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Smart Grids: Basics to Advanced Technologies

Different Types of Energy Storage Technologies

Prof. Narayana Prasad Padhy

Electrical Engineering Department

Table of Contents
 Classification of Energy Storage  Suited Applications
 Why Batteries?
 Technical Characteristics
 Different Battery Technologies
 Terminologies

 Strengths and Weakness of  Battery Applications

Different Energy Storage

Classification of Energy Storage Systems

Energy Storage Systems

Mechanical Electrochemical Chemical Electromagnetic Thermal Hybrid

Pumped Hydro Lithium-ion Supercapacitor

Fuel Cell Thermo-chemical Battery & Flywheel
Compressed Air Lead Acid Superconducting
Hydrogen Storage Latent heat Battery & Fuel Cell
Flywheel Nickel Cadmium Magnetic Energy
Biofuel Sensible heat Battery & CAES
Vanadium Redox Storage (SMES)
Battery & Supercapacitor
Sodium Sulphur
CAES & Battery
Battery, Fuel Cell & Super

Technical Characteristics
• Electrochemical and electrical
energy storage e.g. batteries and
supercapacitors, respectively, cover
the mid-time range, minutes to
hours and allow scale-up to MW-
• Pumped-hydro and compressed air
energy storage may reach GW size.
• Chemical energy storage, as
hydrogen, has the largest potential
for large-scale energy storage.
Source: Møller, Kasper & Jensen, Torben & Akiba, Etsuo & Hai-Wen, Li. (2017). Hydrogen - A
sustainable energy carrier. Progress in Natural Science: Materials International..

• Energy Density: The amount of energy that can be stored in a storage
device that has a given volume or mass.
• Power Density: The amount of power that can be stored in a storage
device that has a given volume or mass.
• Response Time: It is the time for an ESS to go from 0 to 100% rated power,
while rated power divided by response time is ramp rate.
• Cycle Life: The cycle life for an ESS is a function of depth of discharge and
is the total number of cycles that an ESS can provide at any depth of
discharge over its life.
• Efficiency: Round-trip efficiency is the percentage of electricity put into
storage that is later retrieved.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Different Storage Technologies
Parameter Flywheel Super-capacitor Lithium-Ion Lead-Acid Redox-Flow
Energy Density Very Good

Power Density Good

Usable Capacity Not so Good

Cycle Life
Long term Storage
Response Time

Suited Applications
• Charge when generation increases load
• Discharge when load is higher than generation
• Supply critical loads during islanding
• Voltage profile improvement, network
upgrade deferral, reduction of losses, etc. The duck curve
Source: S.M. Schoenung, J.O. Keller, Commercial potential for renewable
hydrogen in California, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 42 (2017) 13321–13328.

Supercapacitor Flywheel Li-Ion Lead-Acid Redox-flow

Well Suited For Solutions:
Grid Stability & Grid Various UPS Large scale • Solar curtailment
UPS Stability & Stationary storage with long • Increasing Flexibility by
UPS Applications discharge times introducing storage systems

Why Batteries?
• Batteries, especially Li-Ion, fit best to decentralized applications –due
their flexibility and ability to store from minutes to multiple hours and
from few kW to multiple MWs.

• While there is no best technology for all uses, Lithium-Ion currently offers
the best set of characteristics for most.
• 95% of new storage installations in 2018 rely on Lithium-Ion (excl.
pumped hydro).

• Pumped hydro still makes up approx. 90% of storage capacity, but suitable
locations are limited.

Different Battery Technologies
Battery Energy Round trip Life Span Eco-
type density efficiency (years) friendliness
(kW/kg) (%)
Li-ion 150-200 95 10-15 Yes
NaS 125-150 75-85 10-15 No
Flow 60-80 70-75 5-10 No
Ni-Cd 40-60 60-80 10-15 No
Lead Acid 30-50 60-70 3-6 No

Source: Korea Battery Industry Application 2017, “Energy storage system technologies and business model”

Battery Applications
• Energy shifting up to approx. 6hours, fast response, grid following or grid
Peak Shaving
Energy Shifting

• Voltage and frequency regulation

• Spinning reserve
• Ramp rate control
• T&D upgrade deferral etc.
Source: X. Wu, J. Zhao, C. J. Casablanca, and A. J. Conejo, “Energy storage: Improving system reliability, deferring network upgrading, taking advantage of markets, and beyond,” IEEE Electrification
Magazine, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 104–111, 2021.

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5. X. Wu, J. Zhao, C. J. Casablanca, and A. J. Conejo, “Energy storage: Improving system reliability, deferring network upgrading, taking advantage of
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