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Brazilian Journal of Physics


Effects of Combined Feedbacks and Recycling Noise

on a Birhythmic Self-sustained Oscillator
A. Chéagé Chamgoué1 · B. P. Ndemanou2 · R. Yamapi3,4 · P. Woafo3,5

Received: 11 September 2020 / Accepted: 18 November 2020

© Sociedade Brasileira de Fı́sica 2021

Numerous studies have demonstrated the important role of noise in the dynamical behavior of a complex system. This
work is devoted to investigating the constructive role of combined feedbacks and recycling random excitation on stochastic
bifurcations and its regularization in a birhythmic oscillator. This possesses a bistability mode with the coexistence of two
stable limit cycles in the deterministic case. However, so far, these combining effects on the birhythmic dynamic system
have not been reported. Relying on the approximate methods, the harmonic approximation is adopted to drive the delay
self-control feedback to state variables without delay noise. The dynamical behavior of the model is analyzed analytically
using Hopf bifurcation theorem and numerically such as two-dimensional bifurcation diagrams with respect to two feedback
parameters are obtained. Then, Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov (FPK) equation and stationary probability density function
(PDF) for amplitude are obtained by applying the stochastic averaging method. Based on these results, the influence of
related parameters of recycling noise and damping coefficient on the stochastic P-bifurcation is studied.

Keywords van der Pol oscillator · Birhythmicity · Hopf bifurcation · Time-delay feedback · Recycling noise ·
Stochastic averaging method · P-Bifurcation

