Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter

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Chapter: Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
Multiple Choice Answer Type Questions 6. Choose the only correct statement out of the
1. When photon of energy 3.8eV falls on metallic
(1) only a charged particle in motion is
surface of work function 2.8eV, then the kinetic
accompanied by matter waves.
energy of emitted electrons is;
(2) only subatomic particles in motion are
(1) 2 to 3eV
accompanied by matter waves.
(2) 6 to 7eV
(3) any particle in motion, whether charged or
(3) 0 to 1eV
uncharged, is accompanied by matter waves.
(4) 4 to 5eV
(4) no particle, whether at rest or in motion, is ever
accompanied by matter waves.
2. The photoelectric work function;
(1) is different for different materials.
7. Neglecting variation of mass with velocity, the
(2) is same for all metals.
wavelength associated with an electron having a
(3) depends upon frequency of the incident light.
kinetic energy E is proportional to;
(4) depends upon intensity of the incident light.
(1) E1/2 (2) E
(3) E–1/2 (4) E–2
3. The phenomenon of photoelectric effect was first
explained by;
8. Of the following having the same kinetic energy. the
(1) Hallwach
one which has the largest wavelength is;
(2) Einstein
(1) an alpha particle. (2) a neutron.
(3) Planck
(3) a proton. (4) an electron.
(4) Bohr

Assertion and Reason Answer Type Questions

4. The energy of the most energetic photoelectrons
emitted from a metal target depends upon; 9. Assertion (A): A photon cannot transfer all of its
(1) threshold frequency of the metal. energy to an isolated electron.
(2) photoelectric work function of the metal. Reason (R): When energy of a photon is more than
(3) wavelength of the incident radiation. 1.02 MeV, it can materialize into two particles
(4) All of these called electron and positron.
(1) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are True,
5. Threshold wavelength for sodium is 6 × 10–7 m. and the Reason (R) is a correct explanation of
Then photoemission occurs for light of wavelength the Assertion (A).
λ if; (2) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are True,
(1) λ > 6 × 10–7 metre but Reason (R) is not a correct explanation of
(2) λ < 6 × 10–7 metre the Assertion (A).
(3) λ = 5 × 1014 metre (3) Assertion (A) is True, but the Reason (R) is
(4) Frequency ≤ 5 × 1014 Hz False.
(4) Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are False.

10. Assertion (A): There is almost no time-lag between Long Answer Type Questions
the incidence of light and the emission of
18. (I) Write the important properties of photons
which are used to establish Einstein’s
Reason (R): A photon transfers almost all its energy
photoelectric equation.
to a single electron in a metal.
(II) Use this equation to explain the concept of
(1) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are True,
(a) threshold frequency and
and the Reason (R) is a correct explanation of
(b) stopping potential.
the Assertion (A).
(2) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are True,
19. (I) Draw the graph showing the variation of de
but Reason (R) is not a correct explanation of
Broglie wavelength of a particle of charge q
the Assertion (A).
and mass m with the accelerating potential.
(3) Assertion (A) is True, but the Reason (R) is
(II) An electron and proton have the same de
Broglie wavelengths. Explain, which of the
(4) Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are False.
two has more kinetic energy.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Case Based Study Answer Type Questions
11. What is photon?
20. Photoelectric threshold of silver is λ = 3800Å.
Ultraviolet light of λ = 2600Å is incident on silver
12. Define work function for a given metallic surface.
surface. (Mass of the electron = 9.11 × 10–31 kg)
I. Will photoelectric emission occur on the silver
13. The wavelength of electromagnetic radiation is
doubled; how will the energy of a photon change?
(1) Yes, because the wavelength is below the
14. What is the energy (in joule) associated with a
(2) No, because the wavelength is above the
photon of wavelength 4000Å?
(3) Yes, because the wavelength is above the
Short Answer Type Questions
15. Plot a graph showing variation of de-Broglie (4) No, because the wavelength is below the
1 threshold.
wavelength λ versus , where V is accelerating
potential for two particles A and B carrying same II. What is the significance of the mass of the
charge but of masses m1, m2 (m1 > m2). Which one electron (9.11 × 10–31 kg) in the given context?
of the two represents a particle of smaller mass and (1) It determines the speed of emitted electrons.
why? (2) It is unrelated to the photoelectric effect.
(3) It affects the wavelength of incident light.
16. An α-particle and a proton are accelerated through (4) It is the work function of silver.
the same potential difference. Find the ratio of their
de Broglie wavelengths. III. Calculate the value of work function in eV.
(1) 1.77 (2) 3.26
(3) 5.69 (4) 2.32
17. X-rays of wavelength ‘λ’ fall on a photosensitive
surface, emitting electrons. Assuming that the work
IV. Calculate the maximum kinetic energy (in eV)
function of the surface can be neglected, prove that
of the emitted photoelectrons.
de Broglie wavelength of electrons emitted will be
(1) 1.51 (2) 2.36
hλ (3) 3.85 (4) 4.27


