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by Councillor RYU (Petar)
in cooperation with the Gorn community

Guild Tenets ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Mission, Gorn Castes and Previous Developments in CSC (P2E game) .................................................. 9
Beginner Castes (Saur) ...................................................................................................................... 14
Advanced Castes (Specialists) ........................................................................................................... 15
Caste System Explained .............................................................................................................. 18
Ryu's Story and Guild Developments in September 2019 .................................................................... 19
Ryu's Story - Tales of honour and fervour ........................................................................................ 20
An Expedition to Fomalhaut and the Lost Gorn Artifact ...................................................................... 23
Log Entry - An ancient Parchment encompassing the path to a Lost Artifact of the Gorn............... 28
Guild Developments in December 2019 ............................................................................................... 32
Guild Developments in January 2020 ................................................................................................... 36
Developments - More exploration and ore surveys ......................................................................... 37
The Gorn Artfiact - What happened till now .................................................................................... 38
Guild Developments in February 2020 ................................................................................................. 40
Developments - The Gorn join the ISF as founding member............................................................ 41
Developments - Fomalhaut surveys and fleet doctrine .................................................................... 42
Guild Developments in March 2020 ..................................................................................................... 45
Developments - The Gorn purchase several Public Workshop Slots in the Sol System ................... 46
Log Entry - The Gorn Hegemony expanded its broadcast network in the Sol System ..................... 47
Guild Developments in May 2020......................................................................................................... 48
Developments - The Gorn establish a FOB in Fringe ........................................................................ 49
Log Entry - Borg technology and reports of Borg attacks are surfacing ........................................... 50
The History of the Gorn Hegemony ...................................................................................................... 52
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 52
Culture .............................................................................................................................................. 54
Family…………. .................................................................................................................................... 55
Honor ................................................................................................................................................ 58
Service ............................................................................................................................................... 59

I want to thank everyone for helping me achieve the honour of being a Councillor and working with
the Gorn community. - Ryu

This handbook was written in 27/05/2020 by Gorn Councillor Ryu aka Petar.
The first update occurred in 27/05/2024 By Ryu
The Gorn Hegemony is proud founding member of the ISF – Starfleet, a
P2E gaming alliance in 2020-2021

Credits: Star Trek Book on lore

Guild Tenets

Ryu the Dark, Gorn Crypto Space Commander in 2845

"The manifestation of our destiny, or "Ussegssirr", is the

basic tenet of the Gorn. We shall spread the Gorn
Imperative throughout the Multiverse. Our mission is to
help our members prosper and evolve in this new galaxy
full of opportunity and threats. We are destined to
ascend together with our allies and build a transparent
inter-galactic network for trade, industry and security."
- Councillor Ryu the Dark, 2845
The 7 Tenets of the Gorn Hegemony
DAO (early 2020)
"The manifestation of our destiny, or

The Gorn Hegemony community has an intricate focus

on industry, survivability and trading. Gorn wants to help
build a transparent inter-galactic network of commerce
and security, together with members, warrior brethren
and alien allies.

The Council will oversee industrial developments,

conduct diplomacy, be a caretaker of DAO OPs as well
as secure Gorn territory with the full support of the Gorn
Space Command.
The Council will provide a knowledge foundation about
P2E gameplay, trading intelligence and more. High
ranking Gorns can lead introductory tutorials for recruits.
High ranking Gorns also have the right to launch fleet ops
in web3 space combat.

The Gorn Community in cooperation with the

Councillors and Traders will create market analysis and
give recommendations to the members of the community
(given they have earned the accreditation in their field,
example: track record). Current field of expertise include:
mining, industry, trading, automation, fleet command,

The leadership of the Gorn Hegemony resembles

a parliamentary monarchy (governance and policies will
be decided by the council and every Councillor will
have the same voting power).Councillor Ryu will
conduct the voting in Discord transparently on behalf of
the Community.
Gorn DAO hub, a cornerstone of Gorn management and leadership, concept art

Council admissions will be conducted by the Council

itself and requires candidates to overcome a series of
challenges. The First Trial of the Council is about wits
and creativity and can be reached here. In the Second
Trial, which is about showing guts and finesse, the
candidate will be matched against a fierce Gorn
Councillor in a 1v1 arena spaceship battle. The only
requirement to win in a web3 Arena is to successfully
destroy the ship or mech of the Councillor.

