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Limnaea stagnalis, about 15,000 in Helix aspersa (that is, about
400,000 to the square inch), about 30,000 in Limax maximus, and as
many as 40,000 in Helix Ghiesbreghti, a large species from Mexico;
they are very numerous also in Nanina, Vitrina, Gadinia, and
Actaeon. But Umbrella stands far and away the first, as far as
number of teeth is concerned. In both U. mediterranea and U. indica
they entirely baffle calculation, possibly 750,000 may be somewhere
near the truth.
The teeth on the radula are almost invariably disposed in a kind of
pattern, exactly like the longitudinal rows of colour in a piece of
ribbon, down the centre of which runs a narrow stripe, and every
band of colour on one side is repeated in the same relative position
on the other side. The middle tooth of each row—the rows being
counted across the radula, not longitudinally—is called the central or
rachidian tooth; the teeth next adjacent on each side are known as
the laterals, while the outermost are styled uncini or marginals. As a
rule, the distinction between the laterals and marginals is fairly well
indicated, but in the Helicidae and some of the Nudibranchiata it is
not easy to perceive, and in these cases there is a very gradual
passage from one set to the other.
The central tooth is nearly always present. It is wanting in certain
groups of Opisthobranchiata, some of the carnivorous Pulmonata,
and in the Conidae and Terebridae, which have lost the laterals as
well. Voluta has lost both laterals and marginals in most of the
species, and the same is the case with Harpa. In Aeolis, Elysia, and
some other Nudibranchiata the radula consists of a single central
row. Other peculiarities will be described below in their proper order.
The extreme importance of a study of the radula depends upon
the fact, that in each species, and a fortiori in each genus and family,
the radula is characteristic. In closely allied species the differences
exhibited are naturally but slight, but in well-marked species the
differences are considerable. The radula, therefore, serves as a test
for the distinction of genera and species. For instance, in the four
known recent genera of the family Strombidae, viz. Strombus,
Pteroceras, Rostellaria, and Terebellum, the radula is of the same
general type throughout, but with distinct modifications for each
genus; and the same is true, though to a lesser extent, for all the
species hitherto examined in each of the genera. These facts are
true for all known genera, differences of the radula corresponding to
and emphasising those other differences which have caused genera
to be constituted. The radula therefore forms a basis of classification,
and it is found especially useful in this respect in dealing with the
largest class of all, the Gasteropoda, and particularly with the chief
section of this order, the Prosobranchiata. Thus we have—
Prosobranchiata Monotocardia (a) Toxoglossa
(b) Rachiglossa
(c) Taenioglossa
(d) Ptenoglossa
(e) Gymnoglossa

Diotocardia (f) Rhipidonlossa

(g) Docoglossa[324]
(a) Toxoglossa.—Only three families, Terebridae, Conidae, and
Cancellariidae, belong to this section. There is no central tooth, and
no laterals, the radula consisting simply of large marginals on each
side. In Conus these are of great size, with a blunt base which
contains a poison-gland (see p. 66), the contents of which are
carried to the point by a duct. The point is always singly and
sometimes doubly barbed (Fig. 116). When extracted, the teeth
resemble a small sheaf of arrows (Figs. 113, 115). A remarkable
form of radula, belonging to Spirotropis (a sub-genus of Drillia, one
of the Conidae), enables us to explain the true history of the radula
in the Toxoglossa. Here there are five teeth in a row, a central tooth,
and one lateral and one marginal on each side, the marginals being
very similar in shape to the characteristic shafts of the Conidae (Fig.
114). It is evident, then, that the great mass of the Toxoglossa have
lost both their central and lateral teeth, and that those which remain
are true uncini or marginals. Spirotropis appears to be the solitary
survival of a group retaining the primitive form of radula.
Fig. 113.—Radula of Bela
turricula Mont. × 70.

