State Bihar - 20240410 - 012944 - 0000

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1. Problem Statement and Context:

The competition focuses on a specific problem statement related to a
particular state, accompanied by relevant contextual information provided in
the document.

2. Presentation Requirements:
Participants are required to prepare a concise presentation, comprising a
maximum of 8 slides, including a cover slide and a thank-you slide. The
presentation should outline an innovative idea for a startup, either a product
or a service, with the potential to address the identified problem.

3. Submission Process:
All entries are to be submitted via email to, along with
the following details of the team: names of the members, their respective
institutions, and contact information.

4. Scope of the Startup Idea:

While the startup idea may not necessarily arise from the sector mentioned
in the problem statement, it should originate from sectors that have a direct
impact on the identified problem.
5.Alignment with Objectives:
The presentation should clearly highlight how the proposed startup idea
could contribute to the vision of a Developed India (Viksit Bharat Bharat) by
2047 and align with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals

6. Disqualification Criteria:
Any incomplete or plagiarized entries will be subject to disqualification from
the competition.

7. Evaluation Criteria:
The selection process will prioritize ideas based on their practicality,
feasibility, and innovation. Additionally, the alignment with the vision of a
self-reliant India, adherence to SDGs, validated solutions, presentation
quality, and unique value propositions (USPs) will be key considerations.

Participants may consider the following suggested headings for their

• Team Introduction (with alloted state)
• Problem Statement
• Proposed Solution
• Product/Service Description
• Role in Mission of VKB 2047
• Business Model and Market Analysis
• Unique Value Propositions (USPs)
Bihar, an agrarian state in eastern India, has a rich cultural heritage and
a predominantly rural economy. Despite its vast potential in
agriculture, the state faces significant challenges like poverty,
illiteracy, lack of infrastructure, and limited industrialization.

However, Bihar has taken steps to address these issues. The state's
focus on education, with schemes like the Bihar Education Project, has
improved literacy rates. Initiatives like the Bihar Vikas Mission have
aimed to boost economic growth and attract investments.

Bihar's strengths lie in its abundant natural resources, such as minerals

and fertile lands. The state's skilled workforce in traditional crafts like
Madhubani paintings and Sujani embroidery presents opportunities for
developing cottage industries and promoting cultural tourism.

The state's proactive policies, like the Bihar Industrial Investment

Promotion Policy, have aimed to create a conducive environment for
industrialization and generate employment opportunities.

Despite challenges, Bihar's potential in sectors like agriculture, food

processing, and renewable energy remains untapped.
You are required to conduct thorough research and identify a specific
problem within the state that hinders the attainment of the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the "Viksit Bharat"
(Developed India) vision. This could be a challenge related to
education, healthcare, infrastructure, environmental sustainability, or
any other sector that impedes the state's progress.

Once a problem has been identified, you are supposed to develop an

innovative solution in form of a startup that leverages the state's
strengths and addresses the root causes of the issue. Such that it can
contribute to the state's ongoing efforts towards achieving the SDGs
and realizing the vision of a truly "Viksit Bharat."

Deadline : 14th April , 2024 - 12:00noon

For queries contact :

Akshay - 9412902010
Divyansh - 7804018812

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