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Grade 10

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 10 T 3 & 4


During exams, it is very important to read the instructions carefully. This table lists the
different categories of questions you can expect in tests or exams. Make sure you
know exactly what these instructions mean. This will help you to answer questions
The following list is just to remind you about the meaning of the action verbs/
instruction words used in controlled tests/tasks/examinations.

L1 and L 2 (lower order) L3 and L 4 (middle order) L5 and L 6 (higher order)

Remembering Understanding Applying Analysing Evaluating Creating

Exhibit Demonstrate Examine and Present and Compile

memory of understanding Solve break defend information
previously of facts and problems to information into opinions by together in a
learned ideas by new parts by making different way by
material by organising, situations by identifying judgements combining
recalling facts, comparing, applying reasons or about elements in a
basic translating, acquired causes. Make information, new pattern or
concepts interpreting, knowledge, inference and validity of proposing an
and answers. giving facts find evidence to ideas or quality alternative
descriptions and techniques support of work based solution
stating main and rules in a generalizations. on a set of
ideas. different way. criteria
Choose Classify Apply Analyse Apply Change
Define Compare Choose Assume Appraise Choose
Find Contrast Develop Categorise Assess Combine
How Explain Identify Classify Compare Compile
List Illustrate Interview Compare Conclude Compose
Match Outline Construct Contrast Consider Construct
Name Summarise Report Conclude Criticise Create
Relate Infer Change Distinguish Decide Develop
Select Relate Conclude Examine Defend Elaborate
What Show Demonstrate Infer Determine Imagine
When Demonstrate Discuss Evaluate Improve
Where Explain Explain Plan
Which Illustrate Interpret Predict
Who Interpret Judge Propose
Why Report Justify Solve
Review Recommend Suppose
Summarise Support Produce
Tell Argue

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 10 T 3 & 4


Command verbs What is required /expected from you

Name / State State something without discussion / write facts.
Argue Make a case for accepting or rejecting a position by systematically
giving reasons and evidence for or against it. Demonstrate that you
are aware of opposing viewpoints and provide grounds for rejecting
List Write a list of items
Identify Pinpoint a fact or a figure or an example or an argument or a
theoretical position
Consider Identify advantages and disadvantages or strengths and
weaknesses in argument and justify your own position and
Comment on Provide an informed and supported viewpoint
Distinguish Understand the difference between two things/ concepts
To perceive or recognise the way something differs from the other,
Give Write an answer by recall of information/
Define Give a clear meaning
Describe Give a detailed explanation of something
Discuss Write/talk as if you were sharing your knowledge with someone
Use details and examples to explain the topic
Explain To make clear, interpret and spell out the content.
Illustrate Make your points clearer with the use of specific examples, figures,
diagrams, graphs etc.
Interpret Outline what something means in simple terms and give your
judgement or comments in relation to the issue.
Justify Present convincing evidence and reasons to support your argument
and answer the main objections likely to be made about them
Outline Give an overview of a topic in an organised way, without going into
too much detail.
Present Put forward for consideration; show or display
Prove Show that something is true by presenting facts, statistics, examples
Predict Suggest what may happen based on available information.
Recommend/ Put an idea or plan/strategy forward for consideration that is most
Suggest suitable in the context. (In LO a solution)
Evaluate/ Assess Give your own opinions/views based on your findings and defend
them. Give judgments (is this right or wrong) about the information.
This must include a positive and negative.

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 10 T 3 & 4

Critically discuss Make an appraisal of the importance/usefulness/accuracy of

something, stressing both advantages and limitations and back this
up with relevant theories or evidence.
Synthetise Putting together various elements to make a whole

Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow.

Natasha Joubert
Crowned Miss South Africa 2023 at the pageant finale that was held
at the SunBet Arena at Time Square in Pretoria on Sunday night.
Beauty queens, celebrities and the media attended the prestigious
event, and everyone put their best fashion foot forward. Natasha
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 10 T 3 & 4

Joubert has different Life Roles to fulfil in South Africa’s Society.

1.1 Define the term ‘Life Role” (1X2) (2)

1.2 Name and explain TWO Life Roles Natasha Joubert will
effectively experience in society.
(2x2) (4)
1.3 Recommend THREE ways Natasha Joubert as Miss South (3 x 2) (6)
Africa can contribute to the learners in the South African
school context.

1.4 Discuss the impact of how media, society and culture (3 x 3) (9)
influence Natasha Joubert’s Life Role as a beauty queen.
Study the cartoon below and answer the questions that follow.


