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Highway Addressable Remote


ECCE5231 1
► HART, an acronym for Highway Addressable Remote
Transducer, is an open process control network protocol
and was introduced in the late 1980s.
► It is a hybrid communication protocol that uses the Bell
202 Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) technique to
superimpose digital communication signal on top of the
analog 4–20 mA current loop signal.
► Unlike the other “open” digital communication technologies
applied to process instrumentation, HART is compatible
with existing systems.

ECCE5231 2
► For many years, the process automation and control
industry is dominated by 4–20 mA analog signal to carry
process variable (PV) and control signals to and from the
control room.
► The HART protocol extends this analog communication
with additional bidirectional digital communication, being
carried by the same wiring at the same time.
► This digital signal, known as HART signal, carries device
configuration, diagnostic information, calibration, and any
additional process measurements.

ECCE5231 3
Features of HART
► Simultaneous analog and digital communication
► Compatible with conventional analog instrumentation
► Supports multivariable field devices
► Flexible data access via up to two masters
► Open de facto standard
► Backward compatible
► Only protocol that supports both analog and digital, unlike
other fieldbuses that are digital in nature
► Either point-to-point or multidrop operation
► Adequate response time of ~0.5 s
ECCE5231 4
► The HART protocol makes use of the FSK technique to
superpose the digital communication on top of 4–20 mA
► The digital FSK signal is phase continuous and has a 0.5
mA amplitude having two different frequencies, 1200 Hz
and 2200 Hz, representing binary 1 and 0, respectively.
► Since the average DC value of a sine wave over a time
period is zero, the FSK signal does not add any DC
component on the 4–20 mA analog signal.

ECCE5231 5

ECCE5231 6
► HART uses an asynchronous mode for communication
purpose. Thus, HART data are transmitted 1 byte at a time
without any clock signal.
► A HART character is composed of 11 bits with start, stop
and parity bits along with data bits.

ECCE5231 7
Connecting HART devices
► Devices which support the HART protocol are grouped into
master (host) and slave (field) devices.
► It support two masters (primary and secondary), include
PCs/PLCs as primary master and handheld terminals as
secondary master.
► HART slave devices, on the other hand, include sensors,
transmitters and various actuators.

ECCE5231 8
Connecting HART devices
► Field devices and compact handheld
terminals have an integrated FSK modem,
whereas PC stations have a serial interface
to connect the modem externally.
► Fig. shows a typical connection scheme of a
HART host device and a HART field device.
► HART communication is often used for such
simple point-to-point connections.
ECCE5231 9
Point-to-point connection
► HART master device is connected to exactly
one HART field device.
► Each field device has address 0.

ECCE5231 10
Multidrop mode
► In multidrop mode, up to 15 field devices are
connected in parallel to a single wire pair
► The host distinguishes the field devices by their
preset addresses which range from 1 to 15.

ECCE5231 11
Higher-level communication systems
► To be able to connect a HART communication system with
other communication systems, gateways are used.
► They convert the respective protocols of the networks to
be coupled.
► HART protocol Fieldbus protocol
► In most cases, when complex communication tasks must
be solved, fieldbus systems would be the preferred choice
► Even without complex protocol conversions, HART enables
communication over long distances.
► HART signals can be transmitted over telephone lines using
HART converters.
ECCE5231 12
HART communication layers

ECCE5231 13
► HART wiring in the field usually consists of twisted pair
► According to the specification, the following configurations
work reliably:
1. For short distances, simple unshielded 0.2 mm2 two-wire lines are
2. For distances of up to 1,500 m, individually twisted 0.2 mm² wire
pairs with a common shield over the cable should be used.
3. For distances of up to 3,000 m, individually twisted 0.5 mm2 two-
wire lines shielded in pairs are required.

ECCE5231 14
Communication Modes
► Master Slave Mode
§ HART is a master-slave communication protocol, which means that during normal
operation, each slave (field device) communication is initiated by a master
communication device. Two masters can connect to each HART loop. The primary
master is generally a distributed control system (DCS), programmable logic
controller (PLC), or a personal computer (PC). The secondary master can be a
handheld terminal or another PC. Slave devices include transmitters, actuators, and
controllers that respond to commands from the primary or secondary master.
► Burst Mode
§ Some HART devices support the optional burst communication mode. Burst mode
enables faster communication (3–4 data updates per second). In burst mode, the
master instructs the slave device to continuously broadcast a standard HART reply
message (e.g., the value of the process variable). The master receives the message
at the higher rate until it instructs the slave to stop bursting.