Answer Key

1. (3) 7. (3)
2. (1) 8. (4)
3. (2) 9. (2)
4. (4) 10. (2)
5. (2) 20. I-(1), II-(1), III-(2), IV-(1)
6. (3)

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Hints & Solutions

Multiple Choice Answer Type Questions Hence, if the wavelength is doubled, the energy of
photon will be half.
1. (3)

2. (1) hc
14. E=
3. (2) hc 6.626 × 10−34 Js × 3 × 108 m/s
= =
λ 4000 × 10−10 m
4. (4) E 4.97 × 10−19 Joule

5. (2)
Short Answer Type Questions
6. (3) 15. (i) Graph λ vs
7. (3)

8. (4)

Assertion and Reason Answer Type Questions

9. (2)

10. (2)
(ii) As λ =
Very Short Answer Type Questions
As the charge of two particles is same,
11. A photon is a tiny particle that comprises waves of
λ 1 1
electromagnetic radiation. ∴ ∝ i.e. Slope ∝
 1  m m
As shown by Maxwell, photons are just electric  
fields traveling through space.  V 
Photons have no charge, no resting mass, and Hence, particle with lower mass (m2) will have
travel at the speed of light. greater slope and is represented by the graph ‘B’.

12. The minimum energy required to free an electron 16. From de Broglie equation, we know
from the metallic surface is called the work h h h
λ= = = … (i)
function of that surface, it is represented by φ p 2mK 2mqV
φ= [ K = qV ]
λα mp q p
∴ =
13. Where λ0 = threshold frequency. λp mα qα
hc mp q p
The energy of photon, E = hν = where h =
λ = [ mα 4=
= m p , qα 2q p ]
4m p 2q p
Plank’s constant, c = velocity of light and λ =
wavelength. 1
= ∴ λ α : λ p =1: 2 2
1 2 2
Thus, E ∝

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17. As work function of a surface can be neglected so This equation shows that the greater the
φ0 = 0. work function ϕ0, higher the threshold
Therefore, kinetic energy of emitted photoelectron frequency v0 needed to emit photoelectrons.
1 2 hc hc 2mhc Thus, there exists a threshold frequency v0 (=
mv= − φ=
0 or mv = ϕ0/h) for the metal surface, below which no
2 λ λ λ
de-Broglie Wavelength of emitted photoelectron photoelectric emission is possible, no matter
how intense the incident radiation may be or
h h hλ
1 = = proved how long it falls on the surface.
mv (2mhc) 2mc (b) Stopping potential: The minimum value of
λ negative potential v0, which should be
applied to the anode in a photocell, so that
Long Answer Type Questions the photoelectric current becomes zero, is
18. (I) Important properties of Photons : called Stopping potential.
(i) In interaction of radiation with matter, 1
radiation behaves as if it is made up of  K max = mν 2max = eV0
particles called photons. eV0 = hν − φ0 ; for ν ≥ ν 0
(ii) Each photon has energy E (= hv) and
momentum p (= hv/c), and speed c, the speed h φ
or V0   ν − 0
of light. e e
(iii) All photons of light of a particular frequency V0 is the stopping potential.
v, or wavelength λ, have the same energy E
(= hv = hc/λ) and momentum p (= hv/c = 19. (I) For Graph:
h/λ), whatever the intensity of radiation may h h
We have,
= λ =
be. 2mqV 2mK
By increasing the intensity of light of given
( = K .E . )
K qV
wavelength, there is only an increase in the
number of photons per second crossing a  Mass of deuteron is more than that of
given area, with each photon having the proton,
same energy. Thus, photon energy is
independent of intensity of radiation.
(iv) Photons are electrically neutral and are not
deflected by electric and magnetic fields.
(v) In a photon-particle collision (such as
photon-electron collision), the total energy
i.e., md > m p
and total momentum are conserved.
However, the number of photons may not be ∴ For same λ, we must have K p > K d
conserved in a collision. The photon may be i.e., the proton has more kinetic
absorbed or a new photon may be created. energy.
(II) Einstein’s photoelectric equation is (II) de-Broglie wavelength,
K max = hν − φ0 … (i) h h h
λ= = =
(a) Threshold frequency: Since Kmax must be p mv 2mE
non-negative, equation (i) implies that
 1 2
photoelectric emission is possible only if  E = 2 mv
φ or mv = 2mE
hν > φ0 or ν > ν 0 , where ν 0 = 0 
Given: λ e =λ p , q p =qe

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h h Case Based Study Answer Type Questions
2me Ee 2m p E p 20. I-(1), II-(1), III-(2), IV-(1)
me Ee = m p E p
Ee m p 1
= or E ∝
E p me m
Since the mass of electron is less than that of
proton, hence electron will have more
kinetic energy.

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