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"Негізгі орта білім беру" бөлімі

"Шетел тілі" пән бірлестігі


The use of digital tools in English class
Ағылшын тілі сабағында цифрлық құралдарды қолдану

Жұмысты орынаған:3 ая тобының

студенті Боранбаева С.С.
Мамандығы:01120100 "Негізгі орта білім беру"
Біліктілігі:4S01140605 "Шет тілі пәні мұғалімі"
Ғылыми жетекшісі:Тойшыбек І.Т.

Астана, 2024 жыл

Астана қаласы әкімдігінің «Гуманитарлық колледжі» МКҚК
3 курс студентінің курстық жұмысына
курстық жұмыс ұсынылды.
1. Теориялық және практикалық тұрғыдан тақырыптың өзектілігі мен
2. Студенттің өзіндік дербестігі ашылған курстық жұмыстың жетістігі,
тұжырым, жаңашылдығы, білімділігі, теориялық дайындығының деңгейі,
әдебиеттерді білуі және т.б.
3. Ерекше ескертулер, ұсыныстар және тілектер
Рецензент (Тегі, аты-жөні, ФИО, ғылыми дәрежесі, ғылыми атағы, қызметі)
Күні « » ______________2024 ж. Қолы___________
Астана қаласы әкімдігінің «Гуманитарлық колледжі» МКҚК
3 курс студентінің курстық жұмысына
Студенттің аты-жөні
Курс________ топ_____________________________
___пәні бойыша курстық жұмыс
Курстык жұмыстың тақырыбы
1. Жұмыстын өзектілігі (тақырыптың авторы мен проблеманың толық
3.Әдістемелік ұсыныстар
Болжамдық бағасы
Жетекшісі (ТАӘ, ғылыми дәрежесі, ғылыми атағы,қызметі)
Күні « »_____________2024ж. Қолы____________


1.1 Digital tools in education........................................................................6
1.2. Affordances of Digital Tools for English Language
1.3.Types of digital tools in English class.........................................................13
2.1. Experimental work on the use of digital tools in foreign language
2.2. The ascertaining stage of experimental work on the use of digital tools in
foreign language lessons.......................................................................................18
2.3 The formative stage of experimental work on the use of digital tools in
foreign language lessons............................................................................................21
2.4. The control stage of experimental work on the use of digital tools in
foreign language lessons..............................................................................................22


A teacher who is proficient in information technology develops intellectual,

spiritual, civic and many other human qualities. The use of information technology in
education has become increasingly important in various fields of human endeavor.

Domestic scientists characterize the pace of digitalization in the country and

conclude that Kazakhstan has the potential to become a leading country in the
development of industry 4.0. They emphasize the need, above all, to digitally
transform education in order to actively implement this process, as evidenced by its
impact on the quality of education, which allows students to gain insight into the
world and modern technologies. (Sarsenbaeva 2021).

The comprehensive use of new technologies and technical aids in teaching

English in the classroom makes it easier for teachers to complete complex tasks and
offers an opportunity for them to adopt new approaches to their profession. One such
approach is the use of computer programs for language teaching within an
information-based learning system. Information technologies play a significant role
in mastering the vocabulary sections of English classes. Through the Internet,
students can do grammar, lexical and phonetic exercises, read and grammar tests and
IQ tests. This information is received from WWW (World Wide Web).

The internet's ability to provide text, graphics and sound information as its
main feature is significant. In today's new information technologies, computers play
an important role. A new educational approach through the Internet has emerged -
distance learning, which allows learners access to multimedia materials, electronic
textbooks and interactive video conferences. The internet offers many opportunities
for foreign language learners. They can listen to native speakers, communicate with
them, and work with necessary texts. Students can engage in language
communication through the internet, which can help them develop a language
foundation. This, in turn, can lead to improved writing skills at a high level.

As an information system, the internet provides comprehensive information to

its users, regardless of what kind of computer training program they use. These
programs do not exclude grammar work from their content. Instead, they include
exercises that focus on different grammatical structures.

"New technologies do not make teachers unnecessary. They make teachers

more necessary." - Wade Wright, educator.

The purpose of this coursework is to examine the significance and necessity of

utilizing Internet resources in English language lessons, as well as to evaluate the
effectiveness of their application in enhancing language learning outcomes.

The aim of this coursework is to demonstrate the effectiveness of using

electronic tools in the process of English teaching, and to explore ways in which
these tools can be effectively used in English lessons at school.
Relevance: Pedagogical activities now need to fulfill the demands of the
contemporary educational process. The foundation of teaching a foreign language is
having a solid grasp of it in both professional and daily contexts. The importance of
the work stems from the ability to use interactive learning technology and raise
students' motivation and cognitive interest in learning a foreign language via the use
of contemporary information and communication technologies.

Hypothesis: the use of modern information technologies

to increase the cognitive interest of students in mastering a foreign language.

The object of research: the process of learning a foreign language.