ECCE5231 15
Telegram structure

Length (in
Field Name Purpose

Preamble 5–20 Synchronization and Carrier Detect

The start byte indicates which participant is sending

Start byte (SD) 1 (master, slave, slave in burst mode) and whether the short
frame or the long frame format is used.

Address (AD) 1–5 Specifies slave, Specifies Master and Indicates Burst Mode

Command (CD) 1 Numerical Value for the command to be executed

Byte Count (BC) 1 Indicates the size of the Data Field

Data associated with the command. BACK and ACK must

Data 0–255
contain at least two data bytes.

Checksum 1 XOR of all bytes from Start Byte to Last Byte of Data

HART Addressing
HART addressing is of two types: polling address and unique
• Polling address is single byte and is also known as “short
• Unique identifier is of 5 bytes and also called “long address.”

The 5-byte unique identifier is a hardware address that consists of 1-byte

manufacturer code, 1-byte device type code, and a 3-byte sequential number.
This 5-byte ID is unique for each device.
ECCE5231 17
Transmission time and user data rate
► The time required to transmit a telegram results
from the bit data rate (1200Hz) and the number of
bits per telegram.
► The length of the telegram varies depending on
the message length 0 to 25 characters and the
message format.
► When a short frame format is used and the
message contains 25 characters, a total of 35
characters must be transmitted.
► Since each byte is transmitted as HART character
following data is obtained

ECCE5231 18
ECCE5231 19
Transmission time and user data rate
► In shorter messages, the ratio between user data and
control data becomes increasingly unfavorable so that it
can take up to 128 ms to transmit one user data byte.
► An average of 500 ms is accounted for per transaction . i.e.
for both a master and a slave telegram, including
additional maintenance and synchronization times.
► As a result, approximately two HART transactions can be
carried out per second.
► These values show that the HART communication is not
suitable for transmitting time-critical data.
► HART can be used to determine the reference variable of a
final control element in test and start-up phases, but it is
obviously not suited to solve control tasks.

ECCE5231 20
Application layer: HART commands

► The communication routines of HART

master devices and operating programs are
based on HART commands which are
defined in the application layer of the HART

ECCE5231 21
Application layer: HART commands
► Pre-defined commands enable the master device
to give instructions to a field device or send
► So set points, actual values and parameters can be
transmitted and various services for start-up and
diagnostics performed.
► The field devices immediately respond by sending
an acknowledgement telegram which can contain
requested status reports and/or the data of the
field device.

ECCE5231 22
Application layer: HART commands

► To enable a universal communication, the

HART commands are classified according to
their function into commands for master
devices and for field devices.
► master devices: six conformance classes
► field devices: three classes of commands

ECCE5231 23
ECCE5231 24
Application layer: HART commands

► Depending on the tasks to be executed, the

HART master device uses a command that
can be assigned to one of the six different
conformance classes.
► Each conformance class contains a subset of
HART commands which cover a special
administrative or control-related range of

ECCE5231 25
Application layer: HART commands
► Universal commands are understood and used by all field
devices operating with the HART protocol (device
designation, firmware no., etc.).
► Common-practice commands are usually supported by
many, but not necessarily all, HART field devices. (Read
variable, set parameter, etc.). Most of the HART field
devices are able to interpret and respond to common-
practice commands.
► Device-specific commands support functions that are
unique to each device.These commands provide access to
data about the type and construction of a device as well as
information on the maintenance state and start-up
ECCE5231 26
ECCE5231 27
Wireless HART
► Wireless HART is a wireless
sensor networking technology
based on the Highway
Addressable Remote Transducer
Protocol (HART).
► Wireless HART uses a 2.4 GHz
► Wireless HART uses a flat mesh
network where all radio stations
(field devices) form a network.
► Every participating station serves
simultaneously as a signal source
and a repeater.
ECCE5231 28
Wireless HART
► The original transmitter sends a message to its nearest
neighbor, which passes the message on until the message
reaches the base station and the actual receiver.
► In addition, alternative routes are set up in the
initialization phase. If the message cannot be transmitted
on a particular path, due to an obstacle or a defective
receiver, the message is automatically passed to an
alternative route.
► So, in addition to extending the range of the network, the
flat mesh network provides redundant communication
routes to increase reliability.

