Therapeutic Advances in Dravet Syndrome A Targeted Literature Review - Compressed

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Therapeutic advances in Dravet syndrome: a

targeted literature review

Adam Strzelczyk & Susanne Schubert-Bast

To cite this article: Adam Strzelczyk & Susanne Schubert-Bast (2020) Therapeutic advances
in Dravet syndrome: a targeted literature review, Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 20:10,
1065-1079, DOI: 10.1080/14737175.2020.1801423

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2020, VOL. 20, NO. 10, 1065–1079


Therapeutic advances in Dravet syndrome: a targeted literature review

a,b a,b,c
Adam Strzelczyk and Susanne Schubert-Bast
Epilepsy Center Frankfurt Rhine-Main, Center of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany; bLOEWE
Center for Personalized and Translational Epilepsy Research (CePTER), Goethe-University Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany; cDepartment of
Neuropediatrics, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany


Introduction: Dravet syndrome (DS), a prototypic developmental and genetic epileptic encephalopathy Received 22 May 2020
(DEE), is characterized by an early onset of treatment-refractory seizures, together with impairments in Accepted 23 July 2020
motor control, behavior, and cognition. Even with multiple conventional anti-epileptic drugs, seizures KEYWORDS
remain poorly controlled, and there has been a considerable unmet need for effective and tolerable Cannabidiol; Dravet
treatments. syndrome; epileptic
Areas covered: This targeted literature review aims to highlight recent changes to the therapeutic encephalopathy; epilepsy;
landscape for DS by summarizing the most up-to-date, evidence-based research, including pivotal data fenfluramine; stiripentol;
from the clinical development of stiripentol, cannabidiol, and fenfluramine, which are important mile­ rare diseases
stones for DS treatment, together with the latest findings of other pharmacotherapies in development.
In phase III, double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized controlled trials stiripentol, cannabidiol, and
fenfluramine have shown clinically relevant reductions in convulsive seizure frequency, and are gen­
erally well tolerated. Stiripentol was associated with responder rates (greater than 50% reduction in
convulsive seizure frequency) of 67%-71%, when added to valproic acid and clobazam; cannabidiol was
associated with responder rates of 43%-49% (48%-63% in conjunction with clobazam), and fenfluramine
of 54%-68% across studies. Therapies in development include soticlestat, ataluren, verapamil, and
clemizole, with strategies to treat the underlying cause of DS, including gene therapy and antisense
oligonucleotides beginning to emerge from preclinical studies.
Expert opinion: Despite the challenges of drug development in rare diseases, this is an exciting time
for the treatment of DS, with the promise of new efficacious and well-tolerated therapies, which may
pave the way for treatment advances in other DEEs.

1. Introduction motor, atypical, myoclonic, and absence) together with cogni­

tive, behavioral and motor impairments; the third ‘non-
The developmental and epileptic encephalopathies (DEEs) are
epileptic progressive stage’, occurring from 5 years of age
a heterogeneous group of rare but devastating early onset
into adulthood, is marked by a decrease in convulsive seizures
childhood epilepsy syndromes characterized by pharmacore­
which are now mainly nocturnal; however mental, motor, and
sistant seizures, cognitive dysfunction, and a poor prognosis
mobility impairments become more prominent in adult
[1]. One of the most well-characterized DEE is Dravet syn­
patients, with a consequential high level of dependency [6].
drome (DS), previously known as severe myoclonic epilepsy
SE, a state of prolonged seizure that requires emergency
of infancy (SMEI), which is predominantly caused by mutations
medical intervention, is common especially in the first years
in the SCN1A gene, which codes for the α-1 subunit of the
of life [7]. DS is also associated with a significantly higher risk
neuronal, voltage-gated sodium channel [2–4]. Based on
of premature mortality, due to SE, accidents, and sudden
advancements in the understanding of the molecular mechan­
unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) [8].
isms and clinical features of DS, it is widely thought to be
DS is a rare condition, with a reported incidence of between 1
a clinically relevant model for other genetic diseases with
in 15,000 and 1 in 33,000 live births [9–11], however for those
epilepsy [5].
affected persons and their families the burden of this severe
DS, which typically starts in the first year of life in an
condition is immense [12–17]. Persons with DS have a poor
otherwise healthy infant, generally progresses in three stages
health-related quality of life (HRQoL), which is worse in those
[4]: the first ‘febrile stage’ is characterized by prolonged com­
with persisting and severe seizures and with comorbidities
plex febrile seizures (mostly clonic generalized and unilateral
[12,13], and the daily life of family caregivers are also profoundly
motor seizures) and status epilepticus (SE); during the second
affected, with demands on their physical and emotional states,
‘worsening stage’, occurring between the ages of 1 and
financial resources and personal time [14–17]. DS is also asso­
5 years, additional seizure types appear (e.g. generalized
ciated with higher direct healthcare costs than patients with

CONTACT Adam Strzelczyk Epilepsy Center Frankfurt Rhine-Main, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main 60528,
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed here.
© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (,
which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in any way.

This review aims to highlight the recent changes to the

Article highlights therapeutic landscape for DS by summarizing the most up-to-
● Dravet syndrome is a prototypical example of a developmental and
date, evidence-based research, identified via a literature
epileptic encephalopathy (DEE). review. This review supports previous recent reviews on the
● There is an unmet need for effective and tolerable treatments for DS treatment of DS [7,19,24–28], but includes a comprehensive
and other DEEs.
● Stiripentol, cannabidiol, and fenfluramine are new effective and well-
update of the data from the clinical development of stiripentol
tolerated pharmacological treatments for DS. (STP), cannabidiol (CBD) and fenfluramine (FFA) (including
● Pharmacologic treatment may also be supported by a ketogenic diet newly-published key data from the pivotal phase III regulatory
or vagus nerve stimulation.
● Further treatment options with new drug approaches are under
trials of CBD and FFA), which are important milestones for the
development. treatment of seizures associated with DS, together with the
● The high research activity for DS will also benefit other DEEs, helping latest findings of other pharmacotherapies in development
to find effective therapeutic approaches in other entities.
(Figure 1). In addition, we sought to identify recent studies
on the efficacy and safety of non-pharmacological agents
(ketogenic diet [KD] and vagus nerve stimulation [VNS]).

other drug-resistant epilepsy [15], and high seizure burden and

comorbidities are related to higher healthcare costs [16,18].
2. Methods
DS is highly drug resistant, and seizure freedom is rare. The aim The literature review was designed to capture clinical trials
of treatment is to reduce the frequency of seizures, particularly the and observational studies reporting on interventions in DS.
prolonged convulsive seizures which cause the most injuries and Studies were identified by a systematic search of MEDLINE
hospitalizations [13,19], while minimizing the side effects of treat­ (Ovid interface). The search took the following form: ((search
ment [3]. Valproate (VPA) and clobazam (CLB) are the generally terms for Dravet Syndrome) and (study design literature
accepted first-line anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) for DS, however, search filters for randomized or controlled clinical studies (1)
these conventional AEDs are usually insufficient for most patients OR observational studies (2) OR a pragmatic search for sys­
[3]. Indeed, despite treatment with multiple AEDs, seizures often tematic reviews)). The search was run from database inception
remain poorly controlled [20–22]. To further complicate matters, (1946) to 31 March 2020, and it was not limited by language.
AEDs that block sodium channels are inappropriate for the treat­ In addition, reference lists of relevant publications were
ment of DS as they can worsen the condition [3,23]. Overall, there searched manually, and trial registries and regulatory websites
has been a considerable unmet need for effective and tolerable (the FDA and European Medicines Agency [EMA]) were also
treatments that reduce seizures and improve QoL. Even now not searched for further studies. In addition, conference proceed­
all therapeutic agents that have been developed for the treatment ings from the American Epilepsy Society and the American
of DS are available in all regions and there is also some divergency Academy of Neurology annual meetings for the years 2018 to
in the indications (Figure 1). 2020 were searched for updates to the pivotal RCTs identified

Figure 1. Pharmacologic agents approved or in development for Dravet syndrome.