2.1 Define the following terminology:

(a) adolescent (1x2) (2)
(b) adulthood (1x2) (2)
2.2 Distinguish the approximate difference in age for the following:

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 10 T 3 & 4

(a) adolescent (1x2) (2)

(b) adulthood (1x2) (2)

2.3 The biological changes occurring during puberty are caused

by…? (1x1) (1)

2.4 Explain THREE physical changes associated with development in adolescence to

adulthood and how this development could enhance their well-being. (3x2) (6)

2.5 Critically discuss how parents can advise generation X on surviving puberty within the

social context we currently facing and warn them about the pressure of life. (2x4) (8)
[23 marks]


Study the following and answer the questions that follows


3.1. The Abreviation LGBTQI stands for?

3.2. Define each term mentioned in question 3.1

3.3. Explain the effective role that the LGBTQI community

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 10 T 3 & 4

contributes to South Africa’s society.

3.4 Describe TWO ways how individuals can show respect towards
our diversity.

3.5 With reference to the above picture explain TWO types of

behaviours of teenagers that could lead to sexual intercourse
(2 x3) (6)
and teenage pregnancy

Define the following terms:

4.1 Diversity
4.2 Sexual orientation
4.3 Transsexual
4.4 Gender (4x2) (8)

4.5 Describe TWO ways how you can show respect towards diversity. (2X2) (4)

4.6 Distinguish between bisexual and lesbian. (2x2) (4)

Below are given values as strategies to make good lifestyle choices. Describe the impact each of
the values below has on lifestyle choices.

5.1.1 Abstinence (2)

5.1.2 Self-control (2)
5.1.3 Assertive (2)

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 10 T 3 & 4

5.1.4 Respecting privacy (2)

5.2 Study the following picture and answer the question that follows:

5.2.1 Explain how communication skills would be beneficial to interactions between people.(2x2)(4)



Study the picture below and answer the questions:

6.1 What economic sector is illustrated above? Motivate your answer. (2)

6.2 Give examples of TWO jobs in this sector. (2x1) (2)

6.3 Name and describe the other TWO economic sectors. (2X2) (4)
6.4 Why do you think is it important to learn about the economic sectors? (2X2) (4)
6.5 List four career opportunities in the field of recreation, fitness and sport. (4x1) (4)
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 10 T 3 & 4

6.6 Explain in TWO ways how capacity building in sport can contribute to job opportunities(2x2) (4


Read the quote below and answer the questions:

“Career research helps learners to establish the importance of security in their


7.1. Explain the importance of transferal of skills throughout careers. (5X2=10)

7.2. Discuss what the term salary package entails to ensure career research. (5X1=5)

7.3 Comment on the importance of career research before making a career choice. (2x3) (6)

7.4 Give learners advice what to do to become more marketable while without a job. (2x1) (2)


Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow:

According to reports of Fin 24, the South African job market, there were about 48000 job
opportunities during the first quarter of this year. Statistics SA confirmed that the average
job opportunities dropped with 0,6% this year. This trend was driven by a decrease in trade
(1,5%), business services (1%), community services (0,3%), manufacture (0,3%) and
transport (0,2%). Adzuna’s findings showed there was an increase in demand of technical
skills, although vacancies for it decreased. This was after an analysis was given from
more than 130 000 online job listings in SA. This trend was mainly ushered in a yearly
trend where more new talents were hired at the beginning and end of the year, except

8.1. Distinguish between the terms “skills and competencies” and give an example of each. (2x2)

8.2. What is meant by technical skills? Give an example. (2+1)

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 10 T 3 & 4

8.3. What trend is referring to in the passage and why is it important to keep track of trends of the
different jobs of the job market? (2X2) (4)




The sectors in which people work and the types of jobs available are changing. Therefore, is it
important to understand the trends and demands in the job market and how this is creating the
need for you to keep up with the rapid changes. Study the cartoon below and answer the

9.1 Define job market. (1x2) (2)

What do you understand by trends and demands in the job market? (2)
9.3 Different kinds of work will continue to be a key trend in the job market. Give THREE
examples of such trends? (3x1) (3)
9.4 Why can filling a niche post be worthwhile? (1x2) (2)
9.5 Distinguish between a “positive career trend” and a “negative career trend”. (2+2) (4)

9.6 Critically discuss how reading the labor market can enable you to make good career
choices (1x4) (4)
9.7 Suggest TWO ways in which a lack of knowledge of trends and demand in the job
market can affect your future career. (2x2)(4)