Caste System: Councillors will promote Initiates and

Saurs, cadets so to speak, in line with a social credit
system known as the Caste System. There are DAO roles
and special roles that have to be unlocked through
special tasks within the Gorn DAO. Furthermore, this hard
to get special titles will have intricate features in the
upcoming Gorn web app. Essentially, it is based on merit
and elements from Gorn culture (Family, Faith, Service,

Mission, Gorn Castes and Previous

Developments in CSC (P2E game)
"The Gorn arrived in CSC and assembled a local council
to facilitate effective decision-making. Moreover, did our
Councillor embed the iconic caste-based class system to
bring order and discipline into our ranks. The strong belief
of our scaly members in the divine grace of our eternal
mistress, empowers our priests, inspires our
technologists and augments our warriors with an
indomitable will." - Gorn Hegemony community
Gorn Councillor Ryu the Dark in the Sol system

"The mighty combat prowess of the Gorn has once again

been rejuvenated by the insatiable hunger of the
wretched all-father, the true evil in the galaxy that was
exiled by our goddess, S'Yahazah the Great Egg Bringer.
Fellow Gorn Warriors...YOU HAVE TO ACT... the time
has arrived to witness the most powerful Gorn incursion
ever seen in CSC galactic space. Our scouts have
spotted a divine artifact signature from the Mistress of
Fertility herself. It has been located on a remote planet in
the so called "Fringe" space. We suspect that henchman
of the wretched all-father were deployed to destroy the
artifact! Gorn...sharpen your claws, ready your blades,
phasers and plasma torpedos...WE WILL MAKE GORN
GREAT AGAIN by securing the divine artifact and
uncovering its secret!" — Councillor Ryu the
Dark, 2873
Gorn Spire Outpost, a mobile HQ structure focused for mining Ops, concept art
Short term mission statement of the

“Don’t act until you’re sure that you’re right, and then let
nothing stop you.”— Gorn Proverb

Our next short term target is to construct an outpost in

Fringe space, the most dangerous space in CSC. Due to
game-play mechanics, Commanders could potentially
lose their ship and modules if destroyed in "Fringe" space.
This is where our defensive fleet and elite troops will
come into play, which are dedicated to provide secure
mining and territorial control. Our prestigious Gorn Space
Command will commence the very first expeditions into
"Fringe" space as well as establish a foothold in this
remote and unexplored array of systems. The initial
mission of our frontier expedition will be to find a habitable
planet or space station in "Fringe" space.
Gorn Space Station concept by Gorn community

The Gorn Caste System

(Credit: Star Trek: Online)

On behalf of the Gorn Hegemony DAO and direct orders

from our King, we will enact the caste system, a class-like
career progression path. The terminology of our guild
class system adheres to the norms of Gorn Hegemony
and Star Trek lore, blended with unique new chapter of
the Gorn entering the Web3 multiverse. Our honourable
Council aims to empower members with specialized
tasks, honorary titles, $GORN incentives and
services that will help grow our influence in the galaxy.

Every member of the Gorn Hegemony fits into a

specialized role, whether it is a militant, labourers or

Gorn Destroyers and Dreadnought concept art by Gorn


Beginner Castes (Saur)

• Initiate - Initiates are in the lower class and follow

orders of their superiors; they are the fighters. Their
weapon of choice is the Ravager, which is an automatic
ballistic rifle. Initiates always move in squads, and their
total mindset on fighting makes them highly dangerous.
Initiates can run on all four legs, but in this fighting
position they stand roughly four feet tall. At full height they
would be more than six feet.

• Labourer - The working class of the Gorn dedicated

to industrial developments, commerce and logistics.
Laborer have intricate knowledge of manufacturing and

• Technologist - The researchers caste of the Gorn,

known for their distinct genetic divergence into smaller
physical reptilians with genetically enhanced neural
throughput. Most Gorn technologists use cyber-genetic
implants to augment intelligence and memory capabilities.
Technologist usually research and master blueprints of
military and industrial technology.

Advanced Castes (Specialists)

• Warrior - The Warrior is the next evolution step
above the Gorn Initiate, but still closely resembles a wild
animal/beast when in combat. Equipped with basic armor,
the genetically enhanced Warrior is intelligent enough to
operate weaponry such as the Pillager and the Arc

• Henchman - controls squadrons of Initiates and

Warrior. He possesses the ability to cloak.
• Sentinel - these are similar to the Commander.
Nine feet tall and the most vicious, largest and strongest
of the Gorn. They use the Arc Driver, the most powerful
Gorn weapon for ground combat.

• Guardian - The Gorn Guardian is considered the

"royal guard" of the Gorn and carries a large energy axe,
dealing medium damage with a swiping attack. The
Guardian is equivalent to the Warrior in health, but also
has the ability to generate a shield from his energy axe.
Guardians are more evolved than the Initiate and Warrior,
spending more time standing upright on their hind legs.
Although they tend to slouch down while moving,
Guardian attacks are made from an upright stance..

• Lieutenant - these command the Initiate squads. A

special title given based on merit and achievement.
Lieutenants are either squad leaders, fleet commanders
or scientists in the field of warfare.

• Priest - keepers of the lineage and achievements of

the King and their nation. These Gorn are believed to be
protected by the Mistress of Fertility for they are nobles
and spiritually pure. Those hereditary families that have a
large number of blue-yellow scaled Gorn are considered
blessed with a symbol of Gorn strength.

