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Brain Research 1664 (2017) 95–101

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Research report

Visual stimuli approaching toward the body influence temporal

expectations about subsequent somatosensory stimuli
Tsukasa Kimura a,⇑, Jun’ichi Katayama a,b
Department of Psychological Science, Kwansei Gakuin University, Nishinomiya 662-8501, Japan
Center for Applied Psychological Science (CAPS), Kwansei Gakuin University, Nishinomiya 662-8501, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The present study investigated whether visual stimuli approaching the body influence temporal expec-
Received 31 July 2016 tations about subsequent somatosensory stimuli. To examine this question, we recorded event-related
Received in revised form 13 March 2017 brain potentials (ERPs) during a simple reaction time task using somatosensory stimuli. Fourteen partic-
Accepted 29 March 2017
ipants were asked to place their arms on a desk, and three light-emitting diodes (LEDs) were placed at
Available online 4 April 2017
equal distances between their arms. Each trial was composed of three visual stimuli (i.e., LEDs), and
one subsequent electrical stimulus (i.e., somatosensory stimulus) to one wrist. The stimulus onset asyn-
chrony (SOA) between the visual stimuli was set to 1000 ms. The SOA between the third visual stimulus
Temporal expectation
Visuotactile processing
and the somatosensory stimulus was set to 1000 ms (standard; p = 0.75), 500 ms (early deviation;
Multimodality interaction p = 0.125), and 1500 ms (late deviation; p = 0.125). In the approach condition, the left, center, and right
ERP LEDs (or reverse) were turned sequentially toward the wrist to which the somatosensory stimulus was
presented. In the neutral condition, the center LED was flashed three times. The N1 amplitudes for early
deviations of stimuli were larger under the approach condition than under the neutral condition. These
results show that prior visual stimuli facilitate temporal expectations about subsequent somatosensory
stimuli, i.e., visual stimuli approaching toward the body facilitate the processing of early deviant stimuli.
The present study indicates the existence of a function of supramodal temporal expectation and detection
of deviation from this expectation using the approach of visual stimuli toward the body.
Ó 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction whether the prior approach of visual stimuli influences temporal

expectations about subsequent somatosensory events.
Although a main function of somatosensory modality is to iden- In order to generate temporal expectation, i.e., when subse-
tify ‘‘when”, ‘‘where” and ‘‘what” somatosensory events occur quent events will occur, people extract information about
(Gibson, 1962), expectation of the event is difficult, because frequency and temporal regularity of occurrence of, as well as
somatosensory sensation is evoked after physical contact occurred. the context from, prior events. For example, it is known that the
It is necessary for us to expect physical contact before dangerous response to a subsequent event is facilitated by regularity of prior
object (e.g., knife) touches our body to defend ourselves. The events. Specifically, judgment about when visual stimuli will arrive
expectation for somatosensory events is enabled by using other at a goal becomes faster when the prior visual stimuli move at reg-
sensory information. In particular, the number of studies reported ular intervals (e.g., Doherty et al., 2005; Rohenkohl et al., 2011).
that visual information influences the processing of following These studies suggest that temporal expectations about targets
somatosensory sensation, e.g., facilitation for somatosensory target are influenced by regularity of the stimulus onset asynchrony
detection in visually attended space (e.g., Spence et al., 1998; for a (SOA) of prior visual information (e.g., for a review, see Nobre
review, see Spence, 2010). Moreover, a recent study reported that et al., 2007).
the task irrelevant approach of visual stimuli toward the body This prior visual information influences temporal expectations
facilitates spatial expectations for subsequent somatosensory about subsequent somatosensory events. For example, the tempo-
events (Kimura and Katayama, 2015). However, it remains unclear ral order judgment (TOJ) for somatosensory stimuli is influenced
by prior visual information (e.g., Fujisaki and Nishida, 2009;
Spence et al., 2001); thereby, the existence of temporal interactions
⇑ Corresponding author.
between visual and somatosensory modalities assumed. Further-
E-mail addresses: (T. Kimura), jkatayama@ (J. Katayama).
more, TOJ for a somatosensory event is modulated by visual stimuli
0006-8993/Ó 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
96 T. Kimura, J. Katayama / Brain Research 1664 (2017) 95–101