Read the extract from “Emerging and declining jobs”, study the cartoons, and answer the

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 10 T 3 & 4

“Extrapolating from the figures shared in the Future of Jobs Survey 2020, employers expect that
by 2025, increasingly redundant roles will decline from being 15.4% of the workforce to 9%
(6.4% decline), and that emerging professions will grow from 7.8% to 13.5% (5.7% growth) of
the total employee base of company respondents. Based on these figures, we estimate that by
2025, 85 million jobs may be displaced by a shift in the division of labour between humans and
machines, while 97 million new roles may emerge that are more adapted to the new division of
labour between humans, machines, and algorithms, across the 15 industries and 26 economies
covered by the report”.

10.1 What do you think why is the graduate feared of entering the job market? (2)
10.2 Describe what you will do to make sure that you get employed. (2x2) (4)
10.3 What is the role of SAQA, NQF and the SETAs? (3x2) (6)
10.4 Discuss TWO reasons why changing career patterns will be inevitable for the future?
(2x2) (4)

10.5 List FIVE critical skills that can help you to compete in the labour market. (5x1) (5)
10.6 Critically discuss why you will advise a job seeker to pursue a career as a civil engineer
and software developer. (2x4) (8)



“Education is a gradual process which brings positive changes in human life and behaviour. We
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 10 T 3 & 4

can also define education as “a process of acquiring knowledge through study or imparting the
knowledge by way of instructions or some other practical procedure”.
Study the pictures below and answer the questions:


11.1 Identify the three types of learning represented by A, B and C. (3x1) (3)
11.2 Give one characteristic of each as well as one example where learning takes place.
(3+3) (6)
Study the cartoon:

11.3 Do you agree with the learner in the cartoon? Why or why not? (2)
What is your understanding of “recognition of prior learning (RPL)”? (1x2) (2)
Who qualifies for RPL? (1x2) (2)
11.6 What is a lifelong learner? (1x2) (2)
11.7 Discuss THREE benefits of lifelong learning. (3x2) (6)
11.8 Suggest THREE strategies that you will follow to be a lifelong learner. (3x3) (6)


LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 10 T 3 & 4

Sport is often perceived as embodying positive values and morals, such as cooperation, mutual
respect, fair play, and equality. However, it also has the potential to reflect undesirable values
and unethical behaviours that divide society. The way the media report on sports needs to be
carefully analysed and critically evaluated. Answer the following questions on the coverage of
sport and unfair practices in sport.

13.1 Define unfair practice or unethical practice of sportsmen or women and discuss three
examples. (2+3x2) (8)
Critically discuss bias in terms of gender, race and stereotyping by referring to what
happened to Caster Semenya when she was banned from competing for a number of
months. (1x4) (4)
13.3 Discuss TWO examples of bias in sport coverage. (2x2) (4)
13.4 Suggest THREE strategies how you can redress bias in sport coverage. (3x3) (9)

13.5 Evaluate FOUR positive measures that can be put in place to address unfair sporting
practice. (4x2) (8)

1.1 Define the term ‘life role’. (1 X 1) (1)
 A life role can be understood as a specific function / position 
that an individual takes on in their personal / professional life.
 Set or responsibilities , / activities  / and expectations  that are
associated with that particular role. 
 The part someone has in a family , /society or another group. 
1.2 Name and explain TWO Life Roles Natasha Joubert will experience (2 x 2) (4)
in society.

 Leader  – making decisions,  / guide  /and show initiative ,

/show respect  /and fairness to followers. 
 Influencer / celebrity - Listen /and instruct/, cooperate/ and

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 10 T 3 & 4

respectfully influence society.

 Entrepreneur / business woman - Supporting goods and services
in society. 
 Representative  / Speaker – for females in specific
organisations. 
 Role Model- serve as a role model for young people inspire/
others with her personal growth stories.
 Charity -Donate her time/, resources /or wealth /to support
various causes/ and disadvantaged communities. 
 Icon – Representing trends/, and movements/ and other
aspects of society. 

1.3 Recommend THREE ways Natasha Joubert as Miss South Africa (3 x 2) (6)
can contribute to the learners in the South African school context.