• Scout - Scouts are the long-range specialists.

Scouts do not take cover, but have two unique abilities
key to their success as the silent killers of the Gorn army:
Scouts can walk on walls and have the ability to
camouflage so they blend in with their background.

• Brute - The Brute is one of the fiercest, most

dangerous Gorn in close quarters. Big and heavily
armored, Brutes aren't evolved enough to use weapons,
resorting to their natural weapons of claws and charging
attacks to devastate their enemies. Brutes charge
through cover, destroying it and sending anyone behind
that cover flying backward. The Brute has a large amount
of hit points and is most heavily armored in the front.

• Champion - An ferocious eight foot mutated Gorn.

The Champion is bigger and burlier than the average
Gorn due to his rare birth defects.

• Rusher - The Gorn Rusher is the least evolved of the

“intelligent” Gorn. They don't use weapons and move on
all fours, making them very fast and agile. Rushers
charge directly at enemies, leaping into the air and
dragging them to the ground to bite and claw them to

• Commander - is the most tactically able. Uses

venom to make enemies fight each other for amusement.
The position of Commander is rewarded by the Council
based on merit and achievement.

• First Myrmidon (General) - They are the highest

ranked Generals and bring an overwhelming repertoire of
melee capabilities as well as tactical combat
understanding to the field.
Gorn Hypergate built in 28th century, Gorn DAO art.

Caste System Explained

First and foremost is the caste system designed with the

aim to be reproducible and sustainable, even with high
numbers of members. The aim of the caste system is to
augment originality, immediacy, engagement and
immersion for members. Second it will adhere to Gorn
Standards and be in accordance with the Star Trek lore.
Let us take a detailed view on the Gorn caste system
enacted by Councillor Ryu the Dark. This class system is
essentially based of the fundamental principles of Gorn
belief as well as the four cultural hallmarks of the Gorn
Hegemony. This four hallmarks are crucial in Gorn culture,
represented by a candle with four flames that is
supposedly found in most Gorn homes. This four cultural
pillars describe the essence of the Gorn nature: honor,
family, service and faith.
Ryu's Story and Guild Developments
in September 2019
Our heroic stalwart of the Gorn Hegemony, Ryu , has
received his honorary title "The Dark Tactician" during the
incident 4234, known as Operation "Tiamat". His fleet of
cloaked bombers and destroyers slaughtered a full
battalion of Klingon battle-cruiser ships out of a well
planned ambush at Qu'Vat using focused quantum
torpedo barrages. Afterwards Ryu's fleet used its speed
advantage to kite several reinforcement troops using
well-timed hit-and-run manoeuvres. Ultimately, Ryu
flattened an outpost station of the Klingons with an epic
ground assault that he commanded. Ryu's fervour is the
accumulation of wealth and prestige. His most
memorable quote was: "Thou cannot go against thy
nature, no more than a fish could walketh upon the
firmament." - Councillor Ryu the Dark, 2829
Ryu the Dark Tactician on a ground assault with his
weapon of choice: the plasma assault rifle

Ryu's Story - Tales of honour and


Ryu has attained the Emblem of Purification, due to his

religious efforts and lineage research. His marvellous
skills are focused on the core discipline of the Gorn
"Guardian" caste which is specialized in ground combat
tactics, fortification and fleet command. In 2845 Ryu was
granted the title as Councillor of the "Gorn Frontier
Mission" by the Gorn Hegemony. In 2842 Gorn patrols
found a wormhole in the Beta quadrant leading into the
CSC universe, which essentially triggered the initiation of
the "Gorn Frontier Mission", enacted by the Gorn King
himself. In a matter of weeks the King gathered the most
elite soldiers and researchers of the Gorn Hegemony.
Ryu the Dark was among the chosen, due to his "jack-of-
all-trades" reputation as well his extensive experience
and education in commerce and warfare.

Ryu the Dark Tactician entering the CSC universe

through the Wormhole XCV-365472
The next phase of our Gorn incursion into the CSC
universe encompasses the creation of an embassy on
Earth, a habitable planet in the Sol system and home-
planet of the Human race. The Gorn embassy will be
constructed on the so-called "Bitcoin Island", mainly due
to its tropic climate, decentralized infrastructure and
advantageous regulation. Our humble Councillors are
seeking to network and make new contacts with the
governments and institutions of the Sol system, aiming to
explore opportunities for mutual benefits in commerce.
Our species is overwhelmingly thankful for the luxurious
accommodation that was gifted to Ryu by the prestigious
leadership of the Earth Federation.