1 Introduction in a metastable region, contribute to its escape from a

metastable state, or synchronize the passage between two
The interaction between environmental random fluctua- wells in a periodically driven bistable pseudopotential sys-
tions, memory effects, and the nonlinearity of real systems tem. These effects are of general interest in many fields of
can give rise to new unexpected phenomena. A noisy envi- physics, chemistry, and biology, where random fluctuations
ronment indeed can facilitate the permanence of a particle can accelerate or slow down physical dynamics, chemical
reactions, and biological processes. Recently, there has been
 A. Chéagé Chamgoué a growing interest in the effects of noise on dynamical sys- tems with delays. In biological systems, both noise and
delays are inevitable. Noise is immanent in any open system
1 Department of Basic Science, School of Geology and Mining involving uptake and dissipation of energy. Delays usually
Engineering, University of Ngaoundere, Box 115, Meiganga, arise due to finite information transmission times: in this
Cameroon context, delayed visual feedback systems. Delayed interac-
2 Department of Mechanical, Petroleum and Gas Engineering, tions are known to have relevant effects on nonlinear sys-
Faculty of Mines and Petroleum Industries, University tems. For example, in Ref. [1], a time-delayed feedback is an
of Maroua, 08 Kaélé, Cameroon
effective tool for the continuous control of birhythmicity in a
3 Laboratory of Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, dynamical system. The cooperation of the delayed feedback
Biomimetics and Prototypes, and TWAS Research Unit,
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University
and a high-frequency signal is highlighted in Ref. [2, 3].
of Yaoundé I, Box 812, Yaoundé, Cameroon Recycling noise is a kind of a more common noise, which is
4 Fundamental Physics Laboratory, Department of Physics,
formed by the superposition of the source noise and the sec-
Faculty of Science, University of Douala, Box 24 157, Douala, ondary noise with time delay [4]. It was shown that the recy-
Cameroon cled noise might produce non-trivial effects, such as recti-
5 Applied Physics Research Group (APHY), Vrije Universiteit fying the motion of a massless Brownian particle on a peri-
Brussel, Pleinlaan 2,1050 Brussels, Belgium odic substrate [4] and inducing stochastic synchronization
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in a bistable system [5]. There are several fascinating phe- systems, ranging from physics to biochemistry. When
nomena related to the dynamical behaviors of nonlinear employed to model enzymatic-substrate reactions [1], x in
self-excited organizations in physics, biochemistry, and so (1) is proportional to the population of enzyme molecules
on. Specially, interest is paid to the birhythmic model, i.e., in the excited polar state and ẋ represents the rate of
two stable limit cycles with different frequency and ampli- change of the number of excited enzyme molecules. The
tude, and as a result a bistable deed. To high light, the quantities α, β are positive parameters that measure the
effects of various types of noise on the dynamic system degree of tendency of the system to a ferroelectric instability
have been studied widely, such as Gaussian white noise [6– compared with its electrical resistance [21–23], and μ is
8], Gaussian colored noise [9–13], Lévy noise [14–17], and a positive parameter that modulates the nonlinearity of the
Poisson noise. Noise recycling has been demonstrated to be system. Since that model has been introduced, just few
a possible strategy for controlling noise-induced dynamics, aspects of his dynamics have been analyzed. Kaiser and
such as enzymatic substrate reactions in brain waves [18] Eichwald [24] have analyzed the super-harmonic resonance
and higher order nonlinearity system [19]. However, for a structure and have found symmetry-breaking crisis and
more realistic depiction of response deed to external per- intermittency of the enzymatic-substrate reactions with
turbations in this model, the presence of the delay time of ferroelectric behavior in a brain waves model. Indeed,
noise-driven birhythmic model should be considered. Also, Enjieu et al. [21] investigated the nonlinear dynamics
this is the objective of our research: to investigate if a and strange attractors in both the autonomous and non-
birhythmic model can be exhibited suitably with bifurcation autonomous cases. However, they have not considered
scenarios of recycled noise and delay self-control feedback, possible effects of memory. Delay is used as a simple
that will be discussed, and to explore advances. but efficient way to incorporate memory into dynamical