The subject of the research is the peculiarities of the use of modern computer
technologies in the process of teaching foreign language to schoolchildren.

Expected results from the course work:

1) Research of the history of the development of digital tools in the process of

teaching a foreign language.

2) Exploration of the benefits of digital technology in the learning of foreign


3) Experimental confirmation of the positive impact of cognitive interest in learning

foreign languages through the use of digital tools.

The course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a

list of references.




1.1 Digital tools in education

The 21st century is the age of advanced technologies. Consequently, the

efficient use of new technologies within the educational system is a necessity of the
present time. Regardless of which sector of the educational system achieves
numerous qualitative outcomes through the widespread adoption of these
technologies, the task of utilizing this opportunity for the benefit of our nation is
being communicated to the public.

To accomplish this goal, it will be necessary to utilize modern, advanced

models of science and technology, in order to be able to access different levels of
information within the world's information space. As the basis of the educational
system lies within the school, the extensive adoption of new technologies at school is
particularly significant. Accordingly, all educational institutions in the country have
been outfitted with modern technology and multimedia classrooms have been
established. First, let's take a closer look at general information regarding technology.

In dictionaries, "technology" is defined as the way people use a specific

complex system by organizing it into interconnected processes, procedures, and
operations. A procedure is a series of steps carried out by a main process (or one of
its stages) that expresses the essence of a particular technology. An operation is a
practical method for solving tasks within the context of a procedure. In the field of
teaching pedagogy, the use of information technology has become widespread.

According to D. Sh. Matros, any method or technology can be considered

information technology. He came to this conclusion because teaching is constantly
associated with transferring information from the teacher to the students. At the same
time, it is the main task of the teacher to find ways to process the information that
students receive in order to learn it effectively. In accordance with these facts, we can
recognize that the term "information technology of learning" has been introduced into
pedagogical science as the use of computers and information technologies
(communication tools, telecommunication networks, etc.) in education. Any teaching
technology can be attributed to information technology by the combination of
didactic tools used by the teacher.

The use of new information technologies and software has led to a shift in
terminology from "computer technology" to "information technology". This means
that we should now view information technology in the context of learning as a
teaching process that uses a wide range of computer and other technologies.

Polish educator V. Okon divides teaching aids into two categories based on the
potential for replacing teacher activities and automating student activities. These
include simple and complex tools. Simple tools include dictionaries, textbooks, and
other written materials. Visual aids such as real objects, models, and images also fall
into this category.

Complex tools: mechanical and visual tools such as codoscopes, slide

projectors, etc.; audio tools like tape recorders, radios, and music players; audiovisual
tools like sound films, televisions, and video recorders; and tools for automating the
learning process, such as multimedia cabinets, computers, information systems, and
telecommunications systems.

In the course of pedagogical and methodological training, a variety of

educational software tools are used, including electronic textbooks, electronic
courses, slide lectures, and multimedia presentations. These tools aim to solve
educational tasks and are designed to meet certain criteria.

The first aspect to consider is the psychological impact of the program on the
learning process. How does it contribute to the student's interest in the subject? Does
it increase or decrease their interest? Also, do the difficult and complex requirements
presented in the program create problems for the students?

Another important aspect is the overall direction of the program. How well can
it explain the general pedagogical course? How much can it show students a positive
attitude towards pedagogical activities?

Finally, the methodological aspect of the program is also important. Is it

correctly selected for the material being taught? Is the choice of tasks presented to
students appropriate? And, finally, is the methodical presentation of the material
correct? Organizational-whether the lesson is planned using a computer and new
information technology correctly, whether enough time is given to the student to do
independent work, etc. It takes a lot of effort, special skills, and time to solve these

These technologies are especially useful for learning a foreign language. As

learning a language also helps a person learn the culture and potential of an entire
country at the same time, and the textbook is not enough to completely master it. It is
quite possible for a person to feel the culture of language users through sight and
hearing. In other words, it is possible that he or she will eventually join the ranks of
people who speak the same language as well.

Currently, the use of new information technologies to increase students' interest

in English is very effective. As we move towards the introduction and use of these
new technologies, there is an active process in which students use all communication
tools that are useful in the information environment. The penetration of these
information processes into different spheres of life requires the creation of a new
model for the education system, based on these new technologies.

At the same time, this means creating conditions for students to express their
creative abilities and develop them, as well as fostering their sense of responsibility
and self-improvement. Education and qualifications are becoming important values in
a person's life. In this context, the educational system should also aim not only at
providing ready-made knowledge but also at fostering intellectual development,
individual cognitive activity, and creativity. The use of advanced information
technologies in various fields of human activity has become more and more

1.2. Affordances of Digital Tools for English Language Teaching

In general, the affordances of advanced apparatuses for English dialect

educating enable teachers to make energetic, intelligently, and personalized learning
encounters that lock in understudies, advance dialect procurement, and prepare
learners for victory within the globalized world of the 21st century.