Footnote: CLB, clobazam; CNS, central nervous system; DS, Dravet syndrome, LGS, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome; VPA, valproic acid.

in the main search so that the most up-to-date evidence that of several CYP enzymes, and drug–drug interactions regarding
may not yet have been published in full could be included. drugs that are substrates of these CYPs also need to be
Only articles written in English were included. The inclusion considered, including CYP1A2 substrates (e.g. theophylline,
and exclusion criteria (PICOS criteria) used to screen the arti­ caffeine), CYP2B6 substrates (e.g. sertraline, thiotepa), and
cles identified in the electronic searches are provided in CYP3A4 substrates (e.g. midazolam, triazolam, quinidine)
Supplemental Table S1. The publications were screened by [29,34]. In addition, due to potential inhibition of enzyme/
a single reviewer according to the PICOS criteria. Initially, titles transporter activity, dose reductions may be required in case
and abstracts were reviewed and articles were excluded if they of adverse reactions for substrates of CYP2C8, CYP2C19 (e.g.
were not clearly relevant. Subsequently, the full articles of all diazepam, clopidogrel), P-gp (e.g. carbamazepine), an BCRP
potentially relevant articles were retrieved and were reviewed (e.g. methotrexate, prazosin, glyburide) [29,34]. Furthermore,
for inclusion. Finally, each article was summarized according to induction-based interactions leading to decreases in STP may
the area of focus. The search terms are available in the occur when co-administered with a potent CYP1A2, CYP3A4,
Supplemental information. The search was not a true systema­ or CYP2C19 inducer, such as rifampin, phenytoin, phenobarbi­
tic review, and emphasis was placed on articles that included tal and carbamazepine [29,34].
pertinent information on treatment options. In addition, there A number of observational studies have generally con­
were some limitations that may have resulted in missing firmed the long-term efficacy and tolerability of add-on STP
articles: only the MEDLINE database was searched (not treatment in DS patients for up to 24 years (Supplemental
EMBASE). Table S2). Studies have reported reduced frequency and sever­
The electronic database search initially identified 954 arti­ ity of seizures, and responder rates generally of between 49%
cles. After the initial screening, a total of 168 articles were to 60% across studies [35–37]. Seizure freedom has been
retrieved for full-text assessment, of which 45 publications met reported in 2–10% of patients across studies with various
the eligibility criteria and were included in the review. Manual follow-up periods [33,35,37]. However, DeLiso reported that
searches identified an additional 21 documents, including 7 in patients treated with STP (follow-up of up to 22 years,
regulatory documents, 5 from clinical trial registries, and 9 median 8 years), 38% of patients (n = 20/52) treated with
conference abstracts. STP still experienced ongoing weekly seizures (>3/month),
and 40% experienced monthly seizures [38], and Balestrini
et al reported responder rates of only 23% after 36 months
3. Pharmacological agents of treatment in a study of 13 adults with DS [39].
3.1. Stiripentol
STP is approved in conjunction with VPA and CLB as adjunc­
3.2. Cannabidiol
tive for DS in Europe, Canada, and Japan, and in the USA in
conjunction with CLB (Figure 1). The efficacy and safety of STP Although the mechanisms of action by which CBD exerts its
has been evaluated in two phase III double-blind, placebo anti-seizure effects are still being fully elucidated, CBD pos­
controlled RCTs in patients aged ≥3 years with DS who were sesses affinity for multiple targets that result in reductions in
experiencing at least four clonic or (tonic-clonic) generalized neuronal excitability relevant to the pathophysiology of the
seizures per month despite ongoing treatment with CLB and disease (Figure 1) [40]. CBD was first approved as adjunctive
VPA (Table 1) [29–32]. therapy of seizures associated with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
The trials showed that the addition of STP to VPA+CLB was (LGS) or DS for patients 2 years of age and older in the USA in
associated with significantly higher responder rates (at least 2018 [41]; subsequently CBD gained approval in Europe in
a 50% reduction in the frequency of convulsive seizures) 2019 [42], but in conjunction with CLB based on clinical trial
compared with placebo: 71% vs 5% (p < 0.0001) in STICLO- data showing that the combination of CBD and CLB resulted in
France and 67% vs 9% (p = 0.0094) in STICLO-Italy (Table 2) greater efficacy than in the subgroup of patients not taking
[29–32]. In addition, STP was superior to placebo for the CLB (Table 2) [42]. The FDA and EMA approvals were based on
number of seizure-free patients (Table 2) [29–32]. The long- data from two phase III double-blind, placebo-controlled RCTs
term efficacy of STP has been demonstrated into adulthood in in patients aged 2–18 years with DS with seizures not con­
patients who originally participated in the STICLO-France trolled with current AEDs: GWPCARE1 part B (referred to here
study (Supplemental Table S2) [33]. as GWPCARE1) and GWPCARE2 [43,44]. In GWPCARE1 patients
Overall, STP was generally well tolerated. The largest differ­ were randomized to receive either CBD oral solution at a dose
ence between the STP and placebo treatment groups in the of 20 mg/kg/day or placebo, in addition to standard antiepi­
two trials (>10%) was seen for somnolence, decreased appe­ leptic treatment (Table 1) [43]. In GWPCARE2, patients were
tite, weight decreased, dysarthria, and nausea (Figure 2) [32]. randomized to receive CBD at a dose of 10 mg/kg per day
Drug–drug interactions are also an important safety considera­ (CBD10 group) or 20 mg/kg/day (CBD20 group) or matched
tion (Figure 3). Of note, STP increases the plasma concentra­ placebo, in addition to current antiepileptic treatment
tion of CLB and its metabolite through metabolic inhibition of (Table 1) [44]. Of note, the recommended maintenance dose
CYP3A4 and CYP2C19, and therefore in case of adverse reac­ of CBD is 10 mg/kg/day, with dose increases up to 20 mg/kg/
tions (i.e. drowsiness, hypotonia, and irritability in young chil­ day allowed [41,42].
dren) dose reductions of CLB of 25% every week are Overall, these pivotal trials demonstrated that adjunctive CBD
recommended [29,34]. STP is both an inhibitor and inducer resulted in a greater reduction in convulsive-seizure frequency

