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Social Media Outbound Prospecting Script

1. Opening message

Note — Only send this message to people who accept your friend/connection
request or follow you back on Insta.

1.1 Facebook opening messages

1.1.1 Hey %FIRSTNAME%, Saw we were in ______ (name of Facebook group)

group together and thought it would be great to connect with likeminded people.
How’s your experience been with _______ (eg. the group, intermittent fasting,
Facebook ads, dating etc) so far?

1.1.2 Hey %FIRSTNAME%, I noticed that you were talking about ______ (topic they
were discussing) in _______ (name of Facebook group) group.

Did you find a solution for the same?

Or Can you please elaborate regarding the same? Chances are I can help you :)

1.1.3 Hey %FIRSTNAME%, I saw that you’re friends with ________ (name of the
influencer/admin of the group they follow) and thought it would be good to network!

How’s growth been this year when it comes to ______ (topic you serve: Fitness,
relationships or business)?

1.1.4 Hey %FIRSTNAME%, Saw we were in ______ (name of Facebook group)

group together. Congratulations on ______ (any achievement you see on their
profile. Eg: your cover photo is quite elegant). I noticed ______ (insert their

Is that something you need help with?

1.1.5 Hey %FIRSTNAME%, Saw we were in ______ (name of Facebook group)

group together. Congratulations on ______ (any achievement you see on their

My company specialises in fixing ___ (insert problem you fix) and helping people like
yourself achieve ____ (possibilities) without ____ (pain). Is that something you need
help with?

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1.2 Linkedin opening messages

1.2.1 Hi %FIRSTNAME%, I see we are in the same space and know a few of the
same people. I would love to connect.

Kind Regards,
Your Name

(prospect responds)

How’s growth been this year when it comes to ______ (topic you serve: Fitness,
relationships or business)?

1.2.2 Hi First Name,

I saw that you were the owner of _______ (insert their company name or
profession)? Your office in your cover photo looks super elegant, must be a great
place to work! How long have you been running the firm?

(prospect responds)


That’s amazing, how’s business/career been since the pandemic hit?

1.2.3 “Hey First Name! I was referred to you by (insert mutual friend name here),
who said you were the smartest person in the ____ (name your

My company specialises in fixing ___ (insert problem you fix) and helping people like
yourself achieve ____ (possibilities) without ____ (pain). Is that something you need
help with?

1.2.4 Hey %FIRSTNAME%, I recently came across your profile and was really
impressed with what you’re doing. After talking to several ______(niche) in the past I
noticed _______ (problem they face).

Is that something you can relate to?

1.3 Instagram opening messages

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1.3.1 Hey %FIRSTNAME%, I noticed that we follow the same page _______ (name
of the influencer), that’s why I wanted to connect with a fellow _____ fan.

I specialise in fixing ___ (insert problem you fix) and helping people like yourself
achieve ____ (possibilities) without ____ (pain). Is that something you need help

1.3.2 Hey %FIRSTNAME%, I noticed that we follow the same page _______ (name
of the influencer), that’s why I wanted to connect with a fellow _____ fan.

How’s growth been in terms of ________ (topic you and the influencer talk about)?

1.3.3 Hey %FIRSTNAME%, I noticed that we follow the same page ______(name of
the influencers), that’s why I wanted to connect with a fellow _____ fan.

You recently liked a picture related to ________. Are you/Have you been planning to
_______ (take action)?

(prospect responds)


Amazing, how’s that going for you?

2. Identifying problem

(prospect responds)

If you do the above correctly, the prospect would usually respond by explaining you
about their problem/[s] or elaborating more upon what you asked them earlier. Wait
for them to respond back.

NOTE: If they do not reveal their problems, just ask them their problem using a
single statement like —

So can you tell me more specifically that when it comes to ______

(health/business/relationships), what problems or challenges are you facing currently
if any?

3. Learning about the impact of the problem

Got it! Thank you so much for sharing that with me.
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According to you, how is ________ (name of the problem they told you about),
impacting your ________ (what’s important to them. Example:
business/career/health/relationships/mindset/life/design of your kitchen/website?)

(prospect responds)

4. Urgency

Understood. Based on what you’re sharing with me, I am assuming getting a

solution to ______ (name of the problem they told you about) must be a top priority
for you currently, right?


(Prospect responds)

5. Call to action

Awesome! %FIRSTNAME%. Ironically, my expertise lies in helping _____ suffering

from _____ wanting ______ (outcome) in ______ (timeframe).

A. Would you like to set up a time to talk about the same and we can see if I'm
able to help you with this or not?


B. “I'd like 15 minutes of your time because I want to learn more about you/your
company and what you’re doing about ______ (topic you serve). In the end,
I’d love to share a custom game-plan with you for absolutely free. Is that
something you might be interested in?”

(prospect responds)

Cool, so I have 12pm and 2pm IST available today and also tomorrow Wednesday
08/10. Which works best for you?

(prospect responds)

OK, awesome. Would you prefer it to be Zoom meeting or should I directly call you
via phone?

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(prospect responds)

Great! Can you please send me your number and email address so that I can send
the same over to your calendar? Looking forward to our call.

6. Discovery call or sales call

At this point, we have already identified their problem and urgency to solve the
same. If you think the prospect requires more qualification — finances or something
else, then you can invite them to a discovery call. Else, skip that step and invite them
straight to a 45-60 minute consultation.

Ensure you book the sales call via (your Apply
page) on their behalf so they get email notifications/reminders.

7. Requesting prospect to see VSL before sales call.

%FIRSTNAME%, our call is booked for ____ (date and time). Just before we get on
a call, I want to share a free case study with you that explains more about how I can
help you solve ________ (insert problem they told you about). Here is the link for the
same -

Can you please spare a few minutes to watch the same before our call? :)

(prospect responds)

Fantastic! Looking forward to speaking with you.

8. Follow up message

8.1 If they don’t respond to initial message

Hey %FIRSTNAME%, just checking if you got my previous message?

8.2 If they don’t show up to sales call/discovery call

Hey %FIRSTNAME%, I noticed we couldn’t get on a call on ____ date of call at

time____. I completely understand, chances are you got busy. I am eager to helping
you solve _______ (problem).

Would you be interested in rescheduling?

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Screenshots (Linkedin)

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