Councillor Ryu in his first trip to Bitcoin Island, where

the Gorn embassy will be constructed
The Gorn Frontier will decisively establish a new pivot
point for the Gorn Hegemony, in line with the vision,
mission and values of our King and his Collegium. The
story of Ryu the Dark has yet to develop in this new
chapter of Gorn glory, trade and exploration.
(Screenshots are fan-made, from Star Trek: Online and from CSC Space MMO)

An Expedition to Fomalhaut and the

Lost Gorn Artifact

Gorn Councillor Ryu the Dark and eight Gorn research

colonists conducted an expedition into a newly found
Fringe System, known as Fomalhaut. The timid jungle of
planet Dagon was explored and a research outpost was
built. Back in Gorn Guild HQ new scientific findings about
an forgotten artifact were revealed.
Log Entry - The Expedition to

The FTL (faster than light) route was carefully planned by

the Guild Council, with an aim to minimize the travelled
distance by using jump gates into systems located nearby
the Fomalhaut System. Starting point was Lalande
System, which is accessible within the jump gate network.
Rumours of an ancient Gorn Artifact surface within the
Guild HQ of the Gorn, which. Ryu the Dark himself
explored the uncharted Fringe System, Fomalhaut, that
was recently discovered by the Federation and the Sol
governments. Throughout Ryu's journey into the depths
of the Fringe Space, one priority was of utter importance:
the manifestation of destiny explained in a previous data
archive. In a nutshell, the essence of this mission was to
establish a outpost on a habitable planet with access to
precious minerals, in line with the Gorn survival and
exploration principles. Gorn developed their principles
and cultural beliefs due to their complex history,
outlined here.

Councillor Ryu the Dark orbiting Planet Y3637457623,

also known as Dagon in the Fomalhaut System
Ryu's Cruiser FF deployed telemetry probes and
conducted several chem-trail analysis' in the atmosphere
of Planet Y3637457623. It was evident that the planet
was habitable due to its advantageous spherical
conditions as well as a robust Ozone layer and optimal
climate for Gorn breeding grounds. Ryu analysed the
constituents and semantics of the chemical compounds
using multiple spectroscopy techniques for particle
characterization and Zeta-potential measurement.
Telemetry probes picked up a rich mineral vein on the
southern continent of the planet, which would be an
prospective consideration for a mining outpost location
for the Gorn Hegemony. An Research-FOB module was
installed with two supply modules to ensure longevity and
survival for this newly found Gorn colony. The eight Gorn
colonist will remain on the planet and conduct further
planetary research as well as deploy probes to survey the
planet even further.
Gorn scout squad, concept art.
Councillor Ryu the Dark surveying the Fomalhaut
System after precious metals and crystals

Ryu and his team collected ore samples from several

asteroid anomalies in Fomalhaut. Rare minerals were
found and documented. Examples would be Allurum and
big quantities of Peridot, a crystal used for various
applications, for example starship construction. All
samples and results of the Particle Distribution Analysis
were brought to the Guild HQ in GFI Home Station for
further analysis.

Gorn Councillor Ryu the Dark encountered on his

expedition to Fomalhaut several distinct anomaly
signatures, indicating more solar systems in the vicinity of
Fomalhaut. Gravitational Spectral Scanners indicate that
Fomalhaut may contain evidence about the existence of
a lost Gorn artifact due to its spectral constituency,
suggesting rich veins of rare crystalline alloys. Scholars
belief that the an archaeological breakthrough is nascent,
predicted by ancient star charts of the Gorn, that show a
"dragon head" constellation which has striking similarities
with the Fomalhaut System. Gorn scholars have
identified a prospective location of the monolithic artifact,
that is of immeasurable value to the Hegemony. Historical
evidence suggests that this artifact may contain an exotic
crystalline alloy capable of inhibiting dimension-altering

Log Entry - An ancient Parchment

encompassing the path to a Lost
Artifact of the Gorn

Gorn scholars in the CSC Universe commenced

advanced technological studies to safeguard the survival
of the guild and it's steadfast augurers, technologist and
labourers. This golden age of exploration and survival has
enabled the Gorn Hegemony to reach far beyond the
Beta Quadrant and the known galaxy. The new Gorn
frontier into the CSC universe already surpassed their
greatest exploration achievements by finding an ancient
parchment encompassing the path to an forgotten artifact
of the Gorn. The archeological site was located beneath
an ancient "Maya" temple, on the Human home-planet
Earth. Evidence suggests that an ancient Gorn deity, with
the name Kukulkan, has visited Earth several thousand
years ago and spread the teachings of our Mistress of

A 3000 year old Gorn painting depicting the sacred comet

on a trajectory into a "dragon-head" nebulae. Scientists
believe that this painting has been created in 21435 BC
by a higher priest of the Gorn Hegemony with a certain
segment of the story of the Mistress of Fertility as
inspiration. Specifically the chapter, that describes that
the divine artifact was buried on a crystalline Comet and
sent into dragon-head nebulae. Tentative translations
depict that the aim was to safeguard the artifact from the
gaze of the wretched All-father, the true evil in the galaxy.
Rumours are that the artifact is a mythical crystalline alloy
that is supposed to be able to harness space-time

