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Leadership Styles in Crisis Management

Management Department
Fadl Bdeir
Spring Semester 2024

Leadership Project

General Project Task / Objective: Analyze and compare two distinct leadership styles in the
context of crisis management
Project Point Value: 10%
Final Due date / time Submission: 29 April
Word Length: 5 to 7 pages excluding cover page and references
Work Presentation and Submission Format and Component: Report and Power Point

General Project Overview / Description:

In times of crisis, effective leadership is crucial for organizational resilience and success. Analyze
and compare two distinct leadership styles in the context of crisis management. Choose leaders
from different industries, one known for an autocratic leadership style and another known for a
democratic leadership style.

Project Learning Outcome / Objectives:

 Analyse what traits and skills are most relevant for effective leadership and how aspects of
the situation can enhance or diminish effects of leader behavior
 Identify practical steps a leader can take to empower others and initiate quality initiatives.
 Identify the qualities of effective leader and the impact of negative leadership behaviour.

List of Resources / References and Supporting Material


Course Code MGT410– Project
Faculty of Business Administration- Department Management
Due Date 29April 2024
Check for new resources.

Deliverable Submission Timetable

Week Deliverable / Task Weight

18 March 1&2 25%
15 April 3&4 25%
29 April 5&6 50%

Assessment Criteria:
This task will generally be assessed in terms of the following criteria:
Each group should be of 3 students. Students need to work together on the project.
Each paper should be between 5 to 7 pages excluding cover page and references. Use 12 points
font and 1 ½ line spacing. And the team need to present for 10-15 mins in the classroom at a time
that will be assigned later.
You need to contact the instructor and suggest the names that you will be working on to get

Project Details:
1. Select two leaders:
Choose one leader known for an autocratic leadership style (e.g., Steve Jobs) and one known for
a democratic leadership style (e.g., Nelson Mandela).
2. Define the crisis context:
Identify a crisis or challenging situation that each leader faced during their tenure. This could
include a financial crisis, a product failure, a public relations disaster, or any significant
organizational challenge.
3. Examine leadership behaviors:

Course Code MGT410– Project
Faculty of Business Administration- Department Management
Due Date 29April 2024
Analyze the specific behaviors and decisions demonstrated by each leader during the crisis.
Consider communication styles, decision-making processes, employee engagement, and
stakeholder management.
4. Evaluate outcomes:
Assess the outcomes of the crisis management strategies employed by each leader. Examine the
impact on the organization's reputation, financial performance, and long-term stability.
5. Draw comparisons:
Compare and contrast the effectiveness of the autocratic and democratic leadership styles in the
given crisis context. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each approach, considering
factors such as speed of decision-making, employee morale, and adaptability.
6. Recommendations:
Based on your analysis, provide recommendations for organizations facing similar crises.
Discuss whether a blend of leadership styles might be more effective or if one style stands out as
the preferred approach.

Word Document Report Requirements:

The written term-paper should be presented toward the 12th week of the semester.
The written paper should be structured according to the below guidelines

1. Cover Page should include University name / Course / Instructor’s name / Project
Title / Group members / Semester.
2. Normal text font Type should be Times New Roman with Font Size 12
3. Titles and Subtitles must be highlighted using Headings styles
4. Page Layout should follow the following:
a. All the margins equals “1.2”.
b. A4 Paper Size / Portrait Orientation.
c. Header & Footer set 0.5” from edges (including your name and the title).
d. Centered page number in the footer.
e. Auto Paragraph Spacing (1.5).
f. Line Spacing: 1.5.
5. Save your report by this format Name: MGT410/– Leadership Project– Spring Semester
Student’s name.

Course Code MGT410– Project
Faculty of Business Administration- Department Management
Due Date 29April 2024
7. Soft copies required only.
8. Word count – 5 to 7 pages
9. Weighting – 10%
10. Due date: 29 April
11. Break page between Sections/chapters required

APA referencing to be used throughout, although this is report format assignment, the
expectations are that good academic background referencing will be used. This for the
bibliography and within the text when appropriate.

Important Notes:
 Students are free to form their own groups. You must inform your instructor of your group
members in writing (On google Classroom)

 Each group is to be of max 3 students.

 Students are encouraged to approach each other through different means to form groups
(online classroom, in class announcements, email, etc…). It is after all the responsibility of
the student to join a group.
 After agreeing on the group team members, the group needs to choose a group leader who
will be responsible to lodge the assignment (only the group leader will lodge the assignment,
the other members do not have to) you must inform me of the group leader in writing by next
week, 11 March.
 Before submitting the assignment by the group leader, each student is responsible for writing
his/her name, student number and signature on the front page of the assignment. This
responsibility is not to be assigned to the group leader on behalf of the other group members.
Please note, that any misspelled name or incorrect student’s detail will result in considering no
assignment lodged by that student.
 Students in each group are mutually responsible for their submission in its entirety. And they
must ensure that they submit their own original work. Any act of plagiarism will be severely
 Plagiarism is presenting someone else work as your own and is a serious offence with
serious consequences.

Course Code MGT410– Project
Faculty of Business Administration- Department Management
Due Date 29April 2024
Late Submission Policy
Day 1 Delay = 5 % point deduction
Day 2 Delay = 10 % point deduction
Day 3 Delay = 20 % point deduction
Day 4 Delay = 40 % point deduction
Day 5 Delay = 80 % point deduction
Day 6 Delay = Not acceptance

Extension Request
In the case of any legitimate and just excuse for not being able to submit on time,
please make sure to pass by FBA Faculty Assistant Office to file an extension
request form.
You must support all relevant documents and evidences.
This request will be examined by FBA Council to make the final decision.

Plagiarism Policy:
Any work identified as plagiarized, an F grade will be awarded for the work.
This policy applies to the below case:
1. Using previously submitted work from different section during the same semester or from
previous semesters.
2. Evidence of work presented from the internet
3. Evidence of work not done by the group

Course Code MGT410– Project
Faculty of Business Administration- Department Management
Due Date 29April 2024

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