This paper is outlined as follows. In the next section, systems, which usually arises in state variables due to the
the analytical analyses of the birhythmic model under finite propagation of information. Typically, d characterizes
delay self-control feedback and devoted to a recycled noise the strength of the displacement and the velocity feedback.
are carried out in detail. The relation between the fre- And τ1 > 0 is time delay which defines the finite processing
quency/amplitude and the feedback parameter is derived time in synapses and specific reaction time in elementary
analytically that provided Hopf bifurcation condition. The steps of a biochemical reaction [1].  (t) is the recycling
changes in the birhythmic area and the optimal damping noise that can be expressed as:
parameter under different feedback coefficients are pro- 
vided. The stochastic averaging method is utilized to obtain 2D
(t) = [ζ (t) + κζ (t − τ2 )] , (2)
Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov (FPK) equation and station- 1 + κ2
ary probability density function. The effects on bifurcation
where ζ (t) is an additive Gaussian white noise with zero
caused by delay self-control feedback and noise are dis-
mean and intensity 1, τ2 the time delay, and κ is the fraction
cussed in detail in Section 3. The stochastic P -bifurcation
of the delayed secondary noise. The correlation function of
of delay Van der Pol oscillator driven by the recycling
 (t) is given by:
noise is studied. We discuss the effect of parameter of
recycling noise and feedback parameters on stationary prob- ⎡  ⎤
1 + κ 2 δ (t) +
ability density and obtain the critical parameter zone of 2D ⎣ ⎦ . (3)
 (t)  (0) =
bifurcation by average method theory. The study is help- 1 + κ2
κδ (t − τ2 ) + κδ (t + τ2 )
ful to improve the understanding of stochastic P-bifurcation.
Finally, Section 4 concludes the outcome of the whole study. Obviously, noise is strongly correlated at time t and
t ± τ2 . In fact, the low-frequency oscillation described by
(1) may be the well-known electric vibration in the brain
2 Model and Analytical Estimates [20, 22]. Alpha activity is the major electrical activity seen
in normal relaxed adults; the fast activity (such as beta
The bi-stable model under investigation is described by and gamma activity) is associated with task-oriented, busy
van der Pol-like oscillator with a nonlinear function of or anxious thinking, active concentration, and multitasking
higher polynomial order with time-delayed feedbacks and [25]. However, the higher amplitude and the slower wave
recycling noise as follows [20, 22]: (such as delta or theta wave) in awake adults can be seen
  as a manifestation of brain diseases (e.g., Parkinsons and
ẍ − μ 1 − x 2 + αx 4 − βx 6 ẋ + x
, (1) epilepsy). In order to provide insights into the dynamics
= d (x (t − τ1 ) − ẋ (t − τ1 )) +  (t)
of brain activity, it is necessary to consider effects of time
here, an overdot refers to differentiation with respect to delay and delay environmental fluctuations on enzymatic-
time t. It is worth to note that (1) models certain dynamic substrate reactions.
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2.1 The Multi-Limit Cycle van der Pol Oscillator D = 0, we assume the delay intensity is small and use the
change of variables [28, 29]:
In the deterministic limit, the model is not influenced
x(t) = A(t) cos(φ(t)), ˙ = −A(t) sin(φ(t)),
y(t) = x(t)
by random disturbances (D = 0), and without delayed (6)
feedback d = 0, following Refs. [18, 21]. The periodic φ(t) = t + θ(t),
solutions of (1) can be approximated by: where A(t) is the amplitude and φ(t) is the phase of the
oscillator with delayed feedback. Then, the following approx-
x = A cos(ωt), (4) imate expressions can be obtained through the aforemen-
tioned equation:
The analytic amplitude A and frequency ω can be readily
x (t − τ1 ) = x (t) cos τ1 − ẋ (t) sin τ1 ,
obtained [18]. It has been found that the amplitude A
is independent of parameter μ, which enters only in the
ẋ (t − τ1 ) = x (t) sin τ1 + ẋ (t) cos τ1 .
frequency ω. The amplitude equation is given by:
Applying (7), (1) is equivalent to the below system
5β 6 α 4 1 2 without delayed feedback:
A − A + A − 1 = 0, (5)
64 8 4
ẍ − μ η − x 2 + αx 4 − βx 6 ẋ + ω2 x = 0, (8)
which appears generic for codimension-two saddle-node
bifurcation. Depending on the value of the parameters α with
and β, the oscillator possesses one- or three-limit cycles. η =1− d
(cos τ1 + sin τ1 ) ,
Figure 1 describes the bifurcation lines that enclose the
region of birhythmicity in the two-parameter domain (α, β).
ω2 = 1 − d (cos τ1 − sin τ1 ) .
In the region between lines l1 and l2 (zone (I I )), three-limit
cycles are observed while the one-limit cycle appears in the Furthermore, (9) imposes an upper limit
√ on the