The parchment was found on the Yucatan Peninsula,

within a secret chamber in a forgotten temple which was
seemingly dedicated for the Gorn deity, Kukulkan. On the
parchment was a dragon-head constellation painted and
a several descriptions about sightings of the sacred
artifact of Mistress, which is rumored to be held at a
crystalline comet in the afford-mentioned constellation. At
the backside of the parchment is a writing that supposedly
describes that Kukulkan was a ancient Gorn priest that
traveled through wormholes with the mission to spread
the four pillars of Gorn belief and wisdom without
impacting the technological superiority of primitive
species. Several Gorn scientists even assume, that
based on the writings of the parchment, the location of
the artifact may not be stationary, if the original author
Kukulkan really meant the actual meaning of the word
"Comet", which describes a stellar object on a trajectory
in space. The Gorn artifact itself is believed to be a
mythical crystal that can harness the immeasurable
power to control the space-time continuum.
Kukulkan, the serpent deity of the Mayans is supposedly
of Gorn heritage. This temple has been conveyed with
gravitational spectral analysis, which revealed a secret
chamber beneath the serpent-head sculpture.
Guild Developments in December

Once again the Gorn Space Command conducted

several ore exploration voyages into Fringe space.
Among the exploration fleet of Gorn vessels were
Nightsabres, Prospectors, U.S.S. Voyagers as well as the
G.L.A.M. Oasis. Several systems were surveyed for
precious metals. The mission was a success and there
were no accidents nor pirate activity was reported. The
onset of the Gorn era has just begun. Prosperity lingers
in the depths of the universe and is yet to be uncovered.

Gorn Nightsabre class mining ship on exploration in

Developments - Mining and pirate
The Gorn remain on the forefront of space exploration
and commerce. Mining exploration surveys have already
concluded in over 15 known systems as of now and the
Gorn ore database has grown tremendously. Additionally,
unidentified space stations have been reported in both 82
Virginia and 61 Eridani, by the broadcasting network of
the Sol governments. The Gorn Space Command will
remain vigilant and already send out scouts to the
suggested locations. Our reports describe that the
outposts use a gamma-particle signal disruptor to stay
invisible for long range sensors. Our scouts managed to
pinpoint one of the outpost position near an asteroid belts
in one the aforementioned systems. It has been
confirmed that the Outpost was inhabited by pirates of
unknown origin. Interestingly, it turned out that the found
outpost in 61 Eridani is merely a pirate trading hub of
somehow neutral nature, thus our scouts could dock on
the station without the risk of getting blasted by the
artillery of the pirate space station.
Gorn Rio scout-class ship approaching the pirate station
in 61 Eridani

After docking on the hidden outpost in 61 Eridani our

scouts were welcomed by a bunch of cyberpunk looking
humans. One of the scouts was a Gorn warrior, known as
Fu Lu. It turned out that they tried to offer PVS a voucher
for a dance bar. Fu Lu humbly rejected while he locked
and loaded his blaster using his mindlink implant. In the
next split second our Gorn warrior spotted another hidden
pirate thug several meters away behind a crate, by merely
hearing his fearful breathing sounds. Fu Lu leaps while
drawing his blaster and blade and shortly after propels
several projectiles at once, which ended in a bloody
carnage and a successful operation for the Gorn scout.
Gorn warriors are no match for common station thugs and
Fu Lu blasted the mob in the brink of an eye, even though
he was outnumbered. This is another illustration of the
advanced weaponry used by the Gorn Hegemony. The
ultra-light plate armor offers a thermal damage resistance
which enabled the Gorn to sustain several phaser shots
to the chest. The standard Gorn blasters are equipped
with a mindlink module, overclocked heat sinks and
inertia stabilizers. Once again the Gorn managed to
survive and prevail the dangers of the universe.

Gorn Oasis class ship on its first commercial voyage,

transporting Gorn retainers and diplomats to Nova Taris
station in the Berenices System
(Pictures are edited and from the game CSC Space MMO)
Guild Developments in January 2020

On the 12/01/2020AD the Gorn Hegemony and the

EMPIRE established an initial diplomatic dialogue, which
resulted in the assignment of a Gorn Ambassador,
Commander PVSVNG. The most honourable leadership
of the EMPIRE has established a Gorn embassy office in
their space and our humble Gorn Ambassador will begin
his duty of care as of now. The Gorn Hegemony is also
proud to unveil a new embassy office, found in Section 7
of the Gorn Guild Halls. We are also pleased to welcome
Commander E5K1M0 as Ambassador of the EMPIRE.

