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Simple past tense : ‫زمان گذشته ساده‬

It used to show an action which started and

finished in the past .

Str :
S+v2+c……… +
S= I, you , we, they, he, she, it .
V2= ‫حالت دوم فعل‬
1- RV= ‫ =افعال با قاعده‬ed
Walk = walked
Work = worked

2-IR= ‫ =افعال بی قاعده‬changed form

: ‫لیست افعال بی قاعده‬

1- Am, is, are = was / were = ‫بودن‬
2- Have = had = ‫داشتن‬
3- Do = did = ‫انجام دادن‬
4- Go = went = ‫رفتن‬
5- Eat = ate = ‫غذا خوردن‬
6- Speak = spoke = ‫صحبت کردن‬
7- Meet= met = ‫مالقات کردن‬
8- Drink = drank = ‫نوشیدن‬
9- Get = got = ‫گرفتن‬
10- See= saw = ‫دیدن‬
11- Become = became = ‫شدن‬
12- Begin = began = ‫آغاز کردن‬
13- Break = broke = ‫شکستاندن‬
14- Choose = chose = ‫انتخاب کردن‬
15- Draw = drew = ‫رسامی کردن‬
16- Drive = drove = ‫راننده گی کردن‬
17- Fall= fell = ‫افتیدن‬
18- Fly = flew = ‫پرواز کردن‬
19- Forbid = forbade = ‫مانع شدن‬
20- Forgive = forgave = ‫بخشیدن‬
21- Give = gave = ‫دادن‬
22- Grow = grew = ‫رشد کردن‬
23- Hide = hid = ‫پنهان کردن‬
24- Know = knew = ‫فهمیدن‬
25- Lie = lay = ‫قرار گرفتن‬
26- Ride = rode = ‫سوار شدن‬
27- Rise = rose = ‫ظهور کردن‬
28- Strick = struck = ‫ضربه زدن‬
29- Swim = swam = ‫آببازی کردن‬
30- Throw = threw = ‫انداختن‬
31- Wake = woke = ‫بیدار شدن‬
32- Find = found = ‫پیدا کردن‬
33- Feel = felt = ‫احساس کردن‬
34- Leave = left = ‫ترک کردن‬
35- Win = won = ‫برنده شدن‬
36- Buy = bought = ‫خریدن‬
37- Make = made = ‫ساختن‬
38- Think = thought = ‫فکر کردن‬
39- Take = took = ‫گرفتن‬
40- Build= built = ‫ساختن‬
41- Send = sent = ‫ارسال کردن‬
42- Spend = spent = ‫مصرف کردن‬
43- Write = wrote = ‫نوشتن‬
44- Sit = sat = ‫نشستن‬
45- Bring = brought = ‫آوردن‬
46- Stand = stood = ‫ایستاد شدن‬
47- Lose = lost = ‫از دست دادن‬
48- Pay = paid = ‫پرداخت کردن‬
49- Learn = learned / learnt = ‫یاد گرفتن‬
50- Wear = wore = ‫پوشیدن‬

I wrote my homework .
You lost your dog .
He watched the movie .
It ate the food .
She washed her hands .
We spoke English .
He paid his money .
S+ did+ not+ v+ c ……-
He did not pay his money .
We did not speak English .
She did not wash her hands .
It did not eat the food .
He didn’t watch the movie .
You didn’t walk in the park .
They did not write their homework .

Did +s +v +c+?......?
Did he pay his money ?
Yes he did / No he didn’t

Did we speak english ?

Yes we did / No we didn’t
Did he watch the movie ?
Yes he did / no he didn’t

Did she wash her hands ?

Yes she did / no she didn’t

Did it eat the food ?

Yes it did / no it didn’t

Did you walk in the park?

Yes you did / no you didn’t

Did they write their homework ?

Yes they did / no they didn’t
I met Ahmad in the office .
I didn’t meet Ahmad in the office .
Did I meet Ahmad in the office ?
Yes I did
No I didn’t

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