Fig. 114.—Portion of radula of Spirotropis

carinata Phil., Norway. × 70.
Fig. 115.—Eight teeth from
the radula of Terebra
caerulescens Lam. ×
The arrangement of teeth in all these sections is expressed by a
formula applicable to each transverse row of the series. The central
tooth, if present, is represented by 1, and the laterals and marginals,
according to their number, on each side of the central figure. Thus
the typical formula of the Toxoglossa is, the middle 0
standing for the central tooth which is absent, and the 0 on each side
of it for the absent laterals; the 1 on each extreme represents the
one uncinus in each row. Thus the formula for Spirotropis, which has
also one lateral on each side and a rachidian or central tooth, is Often the formula is given thus: where 30
and 42 stand for the average number of rows of teeth in Conus and
Spirotropis respectively; the same is sometimes expressed thus: × 30; × 42.
Fig. 116.—A tooth from
the radula of Conus
imperialis L., S.
Pacific, × 50, showing
barb and poison duct.

Fig. 117.—Portion of the radula of Melongena

vespertilio Lam., Ceylon. × 30.
Fig. 118.—Portion of the radula of Eburna japonica Sowb.,
China. × 30.

Fig. 119.—Portion of the radula of Murex regius Lam.,

Panama. × 60.
(b) The Rachiglossa comprise the 12 families Olividae, Harpidae,
Marginellidae, Volutidae, Mitridae, Fasciolariidae, Turbinellidae,
Buccinidae, Nassidae, Columbellidae, Muricidae, and
Coralliophilidae. Certainly most and probably all of these families are
or have been carnivorous, the Coralliophilidae being a degraded
group which have become parasitic on corals, and have lost their
teeth in consequence. The characteristics of the group are the
possession of a central tooth with from one cusp (Boreofusus) to
about fourteen (Bullia), and a single lateral more or less cuspidate,
the outer cusp of all being generally much the largest. Thus in
Melongena respertilio (Fig. 117) the central tooth is tricuspid, the
central cusp being the smallest, while the laterals are bicuspid; in
Eburna japonica (Fig. 118) the central tooth is 5-cusped, the two
outer cusps being much the smallest. The teeth, on the whole, are
sharp and hooked, with a broad base and formidable cutting edge. In
the Olividae, Turricula, Buccinopsis, and the Muricidae the laterals
are unicuspid and somewhat degraded (Fig. 119). In Mitra and the
Fasciolariidae they are very broad and finely equally toothed like a
comb (Figs. 120, 121). The whole group is destitute of marginals.

Fig. 120.—Portion of the radula of Imbricaria marmorata

Swains. × 80.

Fig. 121.—Three rows of teeth from the radula of Fasciolaria

trapezium Lam. × 40.
Fig. 122.—Six teeth from
the radula of
Cymbium diadema
Lam., Torres Strait. ×
Fig. 123.—Examples of
degraded forms of
radula: A, Cantharus
pagodus Reeve,
Panama (nascent end),
× 40; A´, same radula,
central and front portion;
B, Columbella varia
Sowb., Panama, × 50.