A Gorn Ambassador on a diplomatic mission into

EMPIRE space
zrp...."Here speaks Councillor Ryu"....zrrzzrr...
"I am especially pleased with the high level of
engagement by the wide cross-section of stakeholders,
representatives of the major groups, intergalactic
organizations and agencies of the Sol system. I believe
that together we are making definite and measurable
progress towards the objective of mutual benefit and
commercial growth." - Councillor Ryu the Dark

Today Gorn Councillor Ryu has received the privilege of

a database entry in a renown CSC Information Network
found under this link.

Developments - More exploration and

ore surveys

Space exploration initiatives by the Gorn prospered this

month. Ore explorations were successfully conducted in
over 35 systems. The Gorn knowledge archive has
tremendously grown as well as the guild treasury.
Interestingly, Gorn diplomats reported that the Sol
governments have emerged into a new decade of
Blockchain innovation, suggesting that more
governmental funding should be funnelled into research
of this innovative technology. The Gorn Hegemony is
weighing its options to conduct further research about
investments into blockchain assets. Additionally, the
Gorn Space Fleet received a mandate to be able to
participate in an intergalactic trade treaty. The Gorn are
thankful for the opportunity to have been granted the right
to trade under the galactic trading directive of our most
honourable ally's in the Sol system and GFI. This
diplomatic breakthrough will empower the Gorn on their
path to profitability and survival. The Gorn Hegemony
made also measured progress in analysing recent
findings of the mythical Gorn artifact, that is rumoured to
be found within a trailblazing comet.

The Gorn Artfiact - What happened till


A Gorn Dregger class transporting 20 colonists and mining equipment to the

Fomalhaut system
The deity that is known as the Gorn goddess is
S'Yahazah, the mistress that lives outside time and space.
Gorn scientists have unravelled new evidence of a
mythical artifact forged by the Mistress herself. According
to ancient Gorn reports of explorers in approx. 2000BC,
a Gorn Priest encountered the planet Earth on his warp
drive travels and build a temple of faith in the continent
known today as South America. He was the last living
being that documented the trajectory of the mythological
comet of the Mistress, the location where the ancient
artifact is said to be found. Gorn Priests are known as
peacekeepers throughout the universe, protecting the
weak and training them to become strong. Compassion
and Hope are two pillars of Gorn faith. Surveys unveiled
the burial site of the priest as well as one significant
archaeological finding: an ancient parchment with a star
map showing the Fomalhaut System as well as writings
in an ancient Gorn tongue. In November 2019 Gorn send
a team of colonists to build an outpost on the planet
"Dagon" in the Fomalhaut system, with the aim to
upgrade the facility with research modules eventually.
Ore samples were taken. Flora and fauna was surveyed.
In January 2020AD the first machinery will be deployed
to start the construction of the very first ore mining facility
on the Dagon.
More data on the artifact can be accessed in this link.
(Screenshots are from in-game CSC Space MMO)
Guild Developments in February

The Gorn Hegemony joined the Interstellar Space

Federation as founding member. The Gorn are honoured
to pledge themselves to a sustainable and prosperous
future in tandem with the ISF standards and shoulder to
shoulder with the members of the ISF.

“If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can

help make the cosmos safe for diversity.”
Interstellar Space Federation proverb
Developments - The Gorn join the ISF
as founding member
"The Interstellar Space Federation (ISF) consists of over a
hundred planets and corporations who have allied
themselves for mutual cultural, scientific and defensive
benefits. Members of the ISF agreed to share their resources
and in peaceful cooperation with the aim to promote welfare
and peace across the whole CSC Universe."
Excerpt from the Handbook of Information on the ISF

Illustration showing the different races and corporations that joined the ISF
Developments - Fomalhaut surveys and
fleet doctrine
In this lunar cycle the Gorn deployed a communication
satellite to Fomalhaut in order to be survey more systems
in this quadrant. Evidence of telemetric scans revealed a
trace of the mythical comet, which is rumoured to contain
the forgotten Gorn artifact. The trace was in form of
Eisilium dust which was collected at a nearby asteroid
belt in Fomalhaut. Moreover, Gorn scientists launched
several scientific intrepid vessels from the planet "Dagon",
where the Gorn FOB was established, during the last
lunar cycle. Experts suggest that further evidence is
needed in order to create reproducible solutions that
determine the trajectory of the mythical comet. The
ground-breaking finding of "ice ore" in an asteroid belt is
puzzling even human scientists in Sol. Since the Gorn
have an outstanding track record with the Federation and
the Sol governments, all the research materials were
transmitted to them after our scientist analysed it.

