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It is a common belief that completed school juveniles should join in some real-life experiences or finding a

part-time job for a phase of time instead of enrolling directly in univeristy. This trend would bring both pros
and cons, but I think that the advantages outweigh any possible disadvanatges.
On the one hand, it is clear that travelling and working before univesity’s semester would cause several
disadvatages. One evident weakness is that the gap between theoretical knowledge and practial knowledge
will have a direct influence on student. This can be explained by the fact that without any grasp of soft skill,
students will be overwhelmed toward the flexibility of completing tasks and solving unexpected situation.
Therefore, it will impede student’s ability to develop hand-ons awareness and fit into complex assignments
due to the unconfidence and abashment.
On the other hand, there are some obvious advantages that would make it better to travel or get a job before
studying university. Firstly, in term of travelling, it will foster student’s soft skill. To specific, by venturing
beyond the concoon of comfort, juveniles will need to interact with more people and adjust to new kinds of
habitation. Hence, the continual honing of life skills strengthens student’s social awareness , which is a
good asset for youngster to easily approach more new regional friends when going into a new pedagogy
environment. Secondly, the engagement in part-time job will hone in on student’s virtues which required in
university such as confidence, resilience and strength. In working environment, students need to observe
and comply with all the task to earn money. It is such rigorous rules that enhance student’s discipline and
assidousness, which are essential virtues for student’s well performance at university.
In conclusion, there are minus points to engage in travelling or working rather than go directly to university.
However, it seems to me that the plus points would be more important regarding student’s well-behaving
soft skills and required virtues at university.

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