other region, as reported in Refs. [18, 21, 26]. The lines and time delay of the feedback, namely d 2cos τ1 + π4 <
l1 and l2 that bound this region correspond to saddle-node 1; otherwise, the frequency ω becomes imaginary, which
bifurcations for the outer or larger amplitude limit cycle and is nonphysical. Using the Lindsted perturbation method
the inner or smaller amplitude limit cycle. [30], we derive the following equations for amplitude and
2.2 Noise-Free Case and Delay-Induced
Multistability 5β 6 α 4 1 2
A − A + A − η = 0, (10)
64 8 4
A deterministic time-delayed feedback is known to be an and
efficient tool control of birhythmicity [1, 25, 27]. When ⎛ ⎞
73β 6
− 2048 A + α 4
24 A − 3 2
64 A η
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 93β 2 12 69αβ 10 ⎟
μ ⎜
2 +
⎜ 65536
A − 16384 A ⎟

=ω+ ⎜ ⎟. (11)
ω ⎜ ⎟
⎜ + 3α 2 + 67β A8 ⎟
⎜ 1024 8192 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
− 96
α 6
A + 128

In the absence of delayed feedback (i.e., d = 0)

the amplitude equation described by (10) reduces to the
previously obtained expression (5). As we obtained two
stable solutions (10), the system remains bistable, in the
sense that it can oscillate at two different frequencies (11).
Equation (10) indicates that delay τ1 as well as feedback
strength d can be used to regulate appropriately the number
of limit cycle amplitudes (equal to the number of positive
Fig. 1 Parameter domain for the existence of a single-limit cycle roots for (10)). From (10), the Hopf bifurcation occurs at
(zones (I ) and (I I I )) and three-limit cycles (zone (I I )) the critical values of delayed feedback parameters where the
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limit cycle has zero amplitude. Thus, setting A = 0 in (10) 0.01 such as the stochastic version of the Runge-Kutta
yields: methods [31] are used to compute the numerical solutions
√ of system (1) in the absence of delayed feedback (i.e.,
d 2 π d = 0). Numerical methods to solve differential equations
1− sin τ1 + = 0, (12)
μ 4 with delayed feedback and delayed noise such as (1) are
with the corresponding frequency at which the Hopf the 2-stage stochastic Runge–Kutta for stochastic delay
bifurcation occurs (see (11)): differential equations proposed by Rosli et al. [32, 33].
 Figure 4 clearly shows that when we fixed τ1 = 1 the
√ π
 = 1 − d 2cos τ1 + . (13) system converges to the amplitude A = 0 for d = 0.01
4 and to a limit cycle for d = −0.01, which implies that the
Taking μ as a bifurcation parameter, we can obtain, from Hopf bifurcation occurs in the delay system (1) as predicted
(12), the critical value of μ at which the Hopf bifurcation by analytical estimations. We can also notice that when the
occurs as follows: phase of periodicity changes, fixed τ1 = 4, Hopf bifurcation
√ π occurs with the variation of the delay intensity d in the
μcr = d 2 sin τ1 + , (14) reverse sense. Therefore, dH B = μ for τ1 = 0; this is in
agreement with the results found by Biswas [27].
with fixed feedback
√ parameters
 d and τ1 matching an upper Also, Hopf bifurcation is clearly showed in Fig. 5 when
limit condition d 2cos τ1 + π4 < 1. we fixed d = 0.002 which implies that the system converges
The function μcr (d, τ1 ) represents the boundary between to the amplitude A = 0 for τ1 = 1.80 and to a limit cycle for
oscillation and non-oscillation regions for the feedback τ1 = 2.20 in the delay system (1) as predicted by analytical
extended van der Pol oscillator (8) (see Fig. 2). estimations.
For example with the damping parameters μ being fixed
to μ = 0.001, we vary the time delay τ1 to study the 2.3 Stability of Periodic Orbits: Floquet Theory
dynamical behaviors of system (1). It follows from (14)
that the critical value of the feedback intensity d shows Stability of periodic solutions in our dynamic systems
a periodic dependence on delay time τ1 with a period 2π can be represented using a mathematical tool. To examine
and exists if τ1 = (8n + 3) π4 or τ1 = (8n − 1) π4 with stability of the periodic solution, we derive the linear
n = 0, 1, 2, 3, .... The maxima of feedback intensity are variational equation from (8) around the oscillatory states
located at τ1 = (8n + 1) π4 . At this time, the oscillation and obtain:
region changes to a non-oscillation zone which implies  
that the system dynamics will converge to the equilibrium; ξ̈ −
 μ2 η −xs + αxs −3 βxs ξ̇ 5  
2 4 6
, (15)
reversely, it will converge to a limit cycle (LC). Figure 3a + ω + μ 2xs − 4αxs + 6βxs ẋs ξ = 0
shows the oscillation and non-oscillation regions for delay where xs is the oscillatory state defined by xs = A cos(t).
system (1) in (d, τ1 )-plane for a fixed value of parameter The oscillatory states are stable if ξ tends to zero when the
μ, whereas the effect of μ is showed (Fig. 3b). The time goes up. With regard to the evolution of the biological
zone of oscillation increases with periodicity of the τ1 system represented by xs , it can indicate an exogenic
and with μ. The choice of numerical method to solve the hormonal agent which forms the basis of the therapeutic
equations is one of the considerable tasks. In this work, action [21]. The therapy will consist of seeking temporal
the faster numerical algorithms with a time step t = laws to be followed by the exogenic hormone so that after
a transitional phase, the state of the system remains more
close to physiological behavior [34]. The appropriate tool
to examine the stability condition is the Floquet theory.
To discuss further the stability process, the objective is to
estimate numerically the stable and unstable zones that lead
to having information on the periodic solution. The complex
eigenvalues λ are found through the Monodromy matrix M
that provides information about the stability of the periodic
solution (4) [35, 36]. Generally, if the real part of these
eigenvalues is negative, the variation ξ goes to zero when the
time goes up; therefore, the harmonic solution (4) is stable.
If it is positive, the solution is unstable; therefore, ξ never
tends to zero when the time increases, but has a bounded
Fig. 2 Control parameter μcr versus feedback parameters (d, τ1 ) oscillatory behavior or goes to infinity.
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Fig. 3 a Oscillation and

non-oscillation regions for
system (1) in (d, τ1 )-plane for a
fixed value of the parameter μ. b
Effect of the parameter μ on the
oscillation and non-oscillation
regions in (d, τ1 )-plane