 Education campaigns: Miss Joubert can launch or participate in

educational campaigns that focus on promoting education and
access to quality education for all learners, this can involve visiting
schools, or advocating for educational policies. 
 Scholarships – Natasha Joubert can establish scholarships or
partner with educational institutions to provide financial assistance
and opportunities for deserving students especially those from
underprivileged backgrounds. 
 Motivational speaker – She can deliver motivational talks and
speeches at schools and educate and inspire and encourage
students to pursue their education, set goals, and work hard towards
achieving their dreams. 
 Mentorship programs – Miss Joubert can initiate mentorship
programs where she can mentor and support students in their
educational journey. This can involve providing guidance, sharing
experiences, and offering advice to help students excel academically
and personally. 
 Fundraising for education- engage in fundraising activities to
generate resources for educational initiatives. This can include
organizing charity events/ auctions/ campaigns to dedicate to support
educational programs. 
 Advocacy for education reform – She can use her platform to
advocate for educational reform, pushing for equitable access to
education, improve educational standards, and challenges faced by
students. 
 Promote awareness create a positive environment for education
fostering a culture of learning. 

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 10 T 3 & 4

1.4. Discuss the impact of how media, society and culture influence (3 x 3) (9)
Natasha Joubert’s Life Role as a beauty queen.


Visibility and fame- Expectations and Representation- As
media’s coverage of Miss standards- society often Miss South Africa the
Joubert elevated her has certain expectations title holder represents her
profile, providing and standards for beauty country’s culture, values,
visibility /and queens including physical traditions and identity. 
recognition, this appearance /, poise/, The culture she comes
increased exposure intelligence /and from influences how she
allows her to reach a behaviour ,Miss South presents herself, her style
wider community having Africa may face pressures choices and how she can
greater impact on the to meet these present herself during
causes she supports. expectations, which can public appearances. 
influence her choices and
Platform for advocacy Expectations and
actions. 
– Media platforms responsibilities-
(printed / electronic) Influence and
Cultural expectations can
provide Miss Joubert a inspiration- Miss South influence the role that are
platform to raise Africa inspires and associated with the title.
awareness of the issues influence society, Different cultures may
she supports , she can use society’s response to her place varying emphasis
media interviews, press as a beauty queen can
on the ambassadorial
release, social media to amplify her impact. roles, shape her
share her views /and Positive reception from expectations placed on
initiatives and call for society can enhance her
her. 
action on various social credibility and enable her
issues.  to bring attention to National perspective –
important causes and interacting with
Influencer on trends and
issues.  individuals from different
fashion– her fashion cultures and
and personal style are Social responsibility- backgrounds, her ability
often covered by media Society often expects to understand and
outlets , her beauty beauty queens to use their
appreciates diverse
choices can influence platform for social
cultures helping her build
trends and shape societal responsibility, may connections, foster
standards /of self – encourage to engage in understanding and
expression beauty and charitable work, promote cultural
fashion.  advocacy, community
exchange. 
service, reflect the values
and needs perceived as
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 10 T 3 & 4

Media scrutiny and society. 

criticism- being in the
Media coverage shapes Cultural sensitivity-
public eye also means
society’s perception of navigate cultural
being subject to media
beauty queens, positive differences and be
scrutiny and criticism of
or negative coverage, sensitive to cultural
her actions and public support or practises and norms
personal life, manage criticism can affect Miss when engaging with
public image effectively. South Africa’s people from various
 reputation and her backgrounds.
ability to make a
Media collaboration- a Understanding
difference in society. 
partnership with media And respecting cultural
could be created to diversity is crucial in
effectively communicate effectively fulfilling her
her message for positive
role as an ambassador. 
impact and manage her
public image to fulfil her
role as an advocate and
representative. 

2.1. Define the following terminology: (1 X 2) (2)
(a) adolescent (1X2) (2)
(b) adulthood

(a) adolescent – refers to the period of life between childhood and

adulthood characterized by:
physical/ cognitive / and emotional changes as individuals’ transition. 
(b) adulthood – refers to the ages at which individuals transition depending
on cultural, legal, and social norms
2.2. Distinguish the approximate difference in age for the following: (1x2) (2)
(a) adolescent
(b) adulthood (1x2) (2)

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 10 T 3 & 4

(a) 10 years- 17 years  - this depends on early/ middle or late adolescent

stages 
(b) 18years and older - the age at which individuals gain certain rights
and responsibilities such as voting and driving, signing contracts 

2.3. The biological changes occurring during puberty are caused by…? (1x1) (1)

 hormones 
2.4 Explain THREE physical changes associated with development in (3x2) (6)
adolescence to adulthood and how this development could enhance
their well-being.

