Captura 2023-11-03 A Las 14.03.26

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DATE: 03/11/2023


1. Watch the video and fill in the gaps.

1. ______________________
2. ______________________ 1

3. ______________________
4. ______________________
5. ______________________
6. ______________________
7. ______________________
8. ______________________
9. ______________________
10. ______________________

2. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Watch again and
1. Amanda has 15 minutes to paint Curtis's portrait. _____ 2 3 4

2. Curtis thinks Amanda's paintings look like him. _____

3. Curtis and Amanda enjoyed their visit to the art gallery. _____
4. Curtis doesn't think Amanda is a good sculptor. _____ 5
5. There was a street art exhibit at the art gallery. _____
6. Curtis paints a perfect portrait of Amanda. _____

3. Create your vocabulary exercises for the exam.

- Work in pairs.
- Use your unit 2 vocabulary notes.
- 3 exercises for each couple.
- You can use as examples/ templates (plantillas) the 8
vocabulary exercises from the student’s book or workbook,
but you can’t copy the exercises. They must be new.
- You can create new ones, or make crosswords…
- Write them on a sheet and give them to the teacher at the
end of the lesson.


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