presented near the hands and the same location as the somatosen- modulation of P3a amplitude to later deviant stimuli reflected
sory event (e.g., Spence et al., 2003). Thus, it is possible that the stimulus omission from prior stimulus context. In the present
distance between visual stimuli and the body affects temporal study, we examined which ERPs are affected by the temporal devi-
expectations about subsequent somatosensory events. In everyday ation. In addition, these ERP amplitudes in the approach condition
life, people can predict when an object will contact the body by would be larger than in the neutral condition, if visual stimuli
evaluating the speed and trajectory of the moving object (i.e., approaching toward the body facilitate temporal expectations
visual information), and we can choose adaptive behavior (e.g., about subsequent somatosensory stimuli. The facilitation of tem-
avoid or catch) in response to expected events. Thus, it is possible poral expectations about subsequent somatosensory stimuli by
that visual stimuli approaching the body also influence temporal the approach of visual stimuli is demonstrated if these results
expectations for subsequent somatosensory events. are obtained.
In psychophysiological studies, electroencephalograms (EEGs) Finally, the previous study reported that the contingent nega-
and event-related brain potentials (ERPs) are often used as an tive variation (CNV) is elicited between the third visual stimulus
index for temporal expectations. Specifically, stimuli that deviate and the somatosensory stimulus at the between frontal to central
from temporal contexts modulate ERPs not only voluntary compo- region (Kimura and Katayama, 2015). The modulation of the CNV
nent (P3b and RON; e.g., Schwartze et al., 2011; for a review, see caused by the early and late deviation would be critical for evalu-
Correa et al., 2006) but also involuntary (N1; e.g., Ford and ation of the temporal expectation created by the preceding
Hillyard, 1981) and preattentive components (MMN and P3a; context.
e.g., Alain et al., 1998; Takegata et al., 2001). Hence, we examined
whether visual stimuli approaching toward the body influence
2. Results
temporal expectations about subsequent somatosensory stimuli,
using ERP.
2.1. Behavioral data
As described above, although the expectation of somatosensory
event is necessary to defend our body from dangerous event, this
Trials with an incorrect response or with reaction time (RT)
expectation is difficult using only somatosensory information and
shorter than 200 ms or longer than 1500 ms were discarded from
visual information supports to create the expectation. Kimura
RT analysis. Table 1 shows the mean RTs of all participants. An
and Katayama (2015) shows that approaching visual stimuli
two-way repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the
toward the body facilitates spatial expectations for subsequent
RTs revealed a main effect of stimulus timing (F(2, 26) = 45.31,
somatosensory events. To examine this effect on temporal expec-
p < 0.001, e = 0.71, g2p = 0.78). Post hoc comparisons revealed that
tations, we recorded EEG while participants were performing a
simple reaction to somatosensory stimuli, and then analyzed the RTs for early deviant and late deviant stimuli were longer than
ERP components. Each trial was composed of three visual stimuli, that for the standard stimuli (ps < 0.05). The main effect of
and then one somatosensory stimulus to only one wrist (left or condition type was not significant (p > 0.10) and the interaction
right) in a block. The SOA between visual stimuli was set to between condition type and stimulus timing was weak trend