These devices serve the reason of fulfilling assignments, communicating

thoughts, and sustaining connections. Vygotsky fights that both unmistakable objects
and unique instruments like dialect serve as go betweens in human action.
Agreeing to Vygotsky, the capability to use devices recognizes mankind. Devices can
be seen as expansions of ourselves. Over history, the creation of unused devices and
alterations to existing ones have significantly affected different viewpoints of human
presence, counting assignment execution, cognitive systems, social intelligent,
personality arrangement, and recognition of reality. Apparatuses not as it were
empower novel exercises but moreover shape crucial angles of our personality.
Each instrument has its claim set of affordances and impediments. Affordances
signify the potential activities encouraged by a device, while constraints allude to
activities blocked by its plan. Within the domain of English dialect educating,
computerized instruments offer a wide cluster of affordances that improve directions
hones and understudy learning encounters.

In spite of their various affordances, computerized apparatuses moreover

display certain challenges and contemplations, counting issues related to advanced
proficiency, get to to innovation, protection concerns, and evenhanded execution. In
this manner, it is basic for teachers to basically assess the affordances and restrictions
of advanced tools and to coordinated them reasonably into their guidelines hones to
maximize their potential benefits for English dialect educating and learning.

In expansion to giving get to to true dialect assets and cultivating personalized

learning encounters, computerized instruments offer a extend of imaginative
highlights and functionalities that improve the adequacy of English dialect

The affordances of digital tools for English language teaching encompass a

wide range of opportunities and advantages that enhance the teaching and learning
process. These affordances include:

1. Accessibility and Flexibility:

Language learning can be done at any time, anywhere, and in any way thanks
to digital tools. Online courses, versatile applications, and virtual homerooms permit
students to concentrate on English at their own speed and accommodation, fitting
language learning into their bustling timetables and ways of life. Online textbooks,
multimedia content, interactive exercises, and language learning apps are just a few
of the many resources and materials available through this platform. Because of this
accessibility, educators are able to add digital resources that cater to a variety of
learning styles and preferences to traditional teaching materials.es.

2. Interactivity:

Computerized apparatuses offer intuitively highlights and functionalities that

lock in learners in dynamic interest and hands-on learning encounters. Dialect
learning apps, intelligently tests, and mixed media introductions permit understudies
to connected with dialect substance in locks in and important ways, advancing more
profound understanding and maintenance. More captivating along the instructive
travel. Media can portray standards, concepts, forms, and strategies from theoretical
and deficient to more concrete and comprehensive by making a difference to
communicate obvious (visual) and capable of being heard (sound) data.

3. Personalization:

"Technology provides us with the opportunity to individualize learning,

adapting it to the needs of each student." - Anna Smith, teacher.

The capacity to customize lesson plans and educational program for each
understudy is one of the most points of interest of advanced learning for educates and
course suppliers. They can alter to suit impediments or fast development by taking
into thought the student's capacity and how they are going.

Since no two students are ever precisely alike, not one or the other ought to
their learning fashion be. In spite of the fact that our culture has long found victory
with the conventional face-to-face approach, we presently get it that a student's
learning handle will be affected by a huge number of components. It too encourages
their capacity to deliver each student private, custom-made criticism. Advanced
instruction has illustrated its capacity to offer a more comprehensive approach to

4. Collaboration:

The numerous works of E.S. Polat and her students made it possible to
introduce this technology into the process of teaching a foreign language relatively
recently. "Learning in collaboration" involves creating conditions for active co-
cognitive activity of students in different educational situations. At the same time,
both students and the teacher himself should participate. This technology can be
briefly described with the participation of absolutely all participants in the
educational process, as well as the joint activities of all group members and
responsibility for their work.

Advanced instruments encourage collaboration and communication among

understudies, teachers, and dialect learners from around the world. Online discourse
gatherings, virtual classrooms, and collaborative ventures empower understudies to
lock in in peer-to-peer intuitive, social trade, and collaborative problem-solving,
cultivating communication abilities and intercultural competence.

5. Multimodal Learning:

Inquire about demonstrates that ideal learning happens when instructors cater
to numerous learning styles concurrently, a accomplishment made doable by
multimodal instruction. By utilizing a assortment of media, multimodal learning
locks in the brain in numerous learning forms at the same time.
An data sheet that will be downloaded and a video lesson with captions, for
occasion, combine composed, sound-related, and visual learning modalities.
Instructors can make an perfect learning environment for numerous understudies at
once by combining the distinctive ways kids learn. To go indeed more distant,
utilizing a multimodal learning method is prevalent to utilizing a single learning
fashion for procuring information. The require for a multimodal learning procedure in
schools is highlighted by research appearing that learning in several ways increments
information comprehension. From a subjective viewpoint, multimodal learning gives
understudies get to to a more locks in and comprehensive learning environment.
Understudies are more locked in with the course fabric when they are not forced to
memorize in a way that clashes with their favored learning fashion.
Moreover, multimodal learning makes it conceivable to incorporate a wide run
of engaging and locks in media into your lessons. Multimodal learning procedures
can make utilize of the computerized learning assets and innovation that understudies
appreciate utilizing, such as intelligently charts and motion pictures.