ECCE5231 29
► The HART® Protocol was enhanced in 2012 to include the
transmission of HART data over the Internet Protocol (IP)
using Transmission Communication Protocol (TCP) or UDP.
► HART-IP offers a straightforward way to access all the
HART information available in a HART device through an IP
network and allows that information to be brought up to
the enterprise level easily, without the need to go through
any translation processes, and with no loss of information

ECCE5231 30

ECCE5231 31

ECCE5231 32
Industrial Internet of things(IIOT)
• Application of IOT in industry is known as IIOT or
Industrial internet of things or Industry 4.0.
• Industrial Internet integrates big data technologies,
machine learning, sensor data, machine-to-machine
(M2M) communication to architect intelligent
commercial-ready industrial equipment and facilities.
• Industrial IoT platform will allow you to connect and
process IoT data securely at a larger scale.
How Industrial IoT Works

• Industrial IoT (IIoT) is a network of devices which are connected

through communications technologies.
• These devices analyze data, collect and exchange information to
provide complete operational visibility to make rapid operational
decisions that can enhance your business.
• Industrial IoT increases visibility, enhances operational efficiency,
reduces complexities and boosts productivity in the industry.
• Industrial IoT Platform makes use of modern sensor technology to
architect various industrial equipments with remote monitoring and
maintenance capabilities.
• It helps in enhancing productivity, quality and safety and machine
• Textile industry was the first to be affected by
industry revolution.
• John key`s Flying shuttle- weaving industry
• Spinning jenny-enabling the spinning of 100 of
yan together.
• The power loom
Fling shuttle ,spinning jenny
Power loom
Industry 1.0
• The industrial revolution started with the
mechanization (water/steam power) of the
production pipelines. Steam engines are used
in production and transportation.
Industry 2.0
• The second transformation has happened
once the steam power is replaced with
electricity and because of electricity there was
mass production.
• Breakthrough in transistor and electric circuits
technology produced computers which
triggered the third industrial revolution.
Mass device connectivity pushes the fourth
industrial revolution which is enhanced with
smart devices and advanced artificial
intelligence algorithms like machine learning.
What is IOT? 2

❖ The Internet of Things is the network of physical objects or

"things" embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and
network connectivity, which enables these objects to collect
and exchange data.

❖ It allows objects to be sensed and controlled remotely across

existing network infrastructure, creating opportunities for more
direct integration between the physical world and computer-
based systems, and resulting in improved efficiency, accuracy
and economic benefit.
❖ "Things," in the IoT sense, can refer to a wide variety of devices
such as heart monitoring implants, biochip transponders on farm
animals, electric clams in coastal waters, automobiles with built-in
sensors, DNA analysis devices for environmental/food/pathogen
monitoring or field operation devices that assist fire-fighters in
search and rescue operations. These devices collect useful data
with the help of various existing technologies and then
autonomously flow the data between other devices.
Where are we now in 2023
IoT ecosystem
How IoT Works?

RFID Sensor Smart Tech Nano Tech

To identify To collect To enhance To make the

and track and process the power of smaller and
the data the data to the network smaller
of things detect the by devolving things have
changes in processing the ability to
the physical capabilities to connect and
status of different part interact.
things of the

Current Status & Future Prospect of Io1T4

“Change is the only thing permanent in this world”

IoT as a Network of Networks1:5

These networks connected with added security,

analytics, and management capabilities. This will allow
IoT to become even more powerful in what it can
help people achieve.
The Future of IoT

"The Sky's not the limit. It's only the beginning with IoT."
• Industry 4.0 industry revolution basically started in
German to push German economy.
• This term coined in Hannover university in 2011 in
Difference between IOT &IIOT
• IoT devices are commonly used by the
hobbyist or another consumer usage.
• IIoT is designed for heavy-duty tasks such as
• IIoT uses more precise and durable (heat/cold
resistant) devices,actuators, sensors, etc.
• Both IoT and IIoT have the same core
principles such as data management, network,
security, cloud, etc
• The main differences between IoT and IIoT are
scalability and the volume of generated data
and how data has been handled. Since IIoT
devices generate massive amount of data.
• IIoT requires data streaming, big data,
machine learning or artificial intelligence
• In a home network, loss of the generated data
would be trivial but in IIoT it is vital.
• The data in IIoT should be more precise,
continuous and sensitive.
• For instance, considering a monitoring system
in a nuclear power plant or a manufacturing
facility should be precise, continuous and
sensitive to prevent hazardous events.
• Security: As manufacturing processes are becoming smarter (with
the use of SCADA Systems), the production processes are becoming
more technology-driven, in terms of wireless M2M technologies.
Most of the connected machines share information directly to the
cloud and hence get exposed to security threats and attacks. In
other words, any ‘thing’ or “device” or “asset” that is controlled by
the network, or the internet is vulnerable to attacks and hacks.
• Interoperability: As per IoT Nexus survey, 77% of IoT professionals
saw interoperability as the biggest challenge in the Industrial
Internet. The manufacturing environment is flooded with machines
and protocols that are yet to be interconnected and most often not
interoperable. So, connecting the legacy industrial systems and
ensuring interoperability between them is a challenge.
The End

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