Physical changes Physical changes enhance well-

-Breast development /
- Body goes through maturity
-brain development /
and growth spurts leads to a
Physical strength and stamina / consistent body image
-Menstrual cycle-sweating / which enhances.
- self-esteem /, self-
-Odours and sweating / confidence  and overall well-
- Pubic hair / being.
- Physical changes can lead to
-Growing body / self-expression impact on
-PMS / relationships. 
- Brain development /
-Pimple and acne / cognitive ability can
increase reasoning skills
contribute to problem-
solving / and, critical
thinking. 
- Physical changes coincide with
gaining independence and
autonomy you experience
increased freedom,  /
responsibility  and
opportunities for personal
growth leads to a sense of
accomplishment/,  self-
sufficiency. 
Promote wellness

2.5. Critically discuss how parents can advise generation X on (2x4) (8)

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 10 T 3 & 4

surviving puberty within the social context we currently facing and

warn them about the pressures of life.

 Open and honest communication - encourage open dialogues

with their children, creating a safe and non-judgemental space 
where children feel comfortable discussing their concerns, fears, and
experiences. 
 Normalizing Puberty - explain puberty of life that everyone goes
through, addressing the physical, emotional , and hormonal
changes that occur during this time, assure them that these
changes are normal and that they not alone in experiencing them. 
 Body image and self-esteem - discuss the importance of body
positivity  and self-acceptance,  warn them about the unrealistic
beauty standards perpetuated by social media and that their worth is
not defined by body appearance. 
 Peer pressure - teach them to make independent choices based
on their values , rather than succumbing to negative influences,
encourage them  to find supportive friends who accept them for who
they are. 
 Emotional well-being - teach them about intelligence /, resilience
 /and coping mechanisms  to navigate the emotional roller
coaster of puberty helping them to identify and express their emotions
and encourage healthy outlets. 
 Be patient - being an adult has a lot of responsibilities and is not
as exciting as you might think enjoying your adolescent years forming
relationships with family and friends that supports you, building
healthy relationships. 
 Encourage self-care - emphasize the importance of self-care/ ,
including getting enough sleep /, eating well / , regular exercise /
, practicing relaxation techniques , teaching them the value of taking
breaks , managing stress and seeking help when needed. 


3.1. The Abreviation LGBTQI stands for? (5x1) (5)

 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex

3.2. Define each term mentioned in question 3.1 (5x2) (10)

 Lesbian- woman whose enduring romantic, emotional and/or physical

attraction is to women.
 Gay- men whose enduring romantic, emotional and/or
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 10 T 3 & 4

physical attraction is to men.

 Bisexual- person who has the capacity for romantic,
emotional and/or physical attraction to people of more
than one gender.
 Transgender- terms used by some people whose gender
identity differs from what is typically associated with the
sex they were assigned at birth.
 Queer- is used by many people who feel they do not conform to a
given society’s economic, social and political norms based on their
sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.
 Intersex- people born with sex characteristics that do not fit typical
definitions of male and female bodies.
3.3. Explain the effective role that the LGBTQI community (2X2) (4)
contributes to South Africa’s society.

 Advocacy and activism - the LGBTQI community has been at the

forefront of advocating for equality, human rights and inclusion playing
a role in social change. 
 Diversity and cultural enrichment - the community contributes to the
rich cultural diversity of South Africa, their diversities add depth and
inclusivity to the country’s cultural landscape, helping to challenge
stereotypes and promote acceptance. 
 Health promotion and education - organizations and activists in
SOUTH Africa have played a role in awareness about health issues
faced by the community. Sexual health education, provide support
services, and work to reduce stigma and discrimination. 
 Economic contributions - entrepreneurship, employment, and
tourism, LGBTQI friendly businesses and initiatives help create
economic opportunities. 
 Social support and community building - individuals are often faced
with challenges, isolation and discrimination, South Africa offers social
support networks fosters a sense of belonging. 

3.4. Describe TWO ways how individuals can show respect towards (2X2) (4)
our diversity.

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 10 T 3 & 4

It is a feeling of admiration for someone or something ✓due to their abilities,
qualities, or achievements✓
Decision making
It is the process of making choices by identifying a decision, gathering
information, and assessing alternative resolutions. ✓ By adopting a step-by-
step process helps to organise and arrange relevant information and critical
information to make alternative choices. ✓
Self – Control
Self-control means you have power over your urges and needs. ✓ You think
carefully before you do something✓
3.5. Explain TWO types of behaviours that could lead to sexual (2 x 3) (6)
intercourse and teenage pregnancy

