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The use of MATLAB is highly encouraged.

Consider the DC motor for position control with the following parameters
sec 2
K=0.1 , R=1 ohm, L=10 mH , B=0.001 N . m. ; J=0.001 N . m. sec ¿ rad
Assume that the initial condition for the position is θ=
a. Show that the system is unstable
b. Develop the DCF of the system
c. Implement the model of a Simulink framework
d. Justify your answer by simulation, consider the impulse as a pulse function of 1-volt
magnitude and 1 sec. duration.
e. Design a local controller to stabilize the system.

a. The transfer function for position control of DC motor:

θ(s) K
G ( s )= =
V (s) s [ ( Js+ B ) ( R+ Ls )+ K 2 ]
θ(s) 0.1 10
G ( s )= = =
V (s) s [ ( 0.001 s+0.001 )( 1+0.01 s ) +0.12 ] s 3 +101 s2 +1100 s
The Natural State Space model:

[ ][ ] [ ]
−R −K
0 1

i L L i
d L
ω= K −B ω+ V
dt 0 0
θ J J θ
0 1 0

[][ ][ ] [ ]
i −100 −10 0 i 100
ω = 100 −1 0 ω + 0 V
θ 0 1 0 θ 0
The matrix A:

[ ][
−R −K

L L −100 −10 0
A= K −B = 100 −1 0
J J 0 1 0
0 1 0

The stability of the system can be determined from the system's poles or the eigenvalues
of the matrix A. The two approaches can be checked by MATLAB as follows:
1. Finding the system's poles:
>> a=[1 101 1100 0];
>> roots(a)

ans =

Therefore, the poles of the system: s=0 ,−88.5821 ,−12.4179
2. Finding the eigenvalues of the matrix A:
>> A=[-100 -10 0; 100 -1 0; 0 1 0];
>> eig(A)

ans =

The matrix A's eigenvalues: λ=0 ,−88.5821 ,−12.4179
The system is unstable since the system's poles, or the eigenvalues are not all less
than zero because there is a pole/eigenvalue equals to zero.
b. The diagonal canonical form (DCF) is developed as follows:
4 4
θ(s) 10 10
G ( s )= = 3 =
V (s) s +101 s2 +1100 s s (s+88.5821)(s+12.4179)
c1 c2 c3
G ( s )= + +
s s +88.5821 s+12.4179
Finding the values of c 1 , c2 , c 3by partial fraction expansion:
9.0909 1.4822 10.5731
G ( s )= + −
s s+ 88.5821 s+12.4179
[ ][ ] [ ]
0 0 0 x1 1
ẋ= 0 −88.5821 0 x2 + 1 u
0 0 −12.4179 x 3 1

c. The Simulink model of the diagonal canonical form (DCF) is shown below:

Figure 1: Simulink Model of DCF

d. The following response is the output responses of the diagonal canonical form (DCF):
Figure 2: Time-behavior of z1

Figure 3: Time-behavior z2
Figure 4: Time-behavior of z3

Figure 5: Time-behavior of y
The diagonal canonical form (DCF) was improved theoretically. It was verified by simulation
that the system is unstable since it has pole at zero. From the figures above, the output response
of x1 is unstable because, it has unstable pole. Also, the output response (y) will be unstable
however, the other variables (x2, x3) are stable.

e. To stabilize the system, a gain K < 0 must be added to the unstable branch as shown in the
following Simulink model:

Figure 6: Simulink Model of Stabilized System

Figure 7: Time-behavior of z1 after stabilization.

Figure 8: Time-behavior of y after stabilization

As shown above, the added gain was needed to stabilized system response, the value of gain
must be less than zero (K< 0). Therefore, the gain of (-1) was added to x1 branch. As a result, the
output response of x1 will change to be stable. Furthermore, the output of the system (y) is
clearly become more stable, and responses for other state variables will remain the same.

The diagonal canonical form (DCF) was developed. In simulation, the effect of stabilized gain
was shown. The stabilized gain was added to the unstable branch that led to stabilize the output
response of system and the unstable state variable.

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