6. Feedback and Assessment:

Many kinds of evaluations are made possible by technology, including

formative exams that provide instantaneous feedback on students' learning. Online
tools make it easier to gather and analyze data quickly, which helps teachers modify
their lessons and provide them the individualized support they need. Similar to
simulations and virtual reality experiences, authentic evaluations provide an accurate
picture of students' skills. AI-powered adaptive tests personalize questions for each
student, increasing accuracy and interest. Digital portfolios encourage digital literacy
and identity development by showcasing learning progress through multimedia
artifacts. By facilitating peer review and real-time communication, collaboration
technologies foster a collaborative learning environment.

7. Innovation and Experimentation:

Innovation and experimentation in educational techniques and language

teaching strategies are fostered by digital tools. Educators can investigate novel
technology, pedagogical approaches, and educational games to improve language
learning outcomes and adjust to changing student demands and trends in education.

Generally, the affordances of computerized devices for English dialect
instructing are tremendous and multifaceted. From personalized learning encounters
and immersive learning situations to communication and collaboration openings,
computerized instruments offer teachers effective apparatuses to upgrade dialect
instruction and back understudy learning. By harnessing the potential of
computerized apparatuses in their educating hone, teachers can make energetic, locks
in, and successful learning experiences that engage understudies to succeed within
the globalized world of the 21st century.

1.3.Types of digital tools in English class

For a modern learner of a foreign language, internet resources play a

significant role. They assist in solving a diverse range of challenges.

Firstly, they provide access to genuine information such as text, video, and
audio materials in the target language.

Secondly, the internet permits communication with native-speaker partners

online. There exist websites dedicated to studying and practicing foreign languages,
such as Lingualeo and Yandex Practicum. Additionally, services like Grammarly can
assist with grammar and writing, providing a valuable tool for improving proficiency
in the target language.

Third, the Internet offers foreign language training and professional retraining
courses online. These can be found on platforms such as Coursera, Udemy, and EdX,
among others. In addition, there is online language proficiency testing, including trial
exams and TOEFL tests.

Fourth, the Internet provides quick access to educational and reference

materials in various languages. These include electronic dictionaries, encyclopedias,
textbooks, and other resources. Websites such as Wikipedia and Cambridge
Dictionary offer a wide range of information in various languages, which is useful for

Finally, online language assessment is available, including listening exams.

The use of the Internet allows students to quickly and independently access necessary
information in foreign languages within a short period. The Internet is linguistically,
grammatically, and lexically relevant for students, providing a range of resources that
can assist them in their learning process. Furthermore, the utilization of modern
technology enables students to actively engage in oral and written communication
with native speakers via video calls, webinars, SMS chats, and this overcomes
language barriers and cultural shocks.

The development of schoolchildren's communication cultures as they acquire

and master a foreign language is the primary goal of teaching foreign languages. It is
the responsibility of the instructor to set up the right environment for students to learn
a language practically and to choose teaching strategies that will let each student
express their originality and activity.

The challenge of teaching foreign languages to students has grown.

Collaboration, project management, the use of new information technologies, and
Internet resources are examples of modern teaching technologies that can help you
implement a student-oriented approach in the classroom. These technologies also
allow you to individualize and differentiate instruction for each student, taking into
account their learning style, dispositions, and other factors. It is essential for teachers
to be knowledgeable about how to correctly utilize internet resources in language
instruction. Currently, students can locate a variety of textual, audio, and visual
materials on the internet regarding various topics in various languages. To maximize
the utilization of these resources in linguistic education, it has become essential to
categorize them.

Nowadays, people are familiar with an Internet. Even elementary age children
are spending their time to surf the internet rather than reading some printed books.
According to Kamenetz, the availability of online resources serves more quicker, less
expensive, and more efficient manner than ever before for all the students31.
Therefore, a quick search from the internet will express something that you want to
know, and it is available for free.

Using technology for education provokes students’ curiosity, boosts their

engagement, and leads to better learning and comprehension. These factors are a
priority for every effective teacher and today they can be easily achieved by using
digital tools in classroom.

I’ve selected the best innovative digital tools for classroom which foster
responsibility, relationships, and respect, and can be used by educators and students.
Purpose of using the tool Name of the tool The functionality of the tool

Coursera Coursera offers online courses,

specializations, and degrees from top
universities and institutions around the world.
Learners can enroll in individual courses or
pursue comprehensive programs leading to
certificates or degrees.

edX edX offers a vast selection of online courses,

micro-credentials, and degree programs from
universities, institutions, and organizations
Online Courseware
worldwide. Courses span diverse disciplines,
including engineering, humanities, social
sciences, and professional development.