When you have too much drink your brain does not function properly✓. You
cannot think clearly ✓and your sense of responsibility is weak✓
Peer Pressure influences many decisions made by adolescents. ✓ Friends or
your partner may use bullying tactics✓ to influence you to have sexual
intercourse by saying things like ‘everybody is doing it’ or’ are you still a
Dangerous situations such as being under the influence of alcohol or drugs✓,
Walking alone late at night or being with someone who does not respect you
or attend party without adult supervision ✓could affect your decision-making
abilities or place you in a situation out of your control. ✓


Define the following terms:

4.1. Means a variety of elements, how different elements are, eg 2
diversity of race in South Africa
4.2. A pattern of romantic or sexual attraction to persons of the 2
opposite sex or gender, the same gender or both genders
4.3. A person whose bodily characteristics have been altered to bring 2
them into alignment with their identity.
4.4. Refer to sex of being male or being female. 2
4.5. Describe TWO ways how you can show respect towards (2x2) (4)
 Get to know someone different than you.
 Respect religious holidays
 Make people part of discussions and respect different opinions.
4.6. Distinguish between bisexual and lesbian. (2x2) (4)
 Bisexual refers to a person who is attracted to both men and women
and a lesbian is a gay woman – a woman attracted to other women

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 10 T 3 & 4


5.1.1 To abstain you will make sure that you do not get sexual (1x2) (2)
transmitted diseases, getting an unwanted pregnancy and will help
you to focus on your own life.
5.1.2 Self-control helps you to manage difficult life situations and make (1x2) (2)
decisions that are well thought out.
5.1.3 Being assertive is when you have a strong personality and when (1x2) (2)
you can stand up for yourself when something is wrong or right.

5.1.4 To respect someone’s privacy means that you are respecting that (1x2) (2)
persons personal space and could ensure that trust is built.
5.2.1 Communication helps with a better understanding between people (2x2) (4)
and can eliminate misinterpretations of situations. It helps avoiding
conflicts between people and helps with compromising when there
are different opinions. It helps with better decision making as it uses
more than one person’s idea
6.1. What economic sector is illustrated above? Motivate your (1x2) (2)
 Primary sector. They are working with raw materials in the picture.

6.2. Give examples of TWO jobs in this sector. (2x1) (2)

 Mine workers, fishing, forestry
6.3. Name and describe the other TWO economic sectors. (2x2) (4)
 Secondary sector – The processing of raw materials.
 Tertiary sector – providing of services.
6.4. Why do you think is it important to learn about the economic (2x2) (4)
 It is important to learn about this because you will one day work in one
of the three sectors which helps you with career research. It will also
give you an idea of the conditions of the work you will do one day.
6.5. List four career opportunities in the field of recreation, fitness and (4X1) (4)

 Sport project management

 Fitness training
 Sport broadcasting
 Dance choreography
6.6 Explain in TWO ways how capacity building in sport can (2x2) (4)
contribute to job opportunities.
 Capacity building in sport will help to promote skills in managing sport
organisations, tournaments and events, sport teams and sport facilities

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 10 T 3 & 4

which will require professionals to work in these fields.

 The sport marketing industry represents a multi-million rand and by
expanding this industry make work opportunities available which is
specialised and professional.

7.1. Explain the importance of transferal of skills throughout (5x2) (10)
 Skills that can be transferred to other careers and not be used only in
one field.
 Communication is important so that relationships are built in the
 Report writing helps with keeping track with projects you busy with.
 Leadership is a characteristic that can be useful in any career to lead.
 Computer literacy will help you with typing your reports and help with
 Teamwork is a skill that everyone must have because in most careers
you work with people.
 Decision making and problem-solving are critical skills for any
workplace to resolve situations.
 Conflict resolution helps in resolving situations at work.

7.2. Discuss what the term “salary package” entails to (5x1) (5)
ensure career research

 It is the total compensation that an employee is willing to pay to an

employee. The package includes the following: basic salary and
deductions such as pension fund and unemployment insurance and
income tax. It can also include a thirteenth check and the following
allowances: medical aid, car, travel, mobile phone, and housing
7.3. Comment on the importance of career research before making (2x3) (6)
a career choice.
 It is important to do research on careers first because it will give you
guidance on subject choices as well as will link your interests to a
specific career field. Researching a career will show you the trend of
the workforce or job market. Job shadowing will give you the more
real-life situations in the workplace and will help with making an
informed career choice.
7.4. Give learners advice what to do to become more marketable
while without a job.

