Anglais TD3

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Mahib LO

Sequence 3: Managing Human Resources

Exercices de Travaux Dirigés du chapitre 3 :

EXERCISE 3.1 Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words below.

Dear Mr Samb,
Thank you very much for your letter (1)………… 5 March. (2)
………….answer to your request, we have (3) …………… enclosing our
latest (4)…………….. and price list. I would like to (5) ………… your attention
to the special offers.
These products are available at a reduced price for a limited time only. If you
would like any (6)…………information, please get in (7) ………with me. I look
(8) ……………….to hearing from you.
Yours (9) ……………………., Howard Johnson Sales Manager (10)
……………: catalogue, price list, special offers supplement.

a. Pleasure, b. touch, c. in, d. catalogue, e. of, f. further, g. forward, h. enclosed,

i. draw, j. faithfully, k. from, l. delight, m. sincerely.

Here are 9 other tasks among the HRM huge work. Say in easy English
less technical and more understandable what each task covers.

1. Managing the hiring process, including advertising open positions, reviewing

resumes, coordinating and conducting interviews, conducting reference and
background checks, drafting offer letters;
2. Managing the on-boarding process for new employees;
3. Maintaining up-to-date personnel information and files;
4. Processing bi-weekly payroll via a third-party payroll service;
5. Administering employee benefits;
6. Completing and submitting paperwork to external agencies including worker’s
compensation claims, unemployment claims, verification of employment, etc.;
7. Maintaining the employee handbook and organizational staffing chart;
8. Overseeing the annual employee review process;
9. Ensuring management actions conform to employee handbook

Exercice 3.3

Read the following information about recruitment procedures and answer

the questions below.
A. Recruitment
The process of finding people for particular jobs is recruitment or, especially
in Am. English, hiring. Someone who has been recruited is a recruit or, in
Am. English, a hire. The company employs or hires them; they join the company.
A company may recruit employees directly or use outside recruiters, recruitment
agencies or employment agencies. Outside specialists called headhunters may be
called on to headhunt people for very important jobs, persuading them to leave
the organizations they already work for. This process is called headhunting.
B. Applying for a job
Harry is a building engineer. He saw a job in the appointment pages of one of
the national papers. He made an application, sending in his CV (curriculum
vitae – the“story” of his working life) and a covering letter explaining why he
wanted the job and why he was the right person for it.
Note: BrE: CV; AmE: resume
BrE: covering letter; AmE: cover letter.

C/ Selection procedures: An HRM tells how.

“We advertise in national newspapers. We look at the backgrounds of applicants:
their experience of different jobs and their educational qualifications. We don’t
ask for handwritten letters of application as people usually apply by email. We
invite the most interesting candidates to a group discussion. Then we have
individual interviews with each candidate. We also ask the candidates to do
written psychological tests to assess their intelligence and personality. After this
we shortlist three or four candidates. We check their references by writing to their
referees: previous employers or teachers that candidates have named in their
applications. If the references are OK, we ask the candidates to come back
for more interviews. Finally, we have offered the job to a young girl, and if they
turn her down we have to think again. If they accept it, we hire her. We only
appoint someone if we find the right person”.

A/ Comprehension questions
1. How do American people say recruitment? How do they say CV?
2. How useful is a referee for an applicant?
3. Name three essential steps that make you accepted at an interview.
4. Four basic questions are often asked for interviews. What are they?
5) What are the ways by which corporations hire new employees?
6) What are the advantages of group discussion in interviews?
7) How are job-seekers informed of open jobs?
8) Say two key elements that matter most in a cover letter.
9) List three factors that can fail you in your interview.
10) Name four praising attitudes needed for interview day.

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