Fun fact: The human race was using Gorn in the 20th century for entertainment
purposes, without knowing the Gorn do exist. Evidence has been recorded in the next
Gorn Hegemony Exploration Fleet Alpha at Planet Dagon in the Fomalhaut system

The sophisticated state-of-the-art ship manufacturing of

Vulcan Industries, a Mars based corporation, has baffled
even the savviest Gorn technologist. The Gorn Space
Command, thus decided to purchase several models of
the Vulcan Crusader FF Prometheus class ship,
dedicated for security and mining fleet support. The
current model offers capabilities of 4 times the lightspeed
travels as well as 840 million tons of cargo. This
exceptional spaceship has combat capabilities that are
unmatched, and the Gorn Space Command can be proud
to be the owner of this spacecraft. We are delighted to
announce that the Crusader FF has received a
commendation to become part of the Gorn fleet doctrine,
mainly due to its defensive and offensive capabilities.
The Gorn Space Command Crusader FF Fleet Issue

(Illustration by Don Ivan Punchatz, edited by Ryu the Dark)

(Screenshots from CSC Space MMO)
Guild Developments in March 2020

The Gorn Hegemony continued to expand its mining

operations in Fringe Space and strategically acquired
several public workshop building slots in the Sol System.

Councillor Ryu the Dark executing a Quantum Jump into

the Fomalhaut System
Developments - The Gorn purchase
several Public Workshop Slots in the
Sol System
"The Gorn Hegemony is proud to announce the strategic
acquisition of several workshop facilities in the Sol System,
in order to facilitate a swift expansion of our manufacturing
and refining operations. The Gorn Hegemony has once
again fostered its commercial lead within the CSC Universe.
We arrived at our final frontier and execute resource
allocation decisions with a bolt-on merger and acquisition
strategy in order to diversify our portfolio." - Councillor Ryu the
Dark, 2845

A Gorn Hegemony Mining Operation

Log Entry - The Gorn Hegemony
expanded its broadcast network in the
Sol System
The Gorn Hegemony established this month two new
social media channels. Please follow us and stay tuned
for more guild news and events.

Gorn industrial facility build in Astoria system, concept art

Guild Developments in May 2020

The Gorn Hegemony has experienced member growth in

this period and established a Forward Base to facilitate a
foundation in the depths of Fringe. Moreover, has the ISF
- Starfleet, where the Gorn are founding members,
facilitated a new insignia.

The new ISF - Starfleet Insignia

Developments - The Gorn establish a
FOB in Fringe
"The Gorn Hegemony is proud to announce the
establishment of a secrete Outpost in Fringe that will serve
as mining and trading hub for allies and members of the
Hegemony. We are delighted to welcome also several new
Commanders to our guild, which are currently stationed in
the Outpost to conduct an ore survey in adjacent systems.
We are looking forward to continuously improve our capacity
in the new forward base by establishing supplies and security
for our humble warriors, miners and traders." - Councillor Ryu
the Dark, 2845

The Gorn Hegemony Flagship during a Mining Operation

Log Entry - Borg technology and
reports of Borg attacks are surfacing
The Gorn Hegemony received reports from attacks of
cubic starships. According to our database from the beta
quadrant, our researchers concluded that it is the ship
classification of the Borg we are dealing with. This reports
facilitated a new project programme in our organization
structure dedicated to the research and implementation
of Borg technology. Our lead researchers were already
experimenting with Borg drones several years ago and
started now a project to develop a Borg algorithm
embedded into a Gorn cyborg. This could empower the
Gorn Hegemony to infiltrate the hostile Borg civilization
that is running rampant in Fringe.
Gorns first experimental wormhole technology, a quantum accelerator capable of creating
temporal rifts based on ionic Cherenkov radiation discharge
Our humble Councillor Ryu the Dark himself is currently
bulding an assault fleet to engage hostile Borg ships
during the next days and weeks. The Gorn fleet strenght
for this operation is approximately 10 to 15 Prometheus
class ships.

Specimen XCY-786RRF, the first functional Gorn Borg

drone replicant
The History of the Gorn Hegemony
(Historic) and its brethren Gorn DAO

"The weak must be conquered. It is the Gorn imperative."

Credit: Star Trek Comic

The Gorn Hegemony is the state formed by
the Gorn society. It is governed by a King and a council.
In the 25th century the Hegemony has been absorbed by
the Klingon Empire but retains the right to self-rule, and
has a non-voting seat on the Klingon High Council. Little
is known about the Gorn Hegemony culture, other than it
is based on a caste system. Matters of territory seem to
be very important, since the hegemony reacts very
forcefully to any incursion. In the 28th century a fleet lead
by Ryu the Dark entered a wormhole caused by a
Cherenkov Radiation discharge. The very first Gorn in the
multiverse set up a base near the anomaly to study the
phenomenon. Gorn Hegemony DAO was formed as a
decentralized state machine, acting independently as an
interstellar community. The Gorn DAO adventures began!

Gorn city build by the Gorn DAO, showing the charging process of the planetary shield emitter.

Little is known about the Gorn Hegemony culture, other

than it is based on a caste system, a commodification of
zeal. Matters of territory seem to be very important, since
the hegemony reacts very forcefully to any incursion.
In many Gorn homes you will find four candles constantly
burning. These candles represent the idea of the Four
Sides of Life: Family, Honor, Service and Faith. This
concept is the foundation on which the Gorn society is
built: Family cares for its own. One must always uphold
one’s Honor. All must Serve a greater purpose than
themselves. To be Gorn is to have Faith in S’Yahazah
and her Plan. (more of that under Religion)

Gorn forward base built for mining and industrial operations, concept art.