Figure 6 presents two zones, the shaded zone indicates of μ = 0.001, α = 0.145, and β = 0.005 for which
the stability region, and the other presents the unstability (1) exhibits birhythmicity in the absence of feedback (cf.
region. Thus, the yellow point with coordinate (d = −0.02, Fig. 1). Next, the influence of the feedback parameters
A = 2) mentioned within the shaded zone shows the is discussed. Consider the delay time τ1 and feedback
stability of the amplitude of this point is periodically stable intensity d as fold parameters. From the analysis of the
even though the red point (d = 0.02, A = 2) indicates the proposed method for feedback van der Pol oscillator (1),
amplitude of the indicated point is periodically unstable. when the feedback parameters are set as d = 0 and τ =
0, (8) represents the amplitude of the system on which
2.4 Bifurcation Regulations of Amplitude of Limit appears generic codimension-two saddle-node bifurcation
Cycle [1]. It is interesting to note that the amplitudes of the
system do not depend on μ, and the frequency in harmonic
The most important feature for our purposes of the feedback limit becomes  = 1. In this case, the three roots of
nonlinear self-excited oscillator described by (1) is that it (8) correspond to the amplitudes of the three-limit cycles
possesses more than one stable limit cycle solution, i.e., (one unstable and two stable). Furthermore, dependence
it exhibits birhythmicity. We consider the parameter set on the (α, β) parameter’s system (1) is still characterized

Fig. 4 The time trajectory of the

delay van der Pol oscillator (1)
for different values of parameter
d and fixed τ1 . With
(α, β) = (0.145, 0.005) and
μ = 0.001. For initial conditions
(x, ẋ) = (0.1, 0.0)
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Fig. 5 The time trajectory of the

delay van der Pol oscillator (1)
for different values of parameter
τ1 and fixed d . With
(α, β) = (0.145, 0.005) and
μ = 0.001. For initial conditions
(x, ẋ) = (0.1, 0.0)

with a bistable deed [18, 23, 26]. The focal theme of by the black points in the Fig. 7a). In the black points
the present section is to study the effect of the feedback zone, birhythmic behavior exists. In this zone, three LCs
parameters d or τ1 on the existence of the limit cycles. exist, of which two are stable (one with smaller amplitude
The number of limit cycles is determined by the number of and the other with larger amplitude) and one is unstable.
solutions of the amplitude equation. The number provides For a clearer understanding of the bifurcation scenario, we
information about the steady-state solution (i.e., no solution) take an exemplary value μ = 0.001 and vary the feedback
and the existence of a single-limit cycle (monorhythmicity) term d and τ1 . Furthermore, the occurrence or absence of
or three-limit cycles (birhythmicity, where one of the LCs is birhythmic area (i.e., two existing attractors) can be accounted
unstable). by the graphical method from numerical and analytical sim-
The bifurcation structure in the d − τ1 space is com- ulations, as Fig. 7b and c shows. The one-parameter bifur-
puted and shown in Fig. 7a, and we find through this cation diagram corresponding to this variation is shown in
figure the parameters’ domain for the existence of a single- Fig. 7b and c. In the absence of the feedback intensity, i.e.,
limit cycle (white area) and three-limit cycles (black area). for d = 0, the system is in a birhythmic zone. Also, during
The two-parameter space is divided by bifurcations, namely the changeable course of delay intensity d and time delay
saddle-node bifurcation of the limit cycle (SNLC) (shown τ1 , the bifurcation will appear.

Fig. 6 Top Stability (blue) and 10

instability (white) regions of
periodic solution of the delay
van der Pol oscillator (8) in

(A, d) space for fixed τ1 . With
(α, β) = (0.145, 0.005) and
μ = 0.001. Bottom
Corresponding complex 0
-0.08 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
conjugate pair of eigenvalues
1 1

0.5 0.5
Im( )

0 0

-0.5 -0.5

-1 -1
-1 0 1 -1 0 1
Re( ) Re( )
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Fig. 7 a Two-parameter
bifurcation diagram in (d, τ1 )
space, for the existence of
monorhythmicity (white area)
and birhythmicity (black area).
b, c Birhythmic area induced by
delay self-control feedback, with
(α, β) = (0.145, 0.005) and
μ = 0.001. b One-parameter
bifurcation diagram with d as
control parameter for τ1 = 2.34.
c One-parameter bifurcation
diagram with τ1 as control
parameter for d = 0.002. Here,
the red points represent the
numerical study, whereas the
black points define the
analytical result

3 Stochastic Bifurcation Thereby, W1 , W2 are independent

 normalized  Wiener pro-
cesses and σ = 1+κ 2 1 + κ + 2κcos(τ2 ) . For a small
2 D 2

