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History of mankind is an epic commentary on rise and fall of nations and civilizations. Merely a hundred years ago, it appears that the US will loss the economic progress against Argentina. It reigns as a super power now. In the first half of 21 st century, china was being trampled by Japan; it challenges the USs might now. Everybody knows that the Japan was the only country that uplifted US from the great depression of 1929. One the other hand the United Kingdom, which once presided over largest empire of the world history, now looks up to the other side of the Atlantic for leveraging its own interest. Sovereign collapse of US and Europe proves that evidence. Russia too is a weak successor of mighty USSR. Undoubtedly, The hard or the soft instances the state displays, is not its eternal characteristics but a transitory face in its long existence. At a fortuitous point of time, a nation or civilization suddenly acquires the strength to shape the world history. It towers above its neighbors in political prowess. Its people acts as one and develops a zeal for economical progress and imperial conquest. Sooner or letter, this hard states stance disappears. Increasingly, Indias inability to forcefully secure its interests in its international arena, as well as lackluster efforts to tackle problems such as naxalism and separatism, have been labeled as symptomatic of a soft state attitude. Moreover, the cause for the above non-performance is attributed to the tolerant and peace loving nature of Indian populace. However, the argument presented here challenges this option. If India is indeed a soft state, it is due to the sum total of external and internal constraint operating in the present context. And not due to any age old characteristics of Indian masses. It is essential to examine the challenges that India faces in contemporary world and the factors that affects decision making and execution in the country. Indias independence was a turning point in worlds history. It kick started an era of decolonization. Though the young nation apparently kept aloof from cold war power scramble, it was ambitious enough to project itself as leader of t hird countries through the Non aligned movement. In other words, it was egger to carve its own space. This gave India a high moral position in international affairs without alienating either of super powers. Unfortunately, The china war of 1962, struck at the heart of this ambition. Not only it hastens pt. Nehrus death, India also lost the confidence to lead the third worlds countries. However, during this period, it fortunately becomes self -reliant in food production and defeated Pakistan, in the two wars of 1965 and 1971.

The year 1998 was a watershed. India became a de facto nuclear power. This combined with the liberalization era, made india a rising economic and political power. The bonhomie with the US resulted in nuclear deal. Subsequently, the NSG rule were changed to suit Indias interests. India, today is amongst the fastest growing economy of the world. It is ironic then that the country hailed as a nuclear and economic power suffe rs from the soft state syndrome when it comes to international re lations. The country has failed to persuade Pakistan to dismantle terrorist training camps and prosecutes those responsible for 26/11 Mumbai massacre. China blatantly issues strictures upon Indian dignitaries visiting arunachal Pradesh. It has been unable to secure US cooperation in pursuing its interest in Afghanistan and Pakistan. We helplessly watch as china confines india with its strings of pearls strategy of setting up naval bases in a chain of ports alongs the Indian ocean rim. Our foreign policy scrambles to keep pace with that of china. We begin securing our strategic interests in south-east Asia, central Asia, west Asia, Africa and south America only when china has acquired stronghold in all these regions. Defence preparedness plays a pivotal role in determining weather a country follows a hard state or a soft state policy. The 1962 china war debacle was primarily due to military weakness. Presently too, indias military expence is only a fraction of chinas. however this does not explains the soft ness in india s dealing with Pakistan. For example, indias failure to persuade Pakistan to dismantle terror camps is a failure of diplomacy more then defense preparedness. A soft state attitude in the external front is, infact only a symptom of the dise ase which afflicts india in the internal front. As a nation, the Indians are not able to act as one and fails to place the interest of india above their self -interest. The question is where the pathogens of this disease lies. In ancient times the popular proverb was As the king, so the people. In modern time of democracy, it is more appropriate to say- as the people so the king. India is a country where people divided into a caste, sub-cast, religions, languages and regions. These multiple identity is not solely a matter of belief but means of political leverage. If the electoral is besotted with such parochial mindset, the leadership is bound to represent their castes, communal, regional and narrow linguistic aspirations, rather than nationalist aspirations. Moreover, it is a favorite pastime of country to condemn corruption when most of the people enga ge in some or the other form of corrupt practices like giving or taking bribe, misuse of official position, nepotism, tax evasion, giving capitation free to secure admission and many more. If everybody has said to support anna in lokpal andolan only if the y are corruption free whole their life, then not a single person will stand with anna.

There is also a general tendency of cleaning a house but dirtying the streets and public places outside. It is small wonder then that the people who do not look beyond their narrow self interests, are unable to stand against all forms of corruption and pay scant regard to community spaces, fail to elect a visionary leadership or enjoy a corruption-free administration.
So called MBAs, Sanjay Nasit

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