Table 1. Study and baseline characteristics of the pivotal phase III studies for the treatment of Dravet syndrome.
Age: mean Seizure frequency per Previous AEDs: Concomitant
Author (year), study Intervention/ (SD) [range or 28 days: mean (SD) mean (SD) AEDs: mean (SD) Primary
name, location Study design Population Comparator (n) IQR], years Male, n (%) [median: range or IQR] [median: range]a [median: range]a outcome
Chiron [30,31] Phase III, double-blind, Patients with SMEI (DS) STP(+CLB+VPA) 9.4 (4) [IQR: 6 (29) 17.9 (17.3) [18: IQR: 4–7; 6.6 (2.5) [3–11] NR Response rateb
STICLO-France multicentre placebo (≥3 years) (n = 21) 3–16.7] range 3.9–72.9]
controlled, RCT Placebo (+CLB 9.3 (4.86) 11 (55) 18.5 (17.0) [19: IQR 4–76; 7.5 (2.9) [3–13] NR
+VPA) (n = 20) [IQR:3.2–20.7] range 4.1–76.2]
STICLO-Italy [31] Phase III, double-blind, Patients with SMEI (DS) STP(+CLB+VPA) 9.17 (3.63) 8 (66.7) 33.6 (28.2) [2.14–86.1] NR NR Response rateb
multicentre placebo (≥3 years) (n = 12)
controlled, RCT Placebo (+CLB 8.72 (4.43) 5 (45.5) 27.4 (28.6) [3.75–101] NR NR
+VPA) (n = 11)
Devinsky [43] Phase III, double-blind, Patients with DS CBD 20 mg/kg/day 9.7 (4.7) 35 (57) [12.4: 3.9–1717]b 4.6 (4.3) 3.0 (1.0) Change from

GWPCARE1 part multinational placebo (2–18 years) with (n = 61) [2.5–18.0] baseline
B (NCT02091375), controlled, RCT seizures Placebo (n = 59) 9.8 (4.8) 27 (46) [14.9: 3.7–718]c 4.6 (3.3) 2.9 (1.0) MCSF
Europe & USA not controlled with [2.3–18.4]
current AEDs
Miller [44] Phase III, double-blind, Patients with DS CBD 10 mg/kg/day 9.2 (4.3) 27 (41) [14: IQR 6–31]c [4: 0–19] [3: 1–5] Change from
GWPCARE2 multinational placebo (2–18 years) with (n = 66) [2.3–17.7] baseline
(NCT02224703), controlled, RCT seizures CBD 20 mg/kg/day 9.3 (4.3) 36 (54) [9: IQR: 6–21]c [4: 0–11] [3: 1–4] MCSF
Europe, USA and not controlled with (n = 67) [2.2–18.9]
Australia current AEDs Placebo (n = 65) 9.6 (4.6) 31 (48) [17: IQR: 7–51.1]c [4: 0–11] [3: 1–5]
Lagae [47] Identical phase III, Patients (2–18 years) with FFA 8.8 (4.4) [2–18] 21 (52) 31.4 (30.6) [20.7: 4.8–124]c NR 2.3 (0.9) Change from
NCT02682927 USA multinational, double- DS with seizures not 0.7 mg/kg/day baseline
and Canada and blind, placebo controlled, completely (n = 40) MCSF
NCT02826863 RCTs controlled by current FFA 9.0 (4.5) [2–17] 22 (56) 45.5 (99.8) [17.5: NR 2.5 (1.1) (FFA 0.7 mg/kg
Europe and AEDs and 0.2 mg/kg/day 4.7–623.5]c per day vs
Australia other therapies. (n = 39) placebo)
FFA Study 1 Placebo (n = 40) 9.2 (5.1) [2–18] 21 (52) 44.2 (40.2) [27.3: NR 2.5 (0.9)
Nabbout [48] Phase III, double-blind, Patients with DS FFA 0.4 mg/kg/day 8.8 (4.6) [2–18] 23 (53) 27.9 (36.9) [14.0: 3–213]c NR NR (2 = 2%; Change from
NCT02926898, multinational placebo (2–18 years) with (n = 43) 3 = 44%; baseline in
Europe, USA and controlled, RCT seizures 4 = 37%; MCSF vs
Canada poorly controlled with 5 = 16%) placebo
FFA Study ZX008- current AEDs, Placebo (n = 44) 9.4 (5.1) [2–19] 27 (61) 21.6 (27.6) [10.7: 3–163]c NR NR (2 = 2%;
1504 including STP+CLB or 3 = 59%;
VPA 4 = 36%;
5 = 2%)
In STICLO France and Italy, patients were being treated with VPA and CLB [29–32]. In GWPCARE1 part B the most common AEDs at baseline were CLB (65%), VPA (59%), STP (42%), levetiracetam (28%), and topiramate (26%)
[43]. In GWPCARE2 the most common concomitant AEDs were VPA (70.2%), CLB (63.6%), STP (36%), levetiracetam (27%), and topiramate (23%) [44]. In FFA Study 1, the most common AEDs at baseline included VPA (60%),
CLB (59%), topiramate (25%), and levetiracetam (22%); 49% patients had previously been treated with STP and 26% with CBD [47]. In FFA Study ZX008-1504, as per protocol, all patients had and continued to be treated with
STP; other concomitant AEDs included CLB (94%), VPA (89%), topiramate (24%) and levetiracetam (13%) [48]. b Responder is defined as a patient with a greater than 50% decrease in frequency of generalized tonic-clonic or
clonic seizures; c Convulsive seizures.
AEDs, antiepileptic drug regimens, CBD, cannabidiol; CLB, clobazam, DS, Dravet syndrome; FFA, fenfluramine; IQR, inter-quartile range; MCSF, monthly convulsive seizure frequency; NR, not reported; SD, standard deviation;
STP, stiripentol; SMEI, severe myoclonic epilepsy in infants; VPA, valproic acid.
Table 2. Efficacy in the pivotal phase III studies for the treatment of Dravet syndrome.
Percentage change in Difference from placebo ≥50% reduction in MCSF from
MCSF in MCSF baseline, n (%) Percentage change in total seizure frequency Seizure free patients
Study: Treatment Median (95% CI); n (%) Median (range); Change from placebo
period/follow-up Study arms Median (range) p value [95% CI] OR (95% CI; p value p value (95% CI); p value n (%) [95% CI]; p value
Chiron [29–31] STP (+CLB+VPA) (n = 21) Mean (SD): −69 (42) 0.0002 15 (71) p < 0.0001 NR NR 9 (43) [21.9 to 65.9]; p = 0.0013
STICLO-France Median (range): −91 [52.1 to
2-month (8 week) (−100 to 28)a 90.7]
treatment period Placebo (+CLB+VPA) (n = 20) Mean (SD): 7.6 (38) - 1 (5) - NR NR 0 [0.0 to 13.9]
Median (range): 7.4 (−75 [0 to
to 65) 14.6]
STICLO-Italy [29,31] STP(+CLB+VPA) (n = 12) Mean (SD): 0.0056 8 (66.7) p = 0.0094 NR NR 3/11 (27); p = 0.05
2-month (8 week) -74 (27) [34.9 to
treatment period Median (range): −81 90.2]
(−100 to −33)a
Placebo (+CLB+VPA) (n = 11) Mean (SD): −13 (62) - 1 (9.1) - NR NR 0/9 (0)
Median (range) [0.0 to
-27 (−87 to 140) 41.3]
Devinsky [43] CBD 20 mg/kg/day (n = 61) −38.9 (−100 to 337) −22.8 (−41.1 to −5.4); 26 (43) 2.00 (0.93 to 4.30); −28.6 −19.20 (−39.25 to −1.17); 3 (5); p = 0.08
GWPCARE1 part B; p = 0.01 p = 0.08 p = 0.03
GWEP1332B Placebo (n = 59) −13.3 (−91.5 to 230) - 16 (27) - −9.0 - 0
NCT02091375 CBD 20 mg/kg/day + CLB 53.6 42.8 (17.4 to 60.4) 19 (47.5) p = 0.0382 NRb NR NR
14-week treatment subgroup (n = 40) p = 0.0032
period Placebo + CLB subgroup 18.9 9 (23.7) - NR NR NR
(n = 38)
Miller [44] CBD 10 mg/kg/day (n = 66) −48.7 29.8 (8.4 to 46.2); 29 (43.9) 2.21 56.4; 38.0 2
GWPCARE2/ p = 0.01 (1.06 to 4.62); (20.1 to 51.9);
GWEP1424/ p = 0.03 p < 0.001
NCT02224703 CBD 20 mg/kg/day (n = 67) −45.7 25.7 (32.9 to 43.2); 33 (49.3) 2.74 (1.32 to 5.70); 47.3 25.1 (3.5 to 41.9); 2
14-week treatment p = 0.03 p = 0.007 p = 0.03
period Placebo (n = 65) −26.9 - 17 (26.2) - 29.7 - 1
CBD 10 mg/kg/day + CLB 60.9 37.4 (13.9 to 54.5); 25 (55.6) p = 0.0623 NRb NR NR
subgroup (n = 45) p = 0.0042
CBD 20 mg/kg/day + CLB 56.8 30.8 (3.6, 50.4); 25 (62.5) p = 0.0130 NR NR NR
subgroup (n = 40) p = 0.0297
Placebo (n = 65) + CLB 37.6 - 15 (36.6) - NR NR NR
subgroup (n = 41)
Lagae [47] FFA −74.9 (−100 to 196.4); −62.3 (−47.7 to −72.8); 27 (68) 15.0 (4.5 to 50.0); −68.3 (−100 to p < 0.0001 3 (8)
NCT02682927 0.7 mg/kg/day (n = 40) p < 0.0001 p < 0.0001 p < 0.0001 35.6) (≤1 convulsive seizure: 10 (25))
NCT02826863 FFA −42.3 (−100 to 197.6); −32.4 (−6.2 to −51.3); 15 (38) 4.8 (1.5 to 15.0); −41.1 (−100 to p = 0.0202 3 (8)
FFA Study 1 0.2 mg/kg/day p = 0.2035 p = 0.0209 p = 0.0091 292); (≤1 convulsive seizure: 5 (12.8))
14-week treatment (n = 39)
period Placebo (n = 40) −19.2 (−76.1 to 51.8) - 5 (12) - −16.2 (−77.6 to - 0
601) (≤1 convulsive seizure: 0)
Nabbout [48] FFA 0.4 mg/kg/day (n = 43) 63.1 (−100.0 to −54.0 (35.6–67.2; 23 (54) 26.0 (5.5–123.2); −41.1 (−100.0 p = 0.003 1 (2) [0.1–12.3]; p = 0.49
NCT02926898 115.0); p < 0.001 p < 0.001 to 133.2) (≤1convulsive seizure: 5 (12)
FFA Study ZX008- p < 0.001 [3.9–25.1]; p = 0.03)
1504 Placebo (n = 44) 1.1 (−82.8% – 435.1%) - 2 (5) - −5.9 (−73.8 to - 0 (0) [0.0–8.0]

