6e Eval Present Continu Final Groupe I

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Present continuous VS Present simple

Activity I: Select the right answer.
A. Hey why ________?
● will you laugh
● are you laughing
● do you laugh

B. Look ! Emma _______ with John !

● are dancing
● is dancing
● dances

C. Jim ______ next to Sam

● sat
● sits
● is sitting

D. Listen, the phone ________.

● is not ringing
● is ringing
● will ring
E. Sssh ! Someone_____ in the room.

● is coming
● comes
● will come

F. The water __________ . I'll make coffee.

● Boils
● boiled
● is boiling

G. What ___ you _____ now?

● is you doing
● will you do
● are you doing

H. Be quiet ! I _______ to understand !

● am trying
● trying
● tried
I. Jack and Peter _______ late today.

● is working
● have worked
● are working

J. What ______ on now?

● did you work

● are you working
● do you work

Activity II

Complète chaque phrase en choisissant entre le présent simple et le

présent continu des verbes donnés entre parenthèses.

1) (to play) Look! Tom _______ soccer in the garden right now.
a. plays
b. is playing

2) (to play) Tom _______ soccer every Saturday.

a. plays
b. is playing

3) (to eat) She usually _______ breakfast at 7:00 am.

a. eats
b. is eating
4) (to eat) Right now, she _______ breakfast.
a. eats
b. is eating

5) (to read) I _______ a lot of books in my free time.

a. read
b. am reading

6) (to read) At the moment, I _______ a very interesting book.

a. read
b. am reading

7) (to watch) We _______ TV every evening.

a. watch
b. are watching

8) (to watch) Look! They _______ TV in the living room now.

a. watch
b. are watching
9) (to go) He always _______ to school by bus.
a. goes
b. is going

10) (to go) Today, he _______ to school on foot because the

bus was late.
a. goes
b. is going

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