Udemy Udemy is a global marketplace for online

learning, featuring thousands of courses
taught by expert instructors. Udemy offers
both free and paid courses, and learners can
access course materials at their own pace.

Toondoo Toondoo is a platform for creating comics

with various options and a user-friendly
interface. It allows teachers and students to
easily create cartoons by selecting characters,
backgrounds, and clipart, fostering creativity
and engagement.

Canva Canva is a visual design platform that serves

multiple purposes in the classroom, such as
Design tools developing ideas concretely, motivating
students, engaging their attention, reinforcing
information, recalling learned knowledge,
and simplifying learning activities.

PowToon PowToon offers a wide range of graphics,

cartoons, and animated images. It allows
users to create presentations that can be
shared on various platforms, enhancing
learning experiences and facilitating skill
development in communication,
collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity.

Socrative Socrative is a real-time classroom response

system that enables educators to construct
polls, exams, and quizzes. It gives instructors
and students immediate feedback and
provides alternatives for both formative and
summative assessments.

Nearpod Nearpod, an interactive presentation and

assessment tool. With the use of interactive
exercises, tests, and assessments, educators
Assessment tools:
may construct dynamic multimedia classes
using It gives data-driven insights and real-
time tracking of students' development.

Padlet Padlet is a digital canvas that enables

collaborative brainstorming, sharing of ideas,
and content creation. Teachers can use Padlet
as an assessment tool by creating boards
where students can post their responses,
projects, or reflections. It offers a visually
appealing way to showcase student work and
facilitate peer feedback.

ESL Library ESL Library offers a wide range of audio and

video resources designed specifically for
English language learners. Teachers can
access lesson plans, dialogues, interviews,
and pronunciation exercises to support
language acquisition and fluency
Audio and Video Tools: BBC Learning BBC Learning English provides a variety of
English audio and video materials for English
language learners of all levels. Teachers can
utilize news reports, storytelling videos,
grammar tutorials, and pronunciation guides
to engage students and reinforce language

FluentU FluentU offers an immersive language
learning platform that uses authentic English
videos, such as movie trailers, music videos,
and commercials, with interactive subtitles
and quizzes.

Bamboozle It is simple to use and free for both teachers

and students. The games can be used to
introduce new topics or review current or
previous work to check students’
understanding and also works really well as
an ice breaker for new students and classes.

ESL Games ESL Games World: ESL Games World, a

World free games website with a large selection of
online.иIt covers a broad range of
vocabulary, grammatical tenses, and levels. It
Games also has a ton of listening exercises and
memory games for various vocabulary

Quizizz Quizizz is an online learning platform that

provides interactive quizzes and games for
educational purposes. It allows teachers to
create and customize quizzes, surveys, and
assessments for their students.

Wordwall Wordwall provides a variety of interactive

activities and games such as matching,
sorting, and quizzes. Teachers can create their
own resources or use existing templates.



2.1. Experimental work on the use of digital tools in foreign language lessons

After investigating the potential of modern digital technologies and their use in
teaching foreign languages, we decided to conduct a pilot study to examine how these
technologies affect the assimilation of learning materials by students.

My research primarily involved confirming, through my own experience, the

efficacy of using digital tools in the teaching of foreign languages.

The experiment took place between January 19th and February 29th, 2024, at
School-gymnasium No. 52 named after Beyimbet Mailin.

Given that students are already familiar with traditional learning materials like
textbooks and workbooks, we decided to integrate a variety of digital technologies
into the education process to see how their use will affect students' understanding and
motivation. The experimental work was carried out to test the effectiveness of using
digital tools in teaching a foreign language.

The objectives of the study were:

1. To measure the initial level of knowledge among students in grades 9 on the

topic "Comparative and Superlative", as well as their interest in learning English
prior to the introduction of using digital tools;

2. To increase interest and improve understanding through the use of various

ICT-based methods;

3. To implement the developed methodology;

4. To evaluate the final level of comprehension among students in grade 9s

after the introduction of digital tools, and their interest in English learning.

The completion of these tasks enabled us to assess the success of our objectives
and establish the necessary conditions for experimental work. In addition, the specific
features of the respondents influenced the determination of experimental conditions.

The experimental work was carried out under the following conditions:

1. Variable conditions:

Using the chosen experimental technique

2. Invariable conditions:

The number of students in the experimental group,

All students were of similar age (14-15 years),

Students had similar levels of knowledge and interest in the topic,

A single educational and methodological approach was used,

Experimental work focused on the same topic,

Teaching was conducted by the same teacher

In accordance with the stated goal and identified tasks, the following methods
were employed for conducting experimental work: observation, analysis, assessment.
The experimental process took place in three stages: ascertainment, formation and

2.2. The ascertaining stage of experimental work on the use of digital tools in
foreign language lessons

Purpose: To assess the initial level of students' knowledge of the topics of

"Comparative and Superlative", as well as their interest in learning English, prior to
using modern digital tools in English lessons. A grammar test was created and
administered on these topics.