Combined titration 375.6) (≤1convulsive seizure: 0 (0)

(3 weeks) and [0.0–8.0])
period (12 weeks)

Frequency of generalized tonic-clonic or clonic seizures during month 2

The SmPC for CBD reported that in a subgroup of patients treated with concomitant CLB patients receiving CBD experienced a greater percentage reduction in total seizures compared with placebo (66% 10 mg/kg/day, 54%
to 58% 20 mg/kg/day, 27% to 41% placebo; p = 0.0003 for 10 mg/kg/day and p = 0.0341 and 0.0211 for 20 mg/kg/day vs. placebo) [42].
CBD, cannabidiol; CI, confidence interval; FFA, fenfluramine; MCSF, monthly convulsive seizure frequency; NR, not reported; OR, odds ratio; STP, stiripentol.

Figure 2. Treatment-emergent adverse events occurring in ≥10% patients in the pivotal Dravet syndrome phase III trials.
Footnote: CBD10 and 20, cannabidiol 10, and 20 mg/kg per day; CI, confidence interval; FFA0.2, 0.4 and 0.7, fenfluramine 0.2, 0.4, and 0.7 mg/kg per day; PBO, placebo; STP, stiripentol.

Figure 3. Drug interactions with stiripentol, cannabidiol and fenfluramine.

Footnote: From [29,34,41,42,49,57,58]: CLB, clobazam; PK, pharmacokinetic; VPA, valproic acid.

than placebo (Table 2) [43,44]. In GWPCARE1 the median fre­ and 25.7% (95% CI 2.9%-43.2%; p = 0.03) for CBD20 [44]. Both
quency of convulsive seizures per month decreased from base­ trials also reported significant percentage reductions in total
line with an adjusted median difference vs placebo of −22.8% seizure frequency with CBD vs placebo (Table 2). In addition,
(95% CI −41.1 to −5.4; p = 0.01) [43]. Likewise, in GWPCARE2 the the proportion of patients achieving at least a 50% reduction
percentage reduction from baseline in convulsive seizure fre­ from baseline in convulsive seizure frequency during the treat­
quency was significantly greater with CBD (both CBD10 and ment period was significantly greater with CBD than placebo
CBD20) compared to placebo, with a percentage reduction (Table 2). In GWPCARE1 freedom from convulsive seizures during
from placebo of 29.8% (95% CI 8.4%-46.2%; p = 0.01) for CBD10 the 14-week treatment period was achieved by 3 patients in the

