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2-Step Post

What is it? A post you make on your social media where you offer a lead magnet in
exchange of people commenting on your post. This boosts the social proof behind your post
and allows you to prospect without being salesy. It’s a beautiful process where the prospect
raises their hand in exchange for the value you’re offering.


● Step 1 - Setup your profile.

○ Facebook
○ Linkedin
○ Instagram

● Step 2 - Add friends/followers/connections (optional if you don’t have)

○ Facebook
○ Linkedin
○ Instagram

● Step 3 - Post content & share value for 5 days (Monday→Friday)

○ Facebook
○ Linkedin
○ Instagram

● Step 4 - Do a 2-step post on the 6th day (Saturday)

● Step 5 - Send this message to people who comment

Step One - Post this on your profile (pick one):

○ See examples (click here)

○ Call to actions:
■ Linkedin and Facebook: Comment “TERM” below
■ Instagram: DM “TERM” for more information.

Step Two - Send this message to people who comment

Option 1 (Low-volume)

Opening Message:

Hey - saw you commented “TERM” on my post about “TOPIC” - are you still interested in
getting the training? Just getting an official headcount before I make it lol.

[They reply]
Second Message:



Would you be opposed if I asked you 2-3 questions really quick?

Just would like to get an idea of what training of mine would be best suited for your personal
requirements. Let me know (strong arm emoji)


Just would like to get an idea so that I can guide you regarding which part of the training to
focus on specifically based on your unique circumstance?

[They Reply “Yes”]

The Questions - Ask the same questions you’d ask in your Google form:

Example for a business growth type offer:

Question 1:

awesome! [SEND]

for starters… what’d you do/offer for clients and how is it priced?

Question 2:

nice! [SEND]

what’s your revenue goal for this year?

Question 3:

Awesome [SEND]

If you don’t mind me asking, what’s your revenues now? [SEND]

...and what’d you think the biggest challenge is in getting from there to XYZ goal? [SEND]

I have worked with XX amount of clients who [have similar situation as they just mentioned]
so I can probably shed ya some insight if that’s something you’re open minded to it.

*** You will want to adjust these three questions for your offer. But remember the psychology
(stated above). Also - it’s important that your questions start non-invasive and progress to
more and more invasive as you go (i.e for weight loss, start by asking their goal first or what
they’re currently doing for exercise, NOT their current weight/struggles).

Also - you will want to probe more if needed here, but don’t drag it on too long or people will
get impatient.


make sense [Send]

Are you open to some feedback?

Book A Discovery Call:

Here you immediately go for a quick 15 min call. So say something along the lines of…

Look this training is going to be helpful, but it's not the magic bullet to hit (insert revenue

Do you have 5-10 minutes later today to chat? We have clients in your exact space hitting
those numbers (or more) and I'd be more than happy to show you some of the frameworks
we have them using. (SEND)

Plus, I can send you whatever other trainings you need based on that convo, too… (SEND)

And I promise I got nothing to pitch you, lol. (SEND)

This works well. But they’re not necessarily postured for a “sales call”. It’s great if you’re a
setter and you’re not sure how to provide insight on their situation. However I recommend
giving them some insight.

Ensure you book the sales call via (your Apply
page) on their behalf so they get email notifications/reminders.

Once discovery is booked

%FIRSTNAME%, our call is booked for ____ (date and time).

Btw, here is the link for the same -

Can you please spare a few minutes to watch the same before our call? :)

(prospect responds)

Fantastic! Looking forward to speaking with you.

Option 2 - High volume

Opening Message:

Hey - saw you commented “TERM” on my post about “TOPIC” - are you still interested in
getting the training? Just getting an official headcount before I make it lol.

[They reply]

Second Message:

Here is the training you requested for - <<LINK>>

Let me know what you think by messaging here

Step 3 - Send this message to people who DON’T comment but are in your friends list
(or your new friends)

Add new connections/friends/followers and send them the following message:

Opening Message:

I wanted to reach out to everyone in my list to make sure they got my latest training that I
recorded showing how to achieve/do _______ in ______ without _______.

Did you get your link? If not, more than happy to help you out… (SEND)

***They respond***

Keep rest of the conversation the same as above starting from ”Would you be opposed if I
asked you 2-3 questions really quick?”

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