Assignment 15

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1. Curate ICT content based on technological achievements in the past decades.

Artificial Intelligence
2. Include ten (10) contents (images, videos, articles, or combinations.) Cite properly.

- Fetzer, J. H., & Fetzer, J. H. (1990). What is artificial intelligence? (pp. 3-27). Springer Netherlands.
- Ertel, W. (2018). Introduction to artificial intelligence. Springer.
- Nilsson, N. J. (1982). Principles of artificial intelligence. Springer Science & Business Media.
- Minsky, M. (1961). Steps toward artificial intelligence. Proceedings of the IRE, 49(1), 8-30.
- Oke, S. A. (2008). A literature review on artificial intelligence. International journal of information and management sciences,
19(4), 535-570.
- Surden, H. (2019). Artificial intelligence and law: An overview. Georgia State University Law Review, 35, 19-22.

3. Use the appropriate tools to enhance the overall design of the output.

MS Word

4. Provide a summary of the curated output.

Meticulously arrange the image to ensure it complements the content seamlessly. Next, I emphasize the question letter, making it
more prominent to capture immediate attention. Then, I transform the entire question into bold formatting, enhancing visibility
and clarity. Additionally, I carefully separate the link from the rest of the text, employing whitespace to create a cleaner and more
organized appearance.

5. Give the complete link or files that host the curated content.

Excellent Good Fair Poor
Criteria Score
(4) (3) (2) (1)
The student The student
Completeness The student provided The output is
missed some missed most of /20
(x5) all the requirements. unfinished.
requirements the requirements
Content The student used 10 The student used The student used The student used
contents. 7-9 contents. 4-6 contents. 0-3 contents. /20
The student The student The student
Visual Appeal displayed an displayed an displayed an The out has no
(x5) outstanding use of adequate use of uninspired use of design elements.
design elements. design elements. design elements.

03 Assignment 1 *Property of STI

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