CBD group and none in the placebo group (p = 0.08), and in Rating Scale in patients ≥6 years of age, when appropriate
GWPCARE2 in 2 patients each in the CBD10 and CBD20 groups vs [43]. However, because suicidal behavior and ideation have
1 in the placebo group. The use of rescue medication and been reported in patients treated with AEDs in several indica­
inpatient hospitalizations due to epilepsy were reported in tions, the SmPC and the US prescribing information for CBD
GWPCARE1: rescue medication was used by 59% in the CBD (and for STP) advises that patients should be carefully mon­
group vs 69% in the control group, and there were no change itored for suicidal behavior and thoughts [41,42]. Other warn­
from baseline in inpatient hospitalizations due to epilepsy com­ ings include that concomitant use of VPA and higher doses of
pared to placebo (difference [95% CI]: 0.0 [0.0 to 0.1]). CBD increase the risk of transaminase elevations (Figure 3),
Compared with placebo, caregivers of CBD-treated patients and that there is a need to monitor patients for somnolence
were significantly more likely to report an improvement in and sedation, the occurrence of which is higher with conco­
overall condition, assessed using the Caregiver Global mitant CLB [41,42]. The combination of CBD with CLB results in
Impression of Change (CGIC) (Table 3) [43,44]. In both trials a bidirectional drug-drug interaction that increases levels of
there was no significant difference between groups in the active metabolites of both compounds (Figure 3), and reduc­
sleep-disruption score and Epworth Sleepiness Scale score, tions in the dose of CLB are recommended if somnolence or
suggesting that there was no negative effect of CBD on sedation are experienced when the two are co-administered.
sleep. In addition, the Quality of Life in Childhood Epilepsy CBD also has the potential to affect several CYP and UGT
and Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales II scores showed no substrates (Figure 3).
significant difference between CBD and placebo [43,44].
As mentioned above, the efficacy of CBD was greater in the
subgroup of patients treated with concomitant CLB with 3.3. Fenfluramine
regard to median percentage reduction in convulsive seizures FFA is also a promising new ‘targeted’ treatment for DS, with
compared with placebo, responder rates, reductions in total evidence that it exerts its anti-epileptic activity by multiple
seizures, and CGIC-assessed improvements (Tables 2 and 3) mechanisms including stimulating multiple 5-HT receptor sub-
[42]. In addition, CBD+CLB was associated with an increase in types through the release of serotonin, as well as acting as
the number of convulsive seizure-free days during the treat­ a positive modulator of sigma-1 receptors (Figure 1) [27,46].
ment period in each trial, equivalent to 2.7 days per 28 days The efficacy and safety of FFA has been assessed in three
(10 mg/kg/day) and 1.3 to 2.2 days per 28 days (20 mg/kg/ phase III double-blind, placebo-controlled RCTs in patients
day) [42]. aged 2–18 years with DS: NCT02682927 (Study ZX008-1501),
The long-term efficacy and safety of CBD is being assessed NCT02826863 (Study ZX008-1502) (identical trials with merged
in GWPCARE5 (NCT02224573), an open label extension study datasets before unblinding of results and analysis) [Study 1])
of CBD, which includes patients who completed GWPCARE1 and NCT02926898 (Study ZX008-1504) [47,48]. Based on the
Part A (NCT02091206) or Part B, or GWPCARE2 [45]. Overall, data from these studies, FFA has recently been approved by
264 patients with DS were treated with long-term CBD (mean the FDA (June 2020) [49], and is currently awaiting a decision
modal dose 21 mg/kg/d, median treatment 274 days, with by the EMA.
a median of 3 concomitant AEDs). CBD improved the long- In FFA Study 1 patients were randomized in a 1:1:1 ratio to
term seizure frequency up to 48 weeks of treatment; the FFA 0.2 mg/kg per day (FFA0.2 group) or 0.7 mg/kg per day
median reduction in monthly convulsive seizure frequency (FFA0.7 group), or placebo in addition to existing AED regi­
from baseline to Week 12 was 37.5%, which was maintained mens; treatment with STP was an exclusion criterion due to
at weeks 13-24, 25-36, and 37-48 (42.9%-44.3%). In addition, 5/ a lack of pharmacokinetic (PK) data to evaluate dosage mod­
104 (4.8%) patients were convulsive seizure-free in their last ifications needed to compensate for an expected FFA-STP
12 weeks of treatment, and 44%-45% of patients had convul­ drug interaction. However, given the widespread use of STP
sive seizure-frequency reductions of ≥50% across each 12- for DS, NCT02926898 (Study ZX008-1504) was later designed
week visit window up to 48 weeks. Of note, the long-term to enroll patients with DS receiving a stable, STP-inclusive AED
efficacy and safety of CBD has also been confirmed in an regimen where patients were randomized in a 1:1 ratio to
expanded access program in the US in children and adults receive a lower dose of FFA (0.4 mg/kg per day [FFA0.4]
with DS (n = 54) or LGS, (n = 152), although the data were only based on PK data) or matching placebo, in addition to their
presented for the pooled DS/LGS population (Supplementary AED regimen.
Table S2). The studies showed that FFA was associated with signifi­
The most common TEAEs with CBD across trials, including cant improvements in monthly convulsive seizure frequency in
the OLE trial, included somnolence, decreased appetite, diar­ patients with DS [47,48]. In FFA Study 1 the adjusted median
rhea, vomiting, fatigue, and pyrexia (Figure 2) [43–45]. difference in mean monthly convulsive seizure frequency vs
Elevated liver transaminase levels occurred more frequently placebo was 62.3% (95% CI 47.7–72.8, p < 0.0001) for FFA0.7,
in the CBD groups across both trials, with all affected patients 32.4% (95% CI 6.2–51.3, p = 0.0209) for FFA0.2, and in Study
taking concomitant VPA. Of note, CBD lacks appreciable affi­ ZX008-1504 54.0% (95% CI 35.6%-67.2%; p < 0.001) for FFA0.4
nity or activity at the cannabinoid receptors and lacks the [47,48]. FFA was also associated with greater reductions from
psychoactivity of the archetypal cannabinoid, tetrahydrocan­ baseline in total seizure frequency (Table 2). Significantly more
nabinol [43]. No instances of suicidal ideation have been patients treated with FFA than placebo experienced a clinically
reported, as assessed using the Columbia Suicide Severity meaningful (≥50%) reduction in mean convulsive seizure
Table 3. Additional secondary efficacy outcomes in pivotal phase III studies.

Percentage change in nonconvulsive seizure Seizure-

frequency per 28 days free days Seizure free interval CGIC
Median (range); Change from placebo Median Treatment differences vs Very much or much
Study: Treatment period/follow-up Study arms p value (95% CI); p value N; p value (range) placebo, median (95% CI) improved Any improvement
Chiron (2000) STP(+CLB+VPA) NR NR NR NR NR NR NR
STICLO-France (n = 21)
2-month (8 week) treatment period Placebo (+CLB NR NR NR NR NR NR NR
+VPA) (n = 20)
2-month (8 week) treatment period (n = 12)
Placebo (+CLB NR - NR NR NR NR NR
+VPA) (n = 11)
Devinsky (2017) CBD20 mg/kg/ NR 0.00 (−21.36 to 31.59); NRa NR NR NR Parent/caregiver rating:
GWPCARE1 part B; GWEP1332B day (n = 61) 0.88 37/60 (62); p = 0.02b

NCT02091375 Placebo (n = 59) NR - NR NR NR NR Parent/caregiver rating:

