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Working of Website (A brief Overview)

For understanding the working of a website first we need to know about the server
and client.
• Sever is a type of computer were all files and data for the website is stored.
• Client are those systems which receives information from the server, for this
situation your browser is your client.

When you enter a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) into your browser's address bar,
a series of steps unfolds to bring up the website page you intend to view. Here's a
simplified breakdown of the process:
When you use a web browser, like Chrome or Firefox, and enter a URL, the
browser's journey begins. It takes the URL you've provided and takes it to the

The IP address is unique to the web server where the website is hosted. It acts as the virtual
location of the server on the internet. The DNS resolution provides the browser with the
server's IP address, allowing the browser to establish a connection.

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Domain Name System (DNS) server. The DNS server is like a digital translator that
converts the human-friendly URL into a unique IP address, a numerical identifier
that computers use to locate one another on the internet.

With the translated IP address in hand, the browser heads off to find the web server
that holds the website's data (Think of the web server as a virtual storage unit
containing all the files that make up the website, from text and images to videos and
Having located the correct web server using the IP address, the browser sends a
request, essentially asking, "Hey, can I have access to the website, please?" The web
server responds, typically with a reassuring "OK 200" message, granting permission.
The web server starts to package up the various pieces of the website – the HTML,
CSS, JavaScript, images, and more – into neat little data packets. These data packets
are like the digital building blocks of the webpage.
When the data packets reach your browser, they're like pieces of a puzzle that need
to be put together. The browser starts assembling them, following the precise
instructions outlined in the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.
As the packets are assembled, the webpage takes shape before your eyes. Text
appears, images load, and interactive elements respond to your clicks and taps. It's
the culmination of all the server's hard work and the browser's clever interpretation.

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