Additionally, students were given various questions on these same topics,

which had previously been covered within their school curriculum, as a control
measure. At this point, 12 ninth graders from the experimental group 9 "Zh" took part
in the study, whereas the control group comprised 13 students from 9 "Z". The results
of the survey are presented in tables 1 and 2 below. Based on the outcomes of the
test, the degrees of students' comprehension and enthusiasm can be classified as
follows: -

Low: 59% of examination questions answered properly -

Medium: 60% - 89% inquiries answered accurately
High: 90-100% of questions answered correctly.

The findings of the experiment were aimed at determining the level of

understanding of the "Comparative and Superlative" topic by a group of subjects.

Table 1

Students Low level Medium level High level

Student 1 +

Student 2 +

Student 3 +

Student 4 +

Student 5 +

Student 6 +

Student 7 +

Student 8 +

Student 9 +




The test results showed that, out of the 12 ninth-grade students in the
experimental group, four completed between 60% and 79% of the tasks correctly.
The remaining students completed fewer than 59%.(Diagram 1)
Diagram 1

Based on these findings, we can conclude that the current level of knowledge
regarding grammar in the group is relatively low, with an average level also present.
This can be attributed to the fact that grammatical material was only taught at a basic
level in the education and methodology course, and not enough time was spent on
practicing these concepts in real-world situations.
Additionally, we analyzed the level of knowledge of control group students on
the topic "comparisons and superlatives" (Table 2).

Students Low level Medium level High level

Student 1 +

Student 2 +

Student 3 +

Student 4 +

Student 5 +

Student 6 +

Student 7 +

Student 8 +

Student 9 +

Student 10 +

Student 11 +

Student 12 +

Student 13 +

According to the test results, it can be seen that out of 13 students in the control
group, 9 "Z" class 7 completed 60-79% of the tasks correctly, and the rest – less than
59%.(Diagram 2)

Diagram 2

This allows us to conclude that the prevailing level of knowledge on the grammatical
topic in the group is slightly below average. However, the level of knowledge on this
topic in the control group is higher than in the experimental group.

In the educational process, it is necessary to pay great attention to the

formation of students' linguistic competence, all aspects of language and all types of
speech activity. To this end, at the next stage of our research, we conducted a series
of lessons using appropriate methods and techniques using modern information and
communication technologies in English lessons.

2.3 The formative stage of experimental work on the use of digital tools in
foreign language lessons


To develop and test a new approach to using digital technology in the English
language classroom.

To accomplish the research objectives, the following methods were employed:

 A conversation with an expert English language teacher on the research topic

was held.

 An English textbook was examined to identify techniques and approaches used

in foreign language teaching for various digital tools.

 A series of practical English lessons were implemented using the novel


The practical research was conducted during student's pedagogical field

experience. Students in grade 9 "Zh" were following the studentbook "Excel for
Kazakhstan(grade 9)", which was edited by Jenny Dooley and Bob Obee.

During this time, students utilized digital programs such as Educaplay,

Jeopardy, Quizizz, WordWall, Kahoot! Canva, Excel, Quizlet, Bamboozle, and Spin
the Wheel and etc.

The students were pleased to be involved in this work and their interest was
evident in their involvement. There was also a tendency towards increased cognitive
interest as shown by the excitement and desire of the students to work in the
classroom. Classrooms were held actively and students took initiative to complete
assignments with ease. The learning process was seen as a game, and students were
less concerned about and focused on completing tasks. This allowed them to better
understand the material presented in the lessons thanks to the availability of
resources. The variety of tasks in these textbooks allowed students to explore English
language learning in depth. Students begin to develop associations between grammar
and communication as the exercises aim to enhance their communication skills.

Different types of work are used in the classroom, including individual work
(for revision), pair work (for dialogues) and group work (to create tables, clusters or
scripts). It's worth noting that some publishers have included audio materials that
allow students to practice listening skills with authentic English speech. As we all
know, authentic foreign language speech is full of idioms, vocabulary expressions
and grammatical and syntactic structures of varying complexity.

2.4. The control stage of experimental work on the use of digital tools in foreign
language lessons

At the control stage, aiming at assessing the effectiveness of the previously-

tested methodology and the application of information and communication
technologies, and analyzing the results, the following tasks have been identified:

1. Conducting a follow-up test to measure students' levels of knowledge on the

topic "Comparative and Superlative" after they have used various digital tools.

2. Comparing the data collected during the final evaluation with the initial data,
and drawing conclusions about the effectiveness of using digital tools and
methodology for working with these tools in the teaching of a foreign language.

To determine the final level of knowledge on this topic, a grammar test was
administered that was the same as the one given to students in the initial stage. At that
point, 12 students from the experimental group in grade 9 "Zh" and 13 students from
the control group 9 "Z" also in that class participated in this study.