1000 ms. The SOA between the third visual stimulus and the (F(2, 26) = 2.71, p = 0.10, e = 0.82, g2p = 0.17).
somatosensory stimulus was set to either the same amount of
time (1000 ms; p = 0.75), shorter (500 ms; p = 0.125), or longer 2.2. Electrophysiological data
(1500 ms; p = 0.125). In the approach condition, three visual stim-
uli were presented sequentially, moving toward the wrist where a 2.2.1. N1
somatosensory stimulus was presented. In the neutral condition, Fig. 1 illustrates the grand average of ERPs elicited by the
visual stimuli located at an equal distance from both wrists were somatosensory stimuli during the approach and neutral condi-
presented three times, the same number as under the approach tions, recorded from the FCz, Cz, and Pz. Fig. 2 shows (a) the topo-
condition. Under the both conditions, somatosensory stimuli graphic maps at the time range of N1 (100–180 ms), and (b) the
invariably occurred after the third visual stimulus. The approach- mean amplitude of N1 for both conditions. The early deviant stim-
ing visual stimuli were irrelevant information in this simple reac- uli of the approach condition elicited a larger N1 amplitude than
tion time task because participants were told what the location of other conditions and other timing at FCz; N1 elicited maximum
the somatosensory stimulus would be (i.e., left or right wrist) amplitude at this electrode.
before each block. The two-way interaction of condition type and stimulus timing
We predicted that participants would expect the presentation was significant (F(2, 26) = 6.22, p = 0.009, e = 0.89, g2p = 0.32). Post
of somatosensory stimuli 1000 ms after the third visual stimulus
hoc comparison indicated that the early deviant stimuli elicited
because this timing was the most frequent. Furthermore, we con-
larger N1 amplitude than the standard stimuli in the approach con-
sider that shorter and longer SOA stimuli modulate different ERPs.
dition (p < 0.05). Additionally, the early deviant stimuli under the
Previous studies reported that stimulus repetition with the same
approach condition stimuli elicited larger N1 amplitudes than the
SOA produced habituation leading the decrement of N1 amplitude
early deviant stimuli under the neutral condition (p < 0.05). In con-
for the stimulus (e.g., Budd et al., 1998). In the present study, prior
trast, N1 amplitudes did not differ between stimulus timings in the
visual stimuli are presented repeatedly with the same SOA (i.e.,
neutral condition (ps > 0.10). Moreover, in the both conditions, N1
1000 ms), thus shorter and longer SOA stimuli would elicit larger
amplitudes were not significant different for standard stimuli and
N1 amplitude at the between frontal to central region because
late deviant stimuli (ps > 0.10). These results revealed that the N1
these stimuli are deviant from temporal expectation. In particular,
shorter SOA stimuli would elicit a larger N1 amplitude response to
an early deviation from temporal expectations (e.g., Ford and
Table 1
Hillyard, 1981) than other SOA stimuli. Moreover, another previous
Mean RTs (ms) for somatosensory stimuli and standard errors of RTs in each
study showed that shorter SOA stimuli elicit P3b and longer SOA condition.
stimuli elicit P3a component at the between central and parietal
Standard (ms) Early deviant (ms) Late deviant (ms)
regions (Jongsma et al., 2007). They interpreted their results as that
the modulation of N1 and P3b amplitude to early deviant Approach 363 ± 18.52 452 ± 17.06 446 ± 19.41
Neutral 367 ± 20.26 455 ± 20.31 439 ± 19.60
stimuli reflected deviation from temporal expectation, whereas
T. Kimura, J. Katayama / Brain Research 1664 (2017) 95–101 97