Fig. 124.—Three rows of the radula of Sistrum spectrum Reeve, Tonga, × 80.
The laterals to the right are not drawn in.
Several remarkable peculiarities occur. Harpa loses the radula
altogether in the adult. In the young it has lost only the laterals, and
consists of nothing but the central tooth. Marginella has no laterals;
the central tooth is small and comb-shaped, with blunt cusps. In
Voluta the laterals are generally lost, but in Volutomitra and one
species of Voluta[325] they are retained. The central tooth usually
has three strong cusps, and is very thick and coloured a deep red or
orange (Fig. 122); in the sub-genus Amoria it is unicuspid, in shape
rather like a spear-head with broadened wings; in Volutolyria it is of a
different type, with numerous unequal denticulations, something like
the laterals of Mitra or Fasciolaria. Of the Mitridae, Cylindromitra has
lost the laterals. Among the Buccinidae, Buccinopsis possesses a
curiously degraded radula, the central tooth having no cusps, but
being reduced to a thin basal plate, while the laterals are also
weakened. This degradation from the type is a remarkable feature
among radulae, and appears to be characteristic, sometimes of a
whole family, e.g. the Columbellidae (Fig. 123, B), sometimes of a
genus, sometimes again of a single species. Thus in Cantharus (a
sub-genus of Buccinum) the radula is typical in the great majority of
species, but in C. pagodus Reeve, a large and well-grown species, it
is most remarkably degraded, both in the central and lateral teeth
(Fig. 123, A). This circumstance is the more singular since C.
pagodus lives at Panama side by side with C. ringeus and C.
insignis, both of which have perfectly typical radulae. It is probable
that the nature of the food has something to do with the
phenomenon. Thus Sistrum spectrum Reeve was found to possess
a very aberrant radula, not of the common muricoid type, but with
very long reed-like laterals. This singularity was a standing puzzle to
the present writer, until he was fortunate enough to discover that S.
spectrum, unlike all other species of Sistrum, lives exclusively on a
branching coral.
The dental formula for the Rachiglossa is thus 1.1.1, except in
those cases where the laterals are absent, when it is 0.1.0.
Fig. 125.—Portion of the radula of Cassis sulcosa Born., × 40. The marginals to
the right are not fully drawn.
(c) The Taenioglossa comprise 46 families in all, of which the
most important are Tritonidae, Cassididae, Cypraeidae, Strombidae,
Cerithiidae, Turritellidae, Melaniidae, Littorinidae, Rissoidae,
Paludinidae, Ampullariidae, Cyclophoridae, Cyclostomatidae, and
Naticidae. The radula is characterised by a central tooth of very
variable form, the prevailing type being multicuspid, the central cusp
the largest, on a rather broad base; a single lateral, which is often a
broad plate, more or less cusped, and two uncini, rather narrow, with
single hooks, or slightly cusped. The accompanying figures of
Cassis, Vermetus, and Cypraea, and those of Littorina and
Cyclophorus given on pp. 20, 21, are good examples of typical
taenioglossate radulae.

Fig. 126.—Four rows of teeth from the radula of

Vermetus grandis Gray, Andamans. × 40.
In Homalogyra the radula is much degraded, the central tooth is
large and triangular on a broad base, the lateral is represented only
by a thin oblong plate, and the uncini are absent. In some species of
Jeffreysia the uncini are said to be absent, while present in others.
Lamellaria has lost both its uncini, but the radula of the allied
Velutina is quite typical. A peculiar feature in this group is the
tendency of the marginals to increase in number. A stage in this
direction is perhaps seen in Ovula, Pedicularia, and the
Cyclostomatidae. Here the outermost of the two marginals is by far
the larger and broader, and is strongly pectinated on its upper edge;
in the Cyclostomatidae the pectinations are rather superficial; in
Ovula (where both marginals are pectinated) they are decidedly
deeper; in Pedicularia they are deeper still, and make long slits in the
tooth, tending to subdivide it altogether. In Turritella the number of
marginals is said to vary from none (in T. acicula) to three (T.
triplicata), but the fact wants confirmation. Solarium is an aberrant
form, possessing simply a number of long uncini, which recall those
of Conus or Pleurotoma, and is therefore hard to classify; the allied
Torinia has a radula which appears allied to Ovula or Pedicularia. In
Triforis the teeth are identical throughout, very small, about 27 in a
row, tricuspid on a square base, cusps short.
The normal formula of the Taenioglossa is; in Lamellaria,
1.1.1; in Triforis, 13.1.13, or thereabouts.