14-week treatment period 20/58 (34)
Miller (2020) CBD 10 mg/kg/ NR 40.7 (12.4 to 59.9) NRa NR NR Parent/caregiver rating: Parent/caregiver rating:
GWPCARE2/GWEP1424/NCT02224703 day (n = 66) 21/66 (32) 45/66 (68.2);
14-week treatment period p < 0.001b
CBD 20 mg/kg/ NR 20.6 NR NR NR Parent/caregiver rating: Parent/caregiver rating:
day (n = 67) (−18.1 to 46.6) 24/66 (36) 40/66 (60.6);
p = 0.03
Placebo (n = 65) NR - NR NR NR Parent/caregiver rating: Parent/caregiver rating:
9/65 (14) 27/65 (41.5)
Lagae (2020) FFA −76.0 (−100 to NR NR 25.0 (2 to 15.5 (6 to 25); p = 0.0001 Parent/caregiver rating: NR
NCT02682927 NCT02826863 0.7 mg/kg/day 69.2); 97) 22 (55); p < 0.0001
FFA Study 1 (n = 40) p = 0.0458 c Investigator rating: 25
14-week treatment period (62); p < 0.0001
FFA −50.6 (−100 to 534); NR NR 15 (3 to 4.5 (0 to 9); p = 0.0352 Parent/caregiver rating: NR
0.2 mg/kg/day p = 0.7585 c 106) 16 (41); p = 0.0036
(n = 39) Investigator rating: 16
(41); p = 0.0032
Placebo (n = 40) −55.6 (−100 to NR NR 9.5 (2 to - Parent/caregiver rating: 4 NR
723.6)c 23) (10)
Investigator rating: 4 (10)
Nabbout (2019) FFA 0.4 mg/kg/ −0.5 (−100.0 to NR 24.4 22.0 NR; p = 0.004 Parent/caregiver rating: Parent/caregiver rating:
NCT02926898 day (n = 43) 611.2); p = 0.18 [1.9–28.0]; (3.0–105.0) 14 (33); 26 (61); p = 0.009
FFA Study ZX008-1504 p = 0.001 p = 0.14 Investigator rating: 31
Combined titration (3 weeks) and Investigator rating: 19 (72); p < 0.001
maintenance period (12 weeks) (44); p = 0.008
Placebo (n = 44) −49.7 (−100.0 to NR 20.3 13.0 - Parent/caregiver rating: 9 Parent/caregiver rating:
529.4) [0.0–26.4] (1.0–40.0) (21) 16 (36)
Investigator rating: 7 (16) Investigator rating: 14 (32)
The SmPC for CBD reported that in a subgroup of patients treated with concomitant CLB, CBD was associated with an increase in the number of convulsive seizure-free days during the treatment period in each trial,
equivalent to 2.7 days per 28 days (10 mg/kg/day) and 1.3 to 2.2 days per 28 days (20 mg/kg/day).
The SmPC for CBD reported that in a subgroup of patients treated with concomitant CLB greater improvements in overall condition were reported by caregivers and patients with both doses of cannabidiol (73% on 10 mg/kg/
day, 62 to 77% on 20 mg/kg/day, 30% to 41% on placebo; p = 0.0009 for 10 mg/kg/day
and p = 0.0018 and 0.0136 for 20 mg/kg/day vs. placebo).
Other seizure types, which included focal seizures without clearly observable motor signs, absence or atypical absence, myoclonic, atonic, and other or unclassifiable
CGIC, Caregiver Global Impression of Change; CBD, cannabidiol; CI, confidence interval; FFA, fenfluramine; NR, not reported; NS, non-significant; OR, odds ratio

frequency (Table 2). In Study 1 seizure freedom during the The most common TEAEs with FFA across the two trials
entire 14-week treatment period was observed in 3 (8%) included decreases in appetite, weight loss, diarrhea, fati­
patients in the FFA0.7 group, 3 (8%) patients in the FFA0.2 gue, lethargy, and pyrexia (Figure 2) [47,48]. In the OLE
group, and no patients in the placebo group, with only one trial, TEAEs occurring in ≥15% of patients with up to
seizure reported during the entire 14-week treatment period 2 years of FFA treatment were nasopharyngitis (23%), pyr­
by 7 (18%) patients in the FFA0.7 group, 2 (5%) patients in the exia (23%), decreased appetite (21%), and diarrhea (15%)
FFA0.2 group compared to none in the placebo group [47]. [51]. FFA was previously marketed as an appetite suppres­
Likewise in Study ZX008-1504, statistically significant increases sant, but was withdrawn from the market in 1997 for this
in the number of patients experiencing no more than a single indication due to reports of cardiac valve disease, however,
convulsive seizure during the treatment period were reported: FFA doses were high (up to 120 mg/day compared to
5 (12%) vs 0 (p = 0.03) [48]. FFA was associated with a greater a licensed maximum dose of 26 mg/day for DS), and it
reduction in days of rescue medication in both studies. was frequently given off-label with phentermine which
FFA was associated with significantly longer seizure-free itself has an influence on valvular disease [54–56]. No
intervals (Table 3). In addition, the median number of convul­ cases of valvular heart disease or pulmonary arterial hyper­
sive seizure-free days was significantly higher in patients trea­ tension have been reported in the FFA studies, including
ted with FFA than placebo [48]. the long-term OLE study [55]. That being said, cardiovas­
Patients who completed one of the phase III clinical trials cular safety will still need to be carefully monitored in DS
could enroll in an open-label extension (OLE) study patients treated with FFA. Studies have reported that FFA
(NCT02823145; Study ZX008-1503), with results reported at has no significant impact on the PK of STP, CLB, VPA [57],
12 months [50], and 2 years [51]. FFA has continued to provide and CBD [58], although the STP+VPA+CLB regimen
clinically meaningful and substantial reductions in convulsive increased the peak plasma levels and systematic exposure
seizure frequency over a median duration of treatment of of FFA demonstrating the need to reduce the dose of FFA
445 days (range, 7–899 days; n = 330 patients). The when administered in combination with the STP regimen
median percent reduction in monthly convulsive seizure fre­ (Figure 3) [57].
quency over the entire OLE treatment period as compared Of note, results from a compassionate use program granted
with the baseline frequency established in the core phase III by a Belgian Royal Decree in 2002, which allowed patients
studies was 83.3%. Overall, 62% of patients demonstrated with DS given FFA under a treatment protocol, have also
a 50% reduction in convulsive seizure frequency. provided evidence that daily FFA for up to 27 years provides
Using the CGIC, significantly more patients receiving FFA sustained, clinically significant reductions in seizure frequency,
than placebo were rated as having any improvement by both without evidence of cardiopulmonary disease, as reported by
investigators and caregivers [48], or as having much improved Ceulemans 2012 and Ceulemans 2016 (Supplementary Table
or very much improved by both caregivers and investigators S2) [59,60].
(Table 3) [47]. In addition, in the OLE trial, 66.1% of caregivers
and 65.9% of investigators rated patients as ‘much improved’
or ‘very much improved’ after 12 months of treatment [50].
In Study ZX008-1504 no significant differences were 4. Non-pharmacological agents
reported between FFA and placebo for the Quality of Life in
4.1. Ketogenic diet (KD)
Childhood Epilepsy Scale, Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory,
and Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF) The KD is a high-fat, adequate-protein and low carbohydrate
[48]. In FFA Study 1, while there was no difference between diet that mimics the biochemical response to starvation so
FFA and placebo in the Quality of Life in Childhood Epilepsy that ketone bodies rather than glucose are the main fuel for
instrument, the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory showed the brain [61]. The mechanism of action of the KD in redu­
improvement in both FFA groups compared with placebo cing seizures is still being investigated, however multiple
[47]. In addition, patients in the FFA0.7 group had significant mechanisms affecting neuronal structure and/or function
improvements from baseline in the BRIEF Behavioral have been suggested [62]. Several retrospective and prospec­
Regulatory Index and Global Executive Composite score [47]. tive studies have provided evidence on the efficacy and
A post-hoc analysis of 77 patients who completed the BRIEF2 tolerability of the KD. The KD is associated with reductions
showed statistically significant and clinically meaningful in the frequency of convulsive and other seizures [63–69],
improvements in behavior regulation and emotion regulation, even leading to some patients being seizure-free [63–
and some components of cognitive regulation (i.e. plan/orga­ 65,67,68], and is well tolerated [63–69]. Responder rates of
nize) [52]. Further analysis in the OLE study confirmed that between 38 and 85% have been reported across studies
reduction in monthly convulsive seizure frequency (MCSF) [63,65–67,69,70]. The effect of the KD appears to be inde­
after 1 year of treatment with add-on FFA was associated pendent of age at initiation [63,67–69], however, some stu­
with improvement in overall executive function assessed dies have noted issues in adhering to the diet [63,64],
using the BRIEF2 tool, and in particular, patients who had especially in solid fed older children compared with infants
profound reduction in MCSF (≥75%) were significantly more treated with the liquid ketogenic formula [63]. KD may also
likely to show clinically meaningful improvements in overall be beneficial on behavior disturbances including hyperactiv­
executive function than patients who had minimal reduction ity [65], cognitive, and other neuropsychological develop­
in MCSF (<25%) [53]. mental aspects [69,70], and quality of life [67].