 While you are waiting for a job, learn as much as you can and gain
knowledge about the job.
 Volunteer so that you can get job experience.

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 10 T 3 & 4

8.1. Distinguish between skills and competencies and give an (2x2) (4)
example of each.
 A skill is the ability to do something because of practice and
competency is the ability to do something good (talent).
8.2. What is meant by technical skills? Give an example. (2+1) (3)

 Technical skills are skills such as technical writing, project

management and data analysis.
8.3. What trend is referring to in the passage and why is it (2x2) (4)
important to keep track of trends of the different jobs in the job

 It is referring to the technical skills that is needed and it is important to

do career research so that you can see the trends of the future so that
you could study and have a job one day.

9.1. Define job market
 The job market is where people who are looking for employment and
those who provide employment, interact or communicate.
9.2. What do you understand by trends and demands in the job (1 X 2) (2)
Trends indicate the direction in which the job market is moving, what niches
or gaps exist✓, and demands mean the need for certain types of jobs,
careers, and skills. ✓
9.3. Different kinds of work will continue to be a key trend in the job (3 x 1) (3)
market. Give THREE examples of such trends?

 contract work ✓
 project work ✓
 one-off commissions✓
 self-employment ✓ etc.
9.4. Why can filling a niche post be worthwhile? (1x2) (2)

 A niche job requires someone with special skills that is not readily
available✓ and therefore pays better. ✓

9.5. Distinguish between a “positive career trend” and a “negative (2+2) (4)
career trend”.
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 10 T 3 & 4

 A positive trend is when the market carving out a new and defined career
path around a certain set of skills. ✓
 In a negative trend is when the number of opportunities to enter a
traditional career reduce. ✓

9.6. Critically discuss how reading the labor market can enable (1x4) (4)
you to make good career choices
 You must identify, and study trends and demands in the job market to get
sufficient information✓ analyze the information, interpret and
understand what careers are in demand✓ so that you can be aware of
what skills and competencies will be required✓ in order to enable you to
make the right career choice that meets the requirements ✓

9.7 Suggest TWO ways in which a lack of knowledge of trends and (2x2) (4)
demand in the job market can affect your future career. c

 If you do not have the knowledge, you can spend money for many years
to be trained✓ for a career that is no longer in demand✓
 You can present your skills to a potential employer✓ only to discover that
those skills are no longer needed✓

10.1. What do you think why the graduate fears entering the (1 X 2) (2)
job market?
 He might think of an ever-changing job market and not knowing what to
expect. ✓
 A lack of scarce skills to do the job ✓ etc.
10.2. Describe what you will do to make sure that you get employed (2x2) (4)

 Get the best possible qualifications and training✓ to obtain the critical
skills as you will be surer of a job✓
 Analyse the job market to help you choose a career that will be in
demand✓ and the skills and competencies linked to jobs✓

10.3. What is the role of SAQA, NQF and the SETAs? (3x2) (6)

 SAQA-advance the aims of the NQF✓ co-ordinate qualifications✓

 NQF-records learner achievement✓ allows national recognition of your
skills and knowledge. ✓
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 10 T 3 & 4

 SETAs-identify the skills needs for every sector or career field✓ and
ensure that training is available to provide for these skills needed✓
10.4. Discuss TWO reasons why changing career patterns will be (2x2) (4)
inevitable for the future?

 Careers will change over time to save money✓ and thus the
company will cut costs and show greater profits✓
 Careers will change to save time and lead to quicker completion
of work ✓ and thereby increase the production of the company✓

10.5. List FIVE critical skills that can help you to compete in the (5x1) (5)
labour market.
 Critical thinking✓
 Decision making✓
 Problem solving✓
 Teamwork✓
 Creativity✓
 Communication✓, etc.
10.6. Critically discuss why you would advise a job seeker to (2x4) (8)
pursue a career as a civil engineer and a software
 South Africa need civil engineers for the industries of transport,
communications, and energy✓ Civil engineers are in short supply, and
this is a career that is growing✓ Candidates are also more likely to find
bursaries in a field which has scarce skills✓ having these special skills
you will not have to compete with many other people to get the job✓
 In South Africa there is a higher need for software developers than there
are people to do the work✓ because it is information technology is
making globalisation easier and faster✓ doing business with people all
over the world✓ and in this way information and products can easily be
moved between countries✓

11.1. Identify the three types of learning represented by A, B and C (3 X 1) (3)

 A-Non-formal learning✓
 B-Formal learning✓
 C-Informal learning✓
11.2. Give one characteristic of each as well as one example (3+3) (6)
where learning take place.