Fig. 1. Grand averages of ERP waveforms for each condition at FCz, Cz, and Pz electrode sites (N = 14). The light gray area denotes the time range of N1 (100–180 ms), and the
dark gray area denotes the time range of P3 (Standard and Late deviant: 220–360 ms; Early deviant: 260–400 ms).

Fig. 2. (a) The topographic map of the N1 time range (100–180 ms); and (b) mean N1 amplitude (N = 14). The error bars indicate the standard errors (SEs) of the means across

amplitude elicited by the early deviant timing was larger for the 2.2.2. P3
approach condition than for the neutral condition. Furthermore, Fig. 3 illustrates (a) the topographic maps at the time range of
all main effects were significant (condition: F (1, 13) = 6.53, P3 (standard and late deviant: 220–360 ms; early deviant: 260–
p = 0.02, g2p = 0.33; stimulus timings: F (2, 26) = 3.98, p < 0.05, 400 ms), and (b) the mean amplitude of P3 for both conditions at
e = 0.76 g2p = 0.23). Pz; P3 elicited maximum amplitude at this electrode. The main
98 T. Kimura, J. Katayama / Brain Research 1664 (2017) 95–101

Fig. 3. (a) The topographic map of the P3 time range (Standard and Late deviant: 220–360 ms; Early deviant: 260–400 ms); and (b) mean P3 amplitude (N = 14). The error
bars indicate the standard errors (SEs) of the means across participants.

effect of stimulus timing (F(2, 26) = 8.83, p = 0.002, e = 0.90, revealed that the all main effects and interactions were not
g2p = 0.40) was significant. Post hoc comparison indicated that significant (condition: F (1, 13) = 2.15, p > 0.10; stimulus timings:
the P3 amplitudes were larger in standard and late deviant timing F (1, 13) = 0.66, p > 0.10; interaction of condition and stimulus
than in early deviant timing (ps < 0.05). None of the interaction timings: F (1, 13) = 1.44, p > 0.10).
(F (2, 26) = 0.70, p > 0.10) and the main effect of condition
(F (1, 13) = 2. 15, p > 0.10) were significant. 3. Discussion

The present study investigated whether the visual stimulus

2.2.3. CNV approaching toward the body influences temporal expectations
Fig. 4 displays the grand average contingent negative variation about subsequent somatosensory stimuli. For this purpose, we
(CNV) elicited in both conditions recorded at Cz; CNV elicited max- recorded EEGs during simple reaction time tasks using somatosen-
imum amplitude at this electrode. The gray area indicates the time sory stimuli, and then compared ERPs elicited by somatosensory
range of CNV amplitude evaluation (500–1000 ms) for standard stimuli between a visual approach condition and a non-approach
and late deviant timing. An ANOVA on the mean CNV amplitude condition.

Fig. 4. Grand averages of ERP waveforms for both conditions at Cz (N = 14). The 0 ms is third visual stimulus onset. The gray area indicates the time rage for CNV
(500–1000 ms).
T. Kimura, J. Katayama / Brain Research 1664 (2017) 95–101 99