The results for determining the final level are shown in Tables 3 and 4

Table 3

Students Low level Medium level High level

Student 1 +

Student 2 +

Student 3 +

Student 4 +

Student 5 +

Student 6 +

Student 7 +

Student 8 +

Student 9 +




The test results indicated that, out of the 12 participants in the experimental
group, 7 completed between 60% and 89% of the assigned tasks correctly, while 3
completed less than 59% and 2 achieved a high standard, completing 90% to 100%.
(Diagram 3)

Diagram 3

When comparing test results from both groups, we observed that knowledge
levels improved among participants after the using digital tools in the learning
process, with the "Comparative and Superlative" 9 "Zh" showing a significant

To further verify our findings, we administered a similar test to a control group

of participants, and the results, presented in Table 4

The results of determining the final level of knowledge on the topic

"Comparative and Superlative" in the control group of students

Table 4

Students Low level Medium level High level

Student 1 +

Student 2 +

Student 3 +

Student 4 +

Student 5 +

Student 6 +

Student 7 +

Student 8 +

Student 9 +





According to the test results, it can be seen that out of 13 students in the control
group, 9 "Z" class 7 completed 60-79% of the tasks correctly, and the rest – less than
59%. (Diagram 5)

Diagram 5

This allows us to conclude that the level of knowledge on this topic in the control
group of students remained approximately at the same level as it was at the
ascertaining stage.

The analysis of the collected data allows us to draw the following conclusions:

 Low level: Comparing the test results demonstrates that, at the ascertaining and
control stages of the experiment, there was a reduction in the level of
knowledge about the topic among students in the experimental group.
Whereas, the level of knowledge remained relatively unchanged among
students in control group.
 Medium level: The results from tests at ascertaining and controlling stages
show that the knowledge level of students in experimental group rose by
approximately 41%. Therefore, most students in experimental gained average
level comprehension. Whereas the knowledge level increased for control group
only by around 7%
 High Level: Prior to the experiment, none of the participants in either group
had a high level of knowledge in this area. At the final assessment, two
students from the experimental group reached this level.

Comparison of the results of the level of knowledge on the topic "Present Simple
and Present Progressive" of students of the experimental group in English
lessons (Diagrams 6,7) (Table 5)

Table 5

The level of formation of Before the experimental work After the experimental
intercultural competence (the ascertaining stage) work (control stage)

Low 75 % 25 %

Medium 25 % 58 %

High 0% 17 %
To provide greater clarity, we have presented data regarding the level of student
knowledge on a given topic before and after the implementation of experimental
work in graphical format.

We believe it is important to continue researching this area, as there may be

potential for improvement in future indicators.

However, the next pilot project would require a significant amount of time
commitment. Therefore, based on the results from the control phase of the
experimental process, we can conclude that the level of knowledge among secondary
school students will significantly increase if specific methodological approaches are
used when working with modern information and communication technologies.

Derivation of experience

My experimental findings demonstrate that the use of digital technologies

in foreign language instruction to enhance communication skills is a significant
factor in helping students assimilate information and thus promote the learning
process. Based on the results of this study, we can conclude that it is acceptable
to use digital technologies in classrooms, but they must be used correctly - that
is, it is not just the act of using them that matters, but rather the intended
purpose of using certain technologies at certain stages in a lesson is crucial.

Based on the data collected through the survey, i found that the most
engaging and memorable lessons for students were those that included
interactive games and video files. These lessons were positively perceived by the
students and encouraged them to express themselves both academically and
creatively. The material learned was permanently ingrained in their memories.

Therefore, i can conclude that my efforts were not in vain. The average
indicator of communication competence in the experimental group significantly
increased. There was also a significant increase in student interest in learning a
foreign language. These improvements can be attributed to the students'
improved understanding of specific material and their increased ability to
integrate this into their speech.


In the first chapter, i introduced the fundamental concepts necessary to

understand the topic of our study and establish its importance. I utilized digital tools
as a basis and provided a summary of the essential elements of the subject matter that
are reflected in academic literature on education.

Additionally, I discussed the benefits of using digital tools in language

instruction, as well as various types.

Thanks to the use of modern digital tools, teachers can provide students with a
wider range of speaking activities and deeper understanding of the language. In order
to effectively utilize using the digital tools in the classroom, it is necessary to
understand the various components that make up this skill and master them. This
includes the ability to create effective methodologies for both teachers and students.
To do this, i identified and selected the most appropriate methods and techniques for
using digital tools and described how they can be integrated into the educational

During the study, i took into account the psychological and developmental
characteristics of older students, and reviewed and analyzed relevant scientific
literature on the topic. Based on the theoretical models i identified, it is now possible
to develop a better understanding of how to effectively integrate information and
communication technologies into senior education. In addition, i can organize the
information we collect and design lessons using systematic approaches for working
with digital resources.