Family is of paramount importance to the Gorn. The Gorn

mate for life, and reproduce slowly. Females are typically
in cycle to bear eggs only once every six years on
average for Soldiers and Intellectuals; Technicals’
reproductive cycles work at twice that rate. Technicals
may be ovoviviparous although that is in dispute. Soldiers
and Intellectuals normally lay only one egg at a time
(although clutches of two or three eggs are not unheard-
of) and eggs take over two years to incubate. However,
the Gorn remain fertile until death. Due to this fact and
along with their extremely long lifespans, it is not at all
uncommon to have siblings born hundreds of years apart.
Or two Gorn could be the same age, and one could be
the other's great-great-great-uncle.

Due to the relative infrequency of the Gorn reproductive

cycle, they have a seemingly reduced libido compared to
other sapient species. While it is true that a Gorn Soldier
can remain abstinent throughout their century-plus
military career, the Gorn do enjoy physical intimacy and
will often take “pleasure-mates” (as opposed to
“lifemates”) for a night or longer. Occasionally this will
result in the female having a fertilized egg, and this would
obligate her partner to take her as his life mate. (There is
a bit of a cultural stigma associated with this; due to the
Gorn’s very long and very predictable reproductive cycle,
this usually results only because of carelessness on the
female’s part, or because she wants her partner to be her
lifemate but can’t persuade him to claim her.) The terms
“contraceptive” and “abortion” are completely foreign to
the Gorn, as they believe that life is a gift from S’Yahazah,
the Mistress of Fertility.

The Gorn are patriarchal, and fathers always have the

final say in what is best for the family. Children remain
close to their parents and siblings through their entire
lives. Immediate family members are to be counted on to
defend one another from any threat or peril. Children are
raised to respect and obey their parents and older siblings.
It is the responsibility of the children to care for their
parents in their old age. If the parents of a Gorn child
(under 24) are deceased, responsibility for the care of that
child falls on the oldest sibling. Adoption is also common
in these cases. Often single, older Gorn (widows or
unmarried retirees) will adopt and care for orphans.

Many thousands of young Gorn were orphaned during

the war with the Klingons. When the war ended, the
Klingons conscripted many of these orphans, either not
realizing or not caring that the Gorn mature at only half
the rate that Klingons do and that these children were not
ready for military service. In the Klingon Empire, legal age
of conscription is 15 (in Earth years) and 11 for voluntary
enlistment with a guardian’s consent. As losses mounted
in the war against the Federation, some Klingon-
administered orphanages were encouraged to “volunteer”
Gorn children as young as eleven for service. (That is the
equivalent of a Human eight-year-old.) This practice has
ceased, as the Humans and Klingons were made to
understand Gorn maturation rates and the consequences
of thrusting unprepared, undeveloped minds into battle.

Gorn space station in near approach to dock on the first Gorn ringworld built in 28th century at
Fomalhaut system

The Gorn concept of what is honourable differs greatly

from the Human or Klingon's personal honor (quv) and
cultural Honor (batlh.) There is great variety among the
Gorn when it comes to personal codes of honor.
Universal to all however is the idea that no Gorn shall take
a life without just cause. (Life being a gift from S’Yahazah.)

A Gorn who has lost his honor must strive to reclaim it,
even if doing so is impossible. This can be a terrible
burden for one to bear, depending on how strongly they
believe in honor. There is a Gorn murder-suicide ritual
that has mostly gone out of practice called <Claiming-
Another's-Dishonor-As-One’s-Own> that takes place
between very close friends, lifemates, siblings, and very
rarely among parent-child relationships, when one Gorn
(X) has dishonoured himself terribly and the other (Y)
can’t bear to see him suffer as he tries futilely to reclaim
his honor. Y would approach X in private and say to him
solemnly something along the lines of “It’s killing me to
see you this way. Would you allow me to mindmelt and
redeem your honor?” If X accepts, Y would settle their
affairs and arrange a Saurian mindmelt in a way that left
as little mess as possible for their next-of-kin. The goal
there is to enter the others mind and destroy the inner
gorn demons feeding on the mind of the dishonour Gorn.
This ritual would require the sanction of a Priest of
S’Yahazah, and they would have to demonstrate that
S’Yahazah’s gift (i.e., their mind) had become
irrecoverably tainted and had to execute this difficult
psychic ritual, based on brainwave theory and Kiai.

The idea of service to something greater than yourself is
a core ideal shared by all Gorn. What exactly they serve
will vary greatly according to the individual. It could be the
King or the family, or it could just be their commanding
officer or their employer.

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