Our results show that RTs to low-probability stimuli were expectation elicit a larger P3 amplitude than any other stimuli. In
longer than the RTs to high-probability stimuli. This result suggests other words, spatial expectation of a subsequent somatosensory
that the participants created temporal expectations about the tim- event elicited by visual stimuli approaching toward the body
ing of the subsequent somatosensory stimuli. Moreover, standard influences late processing of the subsequent event. In contrast,
and late deviant timings elicited similar CNV, which supports this temporal expectation elicited by approach of visual stimuli toward
suggestion because CNV is related to a temporal expectation (e.g., the body influences early processing of subsequent event, accord-
Walter et al., 1964). No difference in CNVs between them would be ing to the present results. These results suggest that the processing
based on the fact that at the 1000 ms point, participant could not affected in temporal prediction elicited by visual stimuli approach
discriminate standard and late deviant. In contrast, stimuli of early toward the body is different from the processing involved in spatial
deviant timing did not elicit the CNV because this stimulus was prediction.
presented before preparation for the temporal expectation began.
Furthermore, results of N1 indicate the influence of approaching 3.1. Conclusion
visual stimuli toward the body regarding this temporal expecta-
tion. Early deviation from the temporal regularity of approaching In summary, the present study showed that the approach of
visual stimuli enhanced the N1 amplitude of subsequent visual stimuli enhances the N1 amplitude of responses to subse-
somatosensory stimuli. It has been shown that the N1 amplitude quent somatosensory stimuli that deviate from temporal expecta-
was enhanced by early deviation from the temporal regularity of tion by occurring early. In contrast, P3 and CNV amplitudes did not
prior stimuli (Ford and Hillyard, 1981). In addition, the early stim- change in response to deviation of stimulus timing and visual stim-
ulus processing is relevant to rapid detection of events (Schwartze uli approaching toward the body. In other words, visual stimuli
et al., 2011). Thus, early deviation from the temporal expectations approaching the body influence temporal expectations about sub-
created by temporal regularity was processed as stimuli that it sequent somatosensory stimuli and modulate early deviation of
should be detected early. In addition, the emergence of stimuli stimuli from this expectation. This result indicates the existence
approaching the body and early stimuli deviating from temporal of a function of temporal expectation for subsequent somatosen-
expectation generate a need to process instantly. Therefore, we sory stimuli using prior visual information and a function of
consider that the approach of visual stimuli toward the body detection of stimuli that appear earlier than expected using the
facilitate processing of deviation to early deviant stimuli. approach of visual information toward the body.
However, the P3 amplitude for stimuli of early deviant timing
was the smallest, and the P3 amplitudes for stimuli of standard
and late deviant timing were not different across the stimulus tim- 4. Experimental procedure
ings and the conditions. CNV was not elicited in the early deviant
timing, indicating that somatosensory stimuli were presented 4.1. Participants
before preparation of temporal expectations began in early devia-
tion timing. Additionally, stimuli of late deviation are predictable Fourteen undergraduate and graduate students (9 females, 5
in terms of presentation timing. When the third visual stimuli were males; 21–24 years of age) participated in this experiment. Three
presented, the probabilities of subsequent somatosensory stimuli participants were left-handed and others were right-handed,
were 75% for standard timing, and 12.5% for both deviant timings. according to their self-report. All participants had normal or
However, when the standard timing (SOA: 1000 ms) has passed, corrected-to-normal vision. This experiment was approved by the
the only remaining possibilities are a late deviant stimulus or no Kwansei Gakuin University (KGU) Institutional Review Board
stimulus (catch trial). In this case, participants only prepare for under the KGU Regulations for Behavioral Research with Human
whether stimuli present (late deviant trial) or not (catch trial). P3 Participants. Written informed consent was obtained from all
is elicited by low frequency of occurrence of the stimulus, and participants.
the lower frequency enhances these amplitudes (Duncan-Johnson
and Donchin, 1977). Thus, it is assumed that stimuli of late deviant 4.2. Stimuli and procedures
timing did not enhance the P3 amplitude.
Finally, it is possible that temporal expectations about subse- Somatosensory stimuli were generated by an electrical stimulus
quent somatosensory events elicited by visual stimuli approaching generator (Nihon Koden Corporation, SEN-7203) and were pre-
toward the body occur automatically at an early stage. In the sented to the participants’ wrists via electric isolators (Nihon
present study, participants were instructed to perform a simple Koden Corporation, SS-203 J) and Ag/AgCl electrodes with a diam-
reaction time task in response to somatosensory stimuli. eter of 1.0 cm. The anodes were placed on the participants’ wrists,
Somatosensory stimuli were presented to only one wrist (i.e., left and the cathodes were placed 3.0 cm from the anodes toward the
or right wrist), which was announced to participants before each elbow. The somatosensory stimuli were single block pulses of
block. Thus, visual stimuli functioned as temporal clues for subse- 0.2 ms in duration. The intensities were three times as high as
quent somatosensory stimuli; however, the element of approach- the threshold for each participant (never causing pain). The abso-
ing was irrelevant information for the present task. However, this lute threshold was measured by six iterations of up-and-down
information facilitated temporal expectations about somatosen- method per participant. The average intensity of the stimuli across
sory stimuli of the approached location, and N1 amplitudes related all participants was 3.5 mA. These stimuli were presented to only
to early deviation from this temporal expectation were enhanced. one wrist (right or left) in each block. The order of the location (left
This result indicates that the approach of visual stimuli toward or right) of stimulus presentation was counterbalanced across
the body facilitates processing of subsequent somatosensory blocks.
events automatically, and facilitates instant detection of early devi- Three white light-emitting diodes (LEDs) were used as visual
ation of somatosensory stimuli. A recent study indicated that the stimuli. Each LED was a square with 0.8 cm sides. Three LEDs were
approach of visual stimuli modulates spatial expectations about placed at equal distances (8.0 cm each intervals) between the arms.
subsequent somatosensory events (e.g., Kimura and Katayama, The visual stimuli were single block pulses of 200 ms in duration.
2015). This study reported that the task-irrelevant approach of The light intensity was 25 cd.
visual stimuli toward the hand produced a greater spatial expecta- Each trial was composed of three visual stimuli and one
tion than non-approach stimuli, and stimuli that deviate from this somatosensory stimulus. The visual stimuli SOA were set to
100 T. Kimura, J. Katayama / Brain Research 1664 (2017) 95–101