4.2. Vagus nerve stimulation increase gene expression. TANGO (Targeted Augmentation of
Nuclear Gene Output) is an ASO-based therapy being devel­
VNS consists of intermittent electrical stimulation of the left
oped for DS, designed to increase the SCN1A protein to
cervical vagus nerve by an implanted helical electrode that is
normal levels by upregulating NaV1.1 protein expression
connected to a pulse generator [71]. Dibué-Adjei et al. per­
from the non-mutant copy of the SCN1A gene; it has shown
formed a meta-analysis of 68 patients with DS; overall 52.9%
promising preclinical results [84,85], which is expected to
of patients experienced a ≥ 50% reduction of seizures, and
shortly advance to clinical development.
while the rates varied between 0 and 100% across all 13
studies, they were similar in nearly all studies with more
than 6 DS patients (75%, 67%, 50%, 38%, 50%, 38%) [71]. 6. Conclusions
Hoarseness was the most frequently reported side-effect.
Overall, STP, CBD and FFA have all shown significant efficacy
Overall, VNS appears to be beneficial in a proportion of
for seizure control and are generally well tolerated, with
patients with DS.
acceptable safety profiles. However, head-to-head trials
would be needed to fully decipher the comparative efficacy,
although indirect treatment comparison and network-meta-
5. Potential future treatments: therapeutic agents in
analysis studies could also be useful for evidence-based
healthcare decision making. In the STP trials responder rates
A number of agents are in development for the treatment of were 67%-71%, and in the FFA trials they were 68% with
DS (Figure 1). Soticlestat (TAK-935/OV935), a novel highly FFA0.7 and 54% with FFA0.4; however, they were lower for
selective first-in-class inhibitor of the brain-specific enzyme CBD especially in the overall trial population (43–49% across
cholesterol 24-hydroxylase (CH24H) [72], is being evaluated trials and doses) compared to the subgroup of patients with
in two phase II trials for DEEs including DS: the ELEKTRA trial CLB (48%-63%), which has implications in the US where the
(NCT03650452) [73], and the ENDYMION trial [74]. Ataluren, indication does not specify concomitant CLB, in contrast to the
which is already indicated for the treatment of Duchenne EU. In this respect, the interaction between CBD and CLB has
muscular dystrophy, where it promotes readthrough of also led to the speculation that the efficacy of CBD may simply
a nonsense mutation to produce full-length functional dystro­ reflect a CBD-associated increase in the plasma concentration
phin protein [75], is being evaluated in a phase II trial in of CLB. However, recent systematic reviews and meta-analyses
patients with DS resulting from a nonsense mutation of trials in patients with DS and LGS has provided evidence
(NCT02758626) [76]. Verapamil, a voltage-gated calcium chan­ that CBD has therapeutic effects that are (at least partly)
nel blocker currently used to treat hypertension, angina, and independent of its interaction with CLB; while improvement
certain heart rhythm disorders [77], showed a partial (reduc­ in seizure control over placebo was greatest in patients with
tion of 50–99%) response for all types of seizures over a 14- CBD plus CLB, seizure control was also improved vs placebo in
month period in a pilot study in 3/4 patients with DS [77]. patients with other medications [86–88].
Verapamil has also been assessed in a phase II trial in children STP, CBD and FFA have demonstrated convulsive seizure-
and young adults with DS (NCT01607073) [78], although while freedom and additional seizure-free days/intervals in the pivotal
the trial was completed in 2015, the data have yet to be clinical trials and/or observational studies (Tables 2 and 3 and
reported. Phenotypic screening of drug libraries in Supplemental Table S2). Increases in seizure-free time are likely
a preclinical model using zebrafish scn1 mutants identified to help reduce the burden of care for family/caregivers, even
the serotonin (5-HT) modulators clemizole (EPX-100), lorca­ allowing some free time, while also providing time for the child
serin (EPX-200) and trazodone (EPX-300) as potential clinical to attend rehabilitation programs [22]. With regards to improve­
treatments for DS [79,80], with clemizole being assessed in ments in quality of life, both FFA and CBD were associated with
a phase I trial in healthy subjects (NCT04069689) [81]. improvements in the CGIC. Reducing seizure frequency may also
Strategies to treat the underlying cause of DS, including alleviate some health-related costs of treating DS, especially
gene therapy [82,83], and antisense oligonucleotides (ASO) those associated with hospitalizations [89].
[84,85] are also beginning to emerge from preclinical studies. In addition to being a severe epileptic syndrome, impairment
While gene therapy should be amenable for SCN1A-related DS, in cognition and neurodevelopment are also important conse­
progress has been hampered by current technologies that quence of DS, with negative impacts on QoL and independence.
have limited cell-type selectivity and cannot accommodate These impairments are believed to be in part due to the under­
large, complex genes like SCN1A. To overcome these limita­ lying etiology of the disease and in part as a consequence of the
tions, the development of an adenoassociated viral vector seizures themselves [2,90]; therefore reductions in the severity
containing an engineered transcription factor for the upregu­ and frequency of seizures might have benefits on this additional
lation of endogenous SCN1A controlled by a GABA-selective impairment. To date, there is a paucity of evidence on the impact
human regulatory element has been reported [82,83]. When of treatments on cognition and behavior, although these can be
administered to SCN1A+/− mice the novel vector significantly challenging outcomes to assess, especially in short-term trials
reduced hyperthermic seizures, decreased the frequency and [22]. Longer-term evidence suggests that STP and the KD may
duration of electrographic seizures, and significantly reduced not have a beneficial impact on cognitive abilities, although
the risk for SUDEP by 89% [82,83]. Antisense oligonucleotides further studies are needed [33,70]. However, there is some pre­
(ASOs) are also a valuable technology for the treatment of liminary evidence that FFA may have positive impacts on aspects
severe genetic diseases that work by targeting RNA splicing to of executive function, including behavior and emotion, as