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 10 T 3 & 4

 Non-formal learning-Takes place through a structured programme of

instruction✓ workshops/ refresher courses/retraining/✓
 Formal learning-Takes place through a structured programme of
instruction✓ school/college/universities/learnerships✓
 Informal learning-It occurs through action and reflection, social, family,
hobby, or recreation activities✓ reading/daily activities/internet

11.3. Do you agree with the learner in the cartoon? Why or why (2) (2)

 Learners should not agree: Lifelong learning means to keep improving

and grow in your expertise. ✓ Therefore, it’s necessary to be tested to
see if you required the necessary skills and knowledge✓.
11.4. What is your understanding of “recognition of prior (1x2) (2)
learning (RPL)”?
 Is a process in which you are assessed✓ and you get credit for non-
formal learning you have done in the past.
11.5. Who qualifies for RPL? (1x2) (2)
 Adults of 23 years old and older✓
 People with a minimum of three years’ work-related experience.
11.6. What is a lifelong learner? (2) (2)

 It is somebody that is constant busy with learning and self-development

both in and outside of formal settings✓ and occurs throughout your

11.7. Discuss THREE benefits of lifelong learning. (3x2) (6)

 It helps you to stay aware and in touch with what is happening in your
career field✓ so that you can develop the right skills for your career that
is needed✓
 It will develop your brain✓ by developing new skills and getting new
 You will get financial rewards✓ because the more you learn and add to
your qualifications the more you will earn✓
11.8. Suggest THREE strategies that you will follow to be lifelong (3x3) (9)
 Ensures continuous self-development in and outside of educational
institutions✓ which will help you to become a better person with more
knowledge and skills✓ which will result in achieving your potential✓
 Retrain yourself to learn new skills✓ which will enable you to do your job
LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 10 T 3 & 4

better or do a different job✓ so that you won’t be left behind due to the
changing nature of jobs✓
 To be flexible and adapt due to the changing economic conditions✓
because of new ideas and ways of working✓ expose you to other ways of
doing the job✓

13.1. Define unfair practice or unethical practice of sportsmen or (1) (7)
women and discuss three examples. (3x2)

 Unfair or unethical behaviour in sport is when athletes use unfair means

to gain a competitive edge. ✓
 Using drugs or steroids✓. Many sportsmen and women use banned
substances to enhance their performance✓
 Breaking the rules✓: sportsmen and women may modify their equipment
against the rules of the game to give themselves an advantage✓

13.2. Critically discuss bias in terms of gender, race and stereotyping (1x4) (4)
by referring to what happened to Caster Semenya when she was
banned from competing for several months.
 Caster was treated badly and discriminated against in terms of her race
and gender✓ this was because people have stereotypical views of what
an African female is supposed to look like✓ the focus was more on her
sex than on her achievements✓ she was banned and that affected her
13.3. Discuss TWO examples of bias in sport coverage. (2x2) (4)

 Some sports like rugby, soccer, cricket, and golf get most of the
coverage✓ means that sponsorship for other sporting codes is difficult to
 When men are playing soccer commentators refer to soccer as just”
soccer” when they cover sport✓ but when women play, they refer to
women’s soccer, as if it is somehow different or inferior. ✓

13.4. Suggest THREE strategies how you can redress bias in sport (3x3) (9)

 Put pressure on sports commentators and sponsors to be more inclusive

of women’s sport✓ so that female sports get the exposure needed✓ and
these negative practices can be stopped✓

LO Revision Booklet 2023 Grade 10 T 3 & 4

 Agitation for coverage of indigenous games that were neglected in the

past in the previous dispensation✓ leads to that the current government
ensured coverage and more attention✓ and by so doing promoting
actively exposure of indigenous games, festivals, and tournaments✓
 The public can speak up by identify and report bias✓ through letters to
newspapers, social media or to sport councils or avoid buying products of
brands that sponsor only certain sports✓ so that the message can
convince and force the powers to change their practices✓

13.5. Evaluate FOUR positive measures that can be put in place to (4x2) (8)
address unfair sporting practice.

 Random tests to be taken to test for banned substances✓ can defer

sportspersons from using substances✓
 Punishment to those who cheat✓ – e.g., banning cheats from competing
further in the games ✓
 Withhold any prize money✓ and since this is a major source of income
for sportspersons can prevent them from getting involve in unfair sporting
 Impose severe fines – imprisonment✓ will make them think twice of being
involved in unfair sporting practice. ✓


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