The stochastic bifurcation can be classified into dynamical noise, the phase θ will be close to its unperturbed value θ0
bifurcation (D-bifurcation) and phenomenological bifurca- (deterministic case). This gives us the possibility to only
tion (P -bifurcation). They are independent and there is no consider the first equation of (17). As far as the instanta-
direct relation between them. D-Bifurcation is related to sign neous amplitude in the first equation of (17) does not depend
change in the Lyapunov exponent; P -bifurcation is often on the phase, its shape can be viewed as the motion of an
characterized by the topological change in probability den- overdamped Brownian system trapped in an effective poten-
sity function (PDF) of the system. The phenomenon that prob- tial. This first equation can be re-written in a potential form:
ability density curve changes from single peak to multi-peaks  
dU (a) σ
when adjusting the parameters is called P -bifurcation. da = − dt + dW1 (18)
3.1 Stationary PDF of the Birhythmic van der Pol where the effective potential U (a) is given by:
Oscillator with Noise μ
U (a) = 128
8 βa
8 − 43 αa 6 + 4a 4 − 32ηa 2 ,
When D = 0, we assume that the noise intensity D, damping (19)
coefficient μ, and delayed feedback strength d are small, − 2 2 ln(a),
and the joint response process (x, ẋ) needs to be trans-
Here, η and  = ω are determined by (9). The sketch of the
formed to a pair of slowly varying processes (6). Again, the
effective potential for the free noise self-sustained oscillator
potential energy U (x) and the total energy H of the system
with multi-limit cycles is given in Fig. 8.
(8) yield:
x Asymmetric forms are most observed than symmetric
U (x) = 0 ω2 udu = 12 ω2 x 2 , according to the value of the control feedback parameters
2 (16) d and τ1 . This gives rise to the possible switching over
H (x, y) = y2 + U (x).
the potential well in the noisy excitation. Hence, the PDF
Substituting (6) into (8) and applying the stochastic aver- p(a, t) of the instantaneous amplitude satisfying the FPK
aging method, the stochastic differential equations of the equation yields:
instantaneous amplitude a(t) and phase θ(t) are given by  
∂p(a,t) dU (a) σ 2 ∂ 2 p(a,t)
the following equations: ∂t = ∂
∂a da p(a, t) + 2 2 ∂a 2
, (20)
⎪ μ  
7 −8αa 5 +16a 3 −64ηa + σ 2

⎪ da = − 5βa dt By letting ∂p(a,t) = 0, the stationary P DF of amplitude
⎨ 128 2a2 ∂t
+ σ
dW1 , (17) a(at) is given by:

⎩ 2 − 2 2
− 22 U (a)
dθ = ω 2 dt + a σ
dW2 , ps (a) = Ne σ , (21)
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with N being a normalization constant. Thus, we can obtain Generally, (24) can admit one or three positive roots [1, 26]
the stationary PDF of the total energy H = U (a) = 12 2 a 2 , by adjusting parameters η and  σ2
2 indicating the unimodal
 da   or the bimodal distribution of p(a). However, the change of
P (H ) = P (a)   = P (a)  (22)
dH   a a=U −1 (H )
2 parameter values will lead to two types of spatiotemporal
structures of joint PDF: one-peak, two-peak. Then, the
And the joint PDF of the displacement and velocity can be effects of noise and time delay on the transformations of
retrieved as: the PDF from one form to another will be discussed on