assessed using the BRIEF or BRIEF2 tool [47,52,53]. In addition, lamotrigine, and bromide are all commonly AEDs prescribed
recent in vivo data suggest that FFA may protect against chemi­ in DS patients. Despite there being ‘no consensus’ regarding
cally induced neurocognitive damage by positively modulating bromide in the North American recommendations, it was
sigma-1 receptors [46]. the second most used AED in patients in a study in
SE is a cause of substantial morbidity as well as mortality Germany, and has been shown to be effective in patients
[91–93]. As with cognition, effects on SE can be difficult to with DS in other studies [95–97]. In addition, levetiracetam
assess in short-term trials because of the rarity of the outcome (strong consensus in the North American recommendations)
during that time period. However, longer-term observational was rarely prescribed in the German study [21], and while
studies have shown that STP is associated with low rates of SE the lifetime prevalence of levetiracetam is high, the low
in those with a prior history (Supplemental Table S2). Further current prevalence suggests there may be a lack of efficacy
long-term observational studies on the effects of CBD and FFA and/or tolerability issues where patients only use this AED
are needed as these agents become more widely used upon for a short time [98]. In this respect, a study reported similar
approval. Of interest, a recent case report reported that FFA response rates for the STP+CLB+VPA (89%), bromides (78%)
was beneficial for the acute treatment of SE in one patient; and KD (70%), but significantly lower rates for levetiracetam
after 4 days of FFA, the patient became more responsive, with (30%) [63].
cessation of seizures and paroxysmal activity, and after Since its approval in the EU in 2007, STP has become
1 month, seizures remained in remission and the EEG had a mainstay of treatment [18,21,99]. However, persisting sei­
improved [94]. zures remain a burden in many patients, and there are limited
Overall, this review summarizes the current and emerging treatment options in such patients. Given that the conse­
treatment landscape in DS and is an important contribution to quences of DS can be catastrophic, and that higher seizure
the evidence in this rare severe disease. burden is associated with increased comorbidities and lower
QoL [13], this unmet need is extremely pertinent. The two
additional agents, CBD and FFA, are therefore welcome
7. Expert opinion (potential) additions to the treatment armamentarium for DS.
CBD and FFA have been assessed in patients aged ≥2 years
7.1. Changes to the treatment paradigm for Dravet
experiencing high numbers of seizures at baseline despite being
treated with a variety of AEDs, including STP, and could there­
As of 2017, a North American consensus panel recommends fore be initiated at any position in the treatment pathway, where
VPA and/or CLB as first-line treatment for DS, and if seizures the indication allows (Figure 4). Together with STP, CBD and FFA
are inadequately controlled, STP or topiramate are recom­ are likely to become mainstays of treatment, with treatments
mended as adjunctive treatment (Figure 4) [3]. The KD could tailored to the individual patients, taking into account the dif­
also be considered as a second-line treatment in patients with ferent risks and benefits, personal preferences, previous lines of
suboptimal response to clobazam and valproic acid, with the therapy, and drug–drug interactions (Figure 3) [19,100].
traditional diet considered appropriate for children ≤12 years,
and alternatives (e.g. the Modified Atkins diet) being the
better option in teens and adults [3]. According to the con­
7.2. Implications for other DEEs
sensus panel, later therapeutic options in patients with sub­
optimal response to first – and second-line therapies may Mutations in genes encoding voltage-gated ion channels,
include clonazepam, levetiracetam, zonisamide, rufinamide, including SCN1A, are a major cause of DEEs, the so-called chan­
acetazolamide, or bromides [3]. VNS, which is less efficacious nelopathies [101]. DS, as a clinically and genetically defined
than the KD, may also be considered if first- and second-line entity, can be a model for other DEEs with regard to targeted
therapies have failed. Of note, a number of AEDs are to be therapy. CBD is already approved for the treatment of LGS and
avoided for the treatment of DS due to exacerbating seizures approval for treatment of seizures in tuberous sclerosis complex
[3], and developmental outcomes are reported to be worse in is anticipated; FFA is also being trialed as a possible treatment in
children who have been treated with sodium channel blockers patients with LGS. In addition, the technologies being devel­
for longer periods of time (Figure 4) [23]; this highlights the oped for DS, including the use of gene therapy and ASOs, may
importance of early diagnosis and initiation of appropriate also be able to be applied to other DEEs.
treatment for improving the long-term outcomes of patients Overall, it is hoped that via early diagnosis and the timely
with DS. Medication to use for emergency rescue for pro­ use of new efficacious therapeutics such as STP, CBD and FFA,
longed seizures is also a concern, but is beyond the scope of that positive outcomes can be achieved including reductions
this review; this topic has recently been reviewed by Cross et in seizures, and positive impacts on QoL for both patients and
al., 2020 [19]. caregivers. However, despite new treatments, the burden of
While the consensus forms a good basis for treatment the disease is still heavy for patients and caregivers. The future
guidance, therapeutic strategies will need to be adapted of treatment for DEE should consider not only the number of
according to the availability of drugs in different countries, seizures but also cognition and behavior; the ideal treatment,
including newer therapies as they become approved, while possibly through a disease-modifying technology such as
also taking into account clinicians’ experience and indivi­ gene therapy or ASOs, should be able to act on the neurobio­
dual patient factors. Real-world evidence in Europe and logical process of the disease. Overall, the advances in DS may
beyond has shown that VPA, CLB, STP, topiramate, also stimulate advances in other genetic epilepsy syndromes.

Figure 4. Current and potential future treatment pathway in Dravet syndrome.

Footnote: Adapted from Wirrel et al 2017 [3]; Wirrel and Nabbout 2019 [22] and Cross et al. 2019 [19]The current treatment strategy is based on the recommendations from the North
American consensus panel [3], however not all therapies are available in all regionsaAgreed upon by strong consensus; bAgreed upon by moderate consensus; cNot approved for use in all
jurisdictions; dKetogenic diet is not suitable for all patients, its use is not required before moving to third-line therapies; e No consensus, however, of note bromide was the second most
commonly used AED in a real-world study in Germany commonly used in second-line, whereas levetiracetam (strong consensus) was rarely prescribed [21]; the efficacy of bromide has also
been demonstrated in other studies [95–97]AEDs, antiepileptic drugs; CLB, clobazam; STP, stiripentol; VNS, vagus nerve stimulation; VPA, valproic acid.

Acknowledgments 3. Wirrell EC, Laux L, Donner E, et al. Optimizing the diagnosis and
management of dravet syndrome: recommendations from a North
The authors would like to thank Amanda Prowse (Lochside Medical American consensus panel. Pediatr Neurol. 2017;68:18–34.e3.
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