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Full Stack Web

Table of Content

 Introduction to Full Stack

 Frontend and Backend
 Roles and Responsibilities ‹#›
What is Full Stack?
“Full stack” typically refers to a developer or engineer who is skilled and knowledgeable
in working on both the front-end and back-end aspects of web or software development.
1. Proficient in both frontend and backend technologies.

2. Handles all aspects of web application development.

3. Bridging the gap between the user interface and server-side operations.

4. Creates seamless user experiences and ensures the application's functionality.

”Biggest advantage of Full Stack Coding is being able to build rich and robust
applications on your own”
Frontend Backend
• The visible part of a website or application.
• The behind-the-scenes part of a web application.
• Deals with user interface and user experience (UI/UX).
• Handles data storage, processing, and server-side logic.
• Involves HTML for structure, CSS for styling, and JavaScript
• Manages databases, server configuration, and APIs.
for interactivity.
• Ensures the application's functionality, security, and
• Focuses on creating an engaging and user-friendly interface.
Frontend Technologies
Backend Technologies
• HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) • Programming Languages: Java, Python, PHP, Node.js,
• CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
• Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, etc.
• JavaScript • Server Technologies: Apache, Nginx, IIS, etc.
• Frameworks and Libraries: Tools like React, • Frameworks: Django (Python), Express.js (Node.js), etc.
Angular, or Vue for efficient development • APIs (Application Programming Interfaces): Allow
communication between different software components.
Roles & Responsibilities of a Full
Stack Developer
• Frontend Responsibilities:
1. Designing user interfaces.
2. Ensuring responsive design.
3. Implementing user interactions.
• Backend Responsibilities:
1. Developing server-side logic.
2. Managing databases and data storage.
3. Implementing security measures.
• Integration & Architecture:
1. Designing application structure.
2. Integrating frontend and backend.
3. Ensuring smooth data flow.
• Problem Solving:
1. Identifying and fixing bugs.
2. Enhancing user experience.
3. Optimizing performance.
Web Stack Academy (P) Ltd

#83, Farah Towers,

1st floor,MG Road,

Bangalore – 560001

M: +91-80-4128 9576

T: +91-98862 69112
E: ‹#›

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