(H ) 
P (x, y) = PT (H ) H = 1 ω2 x 2 + 1 y 2
the stochastic properties of the birhythmic system (8). The
⎛ ⎛ 2 2
8 ⎞⎞ parameters (α, β) = (0.145, 0.005) and μ = 0.001 are
5β y2
x 2 + fixed, with which the deterministic delay feedback system
⎜ ⎜ 8 ω 2
⎜ ⎜ 4α 2 y 2 6 ⎟⎟ has two stable limit cycles and one unstable limit cycle.
⎜ ⎜ ⎟⎟
⎜ μ2 ⎜ − 3 x + ω2
= N exp ⎜− 64σ ⎜ ⎟ ⎟
⎜ 2
⎜ +4 x 2 + y 2 4 ⎟⎟ 3.2.2 Effect of Delayed Feedback Parameters and Delayed
⎜ ⎜ ω2 ⎟⎟
⎝ ⎝ 2
⎠⎠ Time of Gaussian Noise
−32η x 2 + ωy 2
In the case D = 0, based on (24), a bimodal diagram
Thereby, T (H ) = 1 and N is normalization constant. of time-delayed stochastic system in the parameter plane
Due to the shape of Fig. 8, the probability distribution is σ2
( 2 , η) is exhibited in Fig. 9a in the tinted area and the
in general very asymmetric, for most of the parameters d
white area stands for the unimodal structure. We explore the
or τ1 and, therefore, the probability distribution function
effects of the roles of Gaussian noise with delays and in all
p(a) can be localized around a single orbit. Furthermore, the
of the below bifurcation diagrams, the tinted area describes
stochastic behavior of the system depends on the presence
the bimodal structure of P (a) and the white area indicates
of extrema (peaks) in the stationary probability density.
the unimodal structure. Figure 9b, c, and d covered the
variations of recycling noise parameters (D, κ) when they
3.2 Effect of Time Delayed Feedback and Delayed
are regarded as bifurcation parameters for different values
Recycling Noise on Birhythmic Self-sustained of τ2 and with the fixed feedback terms d and τ1 . The range
Oscillator of bimodal regions depends on it.
In order to compare the analytic predictions, we have
3.2.1 Stochastic P-Bifurcation
next carried out direct numerical simulations of (8), which
will be compared to our theoretical predictions.
Based on (21) and letting ∂p∂as (a)
= 0, the most probable
As shown in Fig. 10, the stationary probability density
oscillation amplitude am given by the roots of the following
is qualitatively different in different parameter regions. The
stationary probability density is bimodal or unimodal (and
μ σ2 reversely) depending to the chosen parameters, and this
5βam − 8αam
+ 16am
− 64ηam
− =0 (24)
128 22 variation can be denoted as a stochastic P -bifurcation. In

Fig. 8 Variation of an effective

potential U versus the amplitude
a for the free-noise birhythmic
feedback system. a τ1 = 2.34
and various values of d, b
d = 0.002, c d = −0.002, and
various values of τ1 , with
(α, β) = (0.145, 0.005) and
μ = 0.001. Here, the red solid
arrow represents the sense of
asymmetric well displacement
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Fig. 9 Bifurcation diagram of

noise birhythmic feedback
system: a in the parameter plane
( 2 , η); b, c, d in the parameter
plane (D, κ) with different
values of τ2 , for feedback
parameters τ1 = 2 and
d = 2.028e − 04, with
(α, β) = (0.145, 0.005) and
μ = 0.001

Fig. 10, the point denotes the numerical simulations of (8). bifurcation analysis has been carried out to establish the
The solid line represents the theoretical calculation using mechanism behind the control of birhythmicity in the sys-
(21). The numerical and analytical results are in good agree- tem. Both theory and numerical experiments established
ment. This proved the correctness of stochastic averaging that for some properly chosen intensity and deterministic
method. time delay of the feedback, the birhythmicity can be illus-
trated completely. In the deterministic case, depending on
the analytic criterion for amplitude equation, it is possi-
4 Conclusion ble to figure out different zones in the bifurcation diagram
for which the dynamical scenarios are distinct. Yet, the
In the current study, we have theoretically studied the effect birhythmic region can be detected in parameter space (d, τ1 )
of combined feedbacks and recycling noise on a birhythmic by choosing approximate nonlinear parameters α, β. Our
system. Using rigorous analytical techniques, we have estab- study also suggests that combined feedbacks and recycling
lished that the feedback path is capable of controlling and/or noise can be employed as an efficient control technique for
suppressing birhythmic oscillations. A detailed numerical birhythmicity. We believe that our study may have potential

Fig. 10 Stochastic P-
bifurcations in noise birhythmic
feedback system model (8) and
(18). Stationary amplitude
distribution for μ = 0.001, for
feedback parameters τ1 = 2,
d = 2.028e−04, and different
values of the noise parameters
(intensity D, fraction of the
delayed κ, and time delay τ2 ): a
τ2 = 0.9π, D = 0.02; b
τ2 = 0.9π, κ = 0.8; c κ = 0.8,
D = 0.02; d η = 0.8,
Deff =  2 , with
(α, β) = (0.145, 0.005)
Author's personal copy
Braz J Phys

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