1000 ms. The SOA between the third visual stimulus and the then started the remaining two blocks. The order in which the con-
somatosensory stimulus was set; (1) standard timing was set to ditions were performed was randomized across participants.
1000 ms (the same as the visual stimulus interval), (2) early devi- The approach condition and neutral condition were distin-
ant timing was set to 500 ms, and (3) late deviant timing was set to guished by the presentation patterns of the visual stimuli. In the
1500 ms. In each block, stimuli of standard timing were presented approach condition, the right, center, and left (or left, center, and
with high probability (75%), and stimuli of early deviant and late right) visual stimuli were sequentially presented, moving toward
deviant timing were presented with low probability (12.5% for the wrist to which the somatosensory stimulus was presented. In
each). Fig. 5 illustrates these stimulus timings. The interval the neutral condition, the center LED was stimulated three times
between presentations of somatosensory stimulus and first visual using the same timing, and then the somatosensory stimulus was
stimulus was either 1000 or 1200 ms in random with equal presented to the wrist.
probability. The participants sat in front of a desk and gazed at the center
Each block was composed of 134 trials (including 6 catch trials), LED. They were asked to place their arms on the desk at a
which took approximately 10 min. A total of two blocks were pre- 32.0 cm interval and to avoid moving their bodies more than nec-
sented for each condition. The interval between blocks was 2 min, essary during the task. Fig. 6 shows the positioning of the visual
and after the second block, the participants rested for 10 min and and somatosensory stimuli. The LEDs were placed between the

Fig. 5. The stimulus timings of Standard, Early deviant, and Late deviant. The gray line indicates the timing of visual stimuli, and the black lines indicate the timing of
somatosensory stimuli.

Fig. 6. The positions of stimulus presentations. The gray circles indicate the positions of somatosensory stimuli, and the white squares indicate the positions of visual stimuli.
T. Kimura, J. Katayama / Brain Research 1664 (2017) 95–101 101

arms at equal intervals (8.0 cm each). Similarly, the distance (Greenhouse and Geisser, 1959). The effect sizes have been indi-
between the electrode for the somatosensory stimuli on the left cated in terms of partial eta squared (g2p ). Post hoc comparisons
(right) arm and left (right) LED was 8.0 cm. Participants were were made using Shaffer’s modified sequentially rejective multiple
instructed to respond by pressing a button as quickly as possible test procedure, which extends Bonferroni t tests in a stepwise fash-
with the left (or right) foot whenever the somatosensory stimuli ion (Shaffer, 1986). The significance level was set at p < 0.05.
were presented and to not respond when somatosensory stimuli
were not presented (i.e., the catch trials). Half of the participants, Acknowledgement
selected at random, responded using the congruent foot on the side
of somatosensory stimuli location as the response foot, and the Part of this study was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific
other half responded using the incongruent foot. Research (B) (25285206) from the Japan Society for the Promotion
of Science (JSPS) and Special Research Fund A from Kwansei Gakuin
4.3. Recording and analyses University, awarded to Jun’ichi Katayama. The experiment was
conducted as a part of the project supported by the Ministry of
EEG activity was recorded by Nuamps (Compumedics Neu- Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT), JAPAN,
roscan, USA) and an electrode cap (Easycap GmbH, Germany), for the Strategic Research Foundation at Private Universities
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