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Week 14 Discussion

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For this week, please watch the film Boyz and the Hood. Please apply one

criminological theory to the film. You may choose any criminological theory from the

semester. Why did you select this specific theory to apply to your analysis of the film? How

does this theory help explain either individual or structural problems depicted in the film?

John Singleton's Boyz N the Hood, released in 1991, is a film about a black American

teen's experiences in South Central Los Angeles. The film shows that with consistent family

support, black teenagers may be changed for the better. The film examines four central themes:

the importance of family and black culture in the urban underclass, the detrimental effects of

capitalism on Americans, especially African Americans living in hostile environments, the

destructive power of temptation, and, the influence of social and peer pressure on juvenile and

gang-related criminal behavior (mobb971, 2019). A social disorganization theory can be applied

to the full analysis of the video.

The theory states that crime is the outcome of social and economic conditions in a

specific area that lead to the breakdown of social control and the development of a sense of

disarray in the community (Kubrin and Mioduszewski, 2019). According to this view, criminal

activity is a byproduct of the local economy and social conditions. The film shows the

difficulties young black guys face in a low-income, high-crime area of Los Angeles. The film

illustrates how unemployment, poor education, and extreme poverty lead to social chaos, which

in turn fosters an environment conducive to criminal behavior.

The theory reinforces the importance of community-based interventions as a strategy for

addressing criminal behavior. Community based intervention exists to mitigate criminal activity

and enhance the perception of social order within a community through the examination and

resolution of the social and economic elements that contribute to social instability (Kubrin and

Mioduszewski, 2019). These issues encompass elements such as socioeconomic disadvantage

and limited access to resources. The video explains the importance of mentorship and

community-based initiatives in furnishing young individuals with constructive role models and

assistance, hence aiding in the alleviation of detrimental influences prevalent in their

environment. In addition, it helps the youths to become better people in the society.


Kubrin, C. E., & Mioduszewski, M. D. (2019). Social disorganization theory: past, present and

future. Handbook on crime and deviance, 197-211.

mobb971. (2019). Boyz. N.the. Hood. 1991. VOSTFR. BRRi P. XVi D. AC 3 S. V Www. Zone Retrieved from

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