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“Creepy Folklore: Ginny Greenteeth.

” YoutTube, uploaded by Shrouded Hand, 13 November 2020,

- AKA Ginny Greenteeth

- Haunts northwest England
- Humanoid female water spirit with monstrous appearance
- Green skin
- Long hair and limbs
- Presence signified by duckweed
- Used to haunt rivers and ponds, but now haunts sewer systems and canals
- Targets small children and the elderly
- Scouts from treetops at night
- Eerie moaning noises at night are sure signs
- Peg Powler is a similar spirit, haunting the river Thames
- The old hag from lake Erie is similar as well
- The story exists in order to keep kids away from drowning hazards when not under supervision

Voelker, Dave. “I walked across Lake Erie - Alone.” Cleveland Magazine, 19 December 2022, Accessed 2 May

- Walking across lake Erie is very much possible for experienced hikers, but still mildly difficult.
- Islands act as ice anchors for hikers to seek refuge on.
- The US Coast Guard is extremely knowledgeable of the conditions on the Great Lakes, but also wary
of potential crossers during the wintertime.
- The rest of the hiker’s group opposed contacting the Coast Guard, as they preferred to maintain
their anonymity.
- The rest of the hiker’s group members successfully crossed the lake, but were running late upon
- Against the group’s prediction, the US Coast Guard was helpful in their advice to the hikers.
- The hiker decided to head across the lake alone, despite his instincts.
- They packed thoroughly, including documentary equipment to make notes on his journey.
- The hiker was determined to have his crossing verified.
- The hiker was initially apprehensive at the appearance of cracks on the ice, but later paid no
attention to them.
- The hiker collected two affidavits even before having finished the trip.
- Halfway through the trip, the experienced hiker was already tired - showing the formidability of the
- The hiker pitched his tent and camped gladly after an exhausting first day.
- The hiker’s radio was dysfunctional.
- The hiker changed his course to a more direct one amidst visibility issues.
- The hiker accidentally reverses his course across the lake.
- The hiker collected his final and third affidavit after reaching the other side of the lake, meeting a
young family at their house.
“Plastic Contaminations”. Lake Erie Foundation, 27 April 2023,
0realize,filter%20out%20of%20the%20water. Accessed 9 May 2024.

- The U.N. believes that plastic pollution is the second most threatening environmental problem of
- Plastics do not decompose easily and can remain in water for long periods of time
- Lake Erie contains an extremely high concentration of these plastics
- Microplastics, created when plastics are broken down, are also harmful and even harder to remove
- Any foods or drinks originating from water most likely contain microplastics
- You may be consuming up to 52,000 microplastics per year
- Harmful chemicals in microplastics can have serious health impacts
- To save our bodies of water from microplastics, you can
- Use reusable containers and bags
- Refuse plastic straws
- Buy eco-friendly clothes
- Support eco-friendly organizations and politicians

“What I wish people knew about schizophrenia”. YoungMinds, 27 April 2023,
Accessed 9 May 2024.

- Schizophrenia is an incurable mental health disorder that causes patients to experience visual and
auditory hallucinations
- Schizophrenia can also cause delusions, and disorganized speech and thought behaviors
- Having schizophrenia does not make someone violent - they can suppress violent thoughts
- Only certain medications, or none, work for each patient
- Therapies outside medication can help schizophrenics live easier
- Having dedicated family members and doctors can help people with schizophrenia recover.
- Schizophrenia is not the same as dissociative identity disorder
- Schizophrenia affects 0.32% of the world’s population, and 0.45% of adults

“Schizophrenia: What It Is and Is Not”. Psychology Today, 8 February 2022,
-not. Accessed 13 May 2024.

- Many people simply ignore the widespread impacts of important mental illnesses
- Due to a lack of information, many people fear schizophrenics
- Schizophrenia is a mental illness that causes affected people to have disorganized thoughts, have
hallucinations, and experience paranoid thoughts
- Some common myths about schizophrenia are:
- Schizophrenia automatically gives people violent tendencies
- Schizophrenia is caused by bad mothering
- Schizophrenia is the same thing as split-personality disorder
- Schizophrenia has no treatments and its effects cannot be combated

Watterson, Bill. “THE BILL WATTERSON INTERVIEW”. Interview by Richard Samuel West. The Comics
Journal, 6 December 2013, Accessed 15 May 2024.

- Bill Watterson’s Calvin and Hobbes earned the cartoonist the National Cartoonist Society’s
Cartoonist of the Year award
- Watterson was fired from his first job before the end of the first year, at The Cincinnati Post
- Calvin and Hobbes was written to satisfy the general reader, rather than targeting a specialized
- Calvin’s range of behaviors allows Watterson to express a wide range of ideas
- C&H’s world was created under certain rules that keep the comic consistent
- Still, Watterson played with the sizes of certain characters in order to show new
- Watterson created less fantasy sequences near the end of the strip because juxtaposing fantasy and
reality had become more and more difficult to perform in an unpredictable way
- These fantasy sequences, and their “flips” to real life, expose different perspectives of
unique situations
- As an artist, Watterson likes to leave open-ended questions for the reader to explore themselves

Hingston, Michael. “The return of legendary cartoonist Bill Watterson”. Interview by Elamin
Abdelmahmoud. Commotion with Elamin Abdelmahmoud, CBC News. 1 November 2023,
e-return-legendary-cartoonist-bill-watterson. Accessed 21 May 2024.

- After decades of silence from Bill Watterson, the author has released his book The Mysteries
- New book explores much darker concepts like the unknown and is not for children
- Is principally a picture book
- Much different from C&H
- Still, somewhat similar to C&H in that the reader questions the reality of the text
- Bill Watterson ended the C&H comic because he “was done”
- The workload was too stressful / taxing
- He had been working nonstop for 10 years
- He wanted to explore other passions
- Painting, history, etc.
- Producers claim that Bill Watterson rejected his fame because he was principled
- He didn’t want to sell C&H merchandise
- He could have earned tens of millions of dollars
- As a result, many people thought he was selfish not to earn people money
- He might’ve made a correct prediction - today, art is filled with commercial aspects
that often bring down its quality
- Barbie, Disney, etc.

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