I can practically apply the model that has emerged from our research. The
practical part of my project validated the techniques and methods i used for using
digital tools in the learning process.

The results of my work showed that the level of knowledge of the students in
the experimental group increased significantly compared to the control group
students. It should be noted that the students greatly enjoyed using the digital tools.
Some students were already familiar with these tools, while others were new to them
and found them more interesting. Of particular interest to students is the use of
different digital tools for studying the same material. The teachers' consideration of
students' interests in selecting these tools is also important. I have demonstrated that
incorporating digital tools into English lessons is effective. While teaching with these
tools requires a significant amount of time from the teacher, the results are worth the

Астана қаласы әкімдігінің «Гуманитарлық колледжі» МКҚК

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Астана қаласы әкімдігінің «Гуманитарлық колледжі» МКҚК


1. Digital Tools: These are technological resources and platforms used for
educational purposes, such as educational software, multimedia applications, and
online resources.
2. Language Acquisition: The process of learning a language, including both
understanding and producing language forms and structures.
3. Creativity: The ability to generate novel ideas, solutions, or expressions, often
encouraged and facilitated through interactive and immersive learning
4. Communication Skills: The ability to effectively convey and understand
messages through verbal, nonverbal, and written means, essential for successful
interaction and collaboration.
5. Intercultural Competence: The ability to navigate and interact effectively in
diverse cultural contexts, including understanding cultural norms, values, and
6. Personalization: Tailoring educational experiences to meet individual learner
needs, preferences, and learning styles.
7. Collaborative Learning: An instructional approach that emphasizes cooperative
interactions and group work among learners to achieve shared learning goals.
8. Authentic Learning: Engaging with real-world tasks and experiences that mirror
the contexts in which language is used outside the classroom.
9. Gamification: The use of game elements and mechanics, such as points, badges,
and leaderboards, to enhance engagement and motivation in learning.
10.Project-Based Learning: An instructional method that involves students
working on extended, real-world projects to achieve specific learning objectives.
11.Methodological Coherence: The alignment and consistency of instructional
methods, strategies, and approaches within a coherent educational framework.

12.Web-Based Technologies: Technological resources and platforms accessible
through the internet, including websites, online applications, and social media
13.Active Learning: An approach to learning that encourages students to engage
actively with course content through discussions, problem-solving activities, and
hands-on experiences.
14.Student Engagement: The level of involvement, interest, and motivation
demonstrated by students in the learning process.
15.Learning Outcomes: The knowledge, skills, and competencies acquired by
students as a result of their educational experiences.
16.Criteria-Based Assessment: An assessment approach that evaluates student
performance based on predetermined criteria and learning objectives.
17.Methodologists: Experts in educational methodologies and instructional
practices, responsible for developing and implementing effective teaching
18.Cognitive Engagement: The mental effort, attention, and processing involved in
learning activities, leading to deeper understanding and retention of information.
19.Multimodal learning: Instructional strategies that engage learners through
multiple sensory modalities, such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic, to enhance
comprehension and retention.
20.Digital Literacy: The ability to effectively navigate, evaluate, and utilize digital
tools and technologies for communication, information retrieval, and problem-
21.Authentic Assessment: Evaluation that reflects real-world tasks and contexts,
allowing students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in meaningful and
relevant ways.
22.Adaptive Learning: A personalized learning approach that adjusts instruction
and content based on individual learner needs, preferences, and progress, often
facilitated by adaptive learning technologies.
23.Multimedia: Content that incorporates various forms of media, such as text,
images, audio, video, and interactive elements, to enhance learning experiences
and engage learners through multiple channels.
24.Instructional Design: The systematic process of planning, developing, and
delivering instructional materials and activities to facilitate learning and achieve
desired learning outcomes.
25.Information Technology (IT): The use of computers, telecommunications, and
other digital tools to store, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate data for various
purposes, including education. In the context of teaching, IT refers to the
integration of technology into instructional practices to enhance learning
experiences and outcomes.
26.Digitalization: The process of converting information, processes, and activities
into digital form, enabling them to be stored, processed, and transmitted
electronically. In the context of education, digitalization involves the adoption
and integration of digital technologies and tools into teaching and learning
27.Industry 4.0: Also known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Industry 4.0 refers
to the current trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing
technologies. In the context of education, it signifies the digital transformation of
educational systems to align with the technological advancements of the fourth
industrial era.
28.Distance Learning: An educational delivery method that allows students to learn
remotely from instructors or educational institutions, typically using digital
technologies such as the internet, video conferencing, and online learning
platforms. Distance learning enables access to educational resources and
instruction without the need for physical presence in a traditional classroom
29.Cognitive Interest: The intrinsic motivation or curiosity of learners to engage
with and learn about a particular subject or topic. Cognitive interest in language
learning refers to learners' desire to explore and understand the linguistic
structures, vocabulary, and cultural aspects of a foreign language.


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