Fig. 127.—Two rows of the radula of Cypraea tigris

L. × 30.
Fig. 128.—Portion of the radula of Ianthina
communis Lam. × 40.
(d) Ptenoglossa.—This section consists of two families only, which
certainly appear remarkably dissimilar in general habits and
appearance, viz., the Ianthinidae and Scalariidae. In all probability
their approximation is only provisional. The radula, which in Ianthina
is very large, and in Scalaria very small, possesses an indefinite
number of long hooked teeth, of which the outermost are the largest.
The central tooth, if present (it does not occur in Ianthina), is the
smallest in the series, and thus recalls the arrangement in some of
the carnivorous Pulmonata (p. 232). In Ianthina the radula is formed
of two large divisions, with a gap between them down the middle.
The formula is ∞.1.∞ or ∞.O.∞ according as the central tooth in
Scalaria is or is not reckoned to exist.
(e) Gymnoglossa.—In the absence of both jaw and radula it is not
easy to classify the two families (Eulimidae and Pyramidellidae)
which are grouped under this section. Fischer regards them as
modified Ptenoglossa; one would think it more natural to
approximate them to the Taenioglossa.
Fig. 129.—Portion of the radula of Margarita umbilicalis
Brod., Labrador. × 75 and 300.
(f) Rhipidoglossa.—This section consists of seventeen families,
the most important being the Helicinidae, Neritidae, Turbinidae,
Trochidae, Haliotidae, Pleurotomariidae, and Fissurellidae. The
radula is characterised by—
(1) The extraordinary development of the uncini, of which there
are so many that they are always reckoned as indefinitely numerous.
They are long, narrow, hooked, and often cusped at the top, and
crowded together like the ribs of a fan, those at the extreme edge not
being set straight in the row, but curving away backwards as they
become smaller; in Solariella alone, where there are from five to ten,
can they be counted.
Fig. 130.—Portion of the radula of Nerita albicilla L., Andaman Is.,
with central tooth highly magnified: c, c, the capituliform tooth.
× 40.
(2) The varying number of the laterals. The average number of
these is five on each side; in some cases (Livona) there are as many
as nine, in some (Neritopsis) only three. The lateral next to the uncini
(which is specially large in the Neritidae, and is then known as the
capituliform tooth) is regarded by some authorities as the first
uncinus, by others as the sole representative of the laterals, the
teeth on the inner side of it being reckoned as multiplied central
teeth. According to this latter view, Livona will have as many as
seventeen central teeth. Taking five as the average number of
‘laterals,’ we shall have the following different ways of constituting
the rhipidoglossate formula, the first being that to which preference is
given, viz.:—
(1) ∞.5.1.5.∞, i.e. one central, five laterals, including the ‘last lateral’
(2) (∞.1).4.1.4.(1.∞), regarding the ‘last lateral’ as first uncinus, but
specialising it by a number.
(3) ∞.1.(4.1.4).1.∞, regarding the ‘last lateral’ as the only lateral.
In the Neritidae and the derived fresh-water genera (Neritina,
Navicella) the first lateral, as well as the capituliform tooth, is very
large, and in shape rather like the blade bone of a shoulder of
mutton; the intervening laterals are very small. In Neritopsis (a
degraded form) the central tooth and first lateral are entirely wanting.
In the neritiform land-shells (Helicina, Proserpina) the first lateral is
no larger than the others, while the capituliform tooth is enormous.
Hydrocena is a very aberrant and apparently degraded form; the
laterals between the first and the capituliform tooth are all wanting. In
Haliotis, Scissurella, and Pleurotomaria the five laterals are of fairly
equal size; in Fissurella we again meet with a large capituliform
tooth, with very small laterals.
(g) The Docoglossa are in direct contrast with the Rhipidoglossa
in possessing few and strong teeth, instead of many and weak.
There are only three families, Acmaeidae, Patellidae, and Lepetidae.
In some of the Acmaeidae there are not more than two teeth in a
row, while in no species are there more than twelve. The radula is,
however, very long; there are as many as 180 rows in Patella
vulgata. The teeth are thick, generally of a very deep red horn colour,
rather opaque. The cartilage in which they are set is remarkably
thick, and in some species whose teeth are very few a considerable
portion of this cartilage is left quite bare.

Fig. 131.—Portion of the radula of

Patella cretacea Reeve, seen in
half profile. × 40.
Although the teeth are so few, the arrangement is by no means
simple. The special feature of the group is the multiplication of
identical centrals. Of these there are two in Acmaea, and four, as a
rule, in Patella. Thus in these two genera there is seldom an
absolutely central tooth. Either laterals or marginals are liable to be
lost, but there are never more than two of either in Acmaea, and
never more than two laterals and three marginals in Patella. Thus
the formula varies from 0.0.(1 + 0 + 1).0.0 in Pectinodonta, 2.2.(1 + 0
+ 1).2.2 in Collisellina (both Acmaeidae), to 3.2.(1 + 0 + 1).2.3 in
Patinella, and 3.1.(2 + 0 + 2).1.3 in Patella proper. In the Lepetidae
there is an absolutely central tooth, which appears to be made up of
the coalescence of several teeth, no laterals, and about two
marginals; formula,

