing supply chain operations.
● Enhanced Patient Care: Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and Health Information
Systems (HIS) enable healthcare providers to access patient data, medical histories, and
treatment plans efficiently, leading to improved patient care and outcomes.
● Streamlined Processes: IS automate administrative tasks, such as appointment
scheduling, billing, and inventory management, allowing healthcare facilities to focus more
on patient care.
● Remote Healthcare: Telemedicine and telehealth systems leverage IS to provide remote
diagnosis, consultations, and monitoring, expanding access to healthcare services,
especially in rural or underserved areas.
● Data-driven Insights: Analyzing healthcare data through IS helps identify trends, patterns,
and disease outbreaks, facilitating preventive care measures and public health initiatives.
● Enhanced Learning Experience: Learning Management Systems (LMS) and educational
software provide interactive learning materials, assessments, and collaborative tools,
enhancing student engagement and comprehension.
● Personalized Learning: IS enable personalized learning paths, adaptive assessments,
and customized content delivery, catering to diverse learning styles and abilities.
● Administrative Efficiency: Educational institutions utilize IS for student enrollment,
course registration, grading, and academic planning, streamlining administrative
processes and reducing paperwork.
● Global Learning: Online learning platforms and virtual classrooms enable students to
access educational resources and interact with instructors from anywhere, breaking
geographical barriers and promoting lifelong learning
● Efficient Service Delivery: E-Government initiatives leverage IS to automate public services, such
as tax filing, permit applications, and license renewals, improving accessibility and reducing
bureaucratic delays.
● Transparency and Accountability: Open data platforms and government portals provide citizens
with access to information, budgets, and government policies, fostering transparency and
accountability in governance.
● Data-driven Policy Making: IS enable government agencies to collect, analyze, and utilize vast
amounts of data for evidence-based policy making, resource allocation, and strategic planning.
● Emergency Management: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and crisis communication
systems assist governments in disaster response, emergency preparedness, and public safety
initiatives by providing real-time data and communication channels.
Finance and Banking
● Improved Customer Service: Online banking, mobile apps, and customer relationship
management (CRM) systems enable banks to provide personalized services, seamless
transactions, and 24/7 support to customers.
● Fraud Detection and Risk Management: Advanced analytics and fraud detection algorithms in IS
help banks identify suspicious activities, prevent fraudulent transactions, and mitigate financial
● Operational Efficiency: Core banking systems, automated teller machines (ATMs), and payment
processing systems optimize banking operations, reduce manual errors, and enhance operational
● Financial Inclusion: IS facilitate financial inclusion by providing access to banking services,
loans, and insurance products to underserved populations, promoting economic empowerment
and poverty reduction
What’s Next

1. Global challenges In IS

2. Ethical Issues in IS

3. Case Study

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