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is going on a swim
with dolphins
with dolphins

Is going to sunbathe
Freezing cold
boiling hot

strong winds
Is going to
Rowing on the river
heavy forecast

weather rain Is going to take a


Is going to climb
The mountain

Is going to
Buy a vase

It is going to be rainy in San Francisco tomorrow

It is going to be cloudy in Boston tomorrow
It is going to be windy in Chicago tomorrow

It is going to be cloudy in Cañete tomorrow


Hi, Jane. What´s up

No way!

What´s the weather like over there?

See you soon!

Harry isn´t going to learn how to play the guitar

Harry is going to eat less junk food

Harry is going to buy a computer

Harry is going to save some money

Harry isn´t going to paint the house

are going to repair the bike

is going to walk the dog

is going to do the laundry

are going to have a picnic


Is going to

Is going to

Am going to

Are going to


Am going to

Will the weather be

I am going to be an accountant
Is going to learn
I am going to have a big car
Will drive
I'm going to learn English
Will help
I am going to have a big house
Are going to spend
Won´t miss I'm going to learn to play piano

Are Ben and Paul going to

Won´t be
Aren´t going to go
I'm going to help my aunt tomorrow
Is Mary going to join
I am visiting my sister tomorrow
Will you buy
I'm helping my dad this week
Are going to dive
I'm going to dance this weekend

I'm going for a walk with my friends


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