Fig. 132.—Two rows of the radula of Pterotrachea

mutica Les., Naples. × 60.
The radula of the Heteropoda is quite characteristic, and shows
no sign of affinity with any other Prosobranchiate. The central tooth
is large, broad, tricuspid, and denticulated on a broad base; the
single lateral is strong, often bicuspid; the two marginals simple,
long, falciform; formula, (Fig. 132).
Fig. 133.—A, Portion of the radula of Chiton
(Acanthopleura) spiniger] Sowb., Andamans, × 30;
B, portion of the radula of Dentalium entalis L.,
Clyde, × 50.
Amphineura.—(a) Polyplacophora.—The radula of the
Chitonidae is quite unique. It resembles that of the Docoglossa in
being very long, and composed of thick and dark horn-coloured
teeth. The number of teeth, however, is considerably greater,
amounting almost invariably to seventeen in each row. There are
three rather small central teeth, the two outer of these being similar;
next comes a very large lateral (the major lateral), usually tricuspid,
which is followed by two much smaller laterals, which are scarcely
more than accessory plates; then a very large and arched marginal
(the major uncinus), at the outer side of which are three accessory
plates. Some consider there is only one central tooth, and count the
two small teeth on each side of it as laterals.
Thus the formula is either (3 + 1).(2 + 1).3.(1 + 2).(1 + 3) or (3 +
1).(2 + 1 + 1).1.(1 + 1 + 2).(1 + 3).
(b) Aplacophora.—Of this rather obscure order, Chaetoderma has
a single strong central tooth, Neomenia has no radula, Proneomenia
and Lepidomenia have about twenty falciform teeth, much larger at
one end of the radula than the other; formula, 0.1.0.
Opisthobranchiata.—The radula of the Opisthobranchiata is
exceedingly variable in shape, size, and number and character of
teeth. Not only do allied families differ greatly from one another, but
allied genera often possess radulae widely distinct in plan. Thus,
among the Polyceridae, Goniodoris has no central tooth, one large
lateral and one marginal (form.; Doridunculus the same,
with five marginals (form.; Lamellidoris one each of
median, laterals, and marginals (; Idalia, Ancula, and
Thecacera the same as Goniodoris; Crimora several each of laterals
and marginals. Even species of the same genus may differ; thus the
formula for Aeolis papillosa is 0.1.0, but for Ae. Landsbergi 1.1.1; for
Philine aperta 1.0.1, but for Philine pruinosa 6.0.6.

Fig. 134.—Two teeth from the radula of Aeolis

papillosa L. × 55.
It must not be forgotten, however, that a simple repetition of the
same tooth, whether lateral or marginal, does not necessarily
constitute an important characteristic, nor does the presence or
absence of a central tooth. In most of the cases mentioned above,
the difference in the number of laterals and marginals is due to the
multiplication of identical forms, while the central tooth, when
present, is often a mere plate or narrow block without cusps, whose
presence or absence makes little difference to the character of the
radula as a whole.
There appear to be three well-marked types of radula among the
(a) Radula with a single strong central tooth, rows few. This form
is characteristic of the Aeolididae, Fionidae, Glaucidae, Dotoidae,
Hermaeidae, Elysiidae (Fig. 135), and Limapontiidae. In the
Aeolididae it is sometimes accompanied by a single lateral. The
same type occurs in Oxynoe, and in Lobiger (= Lophocercus).
(b) Radula with the first lateral very strongly developed. This type
may take the form of (1) a single lateral, no central or marginals, e.g.
Onchidoris, Scaphander (Fig. 137, A), Philine (certain species),
Ringicula, or (2) first lateral strongly developed, and repeated in
succeeding laterals (2–6) on a smaller scale, e.g. Philine (certain
species). A few marginals are sometimes added, e.g. in Polycera,
Lamellidoris (where there is a degraded central tooth, Fig. 137, B),
Idalia, and Ancula.

Fig. 135.—Radula of
Elysia viridis Mont. ×
40. Type (a).

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