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CHUN TSANG Mox Bank statement

Floor 1, YuenLong, HK
Statement period: 1 Nov 2022 - 30 Nov 2022
⽉結單⽇期:2022年 11⽉ 1⽇⾄ 11⽉ 30 ⽇
Statement date: 3 Dec 2022
截數⽇期:: 2022年 12⽉ 3⽇
Account number ⼾⼝號碼: 389-74976148473

Account Summary ⼾⼝總結

Accounts Total incoming Total outgoing Closing balance
⼾⼝ 總入賬 總⽀出 截數結餘

HKD Mox Account 港元 Mox ⼾⼝ +501.29 HKD -486.55 HKD 317.33 HKD

Total 317.33 HKD

Earnings Summary 收入總結

HKD interest 港元利息

0.06 HKD

1.23 HKD

Activities 交易動態

HKD Mox Account 港元⼾⼝

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Activity Settlement Corresponding Amount
date date Description currency
詳情 amount ⾦額
交易⽇期 結算⽇期
對應貨幣⾦額 (HKD)

01 Nov 01 Nov Opening balance 期初結餘 302.59

31 Oct 01 Nov UBER -85.42

Incl. 1.95% cross-border access fee 包括1.95% 跨境港幣交

01 Nov 01 Nov CashBack +0.43

02 Nov 02 Nov Interest 利息 +0.01

02 Nov 02 Nov MR KWOK WANG HEI +200.00

05 Nov 05 Nov FUNG Y* H** T****** -240.00

06 Nov 06 Nov Interest 利息 +0.01

06 Nov 07 Nov APPLE.COM -8.16

Incl. 1.95% cross-border access fee 包括1.95% 跨境港幣交

07 Nov 07 Nov CashBack +0.04

15 Nov 15 Nov Interest 利息 +0.01

19 Nov 19 Nov LAM YUK MAN +300.00

19 Nov 19 Nov HTTP://SWAG.LIVE LARNACA CYP -6.11 USD -48.76

1 USD = 7.9808 HKD
incl. 1.95% markup 包括 1.95% 外匯溢價

20 Nov 20 Nov CashBack +0.24

21 Nov 21 Nov Interest 利息 +0.01

21 Nov 22 Nov UBER -104.21

Incl. 1.95% cross-border access fee 包括1.95% 跨境港幣交

22 Nov 22 Nov CashBack +0.52

24 Nov 24 Nov Interest 利息 +0.01

28 Nov 28 Nov Interest 利息 +0.01

30 Nov 30 Nov Closing balance 截數結餘 317.33

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Important Notice 重要事項

. Please review this statement immediately for any errors. Please contact us (a) within 60 days from the statement
date for errors regarding any transactions on your Mox Card conducted via the Mastercard network or (b) within 90
days from the statement date for errors regarding any other transactions. If you don’t do so, this statement will be
regarded as correct, conclusive and binding on you and you will have waived any right to raise an objection.
如你發現⽉結單上,以 Mox Card透過萬事達卡網絡進⾏的交易涉及任何錯誤,請於⽉結單⽇期起計 60 ⽇內通知我們。如其他交易有任
何錯誤,請於結單⽇期起計 90 ⽇內通知我們。否則,本⽉結單將被視為正確、最終及對你具有約束⼒,你亦將放棄就本⽉結單向我們提
. For enquiries related to information on this statement, please call us at 2888 8228.
如你對本結單有任何查詢或進⼀步了解詳情,請致電客⼾服務熱線 2888 8228。
. Beware of bogus calls. Never transfer your money or disclose your personal information to an unknown party. Please
call us at 2888 8228 in case of doubt.
慎防偽冒來電。切勿轉帳或披露任何個⼈資料給陌⽣⼈。如有懷疑,請致電本⾏熱線 2888 8228查詢。
. Only settled transactions are displayed on the statement.
. Transactions settled in foreign currency will bee converted into Hong Kong dollars by the exchange rate imposed by
JETCO or Mastercard on transaction date. 1.9% foreign exchange handling fee will be charged (1% imposted by
Mastercard and 0.9% imposed by Mox). From 1 Jan 2022, 1.95% foreign exchange handling fee will bee charged (1%
imposted by Mastercard and 0.95% imposed by Mox). For foreign currency transactions settled in Hong Kong dollars
and processed overseas, 1% cross-border access fee will be imposed by Mastercard. From 1 Jan 2022, 1.95%
cross-border access fee will be charged (1% imposted by Mastercard and 0.95% imposed by Mox).
以外幣交易的賬項將按交易當⽇由 JETCO或 Mastercard制定的匯率,換算為港幣。 1.9%的外幣兌換⼿續費將被收取(Mastercard
收取 1%,Mox則收取 0.9%)。 由 2022年 1⽉ 1⽇起,1.95%的外幣兌換⼿續費將被收取(Mastercard收取 1%,Mox則收取 0.95%)。
以港幣⽀付在海外處理的外幣簽賬交易將被 Mastercard收取 1%的額外跨境港幣交易⼿續費。 由 2022年 1⽉ 1⽇起,以港幣⽀付在海
外處理的外幣簽賬交易將被收取 1.95%的額外跨境港幣交易⼿續費 (Mastercard收取 1%,Mox則收取 0.95%)。

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